Information and Communication Technology in Business BTT 1O1 • GRADE 9 • COURSE OUTLINE COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces students to information and communication technology in a business environment and builds a foundation of digital literacy skills necessary for success in a technologically driven society. Students will develop word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, presentation software, and website design skills. Throughout the course, there is an emphasis on digital literacy, effective electronic research and communication skills, and current issues related to the impact of information and communication technology. COURSE OUTLINE This course consists of five strands, which have been outlined below, including the overall expectations relating to each strand. DIGITAL LITERACY Terminology, computer workstation, file management, Internet, electronic research PRODUCTIVITY SOFTWARE Word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentations, desktop publishing, web page development BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Business Standards, electronic, portfolio ETHICS Legal, social and ethical issues, privacy and security, health and environmental STUDENT EVALUATION CATEGORY TERM WORK (%) Knowledge 15 Calculation of Final Mark: Application 35 Communication 10 Thinking 10 Term Work Culminating Activity Final Mark Culminating Activity 30 Total 100 70% 30% 100% Notes: Marks appearing on report cards will be cumulative to that date. When an assignment is given, the category and approximate weight will be announced. RIVERDALE CI • BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT Information and Communication Technology in Business BTT 1O1 • GRADE 9 • COURSE OUTLINE CULMINATING ACTIVITY The culminating activity (30%) will be a summary assignment which will require students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have acquired in the course using technology. The culminating activity may include the following components: Web Site, Spreadsheets and an Oral Presentation. DEPARTMENT POLICY The following recommendations are made to help you achieve your full potential in Introduction to Information Technology in Business. 1. Poor attendance and lateness have a direct effect on success, therefore, you should maintain excellent attendance and punctuality. 2. A note is required to leave the class before the end of the period. 3. A portfolio (binder) is to be maintained throughout the year and brought to each class. 4. Each student is required to create a personal folder under the Home Drive and save their work and assignments. This is the only place where you may store assignments. You are not allowed to let other students use your folder. 5. You are responsible to keep up-to-date with respect to notes, assignments and projects. If you have been absent, check with your teacher to find out what work you must "catch-up" in order to be up-to-date. 6. You must make arrangements for the completion of tests should a conflict exist with field trips or athletic events. If you miss a test, for any other reason, you are required to provide a note and to discuss the missed test with your teacher upon your return to school. 7. Cell Phones, cameras and music players are not allowed in the classroom. 8. Computer games, social networking sites, and music and video sites are not allowed in the Business Department computer rooms. 9. No food, gum, candy, drinks, etc. are allowed in the classroom. 10. After class, log out of the computer, tuck the chair under the desk, and place the mouse on top of the monitor. TEACHER CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. B. Bourgase Blog: Wiki: Office Telephone: (416) 393-9820x20085 RIVERDALE CI • BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT