MINUTES WELLESLEY HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 30, 2015 5:30PM 41 RIVER STREET COMMUNITY ROOM ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Don Kelley Treasurer Alexander Mahoney Vice Chairperson Maura Renzella Commissioner Kathy Egan Absent: Commissioner Vincent DeVito Staff: Debra Jordan, Executive Director Paul Dumouchel, Assistant Director Sandra Amour, NHA Office Manager NOTICE OF MEETING Adequate notice of this meeting, has been provided by the Secretary of the Wellesley Housing Authority by preparing a public Notice dated November 24, 2015 setting forth the date, time and place of this meeting. Said notice was filed with the Clerk of the Town of Wellesley and provided to persons requesting it. RESIDENT /PUBLIC INPUT: John Harris of Washington Street addressed the issue of late rent notices and that most tenants don’t get their checks until the 3rd of the month and that he is not talking about himself but the other tenants. E.D. Jordan told him that the first of the month is a DHCD guideline, that administration cannot change that, but they are willing to work with tenants, to bring the matter to the office, but that she would not discuss other tenant’s business as a matter of privacy. Tom Hutton, also of Washington Street mentioned that he brought the same issue before the Board not long ago and that he has a problem with DHCD’s policy and gave some ideas about improving the policy. E.D. Jordan let him know he would have to broach the subject through them; it was not a matter for this meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Presentation of 2016 Budget by Richard Shaw CPA: Mr. Shaw gave a quick history of the WHA financials for the benefit of the newer members of the board and answered any questions they had for him. He informed them earlier this year, DHCD passed legislation that mandates all housing authorities to undergo an annual audit by an independent auditor. RESOLUTION#W2015-29 Approving the 2016 budget certifications for 200-1(Barton Road), 705-1(Waldo Court), and 667-1, 2, 3 (Morton Circle, Washington Street, Weston Road, and River Street respectively) Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Mahoney and seconded by Commissioner Egan, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. Discussion regarding change from trash cans to dumpsters at Barton Road property: E. D. Jordan explained that she will be going out for proposals, that there could be a $30,000 decrease in cost by switching to dumpsters. The proposal will include where dumpsters are placed, the need for cement pads, and pricing for both dumpsters and barrels. No changes will be taking place until the spring. In the meantime, staff will look at the surveys that the tenants have filled out. RESOLUTION #W2015-30 Approving the minutes of the October 22, 2015 Regular Meeting. Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Egan and seconded by Commissioner Renzella, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION #W2015-26 Resolution authorizing the 2016 utility allowances as outlined in the attached schedules. Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Egan and seconded by Commissioner Renzella, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. Minutes Wellesley Housing Authority November 30, 2015 RESOLUTION #W2015-31 Approving the 2016 Board Meeting schedule as attached. Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Egan and seconded by commissioner Mahoney, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION #W2015-32 Approving a Credit Card Policy Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Egan and seconded by Commissioner Renzella, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. This resolution does not authorize a credit card, it authorizes the policy. RESOLUTION #W2015-33 Approving an Inventory and Equipment Policy as outlined in attachment Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Egan and seconded by Commissioner Mahoney, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Egan left the meeting at 6:25. RESOLUTION #W2015-34 Approving payment of the bill roll/check roll listed on the Warrant dated November 24, 2015 in the amount of $101,168.61 authorized as follows: Checks (#13637-#13700) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ 101,168.61 Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Mahoney and seconded by Commissioner Egan, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION #W2015-35 Approving changes to the Section 8 Administrative Plan as outlined in the attached schedule; performing biennial instead of annual HQS inspections of units occupied by tenants receiving voucher assistance. Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Kelley and seconded by Commissioner Mahoney, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION #W2015-36 Authorizing the Executive Director to sign an agreement with Dedham Housing Authority for the administration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and Project based Voucher program for a term of 26 months beginning 11/1/2015 and ending 12/31/2017. Upon a motion duly made by Commissioner Renzella and seconded by Commissioner Mahoney, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. Executive Director’s Report: Assistant E. D. Paul Dumouchel informed the Board that the utility company is funding the replacement of boilers and hot water tanks at Barton Road and at Washington Street, noting that the formula funding for Washington Street boilers can now be allocated to different projects. Barton Road is also having insulation replaced in the attic of all their buildings, funded by the utility company. Financial reports for the period ended 9/30/15 and 10/31/15 Accounts Receivable & Vacancy Report- October 2015 Smoke Free Housing Enforcement Procedure: E. D. Jordan noted that this is not policy. It is a procedure. Notice To Tenants regarding 5 Year Capital Plan Lead Based Paint Certification 2 Minutes Wellesley Housing Authority November 30, 2015 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT: Chairman Kelley gave an update on the Route 128 project saying that the sound berms behind Barton Road now have a timetable of October 2016. MOTION TO ADJOURN: Upon a motion duly made by Chairman Kelley and seconded by Commissioner Mahoney, it was passed by unanimous voice vote. Time of Adjournment: 6:35 PM Monday WELLESLEY HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING DATES December 28, 2015 107 Barton Road Community Room 3 5:30pm