Radio Frequency Surgery – Benefits of this Method As known in all surgical sectors permanent enhancements based on new surgical techniques and technical innovations are viewed also in ENT. Radio frequency surgery (alias: radio surgery, microwave surgery or high frequency surgery) is able to cut tissue with high frequency radio waves. This technique is not to be mixed up with the effect of electro cauters, diathermy devices or radio generators for these don’t provide surgical cutting currents. The radio surgical unit (radioSURG® 2200, MeyerHaake Medical Innovations, Wehrheim, Germany) is conglomerated of a high frequency transmitter, an outgoing antenna working like a scalpel and a ingoing antenna functioning as neutral electrode. The working frequency of the device is 2.2 MHz and so in the microwave area. Physically radiowaves rank among the electromagnetic waves. Their spectrum starts with the high frequency alternating currents and ranges via radiowaves, visible light domain up to the gamma radiation. Microwave with Accuracy The high frequency radiowaves used for radiosurgery animate the water molecules of the intra cellular liquid to self-induced vibrations. The intra cellular liquid evaporates due to the heat caused by the vibrations; the cell membrane can’t resist the increased intra cellular pressure. Result: The cell ‘explodes’ and the tissue continuity is interrupted. The directed radiowave propagation destroys a narrow defined tissue seam only. Due to the high output power and the high frequency the cutting process takes place so fast, that the surrounding tissue is not harmed thermally. The extremely fast sequel of the filtered and rectified frequency K:\Export\RS2200\Publication\Stussak engl.doc waves is characteristic for this new device; most high frequency devices work in the range of 0.3 – 0.5 MHz. The Wolfram-Scalpel-Electrode itself gets not heated up, the dissection effect is not influenced by the strain of pressure or tension. conchotomy and concha therapy. In the coagulation mode radiosurgery is very suitable for epistaxis treatment. The pressure and tension free handling minimizes the danger Benefits of High Frequency Surgery The higher frequency of electromagnetic waves used in line with radiosurgery leads to a fast cell disintegration at lower lateral heat dispersion resulting in a minor thermal damage to the surrounding tissue. It’s not necessary to isolate the patient from the underlay or metal items as it is with electro cauterisation. A better wound healing process and less cicatrisation is resulting from the minor damage of the surrounding tissue. The pressure and tension free working procedure using a radiosurgery device as a scalpel enables the performance of an exactly guided cut and a less complicated handling as known in conventional surgery. The coagulation of smaller vessels while cutting offers a better sight of the wound. Due to pressure and tension free cutting the tissue is hardly traumatized and so side effects are reduced. Histological examinations show a clearly minor tissue damage in the radiowave surgery for the minor cell disintegration of the wound edges and hardly any tissue contusion or disruptions. Without the scar tissue being fibrous or shrinking the healing process of the wound takes place. Use in ENT In the nose and paranasal sinuses surgery the radiowave technology proved itself especially when ablating nose and septum polyps as well as in Radio Concha Therapy of damages in the orbita or cranial area. Coagulation of the blood vessels leads to a notable improvement of the sight in the narrow paranasal sinuses situs already during the ablating procedure. Due to less tissue damage, postoperative pain and cicatrisation occurs less intense. Radiosurgery though is highly recommended for the surgery of superficial skin tumours, teleangiectasia and keloids as well as in the plastic surgery. The excellent wound healing process leads to outstanding cosmetic results accompanied by only light postoperative disorders. It has proved beneficially to perform concha therapy or even better termed Radio Concha Therapy (RCT) under local anaesthetic using an electrode especially manufactured for this purpose. For incisions and preparation of skin flaps used for example in the auricle plasty the radiowave technologie offers a significant benefit because the cutting procedure is performed without pressure on the tissue and excellent coagulation at the same time. Dr. med Günther Stussak, Ulm Published in: HNO Praxisinformationen für den HNO-Arzt 6/2002 Translated by: Mayer-Haake GmbH Medical Innovations