Colorado State University Department of Earth Resources NR 505 Fall 2006 Concepts in GIS Dr. Melinda Laituri NESB A110 Tel: 491-0292 e-mail : Office hours : 12-1pm MW ; by appt. Teaching Assistant : Jill Terlaak, NR 302, email : A. Course objectives This course is designed to introduce graduate students to concepts in geographic information systems (GIS). The purpose of the course is threefold: 1) to examine the broad research context in which GIS is adopted and used through an examination of the literature; 2) to gain hands-on experience using GIS software and methods in an integrative fashion with other technologies (remote sensing, Internet) and methodologies (cartography, spatial analysis, field methods); and 3) to understand concepts through application by designing a GIS project. The objective of this course is to allow students a venue in which to apply newly acquired skills in geospatial information technologies. Laboratories will provide students with basic skills and information on GIS software, Internet data sources and examples of research activities. Lectures are interactive and student driven. Students will collect relevant articles for discussion and presentation in class in addition to materials provided by the instructor. These interactive seminar-style lecture meetings will focus on the question: what are the current areas for research in GIS? Most importantly, students are expected to apply their understanding of GIS concepts by preparing a GIS project. B. Course materials Required text: Theobald, D, GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods Readings are identified on the Schedule handout. Many readings are available on-line and there will be several readings made available in class. C. Course structure This course will consist of lectures, laboratories, and project design. Readings are assigned prior to lecture and lab. Students should come to class prepared to discuss the materials. Course work consists of the following: 1) GIS demonstration project (40%) 2) laboratory and lecture exercises (40%) 3) final exam (20%) Course work is expected to be completed and handed in when due. NO LATE PAPERS OR ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED, unless in case of medical emergency. Students are expected to attend both lecture and lab meetings as well as all student presentations and to participate in class discussions. NR 505: Concepts in GIS Syllabus Fall 2006 1 D. Course assessment 1. On-line GIS Demonstration Project: Puerto Rico You will develop an on-line GIS demonstration project. This project will demonstrate some type of GIS analysis targeted for a high school environmental education class. A description of this project is attached to this handout. The entire webpage (and CD) must be complete by December 4. NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 2. Laboratory exercises and lecture assignments Weekly laboratory meetings are scheduled throughout the semester. Students will be expected to complete: - Weekly lab assignments. Laboratory exercises are due the following week in lab. NO LATE LABS WILL BE ACCEPTED. All final labs should be word-processed and/or in a map format. Lecture assignments will include short critiques of articles discussed in class. All lecture assignments must be word processed. 3. Final exam Each of you will meet individually with me for an oral examination. We will schedule time during the last day of class and during the final exam period. NR 505: Concepts in GIS Syllabus Fall 2006 2 NR 505: Concepts in GIS Fall 2006 On Line GIS Demonstration Projects Project description: GIS is touted as being an important tool for data dissemination, integration and decision making. Desk top GIS and open source resources are making GIS applications more available. All levels of education have been incorporating GIS projects and activities into their curriculum. This semester we are partnering with the Puerto Rico Biocomplexity Project to devise webbased GIS applications that demonstrate to the K-12 (specifically, high school) education community the utility and analysis capabilities of geographic information systems. Our task is to demonstrate how GIS can support data analysis based upon the existing data and other ancillary data to be collected from the Internet. The Puerto Rico Biocomplexity Project partnered with the Thompson Valley High School last spring. This activity focused on creating a state of the watershed for the Big Thompson watershed. Watersheds in Puerto Rico and Colorado share similar characteristics and issues. In Puerto Rico, the watersheds under study represent an ecological gradient from the ocean to the mountains. In Colorado, the Big Thompson watershed has a ecological gradient from the plains to the Rocky Mountains. Both areas are experiencing urban and exurban development that is influencing the stream and road networks in their respective watersheds. There is extensive digital data that provides the basis for conducting comparative analysis between the Puerto Rico and Big Thompson watersheds. (However, you do not have to do a comparative project if you don’t want to…) Explore the Puerto Rico Biocomplexity website to learn more about the project: You will be divided into partners. Each team will develop an on-line GIS application that is relevant to the Puerto Rico Biocomplexity project. You will be provided access to the Puerto Rico and Big Thompson datasets – however, in addition you must collect some other data from another source and incorporate that data into your project. Your project MUST include some type of spatial analysis; this analysis will be dependent upon the topic you select. In addition, working sessions will be scheduled during the semester during lab time. Project timeline: 20 September -determine partners and project topic, 1 paragraph description 13 and 27 November -in class lab sessions for project 4 December -completed project* due, project presentation *Completed project means that it is operational from the NR505 directory at CSU and on a CD-ROM. Your project will be composed of several components: 1. The web-page for your project. This website must include a description of your project and any hotlinks or images you may want to include (check out previous projects: The website provides the contextual information for your project, along with user instructions. The webpage will include a description of your project, data dictionary, a step-by-step description and explanation of the analysis conducted, and an explanation NR 505: Concepts in GIS Syllabus Fall 2006 3 of the results. The most important part of your webpage is a description of the GIS concepts used in your project. Your webpage should include appendices that identify references, resources and the directory structure of your database. Your html documents will have to be placed on a web server. I will give you instructions where to locate your web pages. Email to me: -your URL address and title of your web page 2. You will conduct the analysis for your project using ArcGIS. However, you will assume that the user on the Internet does not have access to ArcGIS – so you will have to do a series of screen grabs to share your analytical procedure. You will create an ArcGIS project that will reside in a location yet to be determined for viewing and evaluation. I will want an operating version of your project. 3. All projects must reside in the directory I provide you with and all parts of the website must be functional. Projects will not be developed in this site – you must create your projects in your own directory and place only relevant and necessary data files in this directory under your name. Make sure that I have an operating version of your project in this directory before you delete your project in your home directory – otherwise your group will receive a zero. 4. Burn a CD-ROM of your project. This includes your entire ArcGIS map document, dataset and web-page. The project on your CD-ROM must work in order for you to receive credit for the project. Final projects will be presented on 4 December using the a projector and labtop. Your projects will be peer evaluated. Presentations Each group will have 15 minutes. Plan your presentation to include time for questions. During your talk be sure to include the following: 1. Introduce yourself and your team 2. Identify the target audience. 3. Identify the title of your project 4. Identify and discuss GIS concepts used For further information, contact Melinda Laituri,, (970) 491-0292. NR 505: Concepts in GIS Syllabus Fall 2006 4