Transactional Analysis Booking Form

TA 101
The fee is £130.00 per person, £120.00 if you are unemployed, a full
time student or a senior citizen and £110.00 if you are presently a
COMPASS volunteer/trainee. Places will only be reserved on payment
of the fee. For cancellations up to two weeks before 50% of the fee
will be refundable. There will not be refunds for cancellations with less
than two weeks notice.
Counselling on Merseyside Pastoral and Supporting
Booking Form
Name (including
Address & Postcode:
Transactional Analysis
Daytime telephone:
Email address:
Cheques should be made payable to COMPASS. To book your place
please return this booking form with your payment to Pam Sharp at:
151 Dale Street
L2 2AH
Tel: 0151 237 3993
Fax: 0151 237 3994
TA 101
Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd June 2012
9.30am. – 4.30pm
Venue: The Quaker Meeting House
22 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT
Due to the demand for previous workshops, places will be
offered on a first come, first served basis.
Registered Charity No. 700335
Company Limited by Guarantee: 235061
Booking Deadline: Friday June 3rd 2012
TA 101
The TA 101 is the official Introduction to Transactional Analysis. It is a
stand-alone course. It is also the required foundation for training in
Transactional Analysis in any of the four fields (counselling,
psychotherapy, educational, organisational).
Transactional Analysis is a theory of personality which offers useful
models for understanding self, communication and relationships.
Eric Berne, the originator of Transactional Analysis, shared a common
language and vocabulary with his clients. This fostered mutual respect
and awareness in the therapeutic process. His democratic approach,
together with the intuitive power of the model, has enabled
Transactional Analysis to continue to develop and impact on clinical,
educational and organisational areas of personal development work.
Come and join in an exciting journey of discovery where you will be
introduced to the main ideas of TA through presentation, discussion,
group and pair work, and individual reflection. The course will include
concepts such as Ego States, Transactions, Psychological Games,
Life Scripts, and Drivers and Injunctions.
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
 describe basic theoretical concepts of transactional analysis
 apply basic transactional analysis concepts to problem solving
 classify a range of interpersonal behaviours and internal processes using
basic transactional analysis concepts
NB. No previous knowledge of TA or of counselling is needed. The
application of TA concepts to therapeutic practice is not a part of this
syllabus, so participants will have to make their own links.
Certificates. Following full attendance participants will be awarded with a
Compass Certificate and an internationally recognised Certificate issued by
the Institute of Transactional Analysis.
Friday & Saturday June 22nd & 23rd 2012
9.30am – 4.30pm
Tea and coffee will be available and there
will be a lunch break of one hour
Celia Simpson PhD, CTA, PGCE, Cert. Supervision, is a UKCP
registered psychotherapist and supervisor in independent practice in
South Liverpool. She supervised on the COMPASS Diploma for two
years. She is a Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional
Analyst (PTSTA), registered member of the ITA, and Reviews Editor
of the Transactional Analyst.