YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Dear client Thank you for choosing to use Unicorn Accountants Resourcing (AR). To assist in streamlining our account preparation and reducing our queries to you we have prepared a series of dividers to use for sending information to UNICORN AR Our expectation is you will include the client documents in the order outlined on each page of the divider. Each divider with relevant documents attached behind it is to be saved as a separate PDF document labelled the title of the checklist page – e.g. Bank Statements. Please feel free to contact any of the UNICORN AR team if you have any questions. Kind regards UNICORN AR Team YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Entity Name Source Documentation Bank Account Statements Business Information Investment Documents Individual Information Prior year Financials and Tax Other Client Documentation YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Bank Account Statements (Please provide in the following order) i) Bank Statements ii) Loan Statements iii) ATO Account Statements YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Business Documents (Please provide in the following order) i) Trade Debtors/Creditors ii) Inventory iii) New Assets iv) New Financing Agreements v) Hire purchase/leasing schedules vi) Corporate Data (ASIC) vii) Payroll documents viii) Copies of BAS/IAS for full year ix) Borrowing cost and 40-880 schedules YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Investment Documents (Please provide in the following order) i) Share buy/sell documents ii) Unit/Investment Trust buy/sell documents iii) Dividend statements iv) Tax Trust Distribution schedules v) Other investment documents YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Individual Information (Please provide in the following order) i) Income ii) Expenses iii) Share or other capital gains iv) Rental property YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Prior year Financial Accounts and Tax (Please provide in the following order) i) Financial Statements ii) Trial Balance iii) Income taxation returns entity followed by individual, then iv) Income tax reconciliations YEAR END ENTITY ACCOUNTS (PDF Dividers) Other Client Documentation