1. headwaters park




The Headwaters Park, which covers 334,000 square meters, is going to become the largest park-style forest area in the Valencia metropolitan area. Its dimensions and structure will make possible a great number of leisure- and culture-related activities and uses, but always with water, the

Mediterranean forest and gardens playing an indisputably prominent role.

Three different yet completely integrated spaces will be found in the


The Riverbank forest and the Mediterranean garden: This area will cover

174,000 square meters, and water will serve as the backbone of the design. To this end, a 30,000 square meter navigable lake will be created, with a wharf where rowboats can be rented and a canal which will reach as far as the Molí del Sol, a building which will be renovated to house the Hydraulic Technology Museum.

Likewise, there will be a hill with a view and an open-air auditorium with a capacity of 700 persons.

Bioparc. In addition to housing the animals currently held in the city zoo, the Bioparc will give visitors an up-close look at fauna and flora from tropical countries whose habitats will be reconstructed.

Amusement Park. Leisure area in a privileged setting which will occupy over 53,000 square meters.


This area, populated with white mulberry trees, false acacias, quinces and ombus, marks the beginning of the unforgettable vegetation-filled walk along the banks of the River Turia.

Along this stretch, children will find one of their favorite leisure areas at their disposition: paved cyclo-cross and bicycle tracks. Likewise, jogging lovers will be able to complement their exercise with workout and stretching equipment found all along their path. Trees will provide the shade necessary to refresh weary athletes.

Surface area: 51,000 square meters


Mediterranean vegetation is the indisputable protagonist of this green belt. In this wooded expanse of great variety, the pine and date palm specimens whose branches hang over the grassy fields are worthy of mention.

The labyrinth with a panoramic view stands out among the playground equipment in this area. As with the rest of the equipment, it has been designed to create an ideal place for walking and relaxation for young and old alike.

However, if there is any one “charming” detail which is truly characteristic of this area, it is the circuit of water which flows through the vegetation without interruption. An aqueduct, a canal, a Japaneseinspired brook and various lakes with water jets recall the mighty river which, just 50 years ago, ran through the city.

Surface area: 99,890 square meters


Along this stretch of the river, sports are the main attraction. The central part of this stretch is dominated by an impressive municipal stadium and sports facilities.

Under the Ademuz bridge lies a large round pond circled by irregular paths, where three great water spouts can be seen from afar, even visible from the shady plaza. The remarkable element in this area is the slightly curved path which, cutting laterally through the plaza, passes between the palm trees.

As with practically the entire course of the river, the two streets that run along either side are ideal for taking a walk.

Surface area: 83,768 square meters


If we had to give this section of the Turia gardens a nickname, it would be, along with Gulliver Park, the “children’s garden.” In this area there are 5 playground zones fully integrated into the garden’s design and a rock dome, characterized by a small rock-climbing mountain for children.

Due to its shape and structure, this Garden is known as the Forest, in which native Mediterranean trees and shrubbery play a major role, including species such as pine, juniper, yew, oak, olive and carob trees.

Specially designed for a restful break or a pleasant walk, this area features paths running through the different levels of the forest which facilitate the observation and study of the different plant ecosystems of the Autonomous Community of Valencia.


The landscape of this characteristic vision of the Mediterranean forest features long, straight paths which lead naturally to the San José Bridge and offer marvelous views of the surrounding robust trees as well.

Stretch IV-V area: 142,500 square meters


This wide stretch, along with the previous one, encircles the Historical City


Conceived as an open and urban garden, this area is made up of dense woods, large grassy expanses and a multitude of shrubs which together lend to a harmonious and natural structure.

The first part of this walk, marked by the Serranos Bridge, is remarkable for its dense vegetation and small plazas. Among the impressive species of trees found in this area, most noteworthy are the false acacias, white poplars, elms, banana trees, privets and Japanese acacias.

In the second area, space is allowed for sports facilities, making the wooded areas of the garden less lush. Nonetheless, one can admire the mahogany trees, privets, silk-oaks, and Siberian elms.

Surface area: 129,320 square meters


A bicycle path runs down the center of this area filled with lush vegetation. The Municipal Forest Nursery facilities previously occupied this stretch of the river, which is now home to acacias, jacarandas, mahogany and mulberry trees.

Surface area: 68,800 square meters


This was one of the first stretches of the river to be landscaped. Its landscape treatment lends itself to a peaceful stroll, relaxing with a book, or having a conversation under the trees. The most common trees in this area are the privets, black poplars, maples and wool trees.

Surface area: 75,600 square meters


Surface area: 34,439 square meters

The playful character of this stretch has conditioned its integral landscaping, for which reason an open area has been included, reserved for heavily attended municipal events such as human castles and “mascletás” (the firing of cannons which takes place during some festivals). There is also an area where stands can be set up and a children’s playground area. Flowers and young trees are preeminent throughout the design.

The oldest vegetation can be found near the parapets of the river, made up mainly of acacias and eucalyptus.


This stretch is among the smallest in surface area, but possesses great aesthetics and vivacity due to the regular arrangement of the vegetation. Most noteworthy in this area is the large circular pond which lies under the Del Mar Bridge.

Stretch X-XI surface area: 135,275 square meters


At the foot of the Palau de la Música (Palace of Music), one of the buildings most emblematic of the culture of the city, a fountain rises out of the central pond of this stretch, surrounded by four beautiful bald cypresses, Aleppo pines, red plum trees and date palms.

All elements of the garden have a regular and symmetric distribution, which lends it a certain majesty and great beauty.



Surface area: 61,000 square meters

This area is popularly known as “Gulliver,” after the gigantic representation of this character which dominates the whole space.

Arms and legs are enormous slides, steep staircases and sharp drops are a delight to children and adults alike.

There is an abundant presence of trees in the vicinity, mainly white mulberry trees, pines, tamarinds, hackberry and red plum trees.



The beauty of this stretch is due to the presence of white mulberry trees, strawberry trees, magnolias, pomegranate trees, quaking aspens and black poplars, which provide shade to numerous facilities geared toward unusual games, such as a giant chess board or miniature golf.


This space has become one of the most emblematic and most visited spots in the city, thanks to the dominating presence of the Ciudad de las

Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences). On the left bank, the river’s parapet meets the gardens of the Paseo de la Alameda. The old central riverbed has been preserved, and is adorned with abundant vegetation. The trees, still quite young, are eucalyptus of various species, while mulberries, tipus, Japanese cherry trees, Californian palm trees, false banana trees and Siberian elms.

This garden features open-air sculptures which represent the pretechnological state of the evolution of man, and which serve as an anteroom for the Museu de les Ciències “Príncipe Felipe” (Prince Philip

Museum of Science).

Surface area: 159,639 square meters
