ICT Programme Board – 27 February 2008 Present: Alison Allden (AA) – Chair, Graeme Cappi (GC), Mark Cox (MC), Andrew Dixon (AD), Sandy Kemlo (SK), Julian Partridge (JP), Tim Phillips (TCP), Paul Valdes (PV), Jane Williams (JW) Apologies: Paula Coonerty (PC), Lesly Huxley (LH), John Richards (JR) Alison introduced Paul Valdes to the group. 1. Minutes Two corrections: Valdes and Parviz. 2. Matters Arising Service Catalogue The URL for the IS Service Catalogue is attached. Blackboard Now have money for consultancy and looking at the possibility of having a hosted solution. Risk Management – Internal Audit Information Security/Software Licensing highlighted following the audit. Tim will pick up with Alan Blackman (Software Licensing) and Richard Hopkins (Information Security) and action. Information Security (Lost disks) Alison raised the issue of memory/data encryption. It is a big issue at the moment and the University must review policies. Tim reported that he had attended an Information Security meeting with Richard Hopkins on 26 February and this issue had been discussed. Tim and Richard will work on communication to HODs and a reminder will be sent to SITS database users. Action: TCP 1 It would be useful if everyone reviewed the Information Security Policy online and make colleagues aware of it. ATTACH LINK HERE!!! Alison will contact the Secretary’s Office regarding DPA and if there was any specific information or news then she will arrange to speak to Tim and Richard Hopkins. Action: AA 3. ICT Progress Reports on Projects As John had sent his apologies for the meeting, Tim stepped in and discussed the report. Machine Rooms The business case has now been approved and the next step is to get consultants and carry out an options appraisal. Once the options appraisal is complete a second business case will be submitted for further funding. Network A service has started for short term visitors which provides visitors with access to Web, email and the Internet at a charge of £3. Link to UWE – we are looking to put equipment up there and vice versa. ResNet – The team are trialling a laptop clinic and it is proving to be very popular. On 29 February ResNet celebrated it’s 10th birthday. ResNet has been a resounding success since it was first established with a small pilot at Hiatt Baker. Servers – Central File Store Unfortunately after it went live there were some problems. There was an upgrade from OnStor but it broke. Staff worked extremely hard to rebuild the service and this is now working. Feedback from Group: The problems that users have experienced have meant that confidence has been lost. Feedback thanks to all the staff that were involved for all their hard work. There is question about project management – should we have gone with OnStor? 2 Tim and John with write a document entitled “What we have learnt from this” and will report back in the next meeting. Catherine to add to next agenda. Action: TCP, JR and CS HPC – Paul Valdes reported: Blue Crystal is working well. Big machine from IBM is due to arrive in March and we are still on target for 1 May opening. Storage – UOB is a pioneer when it comes to storage. Paul reported that it was exciting to be involved. Feedback from the group Optical Mark Reader – Is is opened to research/survey applications? TCP and CS to check with Steve Condliffe. Action: TCP and CS Central Filestore – Julian reported that he need preparation time to transfer to central filestore. Will it definitely be in March? Get Keir to check. Machine Room – Julian reported that Biological and Maths building are being re-designed. Tim to check with Henryk and make sure he is aware of this. Action: TCP Alison was interested to know if there are machine room issues across the University. It is included in the business case to provide space for departments. 4. IT Strategy Review Tim reported that the Strategy is more or less complete. He and John are now concentrating on integration at three levels: 1. Process 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Data Tim is involved with the UKRDS Project Management Board and has agreed for UOB to be involved in a case study for them. Following the meeting with the ISSC in January they asked Tim to produce a priorities list. Tim tabled the priorities list and explained it to the group. Priority 1 – e-Learning John Davis (Academic Director of E-Learning) has had one business case agreed on Timetabling. 3 Jane asked if e-Assessment could be added to list as it is urgently need. Tim will action. Action: TCP Priority 2 – Research Sandy’s team are managing research projects. More significant business cases needed. Tim to follow up with David Langley. Action: TCP Priority 3 – Informs – Purchasing Full economic costing. In progress. Business case ongoing. Priority 4 – Training Tim is involved in the IT Career Pathway Working Group. Priority 6 – University Web Barry Taylor and Malcolm Anderson are looking at presentation research on the Web. Priority 8 – Infrastructure Ongoing £1.1 million for back end e.g. network, data storage etc. Priority 9 – IT Governance Tim is heavily involved with this. Priority 10 – Environment We are surrounded by power hungry PCs, how long can this continue? Paul reported that computer design (clusters) is moving towards more environmentally friendly machines. Feedback from the Group: Lacking in Web Seminars ITIL heading, desktop management needs to be included. ITSS Forum have been involved. During the last meeting they discussed projects that they could be involved with. Asking academics that have experience in environmental issues, they would be ideal stakeholders for Priority 10. Karen Gallagher in the Environment Unit is a good contact. Mark asked what happens next with the IT Strategy. Tim explained that it has been approved by ISSC, it then has to go through an approval process involving UPARC, Senate House etc. Tim and John are focusing on the development plan and looking at priorities. 4 The Strategy will be approved by the end of this academic year and the Development Plan will be approved later this year, early next year. 4. Any other business Next meeting agenda: Look back at resources Planning for next year/spending review Review Richard Hopkins’ paper on Admin Rights 5