1 MBAA 609—Management Information Systems Spring 2015 RF Walrus Case A long time friend of yours, Henry Orbison, started a book wholesaler company in 2010 in Portland, Oregon. The company, RF Walrus Company buys books from publishers and sells them to bookstores in the Western states. Henry’s company uses a manual process to record and process the orders from the bookstores. Due to the inefficiencies and problems in the current order entry process, a total of 17 handwritten order slips were lost or misplaced during the last six months. Also, at least 26 orders were shipped to the wrong bookstores and had to be returned and re-shipped. These problems have resulted in many unhappy customers and substantial losses in revenue. To rectify this situation, Henry decided to computerize his current order entry system. Your cousin, "big mouth" Bertha, who works for Henry, mentioned to him that you are taking MBAA 609 this semester. Bertha told him that you are very good with computers and you would be happy to develop an order entry database for him. The current ordering process is managed using a number of paper forms and cards. When a bookstore places an order (by phone, email, or fax), Bertha records all relevant order information on an order card. If the bookstore provides incomplete information (e.g. it does not provide a complete shipping address or the complete book titles), Bertha must look up the missing information. Information about each bookstore is kept in a bookstore binder and information about each book is kept in a book binder. The bookstore binder contains bookstore cards with complete contact and shipping information. When an order is received from a new bookstore, a bookstore card is completed and inserted in the bookstore binder before the order is logged on the order form. In addition to providing the needed information for completing the order cards, the bookstore cards are used to create mailing lists for the quarterly catalog mailings. In the book binder there is a card for each book that is sold by RF Walrus. Each book card contains information about the book itself and its current inventory level. Completed order cards are sorted by shipping date. Every day, Bertha or another clerk prepares packing slips (using a word-processing software package) for each order that will be shipped on that date. At the end of each month, the accountant goes through the stack of the shipped orders' cards and creates a monthly "Account Statement" for each customer using a spreadsheet program. 1 At the same time, he creates a monthly sales report listing all books, the quantity sold, and the cost of goods sold, gross sales, and gross profit amounts for each book. This paper-based order entry and report generation process is inefficient and prone to error. You and Henry conclude that a carefully designed ACCESS application can automate and improve this process. To do this, the ACCESS application must allow Henry to easily maintain the bookstore and book information and record the bookstores' orders using simple interfaces. Also, it must automatically generate the needed reports. To ensure that the system is as user friendly as possible, you, Bertha and Henry make several design decisions. First, you agree that the interfaces must simplify data entry by including pull-down menus (for example when they enter a new order in the database, they should be able to easily select the bookstore name, books, and the preferred shipping method from drop down menus). Second, the system must ensure that wrong information is not accepted by the database (a six digit telephone number or a negative order quantity, for example). Third, the database must be able to store information without unnecessary duplication. Fourth, it must easily generate the required outputs in professional reports. Finally, it must allow Bertha and Henry to easily navigate between the different tasks using a simple menu. To properly design the needed tables in the ACCESS database, you are encouraged to use the following E-R diagram: 1 You may assume that the sales price for each book includes all applicable taxes and shipping costs. 2 To implement the above design and satisfy the users' requirements, you will need to develop four ACCESS tables, three forms, four reports, and a main menu (using a form). The bookstore table will store all bookstore-related information (which is currently stored on the bookstore cards). The book table will store the information that is currently maintained on the book cards. The information stored on the order cards will be split into two tables: the order table (containing information related to each order) and the details table (containing book-specific information for each order). The forms will be used to enter and update the data stored in the above tables. The bookstore information form will be used to enter and modify data in the bookstore table. The book information form will be used to enter and modify data in the book table. The order information form will be used to simultaneously update both the order table and the details table. The reports include (1) mailing labels (to be used for mailing catalogs), (2) the packing slips (that must be generated daily), (3) the monthly account statement, and (4) a book sales report. Finally the system will use an additional form as a main menu to navigate between the various forms and reports. REQUIRED TABLES The following four tables are required. See Tables 1 – 4 on the next page, page 3, for the specification of the file structures (field names, whether a field is a primary key or not, field type, and whether a field is required or not). Bookstore Table The bookstore table must store all relevant information about each bookstore. This information includes the bookstore's name, address and phone, fax, e-mail, contact person, etc. The primary key of each bookstore is the bookstore's telephone number. Book Table This table will maintain information about each book and its inventory level. The table must include a unique key identifier for each book -- its ISBN number. Besides this field, the table will contain a number of other fields describing the attributes of the various books. Order Table The order table is somewhat more complicated than the preceding two tables. It contains a primary key for each order (order number, which must be automatically assigned by Access), the bookstore's telephone number (to indicate which orders are placed by which stores), and other order-specific information. The order table must be linked to the bookstore table in a one:many relationship. Also, the order table must be linked to the "details" table in a one:many relationship. Details Table (the intersection table) The details table is required to establish the many-to-many relationship between orders and books (i.e., an order can include multiple books; a book can be included in multiple orders). This table will have two fields as its primary key: both the order number and ISBN number. The details table will be linked to the order table (using the order number field) and to the book table (using the ISBN number field). This will allow the system to handle multiple products in each order. 3 TABLE STRUCTURES Table 1: Bookstore Field Name Telephone (primary key) Bookstore Name Address City State Zip Fax Email Contact Person Note Field Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Memo Required? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Table 2: Book Field Name ISBN Number (primary key) Book Title Units in Inventory Unit Cost Unit Price Publisher Edition Publication Year Reorder Point Next Delivery Date Note Field Type Text Text Number Currency Currency Text Text Text Number Date Memo Required? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Table 3: Order Field Name Order Number (primary key) Telephone Order Date Shipping Date Shipping Carrier Note Field Type Autonumber Text Date Date Text Memo Required? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes No Table 4: Details Field Name Order Number (primary key) ISBN Number (primary key) Quantity Ordered Field Type Number Text Number Required? Yes Yes Yes 4 REQUIRED FORMS: Bookstore Information Form The bookstore information form will simply include all the fields listed in the customer table. It will allow the user to enter new bookstores in the database and modify the data of existing ones. This form must not accept improperly formatted bookstore information (e.g., a three digit zip code or a new bookstore record without the bookstore's name or complete address). Book Information Form The book information form will simply include all the fields listed in the book table. It will allow the user to enter new books in the database and modify the data of existing ones. This form must not accept improperly formatted book information. Order Information Form This form will be used to enter new orders in the database. This form is more complicated than the simple forms used to manage bookstores and books because the data entered in it will update two tables at once (order and details tables). To do this, you need to use a sub-form (to update the details table) within the main order information form (that will update the order table). The sub-form adds a dynamic element to the form and enables the orders to contain multiple books. As with the previous forms, it is important that the order form is as user friendly as possible and must validate the user's input before accepting it. The form must provide pull-down menus to enable the user to easily select the bookstore, ordered books, and the shipping method. An illustration of the order information form is shown next. 5 REQUIRED REPORTS Mailing Labels To expedite the creation of mailing lists for sending the catalogues to the customers, ACCESS should automatically create mailing labels for all of the bookstores RF Walrus is associated with. Please ensure that the mailing labels are sorted in alphabetical order by bookstore name. Packing Slips A packing slip is included in each shipment so the bookstore can validate the correctness of the order upon its arrival. Henry would like the application to create all packing slips for all orders to be shipped on a specific date. The user should specify the date and ACCESS should generate all slips for that date. Each slip must be printed on a separate page and must include RF Walrus' letterhead and contact information, the bookstore shipping information and method, and list each book and ordered quantity in the shipment (assume that all books in an order are shipped together). The books should be listed in alphabetical order. See sample report on p. 6. Account Statements At the end of each month, ACCESS should generate an account statement for each bookstore listing all orders that were shipped during the month. Each statement should be printed on a separate page and should list RF Walrus' letterhead, the bookstore information and list all of its orders that were billed during the month. The orders should be sorted by order number. For each order, ACCESS should list all ordered items and must calculate the cost for each one (i.e. book price x quantity ordered). A subtotal for each order and the total amount due for the whole billing period should be printed on each account statement. Before generating the statements, the ACCESS application should ask the user to identify the first and last date of the billing cycle (which should be printed on the statement as well). All relevant information must be clearly formatted on the statements. A sample report is shown on the next page. See sample report on p. 7. Book Sales A book sales report will list all the books that have been purchased to date. Henry would like to be able to quickly look up sales data by book title. This report should display book information (both book title and ISBN number) as well as order information (order number, order date, shipping date, and quantity ordered). Please ensure that the sales data is displayed in book title alphabetical order, and within book titles, the orders are displayed in ascending order (from lowest order number to highest order number). You will need to calculate the total number of books for each book. You should display current date and time at the top of this report. See sample report on p. 8. Please note that all forms and reports must be clearly labeled and easy to use. All forms must include exit and new record buttons. You should create a main menu (using a form) to enable the user to activate each form and report by clicking on the main menu buttons. When creating your application, please pay attention to both the functionality and appearance of all tables, forms, and reports. INSTRUCTIONS To complete your assignment, you must do the following: (1) Create the tables in the following order: bookstore, order, book, and details. Format all fields as indicated in the lab notes and checkpoints. Establish the relationships between the tables. (2) Design the forms. Navigation in the forms should be facilitated by easy and consistent use of the tab key (make sure the data entry sequence for each form is user-friendly). If not, go to Form Design View, click on the Arrange tab, and select Tab Order to change the tab key order. (3) Use the forms to enter data in the database. You are required to input the sample data on the last page of this handout. In addition, you must enter additional (“made up”) sample data for 4 new bookstores, 5 new books and 5 more orders (with 2-4 books in each one). (4) Create the necessary queries for the reports and design the reports (your name should appear on the header of each report). (5) Create a main menu (using a form) to easily access all the forms and reports. Don’t forget the exit button on the main menu. Set up ACCESS to automatically display the main menu when your database is opened. (6) Modify the layouts of your forms and reports to give them a professional, consistent look. Test your application. 6 7 Sample Montly Account Statement: RF Walrus Book Distributors 327 Willesden Lane, Portland, OR 97205 phone 503-547-7389 – fax 503-555-8888 Email: rfwalrus@gmail.com ACCOUNT STATEMENT For: Order Number Book Mega City 25 Bailey Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 84106 Attn: Danny Faye ISBN Billing period: 9/1/12 – 9/30/12 ORDER INFORMATION Book Title Units shipped Unit Price Amount 213 (Order placed on 8/12/07 and shipped on 9/3/12 by UPS) 0-356-8837-551 0-357-4747-444 Red Rover NightFlyer 10 $15.90 100 $43.50 Sub-total for this order $150.90 $4350.00 $4500.90 259 (Order placed on 8/27/07 and shipped on 9/10/12 by DHL) 0-356-8837-551 0-836-5385-651 Red Rover Who’s Afraid? 100 $15.90 10 $85.00 Sub-total for this order $159.00 $850.00 $1009.00 Total due for this billing period: $5509.90 We thank you in advance for your prompt payment. If you have any question, please contact Henry Orbison. 8 9 DELIVERABLES: The following items should be submitted in an envelope: (1) Your Access file on a USB flash drive or CD. The name of the file will be your last name followed by “Assignment 1”. This file should contain your entire Access application (all tables, queries, forms, reports, menu, and sample data). (2) A sample printout of each of your reports (e.g. a sample packing slip for one order; not for all orders). For the Account Statement Report, I would like to see the report for shipping dates between 12/15/2014 and 12/20/2014. I would like to see an Account Statement printout containing multiple orders under a single bookstore. (3) A short memo (optional) describing any problems of the application. You can use this memo to describe any problem areas or incomplete features of the application, and suggestions for improvement and future development. Please note that you are required to design and implement the specific tables, queries, forms, reports and additional sample data required for this assignment on your own. For those of you who are unfamiliar with ACCESS, the completion of this assignment may require a significant investment in time. Plan your assignment completion tasks early and always keep at least two backups of your database file. I strongly recommend that you save at least one copy to the cloud (i.e., dropbox.com, google drive, or some other cloud-based storage). Your assignment grade will be based on the following components: 1. Appropriateness of database design/structure (all tables are set up correctly and all relationships between tables are correctly specified). 2. Correct formatting of all forms, including the Main Menu 3. Inclusion of all sample data, as specified in the instructions above 4. Neat and correct formatting of all reports 5. Correct execution of your application—e.g., the queries retrieve the correct data IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. USE THE CHECKPOINTS to complete the assignment. Don’t try to figure it out on your own. 2. Start the assignment early and come see me if you run into problems with your assignment. 3. Perform the steps of the assignment in the proper order (as specified in the checkpoints). If you skip around, you do so at your own risk. GOOD LUCK!! 10 Sample data Bookstore data Phone Bookstore name 702-565-6767 Book Lover’s Paradise 512-344-4444 214-444-3323 805-897-5757 916-676-3333 214-878-4499 916-873-8857 Book data ISBN number 0-133-8568-451 0-159-9938-382 0-235-7835-751 0-356-8837-551 0-367-4747-444 0-378-4784-663 0-469-7874-551 0-836-5385-651 Address ,City, State, Zip 25 Reardon Lane Las Vegas, NV 84106 Arts Book Store 378 Pendleton Dr. Seattle, WA 78726 Books Galore 34 Sammy St Corpus Christi, TX 75231 Bookstore For All 27 Main St Palmdale, CA 93590 Hollywood Book Palace 666 Connecticut Drive Malibu, CA 90264 Book Worm 34 Buffalo Avenue Dallas, TX 75231 Golden State Books 666 35th Street Malibu, CA 90264 Fax Email 702-565-6768 BLP@gmail.com 512-344-5555 ABCBooks@gmail.c om Zeke@ABC.wiz 214-878-4488 Book@Palace.biz Peter Dealy 916-872-8856 Tommy@gmail.com Tommy Black Unit Price $28.99 Publisher Edition Year Howard Publishers 3 172 $18.70 $44.00 Johnston Publishing New Perspectives on the Civil War Ordinary Families Petty Thieves & Strange Bedfellows Cooking for Idiots A Guide to Forensics Househunting Tips for Senior Citizens 108 $20.98 $33.95 220 175 $9.54 $20.75 199 927 106 3 214-878-4499 4 702-565-6767 5 6 7 916-873-8857 916-873-8857 805-897-5757 Very personable. Check out the games Only deal with Zeke Billy Grace Unit cost $19.00 214-878-4499 Annie White 916-676-3333 Items in inventory 203 2 Stan Smith Note Steve Steven Book Title Maya Angelou: A Life The Swiss Alps Order data Order Number Bookstore Tel. Number 1 916-676-3333 Contact person Julie Harris Never pays on time Reorder point 20 Notes 2004 Next delivery date 1/10/2011 2 1998 1/30/2011 30 Johnston Publishing 4 2007 1/19/2011 30 Out of date and not very informative. Highly engrossing. $15.90 $43.50 New Wave Publishing Asterick Publishing 2 3 2007 1977 1/29/2011 1/1/2011 10 20 $29.00 $12.00 $41.00 $23.95 2 1 1992 2007 1/21/2011 1/27/2011 20 100 $43.99 $85.00 Johnston Printing San Francisco Publishing New Wave Publishing 1 2000 1/2/2011 30 A thrilling novel for young adults Informative but a very dull read. Not an informative book. ISBN number and (quantity) 0-133-8568-451 (20) 0-356-8837-551 (25) Order date 12/5/2014 Shipping date 12/6/2014 Shipping carrier FedEx Note 0-836-5385-651 (32) 0-356-8837-551 (25) 0-159-9938-382 (30) 0-378-4784-663 (55) 0-133-8568-451 (20) 0-133-8568-451 (36) 0-469-7874-551 (18) 0-469-7874-551 (150) 0-133-8568-451 (100) 0-378-4784-663 (80) 12/9/2014 12/19/2014 DHL 12/10/2014 12/11/2014 UPS 12/12/2014 12/15/2014 USPS This order must be delivered before Christmas Please deliver directly to the door. Do not deliver to the doorstep. 1/15/2015 1/2/2015 1/3/2015 1/15/2015 1/14/2015 1/8/2015 FedEx DHL UPS 11