Work Experience Simulations (WES) or Culminating Activity (CA

Introduction to English for Careers_Culminating Activity
Introduction to English for Careers
Culminating Activity
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Overall Description
 CASAS levels
 Accommodations for class size
 Activity type
Culminating Activity Benchmarks
Culminating Activity Instructions:
 Set up!
 Sign on!
 Start up!
 Sort through!
 Step out!
Eloise Teisberg-Hubbs Center EL Civics 1/4/10
Introduction to English for Careers_Culminating Activity
Overall Description
Students create and populate a job history and goal chart.
 ELL low-intermediate and high-intermediate; CASAS range: 201-220
 Class Size: This activity can be done with any size class.
 Activity type: Determining and recording experience and goals.
Eloise Teisberg-Hubbs Center EL Civics 1/4/10
Introduction to English for Careers_Culminating Activity
Culminating Activity Benchmarks
Culminating Activity Description: Students create and populate a job history and goal chart.
CA Parts:
Reading/Writing Skills
 Learners will produce… Strategies
a job history and goal
chart for the class
 Write a professional
goal or the fact that it’s
 Create and populate a
Eloise Teisberg-Hubbs Center EL Civics 1/4/10
 Ask and answer
questions about work
experience and goals
Basic Literacy:
 Use past, present, and
future tenses (I am a
___. I was a ____. I
will be / I hope to be a
___.” regarding work
experience and goals.
Culminating Activity
Introduction to English for Careers Unit
Set up!
1. Large poster paper posted at the front of the class set up as a chart with headings that mirror
those in the targeted job application plus a heading for goals. Note: Choose as many as will be
useful for your class—you don’t need to include all fields from the application. Ex. Name,
name of previous employer, start and end date, position held, goal. OR Name, previous job,
current job, goal.
2. Completed “targeted” job application from Section Product 1
Sign on! (Presentation) –
1. Instructor and volunteer student model filling in a row with work experience.
Start up! (Practice)
1. Students fill in their own row in their notebooks or use their completed job application as a
2. One-by-one, students add their own information to the chart.
3. Lead a class discussion of possible career goals, education, training, and experience needed to
attain them. Elicit and record a list of student goals on the board. Be sure to give “undecided”
as an option.
4. Students copy the goals list into their notebooks or just choose one as their own goal.
5. Students add goals to the chart.
Sort through! (Feedback)
1. Students work in pairs or small groups asking and answering “What’s your goal? My goal is
to be a _____.” “I haven’t decided yet.”
*Step out! (Extension)
1. Lead a class discussion on what steps will be needed to attain their goals, how to get additional
information, importance of adjusting goals when obstacles are met, etc.
2. At the end of each unit, come back to their original goal and ask whether it’s changed, how
and why.
Eloise Teisberg-Hubbs Center EL Civics 1/4/10