
August 17 - 21, 2004, Beijing, China
Second Circular
Sponsored by
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics
China Association for Science and Technology
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organized by
The Chinese Chemical Society
Institute of Chemistry, CAS
The IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT) sponsored by
IUPAC has been held at two-year intervals since 1969. The 18th ICCT-2004, the first to be held
under the auspices of the International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics, will be held
in Beijing, China on August 17-21st, 2004. This conference will cover both experimental and
theoretical aspects. In particular, interdisciplinary research fields, as well as simulation and
developments in applied Chemical Thermodynamics, are emphasized.
Chairman: Prof. Haike Yan (Institute of Chemistry, CAS)
Co-Chairman: Prof. Zhiwu Yu (Tsinghua University)
Secretary General: Prof. Zhifen Li (Peking University)
Vice-Secretary General: Prof. Yilin Wang (Institute of Chemistry, CAS)
Secretary: Prof. Xibai Qiu (Vice Chairman of the Committee on International Activities of CCS)
International Advisory Committee
Prof. J. Alhuwalia (India)
Prof. Chunli Bai (China)
Prof. Theo. W. de Loos (Netherlands)
Prof. Vladimir A. Durov (Russia)
Dr. John H. Dymond (UK)
Prof. Giuseppe Della Gatta (Italy)
Dr. Robert Goldberg (USA)
Prof. Jean-Pierre E. Grolier (France)
Prof. Andreas Heintz (Germany)
Prof. Ying Hu (China)
Prof. Yoon H. Jeong (South Korea)
Prof. Trevor Letcher (South Africa)
Prof. Kenneth N. Marsh (New Zealand)
Prof. Manuel A.V. Ribeiro da Silva (Portugal)
Prof. Michio Sorai (Japan)
Prof. Svein Stølen (Norway)
Prof. Ingemar Wadsö (Sweden)
Prof. William A. Wakeham (UK)
Prof. Ron Weir (Canada)
Prof. Mary Anne White (Canada)
Prof. Haike Yan (China)
Prof. Wojciech Zielenkiewicz (Poland)
Program Committee
Chairman: Prof. Haike Yan
Prof. Tooru Atake (Japan)
Prof. Qiyuan Chen (China)
Prof. Peter T. Cummings (USA)
Prof. Anthony H. Goodwin (UK)
Prof. Jean-Pierre E. Grolier (France)
Prof. Rongzu Hu (China)
Prof. Hartmut. Krienke (Germany)
Prof. Jan C. T. Kwak (Canada)
Prof. Trevor M. Letcher (South Africa)
Prof. Yigui Li (China)
Prof. Zhifen Li (China)
Prof. Kenneth N. Marsh (New Zealand)
Prof. Erwin E. Marti (Switzerland)
Prof. Takasuke Matsuo (Japan)
Prof. Manuel A. Ribeiro da Silva (Portugal)
Prof. Weiguo Shen (China)
Prof. Jianji Wang (China)
Prof. Wenchuan Wang (China)
Prof. Xiaodong Wang (China)
Prof. Ron Weir (Canada)
Prof. Jiazhen Yang (China)
Prof. Zhiwu Yu (China)
Prof. Theo. W. De Loos (The Netherlands)
Prof. Tonglai Zhang (China)
12th CCTTA Program Committee
Chairman: Zhiwu Yu (Tsinghua University)
Secretary: Lin Chen (Tsinghua University)
Jiawu Gao
(Beihang University)
Buxing Han
(Institute of Chemistry, CAS)
Yun Liu
(Tsinghua University)
Ruilin Liu
(Peking University)
Jinben Wang
(Institute of Chemistry, CAS)
Yilin Wang
(Institute of Chemistry, CAS)
Baohuai Wang
(Peking University)
Lahu Yang
(National Inst for the Control of Pharm. & Biol. Products)
Tonglai Zhang
(Beijing Institute of Technology)
Rui Zhou
(Tsinghua University)
Local Committee
Prof. Zhi Fang (Deputy Secretary General of CCS)
Wenlu Bai
Xibai Qiu
Bin Jiao
Shaowen Wang
Dianyou Liu
Zhenzhu Wu
Jun Liu
Suxia Liu
Xiaodi Zhang
August 16
August 17
Opening Ceremony
& Plenary Lecture
Oral Session
Plenary Lecture
Oral Session
August 19
Oral Session
Poster Session
August 20
Oral Session
Plenary Lecture &
Closing Ceremony
August 18
August 21
Local Conference
Tour (Free)
The Great Wall and Ming Tombs
Rossini Lecture
Prof. Jean-Pierre E. Grolier (Laboratory of Thermodynamics of Solutions and Polymers, University Blaise
Pascal, Clermont- Ferrand, France)
"Advanced Experimental Techniques in Polymer Thermodynamics"
Plenary Lectures
Prof. Emmerich Wilhelm (Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Wien, Austria)
"The Fascinating World of Non-electrolytes, Pure and Mixed"
Prof. Richard Catlow (Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK)
"Modelling and Predicting New Materials”
Prof. Pablo G. Debenedetti (Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University, USA)
"Thermodynamics of Supercooled and Glassy Water”
Prof. Stephan Grzesiek (Department of Structural Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland)
"Biomolecular Interactions in Solutions"
Prof. Bernard Cabane (Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials, School of
Industrial Physics and Chemistry, Paris, France)
"Solid - Liquid Separation"
Prof. Qi Ouyang (College of Physics, Peking University, China)
"Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Theory and Practice"
Dr. Michio Sorai (Graduate School of Science, Research Center for Molecular Thermodynamics, Osaka
University, Japan)
"Entropy Diagnosis for Phase Transitions Occurring in Functional Materials"
Prof. Michael Frenkel (Thermodynamics Research Center, NIST, Colorado, USA)
"Global Communications and Expert Systems in Thermodynamics: Connecting Property Measurement and
Chemical Process Design"
Invited Lecture
Symposium 1. Electrolyte and Non-electrolyte Solution Thermodynamics
Prof. Fumio Hirata ( Institute for Molecular Science, Aichi, Japan)
“A Molecular Theory of Fluid Phase Equilibria and Interfaces"
Prof. Eckhard Vogel (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Rostock, Germany)
“Second Virial Coefficients and Transport Properties of Carbon Dioxide - Can Theoretical Calculations
with ab initio Intermolecular Potential Hypersurfaces Discriminate between "High-Precision"
Experimental Data?”
Prof. Takayoshi Kimura (Department of Chemistry, Kinki University, Japan)
"Enthalpic Discrimination of Chiral Compounds"
Symposium 2. New Materials
Prof. Mary Anne White (Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada)
"Phase Stability: A Thermodynamic Approach".
Prof. Vladimir A. Durov (Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Moscow, Russia)
“Models of Self-Organisation Phenomena in Liquid Mixtures: Thermodynamics, Macroscopic
Properties, and Applications”
Symposium 3. Phase Equilibrium, Supercritical Fluids, and Separation Technologies
Prof. Dingyu Peng (Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada)
"Phase Equilibria for Associating Systems: Association Models with the Peng-Robinson Equation of
Prof. Cor J. Peters (Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibrium, Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands)
"High Pressure Phase Behavior of Binary and Ternary Systems with Ionic Liquids"
Symposium 4. Biological, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural & Food Thermodynamics
Prof. Ichiro Hatta (Fukui University of Technology, Japan)
“Temperature Scanning X-ray Diffraction at Phase Transitions of Biologically Related Lipid
Prof. Lee D. Hansen (Department of Chemistry, Brigham Young University, Utah, USA)
“Calorespirometry of Plant Metabolism”
Symposium 5. Colloid and Interface Science
Prof. Watson Loh (Institute of Chemistry, UNICAMP, Brazil)
“Calorimetric Investigation of the Interaction of Ionic Surfactants with Non-Ionic Polymers and
Prof. Gerd M. Olofsson (Lund University, Sweden)
"Calorimetry in Studies of Collodial and Polymer-Amphiphile Systems”
Prof. Xueqin An (Department of Chemistry, Lanzhou University & Nanjing Normal University, China)
“The Critical Phenomena in Microemulsion Systems”
Symposium 6. Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics and Molecular Simulation
Prof. Zhen-Gang Wang (Department of Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, California,
"Nucleation in Polymer Blends"
Symposium 7. Thermochemistry and Molecular Energetics
Prof. Juliana Boerio-Goates (Brigham Young University, Utah, USA)
“Energetics of Nanocrystalline Binary Oxides"
Prof. Ingemar Wadsö (Lund University, Sweden)
"A New Line of Microcalorimeters, Including a Multi-Channel Instrument: Applications in the Medical
Symposium 8. Industrial Thermodynamics and Data Bases
Prof. Pertti Koukkari (Department of Chemical Technology, VTT Processes, Finland)
"Advanced Gibbs Energy Methods in Process Modeling"
Prof. Marco Satyro (Virtual Materials Group, Inc.Canada)
"Thermodynamics - Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Processing Common Denominator"
Prof. Zhoulan Yin (Central South University, China)
"Calorimetric and Thermochemical Investigation on Mechanically Activated Sulphides"
9. Thermodynamic Frontiers and Education (Workshop)
Prof. Hitoshi Kawaji (Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
"Thermodynamic Studies of Relaxor Ferroelectrics"
10. Ionic Liquids (Workshop)
Prof. Robin D. Rogers (Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA)
"Abraham Solvent Parameters for Ionic Liquids from Liquid/Liquid Partitioning Data"
Prof. Kenneth R. Seddon (School of Chemistry, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK)
"Ionic Liquids: The Need for Reliable Data"
11. New Experimental Techniques, Including Nanotechnology (Workshop)
Prof. Junko Morikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
“Two Dimensional Thermal Analysis by Means of High Speed Infrared Focal Plane Arrays"
Prof. Joon Won Park (Bionanotechnology Center, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South
"DNA-Microarrays on Nanoscale-Controlled Surface with Mesospacing"
Call for Papers
Contributed papers are expected in the forms of either oral or poster presentations. Participants wishing to
present papers are invited to submit an abstract of no more than one page per abstract (for Plenary and Invited
Lectures, 2 pages are allowed). The abstract should be camera-ready and typed on 21 x 29.5 cm (A4) white
paper saved as ".doc" file. A margin of 3 cm should be left on the top and bottom, and 2.5 cm on both right and
left sides. Please use the capital letters for the title and "Times New Roman" for the font with single spacing
using a laser printer. The character size for the title is 14 pt., with 12 pt. elsewhere. A template of the abstract
has been prepared and can be downloaded from the conference website. The abstract should be submitted by
e-mail attachment or mailed with a 3.5" floppy disk to the Secretariat before April 30, 2004. The abstract book
is to be distributed at the registration desk. Since abstracts will be printed as received, all authors are
responsible for providing complete and accurate abstracts. The address for the Secretariat is as follows:
Prof. Xibai QIU
Secretary of ICCT-2004
c/o Chinese Chemical Society
PO Box 2709, Beijing 100080, China
Tel: +86-10-62568157, 62564020
Fax: +86-10-62568157
E-mail: qiuxb@iccas.ac.cn
The Rossini and Plenary Lectures will be published in Pure and Applied Chemistry. Arrangements for the
publication of other manuscripts from the Symposia and Workshops are at present being discussed, and details
will be given later on the conference website.
The conference working language is English.
Overhead projectors and computer-aided projectors (for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations only) are available.
Mac computers will not be available for the presentation of PowerPoint. Mac users can connect to the
computer-aided projectors if they bring their own computer and connecting cord.
Poster Display Board
A 90 cm width and 120 cm height board will be allotted for each poster display.
Venue and Accommodation
The conference will be held in Fragrant Hill Hotel. It is a four star hotel located in the famous scenic Fragrant
Hill Park. The room rate is USD 65 per room per night (two beds). For young scientists (postdocs and students)
there is an economic hotel: Fragrant Hill Villa. Only limited rooms are available and the rate is USD 19 per
person per night for a shared room. During the Conference the Organizing Committee will arrange lunch for the
participants. The cost is USD 4 per meal. The tickets can be bought with the hotel reservation or at the
registration desk.
All participants are requested to fill the enclosed Registration Form (Form A) and mail it to the Secretariat by
April 30, 2004. The Registration Fee is as follows
April 30, 2004
April 30, 2004
USD 380
USD 450
IUPAC Members
USD 345
USD 408
IACT Member *
USD 380
USD 450
USD 240
USD 310
USD 190
USD 240
* IACT (International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics) was established in 2002 to continue, and
indeed to expand, the role of the former IUPAC Commission I.2 on Thermodynamics in maintaining the highest
standards in teaching and research in this key area of chemistry. Its objectives include the provision of a forum
for communication among thermodynamicists for the exchange of ideas and results of recent research. To this
end it selects the venue and appoints the Chair for the biennial International Conferences on Chemical
Membership is open to all qualified applicants, and those who wish to become members should indicate this on
their Registration Form. The two year USD 20 membership fee is included in the USD 380 or USD 450 fee.
Those electing to become members will be sent information (electronically) about IACT including the agenda of
the biennial business meeting held during the Conference, and they are encouraged to take an active part in the
Association and to propose new projects.
Due recognition of IACT has been made by the award of Associated Organisation status by IUPAC.
IACT is offering a number of awards, based on undergraduate or doctoral work in thermodynamics, which has
been carried out in the past two years. Applicants, who must be under 30 years of age (birthday on or after 21
August 1974), should submit an abstract of their paper, based on their research, with a note that they wish it to
be considered for an award. The abstract should be accompanied by a letter of support from their supervisor. A
special slot in the Conference programme will be made for the presentation of the award(s), and for the
winner(s) to give their papers. The prize will take the form of a certificate for the "IACT Junior Award for
Excellence in Thermodynamics". They will get some financial assistance towards travel costs to attend
the Conference. The actual number of awards will depend on the standard of the abstracts offered and the
finances available.
Fees for the active participants will cover the payments for the participation in all scientific sessions, a
copy of the Abstract Book and all printed materials of the conference, a welcome reception, a banquet, and
social events.
IUPAC Affiliates should send a copy of their IUPAC Affiliate Membership Certificate with their
Students should send their registration with a letter from their supervisor. Their fees will give the same
benefits as for active participants.
Fees for accompanying persons will cover the payments for a welcome reception, a banquet, and social
Reduced registration fees are available for a restricted number of participants from East European and
developing countries. The condition for a reduced fee will be a scientific contribution to the scientific
program accepted in advance by the Program Committee. Those who intend to make use of this offer are
requested to send an application by Email to the secretariat giving their full address, information about
their professional status, and an abstract to present at the conference.
The payment of the registration fee should be made in US dollars :
i) by bank transfer:
Bank Name: Beijing City Commercial Bank
Account Name: Chinese Chemical Society
Account Number: 01090302901420105000287
Please write your name and "ICCT-2004" on your bank transfer
ii) by bank draft payable to: The Chinese Chemical Society/ICCT-2004 and mail to:
Prof. Xibai QIU
Secretary of ICCT-2004
c/o Chinese Chemical Society
POB 2709, Beijing 100080
Please write your name and "ICCT-2004" on your bank draft
iii) by credit card
According to the executive rules of the Chinese Government, a participant cannot pay the fees just by giving
the card details. Payment, however, can be made at the registration desk, but there will be a service charge
of 4% and the registration fee is the same as the rate after April 30, 2004.
Note: No personal checks are accepted.
Cancellation of Registration
Cancellation should be made in writing to the Secretariat. The amount of refund will depend on the date when
the cancellation notice is received.
Receiving Date
Rate of Refund**
On or before June 1, 2004
After June 1, 2004
50% *
After August 1, 2004
30% *
*An Abstract Book will be sent to each cancelled registrant within 8 weeks after the Conference
**All refunds will be made with 8 weeks after the Conference.
Hotel Reservation
Please apply for hotel room reservation with the enclosed Hotel Room Reservation Form (Form B) attached
with the deposit (USD 50 per room) not later than June 30, 2004. Please send the Form B to the Conference
Secretariat with the copy of the deposit transfer document from the bank and send the deposit to the Hotel
directly. The account number of the Hotel is:
Bank: Beijing City Commercial Bank
Name: BTG Hotels & Resorts Fragrant Hill Hotel
Account Number: 360-5001201022260-96
Please write your name and "ICCT-2004" in the Note
There are only limited rooms in the Fragrant Hill Villa. The reservation is based on "First come, first served".
The balance of the accommodation cost can be paid in cash, or by credit card with a service charge of 4%, at
the hotel during the conference.
Cancellation of Hotel Reservation
The cancellation notice should be received at least 2 weeks before the first night of the stay. Otherwise, no
refund will be paid.
IUPAC sponsorship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona fide chemists, provided application is
made not less than three months in advance. If a visa is not granted one month before the meeting, the
IUPAC Secretariat should be notified without delay by the applicant.
Every foreign visitor entering China must be in possession of a valid passport. Please send the Visa Application
Form (Form C) to the Secretariat before April 30, 2004. You will receive a formal invitation for your visa
application in Chinese Embassy or Consulate. Please contact the Secretariat whenever you find a problem on
visa application.
Arrival in Beijing
Participants can make their own way to the Fragrant Hill Hotel by taxi. The distance between the airport and
the Hotel is about 50 km and the fare is about USD 20-25. The note below will help you to get to the hotel:
The second way from Beijing Airport to the Fragrant Hill Hotel is by Airport bus to “Friendship Hotel” then by
taxi to the Hotel. The cost is about USD 7-8.
A few Post- and Pre-conference tours, as well as Accompanying Person Tours, have been arranged through
Beijing North Star International Tourism Co. Please visit the Web Site for details: http://www.bnsit.com.
Post-conference Tours
1. Beijing--Xi’an (2)--Hangzhou (2)--Suzhou (1)—Zhouzhuang--Shanghai (1)
Date: August 22-28, 2004 (6 nights)
Fee*: USD 775/person (shared room)
USD 910/person (single room)
End of the Tour: After breakfast of Aug. 28. Please make departure flight reservation yourself.
2. Beijing--Kunming (1)--Lijiang (1)--Dali (1)—Kunming (1)—Guangzhou (1)
Date: August 22-27, 2004 (5 nights)
Fee*: USD 865/person (shared room)
USD 965/person (single room)
End of the Tour: After breakfast of Aug. 27. Please make departure flight or train (to Hong Kong) reservation
3.Beijing--Chengdu (1)—Jiuzhaigou (2)— Huanglong-Mouxian(1)— Wolong# -- Chengdu
(1)—Guangzhou (1)
Date: August 22-28, 2004 (6 nights)
Fee*: USD 855/person (shared room)
USD 975/person (single room)
End of the Tour: After breakfast of Aug. 28. Please make departure flight or train (to Hong Kong) reservation
# Wolong is the Protection Zone of Giant Panda.
*If only 6-9 persons are interested in the tour, the fee will be increased by about 10%. If less than 6 persons
are interested in the tour, the fee will be increased by about 25%.
Pre-conference Tour
Beijing-Chengde (1)-Beijing
Date: August 15-16, 2004 (1 night)
Fee: USD 113/person (shared room)
USD 130/person (single room)
Departure Beijing at 8:00 a.m. on August 15 and come back to Beijing at about 18:00 p.m. on August 16. If
you are interested in attending the Tour, you should arrive in Beijing on August 14.
*If only 6-9 persons are interested in the tour, the fee will be increased by about 10%. If less than 6 persons
are interested in the tour, the fee will be increased by about 25%.
If someone needs help for tour before Conference, please contact the Secretariat. We’ll help you to organize the
Accompanying Person Tour
A program arranged by the Secretariat will provide you an opportunity to appreciate Chinese traditional culture.
The following tickets can be bought at the registration desk during the Conference no later than 15:00 on the
day before the tour
Aug.17 (Tue)
Beihai Park & Jingshan Park
USD 25
Aug.18 (Wed)
Yuanmingyuan Park
USD 25
Beijing Hutong
USD 25
Aug.19 (Thu)
Forbidden City
USD 30
Temple of Heaven
USD 30
Aug.20 (Fri)
Summer Palace
USD 25
Marco Polo Bridge & Great
View Garden
USD 25
Great Wall and Ming Tombs
Aug.21 (Sat)
Tian An Men Square
& Wangfujing
Shopping Center
USD 50*
*The fee includes lunch. This is the reduced price; the Organizing Committee has paid part of the cost.
Tour Reservation
Please fill the Tour Application Form (Form D) and send it to the Secretariat to secure a reservation.
The price includes intercity transportation, hotel accommodation, full meals, tour tickets and guide service in
each city. You should book the departure ticket in 'OK' status yourself.
Tickets, hotel accommodation and other arrangements for Pre- and Post- Conference Tour will be reserved and
guaranteed only for those whose tour payment is received before June 10, 2004.
Payment must be made in USD by
i) bank transfer:
Bank Name: Bank of China
Account Name: Beijing North Star International Tourism Co.
Account Number: 803202247608091001
Please write your name and "ICCT-2004" on the bank transfer
ii) bank draft payable to: The Chinese Chemical Society/ICCT2004 and mail to:
Prof. Xibai QIU
Secretary of ICCT-2004
c/o Chinese Chemical Society
POB 2709, Beijing 100080
Please write your name and "ICCT-2004" on the bank draft
NOTE: No personal check is accepted.
Cancellation of Pre- and Post-Conference Professional Tour
The cancellation notice should be received by the Secretariat. The amount of refund will depend on the date
when the cancellation notice is received.
Cancellation Notice Received
Refund Rate
30 day before the tour starts
10 day before the tour starts
2 day before the tour starts
After 2 day before the tour starts
no refund
An exhibition of scientific instruments and equipment by leading manufacturers, as well as books and journals,
will take place during the Conference. Interested companies should contact the Secretariat of ICCT-2004.
Brief Introduction
Beijing, the capital of P R China, serves as the center of politics and culture, with an area of 16800 square km
and population of 13 million. Being the seven dynastic ancient capitals in China's history has left Beijing
numerous imperial gardens and a great cultural heritage, such as the most famous Forbidden City (Palace
Museum), Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Ming Tombs, Great Wall, etc. Traditional handicrafts of Beijing
have a long history and show remarkable skills. Cloisonné jade carving, and silk flowers are very popular.
Local dishes are dominated by Shandong cuisine and imperial flavour. Different cuisines all over China are
also very popular in Beijing. Following the rapid development of tourism and transportation in the last decade,
especially as a result of its successful bid to host the 2008 Olympics, Beijing has now become a world famous
modern metropolitan city.
Climate and Clothing
The temperature of Beijing during the Conference period ranges between 20 and 32oC. The hotel and
Conference halls are all air-conditioned.
Currency and Banking
The Chinese currency is RMB. Foreigners can make currency exchange at all banks and hotels using cash and
traveler's cheque. The exchange can also be made by credit card using special ATM machine. The rate of USD:
RMB is about 1:8.2.
The correspondence and submission of papers should be addressed to the Secretariat of ICCT-2004 Secretariat
Contact person: Professor Xibai QIU
Secretary of ICCT-2004
C/O Chinese Chemical Society
PO Box 2709, Beijing, 100080, China
Telephone: 86-10-62568157, 86-10-62564020
Fax: 86-10-62568157
E-mail: qiuxb@iccas.ac.cn
Conference Web Site: http://www.ccs.ac.cn/ICCT2004.htm, or http://chem.tsinghua.edu.cn/ICCT2004;
and http://www.iupac.org/symposia/conferences/
For the details of the Hotel please contact:
Ms. Minghua CAO
Sales Manager, Fragrant Hill Hotel
Haidian District, Beijing 100093, China
Tel: +86-10-62591166 ext 6168, Fax: +86-10-62591762
E-mail: sale@xsfd.com,
Web Site: http://www.xsfd.com
For the details of the tours please contact:
Mr. Enhong LAI
Manager, Beijing North Star International Tourism Co.
No. 10, Quarter 3, Anhuili, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100101, China
Tel: +86-10-64973855
Fax: +86-10-64910684
E-mail: ytb@bnsit.com
Web Site: http://www.bnsit.com