REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP NO.: 11-005 Sealed proposals for purchase of a MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE for the Sheriff’s Office will be received by Contracts & Procurement Department, 27 East Vermijo, 5th Floor, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, UNTIL 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted. A MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE will be held at 1:00 P.M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2011, at the Sheriff’s Office Building located at 101 W. Costilla Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Please enter though the front door and go upstairs to the visitor’s desk. All interested firms must attend in person or via a conference call. If interested in participating via a conference call, please send an e-mail to no later than 1:00 P.M., Monday, February 7, 2011 for an instruction. Questions for discussion at the pre-proposal conference may be submitted to the e-mail address above. EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT DIVISION WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR MISINFORMATION RECEIVED FROM PRIVATE PLAN HOLDERS. PLEASE USE OUR WEBSITE ONLY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION AT 719-520-6402 FOR A SPECIFICATIONS PACKAGE OR LOG ONTO OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.ELPASOCO.COM TO DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS Any questions regarding this proposal should be directed to JoAnne Stone, C.P.P.B, Procurement Specialist, at 719-520-6675, or emailed to: Do not contact any other individual regarding this solicitation. All interested firms are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this Request for Proposal. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EL PASO COUNTY /s/EILEEN GONZALES CONTRACTS MANAGER PUBLICATION DATES FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEWS: JANUARY 26, 2011 FEBRUARY 2, 2011 If you are not interested in submitting a proposal for this project or similar projects, please contact the Contracts & Procurement Division at 719-520-6390. We continue to look for opportunities to reduce the costs involved in the solicitation of both bids and proposals for El Paso County. Your cooperation is appreciated. ______________________________________________________________________________________ County Office Building 27 East Vermijo 5th Floor Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 520-6390 FAX (719) 520-6396 RFP NO.: 11-005 DUE DATE: MARCH 2, 2011 EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION RESPONSE CHECKLIST FOR MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE The firm submitting this proposal is required to submit those items listed below in full as a part of the proposal package. Failure to submit any of the documents listed below with your proposal, or failure to acknowledge any addendum, or submitting your proposal with any limitation, condition or provision not requested, may be cause for rejection of your proposal. THIS CHECKLIST MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR PROPOSAL PACKAGE INCLUDED? ITEMS PROPSAL SHALL CONTAIN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN SECTION 3. B, PROPOSAL PREPARATION. ONE (1) ORIGINAL PROPOSAL CLEARLY MARKED AS “ORIGINAL” FIVE (5) COPIES OF THE PROPOSAL CLEARY MARKED AS “COPY” ONE (1) PUBLIC COPY OF THE PROPOSAL CLEARLY MARKED AS “PUBLIC COPY” ONE (1) CD CONTAINING: ORIGINAL PROPOSAL, PUBLIC COPY OF THE PROPOSAL, FEE PROPOSAL ONE (1) ORIGINAL AND FIVE (5) COPIES OF THE FEE PROPOSAL (UNDER SEPARATE ENVELOPE) PLEASE READ THE “INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS” INCLUDED IN THIS PACKAGE. COMPANY E-MAIL TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER ADDRESS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (PRINT) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE DATE RFP NO.: 11-005 DUE DATE: MARCH 2, 2011 EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE 1. INTRODUCTION The El Paso County, Sheriff’s Office (EPSO) is soliciting proposals for a purchase of a mobile command post vehicle. This vehicle will be used by the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office personnel to provide for a Command and Operations Center at remote locations in the county for incident responses. This mobile command center must provide a working space along with various communications capabilities to allow incident command and staff to coordinate response operations. This project was supported by grant #10SHS11SCR, issued by the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICE The basic requirements and specifications for a Mobile Command Post Vehicle are attached as ATTACHMENT 1 here in. Please explain how the proposed vehicle will meet or exceed the following basic requirements and specifications. It is not the intent of this RFP to limit these specifications to the basic requirements and specifications. Please provide information and details that may expand upon or provide further explanation of the functionality and capabilities of your proposed Vehicle. 3. RFP GENERAL INFORMATION, PROCESSES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Inquiries Questions related to this Request for Proposals (RFP) must be directed to JoAnne Stone, C.P.P.B., Procurement Specialist, All questions shall be submitted in writing. Written responses to those questions shall be published as an addendum after the final questions are due. All final questions are due no later than 1:00 P.M., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2011. Do not contact any other individual regarding this RFP other than the Procurement Specialists listed above. B. Proposal Preparation A proposal shall contain the following information in the order listed: a. Letter of Introduction containing company overview. b. The Response Checklist. This Response Checklist must be included in the proposal and signed by an authorized company representative. c. Each Addendum acknowledgement signed for each addendum issued. The Addendum content does not need to be attached, just the acknowledgement page. d. Responses to ATTACHMENT 1 - Scope of Services. e. Copies of requested insurance certificates. f. Any exception to the County’s General Services Contract or exception to the any items addressed in this document. If none, please state none. g. Completed ATTACHMENT 3 - Qualification Statement. h. All other documents requested in ATTACHMENT 1 - Scope of Service. i. Fee Proposal (separate envelope). RFP 11-005 General Specification Page 2 Due Date: March 2, 2011 C. Pricing/Fee Proposal Pricing shall include but not limited to all materials, all options listed in this specification, destination charge, labor, equipment, delivery, insurance and transportation necessary for complete performance, excluding taxes as the County is tax exempt. Any additional cost must be included and explained in the Fee Proposal. Fee Proposal shall include at minimum: a. One total pricing for a complete delivery of a proposed vehicle as specified in this RFP (excluding Optional Item Pricing). b. Provide separate pricing for the optional requirements: - I7: 4 wheel drive chassis - K22: 42 inch LED flat screen TV - K24: Loud Speaker System - T4: Satellite dish - T5: Direct TV dish antenna - T7: UPS System c. Include any other cost associated with this RFP or any enhanced requirements pricing not included in a. and b. above. D. Proposal Submission Proposals must be received in the El Paso County Contracts & Procurement Division, 27 East Vermijo, 5th Floor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, no later than, 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2011. E-mailed or faxed responses will not be accepted. An original and five (5) copies of the Proposal must be mailed or delivered in a sealed envelope to the above stated address and identified as RFP No. 11-005: MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE in the bottom left-hand corner of the envelope. Please identify the Original Proposal. It is not necessary to submit each proposal in a separate envelope. All proposals except Fee Proposal may be submitted in one packet containing original, five (5) copies, one (1) public copy, and a CD. A “Public Copy” of the proposal should be submitted and identified as “Public Copy”. This copy will be available for public inspection and should not contain any information that the proposer deems confidential and proprietary. Proposers shall also submit one (1) digital version (CD) containing: entire proposal, fee proposal and public copy of the proposal. An original and five (5) copies of the Fee Proposal must be mailed or delivered to be received at the same time as the proposal documents in a separate sealed envelope and identified as RFP No. 11-005 Fee Proposal: MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE in the bottom left-hand corner of the envelope. Please identify the Original Fee Proposal. It is not necessary to submit each fee proposal in a separate envelope. All price proposals may be submitted in one packet. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the proposer. Failure to submit the information requested may result in the El Paso County Contracts & Procurement Division requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving a lower evaluation of the proposal. The Contracts & Procurement Division may reject proposals which are substantially incomplete or lack key information. By submitting a proposal, you represent that you have (1) thoroughly examined and become familiar with the scope of services outlined in this RFP, and (2) are capable of performing quality work to achieve the County’s objectives. RFP 11-005 General Specification Page 3 Due Date: March 2, 2011 E. Oral Presentation/Interviews Vendors submitting proposals in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal in an interview session with the Evaluation Committee. Additional information may be requested from any firm by the Evaluation Committee prior, during or after the interview for clarification purposes, but in no way will change the original proposal submitted. Interviews are at the option of the Evaluation Committee and may or may not be conducted. F. RFP Estimated Timetable NOTE: THE ABOVE DATES ARE APPROXIMATE, ARE NOT BINDING AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. RFP NOTICE ADVERTISED January 26 & February 2, 2011 MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE 1 P.M., Tuesday, February 8, 2011 FINAL RFP QUESTIONS DUE 1 P.M., Thursday, February 10, 2011 PROPOSAL DUE DATE 1 P.M., Wednesday, March 2, 2011 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Week of March 14th, 2011 INTERVIEWS (IF APPLICABLE) Week of March 14th, 2011 RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD TO BOCC March 29, 2011 G. Term Of Contract Issuance of this RFP and receipt of proposals does not commit the County to award a contract. The County reserves the right to postpone opening, to accept or reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP, or to negotiate with other than the highest ranked proposer should negotiations with the highest ranked proposer be terminated, or to cancel all or any part of this RFP. Award of a contract is contingent upon available and approved funding. Any contract awarded between El Paso County and the successful Contractor(s) will consist of a General Services Contract (a copy of which is included in this RFP package) signed by both parties, this RFP and any addenda, the submitted proposal, all negotiation documents and the resulting Purchase Order and original certificates of insurance. If proposer does not agree with any terms or conditions of the County’s standard Contract, the proposer must present its exceptions to the standard contract with its proposal. If no concerns are expressed by proposer, the County shall consider that all terms and conditions of the standard contract will control. El Paso County reserves the right to reject proposals based upon exceptions to its standard contract terms and conditions. A proposal shall be disqualified and rejected by the County if the price in the proposal was not arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to such prices with any other proposer, County employee, or any competitor. A proposer is prohibited from submitting more than one proposal. Submittal of more than one proposal shall result in the disqualification of the Proposer. The Proposer is prohibited from submitting multiple proposals in a different form (i.e. as a prime Contractor and as a sub-contractor to another prime Contractor). Submittal of multiple proposals in different form may result in the disqualification of all Proposers associated with a multiple proposal. Should any such prohibited action Stated above in this section be detected any time during the term of the Contract, such action shall be considered a material breach and grounds for Contract termination. By submitting their proposal, the Proposer certifies that they are not currently debarred from submitting bids or proposals for Contracts by any agency of El Paso County, Colorado and/or the State of Colorado, RFP 11-005 General Specification Page 4 Due Date: March 2, 2011 nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently debarred from submitting bids or proposals on contracts by El Paso County, Colorado or the State of Colorado. H. Insurance Requirements For proposal purposes, proposers must submit copies of its certificates of insurance for auto, general liability and workers compensation. The awarded Contractor must provide original certificates prior to commencing services, at its own expense, naming El Paso County as additional insured and as a certificate holder, with a thirty (30) day cancellation notice and maintain such coverage for the duration of the contract. I. Evaluation And Award Process The Evaluation Committee will evaluate all proposals received for completeness, and the proposer’s ability to meet or exceed all specifications as outlined in this RFP. The committee may then short list for interviews the specific firms whose proposals best meet or exceed all of the criteria required. The negotiations and award process will follow the procedures as outlined in the “INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS.” J. Overall Selection Criteria The following factors (not listed in order of priority) will be considered when evaluating each proposal. The County reserves the right to consider other factors not named here in making its decision. Related Experience Proposal Responsiveness Proposal Quality Past performance Technical capability Fee Proposal Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to JoAnne Stone, Contracts & Procurement Division by e-mail to JoAnne Stone JOANNE STONE, C.P.P.B. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION ATTACHMENT 1: SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE In this section, proposers are required to check yes or no for each requirement and under each requirement, explain your proposed solution. A word file of this attachment will be available. Check “Yes” if you meet or exceed the requirement. Explain your proposed solution on how you are going to meet or exceed the requirement. Check “No” if you are not meeting the requirement. requirement if any. Explain and propose alternate solution to the A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS # A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 Requirements Successful vendor shall comply with all federal, state, and local law pertaining to this RFP including ATTACHMENT 2: ADDITIONAL FEDERAL LAWS AND STATE GRANT GUIDANCE. Vehicle shall comply with all federal, state and local requirements pertaining to vehicles used for fire fighting and emergency services. The successful Vendor shall supply a certification that the Vehicle complies with all applicable requirements as specified in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1901 standards for Special Service Vehicle. Vehicle shall have a GVWR weight certificate applied to it to ensure the Vehicle meets all laws pertaining to the weight-carrying capacity of the Vehicle. The weight-carrying capacity of the Vehicle shall be sufficient to include passengers and equipment. Vehicle shall be fully warranted (bumper to bumper for a period of 3 years) to include finish, chassis, body, and all out-sourced fabrications. The successful Vendor shall provide the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPSO) with weekly digital pictures of the Vehicle as it is being constructed. The proposers shall state how it will make photographs available to EPSO (i.e. posted and maintained on a web site, or provided via email). The images shall start when the body begins production or when the chassis arrives, and shall continue until the final completion of the Vehicle. EPSO will require a pre-construction meeting, mid-construction meeting, and pre-acceptance meeting to be held at the successful Vendor’s location. The successful Vendor is not required to fund travel expenses for EPSO personnel. The successful Vendor shall be responsible for notifying the EPSO a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the completion of the Vehicle so that sufficient time is available to prepare for delivery. The successful Vendor shall deliver the Vehicle to EPSO. A technician will accompany the delivered Vehicle and will allow two (2) days of training of EPSO personnel in the operation of the Vehicle. Before final acceptance of the Vehicle, the EPSO shall have the right to inspect and test the Vehicle for 72 hours, to ascertain that all requirements of these specifications have been fully complied with and that the Vehicle is proper and complete in every respect and in perfect working order. The successful Vendor is responsible for all costs associated with the delivery. In the event of disapproval or rejection by the EPSO of the Vehicle or accessories furnished under this RFP, the successful Vendor shall, at its own expense, make such repairs or replacements that the EPSO considers necessary to conform to any clause of these specifications within thirty (30) days after notice is given to the successful Vendor. Permission to keep or store the equipment in any building owned by the EPSO during the above specified time shall not constitute acceptance of same. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment requirements stated in this RFP are to be provided by the successful Vendor. Yes No RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 2 Due Date: March 2, 2011 B. ENGINEERING DRAWINGS Requirements # B1 Yes No Proposers shall submit a copy of all engineering drawings for the Vehicle. The drawings shall be engineered and stamped by a licensed design engineer. Please produce the engineering drawings on computer-aided design (CAD) equipment to assure critical tolerance and detail that is available only with CAD equipment. The blueprints shall be on a "D" size paper, 36" x 24" in size and views must be 1/2" = 1´ - 0" scale. The drawings will show the following views: Passenger Side, Driver Side, Rear View, Front View, Plan View, Interior and cross-section views. B2 B3 The successful Vendor shall not start construction until a final set of plans has been approved, signed and returned to the successful Vendor by the fiscal agent of the EPSO. Upon delivery of the Vehicle, the successful Vendor shall provide final engineering drawings of the Vehicle as actually built, including CAD files on CD or DVD. C. DESIGN # Requirements C1 All Vehicle components and assemblies shall be free of hazardous protrusions, sharp edges, cracks or other elements that might cause injury to personnel or equipment. C2 All oil, hydraulic and air tubing lines and electrical wiring shall be located in protective positions property attached to the frame or body structure, and shall have protective loom or grommets at each point where they pass through structural membranes, except where a frame connector is necessary. Yes No Yes No Yes No D. ACCESSIBILITY # Requirements D1 Parts and components shall be located or positioned for rapid and simple inspection and recognition of excessive wear or potential failure. Whenever functional layout of operating components determines that physical or visual interference between items cannot be avoided, the item predicted to require the most maintenance shall be located for best accessibility. D2 Cover plates that must be removed for component adjustment or part removal should be equipped with quick-disconnect fasteners or hinged panels, and labeled as to what access they allow. D3 Drains, filler plugs, grease fittings, hydraulic lines, bleeders, and check points for all components should be located so that they are readily accessible and do not require special tools for proper servicing. If special tools are required, then the successful Vendor shall provide two sets of those tools. Design practices should minimize the number of tools required for maintenance. D4 All components shall be designed and protected so that heavy rain, snow, or other adverse weather conditions will not interfere with normal servicing or operation. E. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION # Requirements E1 The Vehicle shall be designed and the equipment mounted with due consideration to distribution of load between the front and rear axles, so that all specified equipment, including personnel, will be carried without injury to the Vehicle. E2 The Vehicle will be operated in Colorado under a wide variety of weather conditions, in temperatures that range from -20 degrees Fahrenheit to more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It will be operated at altitudes that vary from 5,000 to 14,000 feet. E3 Subletting any part of the fabrication, painting or finishing of the Vehicle will not be acceptable unless the work is accepted and fully warranted by the successful Vendor. RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 3 Due Date: March 2, 2011 F. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP # Requirements F1 The workmanship on the Vehicle must be of the highest quality. Construction must be heavy duty and ample safety factors must be provided to carry the loads specified and to meet both onand off-road requirements and speed conditions as set forth under the next section "Performance Requirements". F2 Welding shall not be employed in the assembly of the Vehicle in a manner that will prevent the ready removal of any component part for service or repair. F3 All steel and stainless steel welding shall be done to American Welding Society recommendations for welding of structural steel. F4 All aluminum welding shall be done to American Welding Society recommendations for welding of structural aluminum. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No G. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS # Requirements G1 The transmission drive shaft, or shafts, and rear axle shall operate quietly and be free from abnormal vibration or noise throughout the operating range of the Vehicle. G2 The Vehicle must be capable of accelerating to 40 mph from a standing start within thirty (30) seconds on a level concrete highway without exceeding the maximum governed RPM of the engine. It must be able to maintain a speed of 40 mph up a 20% slope at an altitude of 10,000 feet, and must be able to maintain 65 mph on level ground at an altitude of 8,000 feet, while operating at no more than 80% of the maximum engine RPM. G3 The successful Vendor will provide the braking distances of the fully-equipped Vehicle under normal and emergency braking conditions, at 30 mph and 55 mph. H. MANUALS # H1 Requirements The successful Vendor shall provide on delivery with the Vehicle two (2) complete manuals in hard copy form and two copies in soft (CD) form. The hard copy manuals shall be 3-ring notebook type binders, with reference tabs for each section of the Vehicle. The tabbed sections shall be as follows: 1. Individual component Manufacturer instruction and part manuals 2. Warranty forms for body 3. Warranty forms for all major components 4. Warranty instructions and format to be used in compliance with warranty obligations 5. Wiring, plumbing, and HVAC diagrams 6. Blueprints of final body and compartment fabrication 7. Normal routine service forms and publications 8. Technical publications on training and instruction for major body components 9. Warning notices and safety-related information 10. Any other (if any) pertinent information not listed above I. CHASSIS # Requirements I1 The overall length of the Vehicle will not exceed 540 inches (45 ft.); height will not exceed 155 inches (13 ft.), width (not including slide-outs) will not exceed 102 inches (8.5 ft.). I2 The chassis shall be an International 4400 (minimum of 330 hp) on a truck body. The cab of the Vehicle will be a quad-cab (4-door) with a walk-through passage into the body. I3 The chassis shall be of current model year, be new and never registered or titled. All warranties shall be in place. I4 There shall be a placard labeled "Lube Plate" located near the Driver's door opening. The RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 4 Due Date: March 2, 2011 placard shall contain the fluid type and capacity information for engine oil, transmission fluid, etc. The placard shall also include the paint code information for the completed Vehicle. There shall be a placard located in direct view of the Driver which shall indicate the overall height of the Vehicle roof. I5 There shall be a placard in the cab seating area that states "ALL OCCUPANTS MUST BE SEAT BELTED WHEN THE VEHICLE IS IN MOTION". I6 The Vehicle braking system will be air brakes with an Auto Pump Air Compressor that will maintain air pressure of the braking system at all times. I7 Proposers shall submit a pricing option for a four-wheel-drive chassis. J. CAB CONSOLE AND INTERIOR # Requirements J1 A center cab console shall be provided between the Driver and Passenger seats. Console shall be as large as necessary, while allowing driver and all passengers to move through the walkthrough. A textured powder coat paint finish will be provided for durability and finished appearance. The console will allow for the mounting of three Motorola APX 7500 05 control heads, to be provided by the EPSO. J2 The rear seating area will have bucket seats that can be swiveled to face each other. J3 The cab of the finished Vehicle must be able to safely seat and transport four (4) persons with 3point seatbelts. A red and clear LED reading light will be installed at each seat position in Vehicle. J4 There shall be a walk-through passage between the cab and the Vehicle body that allows for easy movement between the cab and the Vehicle body. The walk-through will include a sliding blackout curtain that can be closed or secured in an open position. Yes No Yes No K. VEHICLE BODY # Requirements K1 The body will be fabricated as a modular unit independent of the chassis, then mounted as a single unit in a method that allows for re-mounting should the chassis wear out or be damaged. K2 The Vehicle body will be an all-aluminum body, constructed from high-quality aluminum, capable of carrying the maximum payload allowed by the chassis. Framing and supports will be warranted against corrosion. The body will be designed and constructed to remain in good condition for the lifetime of the chassis, with normal use. K3 The frame of the modular re-mountable body shall be manufactured of high quality aluminum. The floor section should be designed/constructed with ‘I’ beams. All aluminum structural members will be welded together for maximum strength, utilizing aluminum extrusions at the roofline and the corners for greater strength and durability. A drip rail will be installed on the roofline. Every effort should be made to minimize the use of proprietary extrusions that would prevent EPSO from making repairs. K4 The outer skin of the body will be high quality aluminum sheeting for maximum strength and resistance to damage from normal use. The structural frame will be reinforced where necessary by welding in aluminum plates, tubes and sections. All door frames will be welded into the structural frame. Walls will be fabricated from a single sheet of aluminum, without vertical seams. Proposer shall provide a detailed description of the methods to be used to manufacture the body. K5 Under-floor cross members will be continuously welded to a longitudinal sub frame. K6 If plywood is used in the construction of the Vehicle, only No Added Urea Formaldehyde (NAUF) wood will be used. K7 There will be two slide-out sections, one on each side of the Vehicle, in the middle of the body. RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 5 Due Date: March 2, 2011 The slide-out sections will be the maximum size as practicable to support the interior middle work area. The slide-out sections will have reinforced structural support for the sidewall opening. The Driver-side slide out will include a window. The window will be tinted, automotive-type glass that slides open, with a screen. The interior of the slide-out sections will be finished with the same materials used in the main portion of the body. The slide-out sections should be supported by roof mounted heavy-duty roller bearings and arms. Three heavy-duty canopy awnings will be installed on the exterior of the Vehicle body. One awning will be installed on the Driver side of the Vehicle body. The Driver-side awning will be the full length of the Driver-side slide-out section, with approximately 8' of extension length. K8 Two awnings will be installed on the Passenger side of the Vehicle body. The first Passengerside awning will be the full length of the Passenger-side slide-out section, with approximately 8' of extension length. The second Passenger-side awning will be located forward of the side door, to provide protection to the outside work area The awnings shall be electrically-controlled. If the awnings have an auto-close mechanism to protect them from high winds, this control must be adjustable to include an over-ride switch. Color of the awning will be determined by EPSO during the pre-construction meeting. K9 A full width, heavy duty rear bumper will be constructed. Bumper must be an extension of the frame for strength, and not bolted to the body. K10 The body shall be fabricated with a minimum rear angle of departure of 12 degrees at the rear bumper to minimize rear body potential drag on inclines. Greater departure angles are desired. K11 All electrical wiring shall be enclosed in accessible raceways, as appropriate. Raceway should include capacity for future wiring additions. K12 Roof should be constructed of high quality materials utilizing industry accepted standards and engineering practices for the use on a vehicle of this type. All seams and joints will be continuously welded to insure watertight integrity, and will be capable of safely supporting the weight of all rooftop systems (air conditioning, satellite dish, etc.). K13 The floor area will be continuously welded at all cross seams to provide a watertight finish. Flooring shall be bolted to body sub frame with countersunk stainless steel bolts. K14 Access to the interior Vehicle body compartment will be provided through two (2) doors: one (1) side and one (1) rear. Side door opening will be a minimum of 32" wide. Both doors will be outfitted with an interior-mounted screen door. Both doors must open out from the Vehicle. Doors will include hardware to prevent over extension. K15 Each entry door will have a window. Both the side and rear doors will be outfitted with keyless entry devices. K16 The side door will have steps that move into place when the door is opened and retract when the door is closed. These steps must have an over-ride switch that allows the steps to be locked in the open/deployed position. The rear door may have either retracting steps or steps that are stored under-carriage and are clipped on for use. Both doors will have a handrail or a grip bar for safety when climbing the steps. Handrails will be angled for optimum use when entering or exiting the body. K17 All windows and the walk-through will be capable of preventing outside viewing of the interior of the Vehicle body. K18 Windows will have tinted automotive type safety glass mounted in an extruded aluminum frame. Windows will be complete with sliding screen. Proposer shall provide optional pricing for both single- or double-pane windows. Type of windows will be determined at the pre-construction conference. K19 Several external storage compartments shall be installed on both sides of the body. The compartments will be fabricated from high-quality materials, and designed to prevent dust and RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 6 Due Date: March 2, 2011 water damage to the contents. The exterior compartments will be equipped with roll-up style doors. Each exterior storage compartment will have a key cylinder lock installed. One key will fit all storage compartments. The flooring in the exterior compartments shall be lined with removable Dri-deck style liners. K20 All compartments will have LED lighting that activates when the door is open. K21 One (1) rear-mounted roof access ladder, with load capacity of 300 lbs., will be provided. K22 The exterior side of the Passenger-side slide-out section shall include a secure weatherproof compartment capable of housing a 42” LED flat-screen TV. The compartment must be able to be opened when the TV is in use. The TV will be mounted in such a manner that damage will not occur when the TV is stored and the Vehicle is in motion in off-road terrain. Proposer shall quote the price to supply the 42” LED flat-screen TV as an option. K23 An exterior workstation will be provided with phone, electrical and data connections, one clip-on stainless steel shelf, and one (1) removable magnetic whiteboard. This area will be located forward of the side door to the body. K24 Proposer shall quote the price to supply an optional loud speaker system that allows for someone at the exterior work station or exterior TV area to conduct a briefing to a large group of people. K25 The Vehicle will be equipped with two (2) battery-operated smoke/CO detectors. K26 A back-up camera will also be installed. K27 All entry and external compartment doors shall be wired to a remote-controlled operated alarm panel to alarm in the cab. L. INTERIOR BODY SPECIFICATIONS # Requirements L1 A forward work area with work space configurations on both sides of the Vehicle that allow a minimum of three work areas. Each work space will allow for overhead storage cabinets, undercabinet red and white LED lighting, radio mountings and optional under-work-area filing/storage cabinets. Each work station in this area will have heaters with adjustable. L2 Thermostat to keep occupants’ legs/feet warm when the exterior door is opened and closed frequently. The forward area will require a communications rack that is properly vented to avoid heat buildup that could damage the communication equipment mounted in it. The communications rack will be located against the bulkhead to allow the offsetting of workstation chairs. Each work station will have a 120 V electrical power strip with a minimum of 5 outlets, DC outlet, and internet and telephone capabilities. The successful Vendor shall provide heavy duty chairs that can be secured at the work station, to avoid movement when the Vehicle is in motion. L3 A middle work area that can be separated from the forward area by a sliding door of either soft or hard materials. The middle area will include two slide-out sections, one on each side of the Vehicle. The Driver-side slide-out will have a bench seat installed with storage under the bench seat. The bench seat area will have internet and telephone outlets, and portable tables that are stored under the bench when not in use. The Driver-side slide-out will include a window. The Passenger-side slide out will include a cabinet(s) that can accommodate a printer, fax, and 42” plotter that will be functional from their stored position. Above the cabinet an LED TV will be mounted on the slide-out wall; TV shall be as large as possible to fit the area allowed. The TV will be mounted in such a manner to avoid damage when the Vehicle is in motion in off-road terrain. The middle area will include a conference table that can seat a minimum of 6 people, with sufficient clearance between chairs and the bench seat tables for movement of chairs and people between them. The conference table will be removable. The table must be supported by 6 internet and 8 power outlets on two different circuits and 4 DC outlets; all outlets are installed Yes No RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 7 Due Date: March 2, 2011 on the floor. A magnetic whiteboard will be installed on the rear (galley) wall, if space is available. L4 A lavatory and galley will be installed in the rear of the Vehicle. Lavatory shall include a flush toilet, an exhaust fan, and a privacy door separating it from the galley. Galley shall include a microwave, refrigerator, and coffee maker. Galley/lavatory area shall include a sink with mirror, and an under-sink storage cabinet. A pocket door must be installed to separate the middle work area from the galley. L5 Show exact locations for internal components in stamped design drawings for the above requirements. L6 The Vehicle’s floor, walls, and ceiling will be completely insulated to provide a rating of not less than R-14. All gaps and penetrations will be sealed using a 50-year sealant at a minimum. L7 The interior walls will be plywood with textiles applied as a finish to the walls in a manner that provides a high degree of sound insulation. The color of the textile surface will be determined by EPSO at the pre-construction meeting. L8 The floor will be covered with commercial grade heavy-duty flooring; no carpet shall be used. Proposer shall specify the flooring material to be used. The color of the flooring will be determined at the pre-construction meeting. L9 In the forward work areas, magnetic whiteboards will be attached to the walls for use by those sitting at the work stations. L10 A folding partition or acoustical curtain will be placed between the forward work area and the middle conference table work area. This partition must be able to fold away and be secured against a wall, or pulled to the other side of the body, to separate the forward and middle work areas. Color will be determined at the pre-construction meeting. L11 Interior cabinets and bench seating will be constructed of heavy-duty materials. Cabinet exteriors finish and color will be determined at the pre-construction conference. Overhead cabinet doors will be covered with magnetic whiteboard. Latches must be flush-mounted lever latches. Positive lock closures for securing all drawers, tables, TV, chairs, doors, or other items within the interior of the unit will be installed. M. ELECTRICAL AND POWER # Requirements M1 The efficient maintenance and service of the Vehicle is of prime importance to the EPSO. The complete wiring and electrical installation must conform to present National Electrical Code and the National Fire Protection Association standards. The equipment will be of the type designed for mobile installations subject to vibration, moisture, and severe continuous usage. M2 Vehicle must be equipped with a heavy-duty 12-volt wiring system installed with proper devices for emergency service. The system will include all components necessary for complete operation. The low voltage electrical system shall meet or exceed current NFPA 1901 Standards and SAE J1292 requirements. M3 Proper wire sizes and circuit breaker ratings will be determined for each circuit, according to load. Wiring must be color coded and printed with function for easy identification, and routed through split loom cable covers. M4 Where wire passes through sheet metal, grommets shall be used to protect wire and wire looms. Wiring shall be protected against heat, liquid contamination and damage. Electrical connections shall be with double crimp watertight heat-shrink connectors. Wire nut, insulation displacement, or insulation piercing connections shall not be acceptable. M5 All 12-volt circuits shall be protected with properly rated low-voltage over-current devices. Such devices shall be readily accessible and protected against overheating, mechanical damage, and water spray. All switches, relays, terminals and connectors shall have a rating of 125% of maximum current for which the circuit is protected. Yes No RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 8 Due Date: March 2, 2011 M6 The emergency lighting switch panel will be located in the cab. M7 All 120/240-volt wiring in the Vehicle body must run the full length of the Vehicle, through flexible moisture-resistant reinforced conduit, with proper seal tight connectors and hardware. M8 All circuit breakers will be labeled as to usage. Metal engraved or plastic coded labels will be provided for all exterior and interior outlets indicating output amperage. M9 The circuit breaker box shall incorporate a cover and appropriately rated and sized breakers for the intended application. M10 The Vehicle should include an integrated power distribution system for use with 12- and 120-volt applications. The system should be conveniently located with easy access for service and use. The system should incorporate a power transfer switch for power distribution. The system should include a system for monitoring voltage, amperage and frequency as well as monitor and alarm for high- and low-voltage outputs. M11 Power distribution panel will be located in Vehicle body within a protected enclosure with hinged or sliding cover. M12 Vehicle shall be equipped with an automatic battery maintainer for the chassis battery. This will include an auto-eject capability when the engine is cranked with the inlet mounted on the Driver side of the cab. M13 The Vehicle must be equipped with a shore line that can power all Vehicle systems, except exterior floodlights and roof-mounted light tower. # N. HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Requirements N1 Interior climate controls will be provided to maintain an interior temperature from between 65 75 degrees F. in ambient temperatures of -20 to 100 degrees F. N2 The Vehicle body will have two (2) 100 cfm, 12-volt exhaust fans installed in the ceiling – one in the forward work area, and one in the middle work area. The fans should be wired to a switch mounted at a convenient location on the sidewall. The fan must have an adjustable heat sensor that will automatically engage the fan. N3 Roof mounted cooling units will be installed on the roof with a ducted ceiling to maintain a comfortable working temperature (65-75 degrees) inside the Vehicle body. N4 One (1) diesel heater will be provided that will maintain the specified interior working temperature. Yes No Yes No Yes No O. WEATHER SYSTEM Requirements # O1 One Capricorn 2000 Weather System will be mounted on the front of the Vehicle body behind the cab. Data from the weather system will be on a display in the Vehicle body. All necessary software and cables will be provided to connect to a PC computer. P. BATTERY SYSTEM # P1 Requirements The Vehicle shall be equipped with a dual battery system. The Vehicle starting batteries and the auxiliary batteries selected to support the chassis and conversion load shall be of SPIRALCELL technology. The batteries shall be charged through a minimum of a 50-amp converter. The Vehicle will be equipped with an AutoCharge capability. The battery connectors shall be heavy duty type with cables terminating in heat shrink loom. Heavy duty battery cables shall provide maximum power to the electrical system. The cables shall be shielded from exhaust tubing and the muffler. Large rubber grommets shall be provided where cables enter the battery compartment. The Vehicle will have an Auto Isolator capability that will automatically charge the auxiliary RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 9 Due Date: March 2, 2011 batteries and provides the necessary boost for starting parallel battery systems. An emergency switch shall be installed in the cab to allow for this battery boosting capability. P2 P3 One (1) battery "On/Off" switch with green "BATTERY ON" indicator shall be installed in cab within easy reach of Driver to activate the battery system. One 120-VAC to 12-VDC power converter will be provided to support the 12-VDC electrical load and charge the batteries when the generator or shore power is being used. Q. LIGHTING # Requirements Q1 Sufficient 120-VAC LED lights/fixtures will be mounted in the interior of the body to ensure sufficient lighting in all areas. Proposer shall provide an estimate of the light level, in lumens, at the floor. Q2 One floodlighting system (Command Light CL615-2MH with backlighting option) will be mounted to the roof of the rooftop device. This system must be operated from the generator or, if necessary, it can be operated off its own generator. The floodlight system must be controlled by an umbilical cord device that can be operated from the ground. Q3 Two (2) 500-watt 120-volt quartz tripod floodlights will be provided and attached on the exterior of the Vehicle body. The lights will have a twist-lock plug; a matching twist-lock outlet will be installed on the exterior of the Vehicle body, near the mounting location of each light. Q4 Each telescoping floodlight will have a hand tightening locking device to secure the floodlight at any level and to revolve in any 360-degree position. There must be an "On/Off" switch on each light head. The floodlights will be protected with circuit breakers rated at the proper amperage and wire size. Yes No Yes No Yes No R. OUTLETS AND CIRCUITS # Requirements R1 The generator will supply the electrical equipment and outlets with wiring through a circuit breaker box. Proper circuit-breaker protection will be installed on all circuits. R2 120-volt, 3-prong ground, outlet strips with straight-blade 15-amp household type outlets will be provided on each wall/work station areas in the forward work compartment. Outlets will have a maximum spacing of 4’ on center. A 6-outlet strip will be located in one interior cabinet in the forward area to power stored radio gang-charging equipment. In the middle work area, 120-volt outlets will be installed on the floor or walls to support the conference room table and bench area. Exact locations shall be specified by the EPSO at the pre-construction meeting. R3 Four (4) 120-VAC GFCI duplex outlets with weatherproof covers will be installed on the exterior of the body, two (2) Driver side and two (2) Passenger side. # S. GENERATOR AND COMPARTMENTS Requirements S1 The generator compartment will be fabricated on the Vehicle. The generator will be mounted in a manner that allows for easy removal for service, if necessary. The generator case will not extend below the bottom edge of the Vehicle body, nor will it protrude up into the Vehicle body. The compartment will be lined with thermal and double acoustical insulation to minimize thermal and audible intrusion into the Vehicle. S2 The generator provided will be of a quiet style and shall be sized to meet all the electrical generation requirements of the Vehicle to include a 25% safety factor. (e.g. if all circuits and sources @120/240 full use = 12 KW then the generator provided will be a 15 kw minimum.) The generator will be equipped with engine block and oil pan heaters. S3 The generator will be equipped with sensors that will activate the generator shut down system on low oil pressure or high water temperature. S4 The generator will include a remote Start/Stop/Preheat switch and hour meter located in the RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 10 Due Date: March 2, 2011 Vehicle power distribution panel. S5 # Fuel supply for the generator shall be from the chassis fuel tank. The system shall be designed and installed to leave a minimum of ten gallons of fuel in the tank when the generator runs out of fuel. T. COMMUNICATION, MAST AND CAMEARA ITEMS Requirements T1 RJ-45 LAN connectors with CAT5e cable will be used throughout the Vehicle for communication cables. T2 Interior ceiling cable runs with access points shall be provided in the ceiling for easy access and running future cables. T3 The communications system will be designed and installed to accommodate one (1) VOIP phone at each work station in the forward work area and a minimum of four (4) VOIP telephones in the middle (conference table) work area. All telephones will be provided by EPSO. T4 Vehicle roof shall be pre-wired to accommodate a 1.2 m satellite dish to support internet access and VOIP telephones. Proposer shall specify optional pricing and type of satellite dish to be used. T5 Vehicle roof shall be pre-wired to accommodate a Direct (Dual LNB) TV dish antenna, to be integrated into the on-board TVs. This dish will be an auto-pointing without gyroscope. Proposer shall specify optional pricing and type of dish antenna. T6 A single floor-to-ceiling equipment rack, 19” wide, and 44 rack units (28”) deep, will be provided in the forward area of the Vehicle body. This rack will be placed against the Vehicle bulkhead, to allow the workstation chairs to be off-set from the workstations on the opposite wall. All equipment in the rack will be provided by the EPSO. T7 One uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system will be installed to provide 3000 VA, 2,500 watts, 120 volts, 10-minute run time. This UPS must be generator compatible and doubleconversion. Proposer shall specify optional pricing and type of UPS. An input/output (I/O) panel shall be installed on the exterior of the Vehicle body. The panel shall include the following cable connections: T8 Four (4) RJ12 6-conductor input connectors for analog telephones Six (6) RJ45 output connectors Two (2) F connectors for video in/out Four (4) Type N coaxial female connectors All cabling from the I/O panel shall be run to the communications rack. The I/O panel shall be protected with a weatherproof door that allows the door to be latched closed or partially open to provide protection for the cables. T9 Twelve (12) EPSO-supplied radio antenna(s) shall be installed on the roof of the body. The end of each radio antenna shall be routed to a location determined by the EPSO. All antenna cables will be placed in a rooftop cable chase that allows for easy access for maintenance. The successful Vendor will install 12 NMO antenna mounts on the roof of the cable chases, to support the antennas being provided by EPSO. T10 Sufficient space must be available to mount 5 antenna mounts on the 48’ mast. This would include a Triband STICO antenna (1 ¼” pipe mounted) and 4 NMO antenna mounts. All cables to be LMR24OUF. T11 One (1) 48’ mast system to include nycoil and two American Dynamics SpeedDome Ultra 8 cameras, each inside a SpeedDome Ultra Outdoor Dome Housing. Camera units will be installed on the underside of the mast arm. The mast must be capable of having up to 5 Yes No RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 11 Due Date: March 2, 2011 antennas installed (see Radio Antenna specifications). T12 One (1) wireless access point (WAP) (802.11n), 1-watt, will be mounted on the 48’ mast to provide a wireless “cloud” to wireless computer users. T13 One Firetide mesh router (7000 on 4.9 GHZ MIMO) will be installed in the body of the vehicle that will allow for the ability of camera images to be accessed via this router. # U. EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND SIREN PACKAGE Requirements U1 All emergency lighting must comply with current NFPA standards. All products will be Whelen LED, to comply with the EPSO’s fleet standard. Proposer shall specify the proposed lighting configuration. U2 Two operator spot lights shall be installed with one to be operated by the Driver and one by the Passenger. U3 Two flashing green LEDs shall be installed on the Vehicle roof: one front, one rear. U4 Vehicle shall include under-body lighting/ground illumination to comply with current NFPA standards. # V. ALUMINUM BODY PAINT SPECIFICATIONS Requirements V1 The final finishing of this Vehicle shall be to fire vehicle standards exhibiting excellent gloss, durability, and color retention properties. Commercial type paint finish shall not be acceptable. A warranty sheet with all conditions shall be provided with completed Vehicle. V2 All flush mounted lights, drip moldings, windows, and other equipment shall be fitted to the Vehicle prior to paint finishing, then removed to assure full paint coverage under all equipment. V3 The Vehicle body shall be sanded smooth on all exterior surfaces to assure removal of all imperfections in metal surface and to assure good adhesion of paint to body. All metal surfaces shall be chemically cleaned and metal etched with acid cleaner prior to painting. V4 The body shall receive a corrosion resistant epoxy primer coat. All seams and corners in sheet metal on interior and exterior shall be sealed with automotive type caulk prior to painting finish coat. V5 Prior to the assembly and reinstallation of lights, handrails, door hardware, and any miscellaneous items, an isolation tape, or gasket material must be used to prevent damage to the finish painted surfaces. V6 Touch-up paint shall be provided with completed Vehicle. # W. PAINT FINISH, UNDERCOATING, AND GRAPHICS Requirements W1 The Vehicle body shall be painted single color with urethane finish paint for a high gloss and hard finish. Vehicle body and cab shall both be painted the same shade of white. W2 The entire underside of Vehicle body shall be sprayed with black automotive undercoating. Undercoating shall cover all areas to retard corrosion under Vehicle. W3 A 4" minimum width reflective stripe shall be affixed to the perimeter to the Vehicle per NFPA 1901 standards. The stripe shall conform to ASTM 4965, Standard Specifications for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control, Type III, Class 1 or Class 3. The exact location and color of the stripe will be determined by the EPSO at the pre-construction meeting. Additional markings on the body will also be determined by the EPSO at the pre-construction conference and, as a minimum, will include the words “El Paso County Sheriff’s Office”, “Mobile Command Post”, and “Purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security” to be Yes No Yes No Yes No RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 12 Due Date: March 2, 2011 affixed to the Vehicle. X. OTHER REQUIREMENTS # Requirements X1 There shall be two (2) heavy-duty tow eyes securely mounted to chassis frame below front bumper. X2 There shall be rubber mud flaps furnished and installed behind each set of tires. X3 Cab-actuated, self-deploying tire chains will be included. X4 Tires will be high quality, all weather designed for this type vehicle for both highway and off-road use (not rough terrain). Yes No Yes No Yes No Safety Equipment will be provided as follows: X5 Three (3) five-pound ABC fire extinguishers will be provided. One will be mounted in the cab, with the remaining two mounted to the interior walls of the Vehicle body: one in the galley and one in the forward work area. A set of three (3) reflective safety triangles will be provided. Two wheel chocks will be provided. X6 One Class 5 towing hitch, with cable connections, will be installed. The hitch will be installed to the chassis frame, and not to the rear bumper. X7 A set of four (4) stabilizing jacks, manufactured by "Quadra Big Foot," shall be installed. These jacks will be attached to the chassis frame rails with Grade 8 fasteners. The controls for the jacks will be in the cab or the I/O panel as applicable. Each of the jacks will have a rating of 17,000 lbs. X8 An interlock system will be provided with the stabilizing jack system. This interlock will activate when the jacks are lowered. If the Driver attempts to start the Vehicle engine with the jacks lowered, an alarm will sound until the jacks are raised to their stowed position. X9 All nameplates and instruction plates shall be metal or plastic with the information engraved, stamped or etched thereon. If metal, they shall be made of non-corrosive material. X10 Nameplates shall show make, model, serial numbers and other such data necessary to positively identify the items. All plates shall be mounted in a conspicuous place with stainless steel screws and bolts. Y. TESTING # Requirements Y1 The Vehicle’s 12-volt and 120-volt electrical systems shall be tested and certified by the Manufacturer. Y2 Upon delivery, a road test will be conducted with the Vehicle, over various terrain and elevations, during which time the Vehicle shall show no loss of power or overheating. Z. WARRANTIES # Requirements Z1 The Proposer shall provide a full statement of all warranties to be provided for the Vehicle. This warranty should clearly describe the terms under which the successful Vendor accepts responsibility for the cost to repair defects caused by faulty design, quality of work or material, and for the applicable period of time after delivery. RFP No.: 11-005 Attachment 1 Page 13 Due Date: March 2, 2011 AA. PROPOSER QUALIFICATIONS # AA1 AA2 AA3 Requirements References to include agency name, contact, email, phone number and pictures of five (5) similar length vehicles meeting bid specified requirements completed with two (2) slide outs and completed in the past two (2) years. References shall include only those with a similar level of communications, audio and video integration. Proposer shall provide the names and experience level of full time company employees utilized for communications, audio and video integration. Services out-sourced or contract employees shall not be included. Proposer should include pictures and detailed supporting documents to support compliance with bid specifications and past experience. Proposer shall provide detailed pictures of past projects (similar length vehicles) fabricated that comply with the body fabrication requirements. Yes No EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION ATTACHMENT 2: ADDISTIONAL FEDERAL LAWS AND STATE GRANT GUIDANCE FOR MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE Successful vendor shall comply with all federal and state law and specifically to the ones stated herein. The following are incorporated into this contract without limitation: 1. All Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. §§16811683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. §794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§61 01-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) §§523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. §§290 dd-3 and 290 ee 3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. §§3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and,(j) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. 2. Any applicable provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C.§§1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activities of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds. 3. Any applicable provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40U.S.C.§§276a to 276a-7), the Copeland Act ( 40 U.S.C.§§276c and 18 U.S.C. §§874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. §§327-333), regarding labor standards for federally-assisted construction sub-agreements. 4. Any environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 et seq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. §§7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93-523); and, (h) protection of endangered species Act of 1973, as amended (P.L. 93205). 5. The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. §§1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. §470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. §§469a-l et seq.). The Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular No. A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." 6. 7. Any applicable requirements of all other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies governing this program. 8. All provisions of The Governor's Office of Homeland Security Grants Management Guide issued by the State. RFP NO.: 11-005 DUE DATE: MARCH 2, 2011 EL PASO COUNTY CONTRACTS & PROCUREMENT DIVISION ATTACHMENT 3: QUALIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MOBILE COMMAND POST VEHICLE This statement will provide information which will enable the County to evaluate the qualifications of your firm and staff with regard to the requirements of this Request for Proposal. Please complete this form in its entirety and submit it (in the number of copies requested) along with the other required proposal documents. IF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON A SEPARATE SHEET FOR ANY OF THE ITEMS, CLEARLY SPECIFY WHERE IT CAN BE LOCATED IN YOUR PROPOSAL PACKAGE. FIRM NAME: ADDRESS: CITY STATE ZIP: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: TITLE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PHONE: 1. TYPE OF BUSINESS CORPORATION INDIVIDUAL PARTNERSHIP JOINT VENTURE OTHER: FAX: 2. TYPE OF LICENSE & LOCATION 3. TYPE OF PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED FOR RFP: 4. NUMBER OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: 5. ON A SEPARATE SHEET PROVIDE A BRIEF HISTORY OF YOUR FIRM, STAFF SIZE AND EXPERIENCE. SUBMIT A RESUME FOR THE PROJECT MANAGER AND EACH KEY PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO THIS PROJECT. 7. HAVE YOU OR YOUR FIRM EVER FAILED TO COMPLETE ANY WORK AWARDED TO YOU? YES NO IF “YES”, EXPLAIN: 8. HAS ANY OFFICER OR PARTNER OF YOUR ORGANIZATION EVER BEEN AN OFFICER OR PARTNER OF ANOTHER ORGANIZATION THAT FAILED TO COMPLETE A CONTRACT WITHIN THE LAST FIVE (5) YEARS? YES NO IF “YES”, EXPLAIN: 9. HAS YOUR FIRM OR ANY PARTNERS OR OFFICERS EVER BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY BANKRUPTCY ACTION? YES NO IF “YES”, EXPLAIN: 10. ARE YOU PRESENTLY INVOLVED IN ANY LITIGATION WITH AN OWNER OR OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY? YES NO IF “YES”, EXPLAIN TYPE, KIND, PLAINTIFF, DEFENDANT, ETC., AND STATE THE CURRENT STATUS: 11. BANK REFERENCE: ADDRESS: CONTACT: PHONE: