The Barony March of the Debatable Lands - Dark Pages November 16, 1993 The Dark Pages is a publication by and for the Barony March of the Debatable Lands of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is not a Corporate Publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and does not delineate SCA Policies. Cost of "Spiffy" paper copis is 25 cents. No checks please. You pay the postage if you wish a copy mailed to you. These Are The Dark Pages (Phone Listings) for the Barony Marche of the Debateable Lands branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (the Greater Pittsburgh Area, including parts of WV and far stretches of PA to the North, South, East, & West). The Editor of this List is Giovanni. You can reach him the following ways: FarSpeaker (Phone): (412) 782-5973 (when calling, use mundane Names) U.S. Mail Address: Giovanni Daino de Giacomettino c/o Garth E. Schafer P.O. Box 9544 Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0544 Electronic Mail via any Internet connect service, including Compu$erve, America On Line, and GEnie type services: "" Here are some notes to help you get more out of your Dark Pages, especially if you are new to them. M.K.A. means Mundanely Known As, or the name that your real life parents gave to you. SCA name means the name that you have taken in the SCA for your persona while playing at being a medieval person. You do not have to have your SCA name passed through the college of Heralds for it to be published here, you just have to have chosen something you like that sounds medieval. Be careful in choosing a name, if you haven't already, since it will be hard to convince people to use a new name, if you have to change it later. If you have trouble choosing or researching a name, contact one of our many Heralds, and they will either help you, or refer you to the Herald with the information you seek. (By the way, you don't have to have an SCA name to be published here, and your SCA name can also be your given name, if you so choose.) In this listing you will find that everybody is printed Alphabetically. To make it easier to find the names, all Mundane names are listed first under any given letter. The Mundane names are sorted by last name and are printed in ALL UPPER CASE. After all the Mundane last names beginning with any given letter comes the SCA names listed alphabetically by the first name (Since some SCAdians have only chosen a first name so far). If a person has both SCA and M. names then there is a key in front of each of the listed names so that you can find the other name. It works like this: <SCHA> Giovanni (Daino de Giacomettino) <Giov> SCHAFER, GARTH (412) 782-5973 * (412) 782-5973 * The first four letters before each name, that are contained inside the <xxxx> brackets are the first four letters of the other type of name. The writing with the "@" symbol is an E-Mail address, and can be used over the InterNet. Some people request that when you call them you use both your and their mundane names (this is especially true when other members of their home are not in the SCA and they don't know who this Giovanni person is that you are calling, because there's no Giovanni here!) Please respect this when you see it listed after an SCA name and you'll either get your message through, or talk to the right person. A "*" symbol appears after the phone numbers of those people who want this notice. Also listed after SCA names, on the line undernieth, are Office titles, if the person is an Officer in charge of something. The titles begin & end with the symbol "%". If you don't know what a person's title means, here is a partial list (of the ones I know the meanings of) SOMETHING Guild (The Contact for those interested in activities normally associated with a group of people interested in the SOMETHING listed) PLACENAME Herald (Herald for the area called Placename.) Mistress/Master of Horse (Arranger of rides to and from Events) Marshal (Person in charge of making sure that a type of SCA combat is done safely. Knight Marshal is in charge of heavy weapons, Fencing Marshal takes care of fencers, Archery Marshal for Archery.) Chirurgeon (a person in charge of First Aid, when they are at official SCA Events.) Minister of Arts and/or Sciences (Person who helps those interested in crafts or trades not covered by other Guilds in a given locality) Seneschal (Technically the "President" of the group in question. Responsible for coordinating efforts of the other Officers, as well as other duties. When in doubt, ask your nearest Seneshal.) Chronicler (The Editor of an SCA newsletter at whatever level listed before Chronicler) Exchequer (Treasurer) Chatelaine (Person in charge of greeting new people to the SCA. Also a good first place to go to in doubt.) Other names should be fairly straight forward, and if in doubt, contact the Chatelaine or Seneschal and ask them about who is in charge of an activity.