Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Information Technology Laboratory of Information Processing Requirements Specification College Library Management System Version 1.1 (final) Requirements Engineer: Andrey Paklin 0242566 E-mail: Supervisor: Yana Selioukova E-mail: Jan Voracek E-mail: Lappeenranta, Finland 2002 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Table of Contents 1. PROJECT DRIVERS ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Client, Customer and other Stakeholders ........................................................................ 4 1.5 Users of the Product................................................................................................................ 7 1.5.1 The Users of the Product ..................................................................................................................7 1.5.2 Viewpoints ...........................................................................................................................................7 2. PROJECT CONSTRAINTS .......................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Mandated Constraints ........................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Implementation environment of the current system .................................................... 11 2.2.1 System Interface ..............................................................................................................................11 2.2.2 User Interface ...................................................................................................................................14 2.3 Partner applications ....................................................................................................... 15 2.4 Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 16 2.5 Budget ....................................................................................................................................... 16 3. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 16 3.1 The Scope of the Work.......................................................................................................... 16 3.2 The Scope of the Product .................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Functional requirements ...................................................................................................... 18 4. NON - FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 19 4.1 Look and Feel Requirements .............................................................................................. 19 4.2 Usability Requirements ........................................................................................................ 19 4.3 Performance Requirements................................................................................................. 19 4.4 Operational Requirements ................................................................................................... 19 4.5 Maintainability and Portability Requirements ................................................................ 20 4.6 Security Requirements ......................................................................................................... 20 4.7 Legal Requirements ............................................................................................................... 20 5. PROJECT ISSUES ....................................................................................................................... 20 5.1 Open Issues ............................................................................................................................. 20 5.2 User’s Documentation and Training ................................................................................. 20 5.3 Waiting Room .......................................................................................................................... 20 6. REFERENCES: .............................................................................................................................. 21 7. APPENDIX 1. SYSTEM MODELS .............................................................................................. 22 2 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 1. Project Drivers 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to familiarize reader with software, which is developed by Dream Team Corporation. Specification describes all hardware and software requirements for product, behavior of it and its components. Software Requirements Specification (SRS) allows to verify the customer that all his requirements are observed and implemented correctly by developer. The intended audience for the SRS reading consists of system end-users (patrons), customer engineers, software developers (defined by Ian Sommerville for system requirements)[1]. 1.2 Scope The Dream Team Corporation was invited to develop College Library Management System for National Innovation Foundation (N.I.F). The software will reflect all the requirements defined by the customer. College Library Management System will allow to perform all necessary procedures for librarians and patrons. According to customer requirements the software to be developed will consist of three databases: Item’s database (books, journals, magazines, newspapers, diploma thesis, etc) Patron’s database a small Access-based database with information about digital items, that College has (software, music) integrated with Item’s database LMS will also provide all necessary services for databases such as creating, deleting, updating and searching information. Patrons will be able to access to the library site (webbased) through the Internet or through the library’s LAN-connected computers, scattered throughout the library for sending request, receiving information about current status of the books or renewing them. The design of product interface to be developed will be supported by Microsoft IE, Netscape Navigator and Opera browsers. User interfaces will be ergonomical and easy-to-use. 3 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 1.3 Abbreviations LMS – Library management system SRS – Software requirements specification PC – Personal Computer HDD - Hard Disc Drive RAM – Random Access Memory LUT – Lappeenranta University of Technology IE – Microsoft Internet Explorer 1.4 Client, Customer and other Stakeholders 1.4.1 The client is the person/s who pay for the development, and owner of the delivered system. National Innovation Foundation became the Dream Team Corporation’s client in this project. The N.I.F will receive the final acceptance of the system, and thus must be satisfied with the developed system or not. All client remarks will be improved immediately. Product deliverables have appropriated project schedule, approved by the client. 1.4.2 The customer is the person/s who will buy the product from the client. In our case, the roles of the client and the customer are filled by the same company. 1.4.3 Stakeholders include: End - Users (detailed in section 1.5) Customer Project Manager Requirements Engineer System Designer System Tester System Administrator Configuration Manager SRS identifies each type of stakeholder: 4 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Table 1. End - Users Stakeholder Identification Knowledge needed by the project Necessary degree of stakeholder’s involvement Degree of influence for that stakeholder End - Users (librarians, patrons), College Library Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows-based interfaces, Internet browser’s interfaces. Low. End – Users are not involved in software development, just in some kinds of sociological surveys High. Software to be developed to satisfy first of all the End-Users. Table 2. Customer Stakeholder Identification Knowledge needed by the project Necessary degree of stakeholder’s involvement Customer (National Innovation Foundation) Customer’s requirements, Project plan, business modeling and forecasting. Middle. Customer supervises project, establishes budget Degree of influence for that High. Software development process may be canceled by Customer. stakeholder Table 3. Project Manager Stakeholder Identification Project Manager (Fabian GARRIDO-MARTINEZ), The Dream Team Corporation Knowledge needed by the Project plan creating, computer skills. project Necessary degree of High. Project Manager supervises project, establishes team, provides stakeholder’s involvement deadlines, negotiates with customer. Degree of influence for that High. All development process requires constant control and decision stakeholder making from Project Manager, Table 4. Requirements Engineer Stakeholder Identification Requirements Engineer (Andrey Paklin), The Dream Team Corporation Knowledge needed by the SRS creating, computer skills. project Necessary degree of High. Requirements Engineer summarizes requirements provided by stakeholder’s involvement customer, updates them. Degree of influence for that Middle. Requirements Engineer defines SRS under strict Customer stakeholder and Project Manager control Stakeholder Identification Table 5. System Designer Vlasenko), The Dream Team System Designer (Konstantin Corporation Knowledge needed by the Computer-based Design tools, Internet technologies project Necessary degree of High. System Designer defines all software interfaces, how the stakeholder’s involvement product will look like, providing success of product from the End – 5 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Users point of view. Degree of influence for that Low. System Designer will not use product to be developed in stakeholder appropriate way. Table 6. System Tester Stakeholder Identification System Tester (Alex Kanavin), The Dream Team Corporation Knowledge needed by the Computer-based project Necessary Testing tools, Internet technologies, Testing requirements and specifications. degree stakeholder’s involvement of Middle. System Tester is looking for mistakes in software and verify product’s possibilities. Degree of influence for that Low. System Tester will not use product to be developed in stakeholder appropriate way. Table 7. System Administrator Stakeholder Identification System Administrator, College staff Knowledge needed by the Strong computer skills, Internet and network technologies. project Necessary degree stakeholder’s involvement of Low. System Administrator is not involved in software development process. Degree of influence for that Middle. System Administrator will maintain and install product. stakeholder Table 8. Configuration Manager Stakeholder Identification Configuration Manager (Alex Kanavin), The Dream Team Corporation Knowledge needed by the Computer-based project Necessary Testing tools, Internet technologies, Testing requirements and specifications. degree stakeholder’s involvement of High. Configuration Manager responsible for project repository, project web pages. Degree of influence for that Middle. Configuration Manager must follow job description and stakeholder deadlines, to prove his/her quality. 6 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 1.5 Users of the Product 1.5.1 The Users of the Product Potential Users of the College LMS are librarians and patrons. Table 8. Librarians User name College Librarians User role To maintain College LMS (add, delete, renew items and update databases) Subject matter Master. College had the same management system in card-based form. All experience Technological features of the old database are presented in new software product Journeyman*, as less. Basic computer skills are obligatory. experience Intellectual Middle intellectual abilities abilities/disabilities Age group Adult age 25-65 (65 years old- is a pension age) Table 9. Patrons User name User role Library patrons To use the College LMS in practice (from library or any place, where Internet connection is available) Subject matter May ranges from novice to master. experience Technological May ranges from novice to master, but basic computer skills and Internet experience working experience are obligatory. Intellectual May range in wide band abilities/disabilities Age group 16-65 (College students, professors, teachers, other staff) *) - journeyman, some kind of human experience degree, it’s situated between novice and master 1.5.2 Viewpoints This project consists of several stakeholders, which were defined above. According to Ian Sommerville’s article ‘Viewpoints for requirements elicitation: a practical approach’ [2] software requirements can be described by using PREview model. The viewpoint model is deliberately flexible and informal. Viewpoints can be adapted to specific organizational practice and standards as can the notations used to describe system requirements. 7 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Viewpoints may be used during the early stages of a requirements engineering process as a structuring mechanism for requirements elicitation and analysis. Identifying viewpoints and organizing information around them at this stage reduces the possibility that critical information will be missed during requirements elicitation and provides a traceability mechanism for linking requirements with their sources. Let us define the following model of stating a viewpoint PREview: The viewpoint name. The viewpoint focus. The viewpoint concerns. The viewpoint sources. The viewpoint requirements. Table 10: Patrons viewpoint Name Patron Focus Searching, lending, requesting and renewing library items Concerns Source Requirements To familiarize patron with software functions Requirements specification from the Customer search for the books and other items renew books and other items browse catalogs reserve unavailable items subscribe for info about new acquisitions access to other databases (interlibrary loans, online databases) Table 11: Project manager viewpoint Name Project manager Focus Team establishment, project plan creating, control software development process, follow schedule provided by the Customer Concerns Source Requirements College LMS creation according to deadlines Job description Follows deadlines and budget Responsible for all deliverables Easy communication with team and the Customer All project stages should be fully documented MS Word 8 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers 08.03.2016 Table 12: Requirements engineer viewpoint Name Requirements engineer Requirements specification creating, customer interviewing, collect and Focus Concerns Source specify requirements Constantly updating SRS accordingly customer’s requirements Requirements specification from the Customer Requirements from patrons, Customer and team members should be prepared Requirements Requirements should be clear, complete and consistent MS Word Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers Table 13: System Designer viewpoint Name System Designer Focus Design user interfaces, creation of design specification document Concerns Source Requirements Formal design Project plan, requirements specification from the Customer Clear and complete SRS Adobe Photoshop MS Word Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers Table 14: System Tester viewpoint Name System Tester Focus Design testing strategies, creation testing documents, realize test cases Concerns Validation of software quality 9 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Requirements specification from the Customer Source Requirements ISO 9001 Standards Knowledge of software to be tested Testing tools MS Word Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers Table 15: System Administrator viewpoint Name System Administrator Focus Database installation, maintenance of College LMS Concerns Source Requirements College LMS maintenance and troubleshooting Inner SRS from Requirement Engineer, Internet and LAN specifications Licensed software with automatically update tools MS Word; Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers Table16: Configuration Manager viewpoint Name Configuration Manager Focus Configuration and change management, project repository control, project web-pages maintenance and follow calendar of events Concerns Source Change control to achieve Quality assurance required by the Customer Inner company’s SRS Job description Requirements All hardware and software should be available Adobe Acrobat Reader Internet connection MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers 10 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 2. Project Constraints 2.1 Mandated Constraints Next items must be used to verify software: 1) For user home PC and library workstation Hardware IBM-compatible PC with Pentium processor and higher 50Mbytes free space on HDD 32Mbytes RAM Internet connection Software MS Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP MS IE, Netscape or Opera browsers with Java2 support 2) For Server Hardware IBM-compatible PC with Pentium and higher 256Mbytes RAM or higher 80Gbytes free space on HDD Software MS SQL server and MS Access (Database server) MS Internet Information Server (Web server) Java Development Kit 1.2 and higher Development environment – Java2 programming language 2.2 Implementation environment of the current system 2.2.1 System Interface In order to achieve proper system performance following system interface (Figure 1) was developed by our company. 11 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Database SQL server Library functions database Windows Applications Library system engine (Java) Library’s workplaces User Interface Engine (PHP) Web browser Web browser Web browser Users’ personal computers Figure 1 The LMS system, presented on Fig. 1, consists of four main blocks, each of them is mandatory. 12 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Database. Database is intended for storing different types of data such as users, books etc. SQL server. This server is intended for Database management. It receives commands from Library System Engine and according its demanding take data from database. Library System Engine (LSE). This is the core of LMS system. It is intended for processing of client’s inquires and has standard library of functions. By means of this functions LSE connects to database server (SQL server) and generate requests for data issue, data renew, deleting data, etc from database. Requests are made on standard language named Structured Query Language (SQL). LSE can be implemented by different ways. In this LMS system it will be implemented in Java. As it’s shown at Fig. 2, LSE consist of several modules (every module response for certain operation): authorization module, search module, e-mail module (intended for e-mail distribution) and others. Authorization module Search module Library System Engine E-mail module Figure 2 ……………………… User Interface Engine (UIE). UIE allows to work with LMS system by means of Webbrowser (through the web). It can be implemented in PHP script language for connection between server database and user web interface. UIE interacts with LSE by means of byte stream protocol. This protocol allows to provide interaction between programs realizing user interface (Web or Windows) and core of LMS. Byte stream protocol consist from set of 13 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 messages of certain types such as request for registration, registration’s result, request for search, result of search and others. 2.2.2 User Interface The LMS is designed for using by two main classes of users: librarians and patrons. If according to log data user have “user” status then after logon he/she will see main window showed on the Figure 3. Main user’s menu consists: Users Info: here user can find his personal data (fig.5); Account: information about loans (fig.6); Search: provide detailed search through the library (fig. 7); Password: this function intended for changing user’s password; Home: return user to main window (fig.4); Log Out: this function is intended for exit from user’s settings. Fig. 3 User Interface As for librarians, they have similar interface, but some control features are added. If according to log data user have “user” status then after logon he/she will see main window showed on the figure 4. 14 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 Fig. 4 Main librarian’s page Main librarian’s menu consists: Users Info: here user can find his personal data ; Account: information about loans; Subscribers: provide detailed information about all users; Items: provide detailed information about all library’s resources; Password: this function intended for changing user’s password; Home: return user to main window; Log Out: this function intended for exit from user’s settings. All user interfaces was developed to ease LMS using, they are ergonomical and userfriendly. Also all interfaces follow customer requirements. 2.3 Partner applications There are some applications that are not part of the product but with which the product will collaborate. This section can be completed, by including written descriptions, models or references to other specifications. ISO/OSI model TCP/IP specifications 15 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering LAN’s specifications SMTP/POP e-mail protocols description 08.03.2016 The physical work environment constrains the way that work is done. The product should overcome whatever difficulties exist, however you might consider a redesign of the workplace as an alternative to having the product compensate for it. 2.4 Schedule The Schedule is presented by the Project Manager, strictly followed by the Dream Team Corporation and is proved by the Customer. The project was started at the beginning of the October. Deliverable Project Plan Requirements documentation Implementation Plan Project binder Deadline November 13, 2002 November 13, 2002 Time 10:00 10:00 Extended NO NO November 27, 2002 12:00 YES December 12, 2002 12:00 NO Objective Reached Reached 2.5 Budget Budget is not completely assigned to the Project. 3. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 The Scope of the Work At the beginning of October 2002 the Dream Team Corporation was represented a task to develop a College Library Management System by National Innovation Foundation (N.I.F). Software to be developed should be provide all necessary action for library staff and patrons. There are several motivations to order new computer-based College LMS: 1. To modernize College Library database, where data was stored in a card-based catalog 2. To optimize librarians’ work and time 3. To join small Access-based database, where library has stored information about digital items (software, music) 16 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 4. To expand services of library and patron’s possibilities 5. To check ability of commercial using of library management systems. The LMS will allow remote access to library database via Internet only for patrons after authorization procedures. The patrons could search, renew items, send requests. The College LMS will provide remote access to other databases (interlibrary loans, online databases). 3.2 The Scope of the Product Features provided by the library management system: 1. Store necessary information about items in the library: - Author; - Item’s title; - Call number; - Published place; - Year of publication - Location in the library; - Number of copies - Current status - Keywords 2. Allow a search item by author, title or keywords 3. System will provide librarian to add, modify, and remove items to/from the library database, and check availability of the item. 4. System will allow patron to get information about his/her status after authorization procedures: - User name - User address - Student number - Number and information about checked out items - Requested items information 5. Notification by e-mail automatically after item’s overdue. 17 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 6. Possibility to search, renew and order items though the Internet after authorization procedures. 7. Possibility to search and request items in the interlibrary loans, online databases through Internet. 3.3 Functional requirements Functional requirements are the following: 1. The LMS should store all information about librarians and patrons, their access keys, priority and etc. 2. The LMS should store all information about items and patrons in two separated databases 3. The LMS allow searching items by author, title or keywords 4. The LMS should support 500 patrons and 1000 requests/min simultaneously. 5. The LMS should allow librarians to add, delete and modify items in database, and check availability of the items. 6. The LMS should generate request’s reports for librarians every day, on base of which librarians could make decisions about acquiring or retirement the item 7. The LMS should create notification and send to patrons by e-mail automatically after item’s overdue 8. The LMS should allow patrons to get their personal information and status. 9. The LMS should provide to search, request and renew items either from the library computers (LMS application) or from outside the library through College site(webbased) though the Internet. 10. The LMS should provide access to previous Access-based database, online databases 11. The LMS will be integrated with other colleges and universities and allow interlibrary loans 18 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 4. Non - Functional Requirements 4.1 Look and Feel Requirements According to the Customer requirements, the College LMS should include following interfaces: The LMS interfaces will the same for patrons and librarians based on C++/Java application. Differences will depend on users’ functions. Patrons will have simple version of LMS without add, remove and modify possibilities. The LMS interface for system administrator will include C++/Java application, Command Line, System files Web interface. This interface will provide search, request and renew procedures, connection with other online databases. Web interface should work correctly in different browsers. 4.2 Usability Requirements As it was mentioned above, product’s users are an adults, that’s why there are no special requirements to simplicity of system. Ergonomical and clear interface The interface should contain prompts and help to avoid making mistakes The product should be used by people with no training 4.3 Performance Requirements Any interface between a user and LMS should have a maximum response time of 5 seconds The response should be fast enough to avoid users’ response collisions The LMS should be available for use 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. The LMS should support 500 patrons and 1000 requests/min simultaneously 4.4 Operational Requirements The LMS should be used on IBM-compatible workstations with 50Mbytes free space on HDD for library workstations (80Gbytes for server) and 32Mbytes RAM for library workstations (256Mbytes for server) The LMS should be correctly implemented in different Internet browsers 19 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 The LMS should correctly interface if MS Access applications and MS SQL Server 4.5 Maintainability and Portability Requirements Changes (new patrons addition, password changes, database changes) must be verified once per day at least The LMS should provide automatically notification to patrons by e-mail about item’s overdue, reservation results, availability of reserved item and etc The LMS is expected to run under MS Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP 4.6 Security Requirements The LMS should provide databases’ modification only for librarians and system administrator after authorization procedures Access to the LMS is permitted only for College student and staff after authorization procedures 4.7 Legal Requirements Personal information should be protected The LMS should comply with quality assurance standards 5. Project Issues 5.1 Open Issues Requirements elicitation haven’t yet completed, thus SRS are constantly updated by Requirements Engineer. 5.2 User’s Documentation and Training User documentation is under construction now and will be available accordingly to schedule. System Designer will present guide of User’s Interfaces. 5.3 Waiting Room Requirements that will not be part of the agreed product. These requirements might be included in future versions of the product. 20 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 6. References: [1] Sommerville, Ian, Pete Sawyer, and Stephen Viller (1998), Viewpoints for requirements elicitation: a practical approach, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering - ICRE'98, April 6-10, 1998, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [cited 11.11.02] [2] Volere Requirements Specification Template [cited 12.11.02] [3] Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Template. [cited 10.11.2002] [4] Project-Based Software Engineering Homepage [5] Pressman, R. S.: Software Engineering, A Practitioner's Approach (European adaptation, fifth edition). McGraw Hill, 2000. [6] IEEE Guide for Information Technology - System Definition - Concept of Operations (ConOps) Document, IEEE Std 1362-1998 21 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering 08.03.2016 7. Appendix 1. System Models Scenarios The following stages describe main scenarios performed by the LMS: - Login to the system; - Add, Remove, Modify item; - Check item for availability; - Add, Remove, Modify user information; - Overdue report generating; - Search item; - View information; - Renew book. Scenario 1 Name Login (Open program) Actors Patron or Librarian Preconditions Description Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, knowledge of standard Windows environment Library user or Librarian opens program using browser, to logon to system he/she must enter username and password. End Result Opened program, user see logon page. Scenario 2 Name Add, Remove, Modify item Actors Librarian Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on with librarian privileges. Librarian using web interface adds, removes or modifies (e.g. Description End Result quantity) information about item Added, Removed or Modified information about item in database 22 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering Scenario 3 Name Check for availability Actors Librarian, patrons 08.03.2016 Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on with librarian privileges or patrons’ rights. Through web interface librarian using item call number searches if Description this item is available End Result Returned status of item Scenario 4 Name Add, Remove, Modify user information Actors Librarian, System Administrator Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on with librarian privileges. Using web interface forms for librarian or system administrator to Description add, remove or modify information about user End Result Added, Removed or Modified information about user in database Scenario 5 Name Generate overdue report Actors Librarian, the LMS Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on with librarian privileges. Librarian defines overdue period for every category of item using Description End Result web interface or installed college LMS List of users and overdue items 23 The Dream Team Corporation, Requirements Specification v1.1 010752000 Team project, Project-Based Software Engineering Scenario 6 Name Search item Actors Patron or Librarian 08.03.2016 Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on to system. Patron or Librarian using web interface searches for item using Description author or item’s title. End Result List of found items are shown Scenario 7 Name View information Actors Patron Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on to system. Paron using web interface view his/her status (User name, Description address, number of taken books, requested items) End Result User information are shown Scenario 8 Name Renew item Actors Patron Existence of database and correctly installed web based server, Preconditions user logged on to system, at least one item taken. User selects items he/she want to renew, using Renew button Description End Result he/she renews selected items Status are shown (renewed or not) 24