533578653 Getting Started Web Admin Client v2.3.2 Welcome to Web Admin Help VDX is an inter-lending and document request management system. It provides an interlibrary loan service for use between a collaborative group of institutions and suppliers. This is integrated with Z39.50 searching allowing users to search for bibliographic records, display search results and request delivery of items within the same interface. In all cases VDX uses standard ILL protocols for communicating request messages. The Web Admin.Client is used by ILL Administrators who process inter-library loan requests on behalf of their end users. Typically end users access searching and ILL request facilities through the 'ZPortal' interface. This generic help is to assist you when using the VDX Web Admin.Client. Note that there are many configurable features that effect how the web client is used and this help suggests when you need to check out local policy. To access your own locally produced help files click here - local help site The first step is log in. What can ILL Administrator Users Do? Search and edit existing User Details records at your location. Create new User Details records for your location. Expire User Details records. Search for incoming and outgoing requests. Manage incoming and outgoing requests. Edit the Location record for your own organisation. Run Reports. 1 Printed Documentation Logging in About log in On the initial VDX screen, the user is given the option to search or to log into VDX. VDX can be used just for searching by clicking the search button. To use VDX to submit requests for items you must log in to identify yourself to the system. All users must be registered on either the VDX system or on a remote database supporting either SIP 1,SIP 2 or LDAP protocols. The login authentication service selected reflects whether the user record is stored on the VDX system or is linking to a record on a local circulation system and authenticating access to VDX against the remotely stored user. Login is required to submit requests, track requests, and edit user information. To log into VDX 1. Click the login button on the left-hand menu bar. 2. Enter your barcode and password into the input boxes. 3. Select the appropriate authentication service. 4. Click the login button on the bottom of the screen. If only one authentication service is available for your implementation, the drop down box does not display and selecting the appropriate service is not an option. Please check with your own organisation for specific details of your local options. A user who is banned in VDX will not be able to log on to the Web Admin.Client or to ZPORTAL. This setting can be switched on or off in the User record in Web Admin or Windows Admin Client. Screen Layouts Once a user has logged in to VDX as an ILL Administrator, the menu bar on the left side of the screen is expanded to include options available to that level of privilege. This menu bar remains consistent throughout the VDX session. Additional buttons will also appear on the top menu bar. The top row buttons are content sensitive and will change depending on the functions you are using within VDX. 2 Getting Started Search Profiles About Search Profiles Search Profiles are used in VDX to present users with Collections of databases. The Collections in Search Profiles are created to reflect the specific interests of groups of users. As a bare minimum there are two profiles: The Anonymous User Profile (the search profile presented to a user who does not identify themselves by logging in) The Default Search Profile (the default profile presented to an identified user, the first time they log in to the system) A logged in user selects a Search Profile and then carries out searches against them. Subsequently, more profiles can be added to the system by administration staff using the VDX Windows Admin. Client. When a user with access rights enters the system these profiles are marked as 'shared'. In addition to using the shared Search Profiles provided by the library, you can create your own individual Search Profile. Access can be assigned to Search Profiles at the User, User Group, Location or Location Group levels in the Windows client. These can be used to present only resources that are useful to particular users or groups of users, or in the cost effective management of user licenses, etc. The System Administrator’s Manual gives details of creating Search Profiles and assigning access to them in the Windows client. 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Simple Search or Advanced Search page click the profiles button at the top of the page. In the Search profile select the profile to be edited. Click edit to access the list of available Collections. To add or remove a collection from your profile use the legend to make your choice and check or un-check the relevant boxes. 3 Printed Documentation Using Search Profiles A search profile determines what Collections of information your search can be executed against. The Collections in Search Profiles are created to reflect specific interests of users by grouping together related targets and databases, and searching them concurrently. Quick Bibsearch Without Log In When first accessing the web client if you choose the Bibsearch button rather than the Login button this bypasses log in and gives quicker access to searching only. This takes you directly to a screen where you can use only an anonymous search profile together with its target Collections. To access the web client anonymously simply ignore the Login button and click immediately on Bibsearch. This takes you straight to Simple Searching. Accessing the Default Search Profile To log in you must be a registered user. When first logging in to VDX you are presented with a default profile. Click on Collections to view the target collections in this profile. Once you have initially logged in to VDX, the default Search Profile shown when starting a new session is always the last one you used before logging out of the system. To Select an Alternative Profile To choose another Search Profile click the arrow in the Current Profile box. This may list a number of alternative search profiles that you can select from. Select the preferred profile from the drop-down list and the screen will then refresh displaying the new Search Profile. This has now become the default Search Profile until a new one is chosen. To view the target collections available click on Collections. You can subsequently add your own personal search profile(s). 4 Getting Started Collections VDX databases are arranged in Collections of information. They are used to describe all resources that end users can search and link to through VDX. Collections present end users with a clear and consistent guide of what is available. Collection records are flexible and can be used in a number of ways. They can describe: The home institution's OPAC Other OPACs Abstracting and Indexing services such as CSA databases Aggregator services such as Ebsco or SwetsNet Websites that may be useful to users, but are not searchable through VDX Electronic journals Collections are used to group a number of Collections together in a hierarchy, for example: A geographical area of OPACs A subject based hierarchy They can also be used to group a number of database records together so a user can search a number of databases simultaneously. To View the Details of a Collection A Search Profile may contain an unlimited number of Collections. You can view the details of a Collection if you are a registered user. To view a list of the individual Collections contained in a Search Profile: 1. Click on the Collections: hypertext link on the Standard Search screen. 2. In the Searchable Collections list click on a Collection link to display the details. 3. Click on Close Detail when finished. Other Collections 5 Printed Documentation Creating and Tailoring Search Profiles If you are a registered user and have logged in you can create and edit your own search profiles in order to group together targets and databases that reflect your searching requirements. To Create a New Profile 1. 2. From the Simple Search or Advanced Search page click the profiles button at the top of the page. A new page is displayed showing any profiles you may already have together with a list of shared profiles that you have access to. 3. Click the create button. 4. A new page is displayed. Enter a name for the new profile in the Name field and optionally a brief description in the Description field. 5. Below this you can see a list of available Collections. Use this list to select the Collections you want for your profile. To view details about any Collection click on its name. Use the Legend also to decide whether a Collection should be included. Choose a Collection by selecting the appropriate tick box. 6. On completion press the submit button. Collection Hierarchy Collections may be presented to you in regional or subject Hierarchies with Parent and Child collections depending on the configuration. In a hierarchy Collections describing other collections (searchable or otherwise) are grouped together in a hierarchical structure. In this relationship each collection has only one parent record. It is not necessary to select a Child collection if its Parent is already selected. If a child and its parent are both selected the same site will be searched twice. Metadata, such as Subject information, contained in each Collection entry is important in helping users to identify suitable resources to include in any personal profiles that they create. Accessibility and the Legend Accompanying the Collections list is a legend that explains the current accessibility status of each of the available collections. Accessibility information is provided by the VDX Status Robot in the Windows Admin Client. This checks the accessibility and availability of database resources by running automatic, configurable searches and reporting back on the success rate of the searches. This is configured and run by the System Administrator in the Windows Admin Client. Access to a Collection (i.e. whether it is available to users or not) is controlled by the System Administrator in the Windows Admin Client Collection record. Collections marked as 'accessible' are searchable through VDX (subject to accessibility of the remote database determined by the Status Robot). A Collection marked as 'connected but not searchable' might be a web site that is unsuitable for searching through a portal or one that has tight controls on access due to license restrictions. By creating this Collection the System Administrator is identifying it as a useful and available resource, and by adding the URL to its metadata, making it available to VDX users. They appear under 'Other Collections' in VDX search profiles. You can create new personal profiles as above using the Web Admin.Clien but you cannot create new shared profiles. Shared profiles are created by the System Administrator using the Windows Admin.Client. However new personal profiles that you create in the Web Client are visible to the System Administrator and they may decide to configure an existing personal profile so that it can be shared by other users. Editing Your Profile 5. 6. 7. 8. 6 From the Simple Search or Advanced Search page click the profiles button at the top of the page. In the Search profile select the profile to be edited. Click edit to access the list of available Collections. To add or remove a collection from your profile use the legend to make your choice and check or un-check the relevant boxes. Getting Started Searching the Databases Simple Searching When you do a Simple Search or 'Standard Search' this conducts a search against the Collections configured in the Current Profile you have selected. Usually this is using the Z39.50 protocol to search concurrently in all the databases. A single result set is presented to you as and when records are found. 1. Optionally select your preferred profile from the pull down box. 2. Click the Collections link. 3. In the Searchable Collections listed, check the relevant boxes for including collections in your search. 4. In the Search for box enter your search term(s). 5. When ready click submit. A Standard Search consists of matching keywords in any indexed field in the record (e.g. title, author or subject entry). To conduct a search, enter keywords, or a whole or part title, and the system will search any field in the databases selected using the Z39.50 'Any' search. Behaviour If you enter more than one search term it is automatically 'ANDED'. The Standard Search has AND as the only available Boolean Operator. Boolean Operators can be changed and combined in the Advanced Search. Common stop words like 'and', 'the', 'or', etc. are ignored by the search. Truncation is applied to any search. For example a search for 'cycle' will also return records containing the word 'cycles'. Truncation attributes are configured in the Windows Admin Client. For phrase searching, enclose the whole phrase in double quotation marks e.g. "sunspot cycle" The search will match against the entire phrase rather than each individual term. If you enter terms and part of the string (but not all) contains quotation marks then terms enclosed by quotes are treated as a phrase and ANDED with the other term, e.g. "black holes" astronomy This is equivalent to black holes and astronomy As records are retrieved the initial search Results screen will refresh as more hits are returned. For larger results sets 10 records are displayed on each page. The first set of records returned is displayed, even though the remaining records are still being identified. Therefore, results are returned as they arrive, so you do not have to wait for the entire results set to become available. Tips - If at any time the Total Returned hits do not match the Total Hits figure then clicking on the Get More Hits link at the top of the screen will retrieve more results. Records are displayed in the order that they are returned from the databases. 123 You can navigate forward and back through the records using the page numbers and the Next button shown at the top and bottom of the screen. Selecting page 2 displays the records on that page, but also updates the results set to enable subsequent pages of results to be displayed. - At any time use the results button to return back to the hitlist at the page where you left it. - When VDX has obtained all the search results and the search is complete it displays the following message at the foot of the screen End of Results Status: Search Complete Total Hits X Total Returned X Printing and Emailing Search Results In order to print or email records, you must first save them in your Saved List. From here you can print any record either in brief citation format or in the details format. To print records from the Saved List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Example Access the Saved List. Click the Print check box next to the relevant records. To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Print. When ready choose Print from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. Click submit to preview the items and choose from Citation or Details format. When ready click Print to obtain the Windows print dialog. To email records from the Saved List: 1. 2. Access the Saved List. Click the Email check box next to the relevant records you wish to email. 7 Printed Documentation 3. 4. 5. 6. Example 8 To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Email. When ready choose Email from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. Click submit to preview the items and confirm the email address and subject line. Select from Mail format whether to email a brief citation format or the full details. Getting Started Viewing Record Details You can view records in two formats in the web client - the hitlist display or the details display. The fields that are displayed in these formats are determined by the style sheets used in the Web Admin.Client. These can be configured by the system administrator. Initially the whole MARC record is obtained from the target, the style sheet then determines what fields are displayed. Hitlist Display Brief bibliographic details are shown in a list immediately after obtaining results from a search. 1. Enter your search criteria and submit the search. 2. As soon as records become available they are automatically displayed in the hitlist format. 3. 4. Use the scroll bar on the right to view records on a page. 1 2 3 Use the page numbers or right arrow to see more pages of records. If you leave the hitlist display at any point, you can return to it by clicking the results button at the top of the screen. Details Display More details are shown individually for each record. 1. Enter your search criteria and submit the search. 2. As soon as records become available they are automatically displayed in the hitlist format. 3. In the hitlist click the details button. 4. In the details display click the Next/Previous result buttons to display the details of the next/previous record. 5. To return to the hitlist click the results button at the top of the screen. In the web client there are other places where you can choose between hitlist display and details display, for example in the Saved List. Holdings The holdings displays can be sorted by library defined rules before being displayed. This is configured in the Windows Admin.Client. They can be sorted on Preset Willingness to Supply Location Group The list is displayed in the web client after merging and sorting by rank into a holdings list sorted by the numeric sequence, as defined by the rules set for the above areas in the Windows Admin.Client. Hyperlink to the Document You can access an electronic copy of a document if it has a clickable hyperlink. If present this is visible in the hitlist display or in the details display. Example in hitlist From the details screen you can obtain more info and then click on the hyperlink to go straight to the resource. There can be more information here, in this example it tells you it’s a PDF. Example in details 9 Printed Documentation Advanced Searching The Advanced Search option allows you to perform more complex searches than a Standard Search. You can enter search terms across a number of fields and combine criteria with Boolean operators. To access advanced searching click the advanced button at the top of the screen. To Use Advanced Searching 1. 2. 3. In the Advanced Searching screen, select your preferred profile from the pull down box. In the Searchable Collections listed, check the relevant boxes for including collections in your search. For your search criteria there are 3 columns to set details - Field, Search Term, Operator. The search criteria in each row can be combined together using Boolean operators. 4. In the first row click the arrow in the Field column to select the field you wish to search, e.g. Title, (the 'Any' field allows searching in all the indexed fields). 5. In the Search Term box enter your search term(s). Provided Power search is not in use, multiple terms are implicitly ANDed. 6. Choose an Operator if you want to combine with a second set of search criteria. 7. When ready click submit. Order of Processing Boolean Operators Use the Operator pull down box to combine search rows together. Boolean operators are processed in the following order of precedence: 1. more than one term present in the search entry box: AND is implicitly used to combine words or phrases in the same entry box. 2. explicit ORs: used to combine operands from different rows in the search form. 3. explicit ANDs: used to combine operands from different rows in the search form. For example if row1 contains Title - 'Othello' AND row2 contains Author - 'William Shakespeare' OR row3 contains Author - 'Verdi' The search is processed like this implicit AND: william AND shakespeare explicit OR: (william AND shakespeare) OR verdi explicit AND: othello AND ((william AND shakespeare) OR verdi)) Explicit operators entered directly into the search entry boxes are not valid. Controlling Search Attributes - 'Power Searching' Power search allows you to control the value of every search attribute. To use this click on the Details button to launch the Power Search pop-up window. This window provides access to the full BIB-1 attribute set as configured in the Windows Admin. Client configuration. Any changes you make to the details in the Power Search window are copied into the search criteria on the Advanced Search screen ready for you to submit the search. List of Attributes More information on attributes can be found at the Library of Congress web site http://lcweb.loc.gov/z3950/agency/markup/13.html If you do not set any particular attribute in the Power Search window then it is not included in the search query. Power Searching allows the value of the Structure attribute to be set explicitly, therefore quotation marks are not interpreted as containing a phrase; in addition multiple words in the search box are not joined by implicit Boolean ANDs. Refinement This allows you to see what Bib attributes are possible with the targets you have currently selected. Refinement can be set to On or Off by checking the relevant control at the foot of the Advanced Search page. When Refinement is off (default position) the available fields in the Field pull down box is a general list of Z39.50 Bib-1 Use Attribute Set as specified in the Windows Client configuration (Z39.50 Mappings). This corresponds to the Use field when you do a Power Search. This allows you to choose from the familiar (e.g. keyword, author etc.) to less used and more obscure terms (e.g. Bliss Classification, authority/format identifier). If Refinement is on then the list of Use attributes available in the Field column is updated according to the list of collections being searched. It gives you access to the list of fields that are supported by the target institutions Z39.50 server. This means that searches can be constructed from search attributes that are fully compatible with the setup of the target database. The benefit of refinement is that it allows you to determine what Bib attributes are possible with the selected target databases. Tip (star)* indicates that all the databases in your Collection support a particular Use attribute. Note: In Advanced Search, the specific fields can be edited in the Windows Admin.Client and used against specified databases as required, as the default settings. This is edited in the Query Adaptation configuration in the Windows Admin.Client. Check also with local policy for details. 10 Getting Started Saving Your Searches A saved search enables you to store the search criteria of any search and then re-execute it at any time. Every time you re-execute the saved search the results set is updated to include any new records added to the Collections since you last ran the search. This is useful especially for more complex searches created in Advanced Searching. The saved search remains available for use at a later date and is only removed when you choose to delete it. Saved searches are retained even after you have logged out. To Save a Search 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In the Standard or Advanced search screen choose suitable Collections and enter your search criteria as usual. Execute the search (and if you need to refine it further you can click on the history button at the top of the screen and then the edit button to refine the search further). In the Results screen to save this search, click on the Save search link at the top of the page. Enter an appropriate title for your saved search and submit. The Your Saved Searches screen shows details about the saved search. The following options are available: Edit Re-run Delete To Access a Saved Search To access the list of saved searches at a later date, click on the searches button at the top of the search screens. All saved searches relevant to your personal login are listed. You can then Re-run, Edit or Delete them. To re-run a search using the same search criteria, click on the Re-run link. This will repeat the saved search without the option to change any of the search criteria. Any records added to the Collections being searched will automatically be included in the new set of search results. To Edit a Saved Search 1. 2. 3. 4. Access your list of saved searches using the searches button at the top of the screen. In order to amend a search, rather than simply re-running it, click on the Edit link from the list of saved searches. The Advanced Search screen displays for you to modify the search. Submit the search in order to use the save search link to save the changes. If an edited search is saved it creates a new saved search, rather than over-writing the previous search. To Delete a Saved Search 1. 2. 3. Access the list of saved searches using the searches button at the top of the screen. Click on the delete button next to the search that is no longer required. The list of Saved Searches will refresh and the deleted search no longer appears. 11 Printed Documentation Search Status Sometimes the Collections accessed by VDX may not be available due to circumstances outside the control of VDX. During a current search if you want to check on the up to date status of each database in a Collection click on the status button at the top of the page. The status of each target in the Collection is then displayed. The following reports on availability and status of each database will then show: Complete Presenting Connecting Error Unsupported Any searches undertaken will only be retained until the user logs out. If searches are required for a longer period then they must be saved. Tip If there is an error in returning results from one or more databases and results from that database are required, the search can be saved and then re-run at a later date when the service becomes available again. 12 Getting Started Search History Searches performed during a VDX session can be re-run, even if they have not been saved, up to the point where you log out of the system. To find searches to re-run, click on the history link at the top of the page. This displays a list of the searches you have run during your current session. You can then edit and re-execute a search as required using the 'edit' and 're-run' links on the screen. Applying 're-run' to a search will repeat the identical search with the same search terms and Collections. Using 'edit' lets you modify the search terms and Collections previously used. Click on the edit button to go to the Advanced Search screen in order to make the changes to the search. Any searches conducted during a session will be lost when the user logs out. Searches can however be saved. 13 Printed Documentation Saving Records in the Saved List The Saved list is a temporary list you can work with during the current login session. Having searched for records, you can add them to a Saved List. The results of several searches can be combined in this way to create one list that can then be processed further, either by requesting, emailing or printing. The saved list is lost once you log out of your current session. To Add a Record to the Saved List 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Save button alongside the required record. When you have saved a record the Save button on the record detail will disappear. Click OK to Result added to saved list prompt. Select more records to add to your Saved List in this way - from the current hitlist or via new searches. When you are ready to view the records in your Saved List click on the saved list button at the top of the screen. Viewing the Saved List Click on the saved list button at the top of the screen. This displays the My Saved List page. You can browse the records and view their details via the details button (click the saved list button to return to the saved list page). Alternatively change the display of all records from the default brief display to the details display using the Display format box. To view e.g. all the items you wish to print, by bringing them to the top of the list, click the Print check box in the record detail and select the Print option in Bring selected items to top. To Remove Items from the Saved List Click delete in the record hitlist to remove the item from your saved list immediately. Alternatively to delay and first review items for removal, tick the Remove check box next to the items. To review all the 'Remove' items together before removing - click the link Bring selected items to top: Remove. When ready select the Remove action from the action box on the top right and submit. To Email Items from the Saved List You may wish to select a number of records and email them to yourself or colleagues for future reference. 1. Access the Saved List. 2. Click the Email check box next to the relevant records. 3. To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Email. 4. When ready choose Email from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. 5. Click submit to preview the items and confirm the email address and subject line. 6. Select from Mail format whether to email a brief citation format, or the full details format. To Print Items from the Saved List To print selected records from your saved list1. Access the Saved List. 2. Click the Print check box next to the relevant records. 3. To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Print. 4. When ready choose Print from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. 5. Click Submit to preview the items and choose from Citation or Details format. 6. When ready click Print to obtain the Windows print dialog. To Request Items from the Saved List You can create a new request using the bibliographic details of an item in the saved list. Click the Request check box next to the relevant record. In Selected record click the Request action and Submit. This copies the bibliographic details on to a Request form. 14 Getting Started Printing and Emailing Search Results In order to print or email records, you must first save them in your Saved List. From here you can print any record either in brief citation format or in the details format. To print records from the Saved List: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Example Access the Saved List. Click the Print check box next to the relevant records. To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Print. When ready choose Print from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. Click submit to preview the items and choose from Citation or Details format. When ready click Print to obtain the Windows print dialog. To email records from the Saved List: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Example Access the Saved List. Click the Email check box next to the relevant records you wish to email. To review all selected items together choose Bring selected items to top: Email. When ready choose Email from the list of actions available in the Selected records box. Click submit to preview the items and confirm the email address and subject line. Select from Mail format whether to email a brief citation format or the full details. 15 Printed Documentation User Records About Users All users must identify themselves to the VDX system in order to access request facilities. Types of Users in VDX can include: End Users. In most organisations it is likely that end users use the ZPortal application to search and make requests. These user records and the requests placed via ZPortal can be viewed and processed by the Web Admin.Client. ILL Administrators. They use the VDX Web Admin.Client and potentially the Windows Client in order to search and process requests. System Administrators. They primarily use configuration facilities in the Windows Admin.Client and may also use either of the above ! When your VDX system is first installed a number of steps have already been taken which are relevant to user registration. VDX users who are System Administrator/s and ILL Administrator/s have already been created. As part of this process a number of User Categories and User Groups exist on the VDX system. These determine what level of access and permissions specific users have in the Web Admin Client. These categories are created in line with the procedures and policies of your own organisation, so please check locally for further details. In general there are 3 ways for users to be registered within VDX: User Details records can be imported from some other external database. This should be discussed with your VDX consultant. User Details records can be created by administrative users through the Windows Client. User Details records can be created by administrative users through the Web Client. ILL Administrators have permissions assigned to them in the Windows Admin.Client to enable them to modify or create user records. What can ILL Administrator Users Do? Search and edit existing User Details records at your location. Create new User Details records for your location. Expire User Details records. Search for incoming and outgoing requests. Manage incoming and outgoing requests. Edit the Location record. Run Reports. Staff users can only access administrative functions for their own location. User Details records from other locations cannot be viewed. It is not possible to edit another location’s User Details records. Tip: when creating an ILL request on behalf of an end user, the ILL Administrator can check from the request record, whether or not the user is valid. 16 Getting Started Searching for User Details In order to view details of a user record at your location you need to search and identify the record. To Find a User To obtain a user record you need to know either the barcode, email address, user category (defined in Windows Admin.Client) or surname. 1. Click the user button in the left-hand menu pane to display the User Search screen 2. Select your search criteria from Search pull down box 3. In the for field enter your search terms into the free-text search box 4. Select the appropriate radio button from the Match menu 5. Once you have constructed your search, click the submit button to display one or more users Match Settings Exact retrieves records matching your search terms exactly, but is not case sensitive. Any part retrieves matches including your search term in any part of the string. First part retrieves matches including your search term at the beginning of the string. Last part retrieves matches including your search term at the end of the string. If you set match to Any part and click the submit button without any search criteria this obtains all User records at your location. If more than one user is retrieved they are displayed in a hitlist, potentially with options to view details, edit the record or expire the record. Click the details button to view the User record in detail. Click the edit button if you wish to modify the User record. If you have permission to edit a user record, the edit and expire buttons appear next to the user as well as the details button. If not, only the details button appears and the user record cannot be changed in any way as it is outside the jurisdiction of the ILL Administrator who is logged on. That could be because the record is for someone at a different location, or because it belongs to someone with a higher privilege setting. It is available for viewing only. If you have any queries about view-only records, please check with your own organisation on local policy. 17 Printed Documentation Editing User Details This section describes how to use the Web Client to manage user details records at your location. You must be a user with ILL Administrator level privileges in order to do this. When users are registered in the VDX system, they are assigned to a specific location. You will only be able manage users assigned to your location. New User Details records that you create will be assigned to your location automatically by the VDX system. The ability to view and change records is determined by the privileges assigned to specific users so you may need to check on local policy. End users who access ZPortal may also be able to change some details on their own user record. This depends on whether this facility has been configured in the Windows Admin.Client. If enabled, end users can change their password and change their address details. What can you edit? A user record cannot be deleted in the VDX Web client, only in the Windows Admin. client, but they can be marked as 'expired' in the Web client. Marking a user record as expired means that the Expiry Date is changed to the current date, and the user cannot log in to the VDX system and place requests etc. Any user records marked as expired can be picked up in the VDX Windows Client to be checked and deleted as appropriate. You can also prevent a user from logging in to ZPORTAL or the Web Admin client by 'banning' them. Any details on the user record can be updated - such as address details - by accessing the same pages used when creating user records. Another task you can do with a user record is update the user password. This synchronises the patron/user authentication service. What would you like to do? Edit a user record 1. 2. 3. 4. Click the user button on the left hand menu pane. Obtain the relevant user record using the User Search screen. In the user details screen click edit. Make the relevant changes Submit them on completion. Expiring users The expire button allows you to mark a user record as expired. A user record can only be marked as expired if the user has no outstanding requests. Before using the expire button, check the requests attached to that user's record. 1. To check, click on the request button in the left-hand, vertical menu bar. 2. In the ILL Request Search screen in the Other Fields section, select Client Name from the dropdown menu in the first box, and type in the name on the User record you are investigating. 3. Click the submit button. Any ‘live’ requests ordered against the User record will be listed. If there are requests still outstanding, you will not be able to mark the User record as expired. In this case, you will need to check out the requests and resolve outstanding transactions first. If there are no requests outstanding, in the User Search screen, retrieve the user record you wish to mark as expired. 1. Obtain the hitlist display by clicking the results button at the top of the screen 2. Click the expire button to the right of the user record. 3. You are asked to confirm that you want to mark the record as expired. Click OK 4. You are returned to the User Search screen. If you check the user record again using the details button, you will see that the Expiry Date has been altered to the current date. Update password For User records stored on the VDX system or on a SIP server database 1. Click the user button in the left hand menu pane. 2. Search and obtain the relevant user record. 3. Click edit. 4. Enter the new password in both the Password and Confirm Password fields. 5. Check the Update Password box. 6. Click submit to save the change. Ban a user From the User Details screen, you can also ban a user: 1. Click the user button in the left hand menu pane. 2. Search and obtain the relevant user record. 3. Click edit. 18 Getting Started 4. The default setting for the Banned in VDX box is No. 5. Use the pull down box to change to Yes. 6. Click submit to save the change. End users access VDX through the ZPORTAL interface. Once the Banned option is set to Yes, the end user cannot log in to VDX through ZPORTAL. ILL Administrators cannot place requests on the user's behalf until the Banned status is lifted. Change user address To change the address 1. Click the user button in the left hand menu pane. 2. Search and obtain the relevant user record. 3. Click edit. 4. Click the new address button at the foot of the page. 5. This takes you to the same screen used when creating user records. Any details can be edited. 6. Click on new address. You can overtype the address details as required. 7. On completion save&close. You can also add an additional address by selecting a new address type from the pull down box. Enter new details and save&close. There is only one set of details available for each Address Type. Any changes you make to address details for an existing Address Type will overwrite the previous address details. Check field details Create New Users Details How to Add a User Record 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the users button on the left-hand menu pane. This takes you to the User Search screen. Click on the create button at the top of the screen. This obtains a blank entry screen for you to enter details. See Field Details for help on specific fields. On completion click submit. This returns you to the User Search screen Address details can only be added after saving the user details entered so far. Barcode and Password These are used to uniquely identify the user. They can include both alphabetic and numeric characters and can be in upper and lower case. Barcode is a required field. Note that the Password is case sensitive during the login process. E-mail address VDX can be configured to email users regarding the status of their requests (Windows Admin.Client). To enable this feature users must have email details present in the user record. Address Details 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use the User Search screen to obtain the user record you have just created (search via Barcode is most direct). Click on the edit button, as shown in the Results screen below. When the User Details screen appears, a new address button is available. Click this button to obtain a blank New Address form for the current user. Select the appropriate type from the Address Type pull down box. Complete the address details. Click the save&close button to save the address. This also closes the New Address screen. 19 Printed Documentation 8. 9. 20 Alternatively click the save button to continue adding another address. Select a new Address Type for each address you add. Once the form is complete, click the submit button at the bottom of the screen to add the address details to the new User Details record in the VDX database. Getting Started Outgoing Requests About Requests What is a request? A Request is an Inter-Library Loan message that incorporates the bibliographic details of a document that a user wishes to borrow, access or 'own' a copy of. These request messages take place between a requesting location and a responding location. The requesting location is the one that instigates the request on behalf of an end user, the responding location is potentially the location that can satisfy the request by delivering the document. When you operate the VDX Web Admin.Client requests that you send out to other institutions on behalf of your end users are 'outgoing requests'; 'incoming requests' are requests that are sent to you from other institutions. How are request messages transmitted? VDX uses three communication methods each empowered by its own Protocol driver. These drivers monitor the database continuously to identify requests for processing and they perform actions with the requests depending on the ILL protocols being supported. Location records Target institutions or suppliers to which you send requests are recorded in the VDX database as locations. These can be academic institutions, commercial or national suppliers for example. The location record specifies what protocol driver is supported by that target institution. The progress of a request When an end user searches remote targets using ZPortal a document is identified and the user requests it through ZPortal. The request subsequently arrives in the VDX database with the status To Be Authorised. The ILL Administrator using the Web Admin.Client checks the request and the rota of potential suppliers and authorises it. The appropriate protocol driver processes the request, sending it to the first supplier on the rota. The responding location (possibly the first supplier on the rota) picks up the request message and responds positively with a 'shipped' message and sends the document. The ILL administrator at the requesting location receives the ILL message and the document, and supplies it to the end user. VDX can perform many actions automatically, so that the request status is constantly updated to reflect the true status of the request to the End User without intervention from the ILL Administrator; however, it is still necessary to perform certain actions, such as indicating that the item has been received. For the stages in this simple scenario there are corresponding ILL Actions and Statuses. There are variations on this scenario. For example If the document is non-returnable then the request process is closed. If not then further request messages are sent in connection with returning and receiving the item. Any number of state transitions can take place in connection with the request. VDX can be configured to automatically process requests - Auto-mediation - so that authorisation by the ILL administrator is not required. If a request does not pass the auto-mediation checks it is marked as Check Manual thereby requiring ILL Administrator intervention. Alternatively if configured, the request can be automatically rejected as part of automediation. Throughout the process, if configured, the end user can be notified of the status of the request via 'useralerting' - emails that indicate the up to date progress of the request. Request routing A Rota allows other locations to be tried for the request if the initial location cannot supply it. In the Web Admin. Client, locations can be added manually for the request or, if automatic routing is set up a ‘request route’ is automatically defined which can then be edited. This consists of a sequenced list of locations that a request will be sent to on successive forwarding or non-delivery. The initial request is sent to the first supplier on the rota, if that supplier responds negatively then the system will automatically forward to the next supplier on the list and so on. What can you do using VDX Web Admin.Client? Find and authorise new requests from your end users. Create new requests by filling in a blank form. Create new requests using bibliographic details resulting from a search. Monitor and process outgoing requests that are ongoing. Monitor and process incoming requests that are ongoing. 21 Printed Documentation 22 Getting Started Returning a Loan Item When a loan item is due for return to a Responder Location, the Requester Location needs to update the database to indicate when the item has been returned. This will send a message to the Responder Location, which will automatically update its records to indicate that you have returned the item. To indicate that a loan item has been returned to the Responder Location: 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. Select the Returned action from the Actions displayed and click submit. 5. The Returned Action screen displays. 6. Enter other details as required. 7. Submit the changes to the database. The request is closed when the responding location confirms with the action RECEIVED. 23 Printed Documentation Renewing a Loan Item Where a loan item is received from a responder location, it is possible to send a renewal message to the responder. 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. Select the Renew action from the Actions displayed and click submit. 5. The Renew Action screen displays. 6. Enter a value in Desired due-date if required. 7. Enter other details as required. 8. Submit the changes to the database. The action of RECEIVED must have been performed first on the item before Renew is possible. When a VDX responder receives a renewal request the status of the Request appears as RENEW/PENDING. The responder can choose from the actions RENEW ANSWER-YES and RENEW ANSWER-No. Renew Answer-Yes allows the desired due date to be edited. 24 Getting Started Cancelling a Request You can cancel a request at any time until it has been received. The action of canceling a request does not necessarily mean that it will be cancelled. The Cancel action simply causes the system to send a request to the current Responder Location to cancel the request. The Responder Location may decide to accept or reject the request to cancel. For example, it may already have shipped the item to you in between you entering the request and trying to cancel it. When a requesting location uses the Cancel-Request Action the status of the request becomes Cancel Pending until the Responder confirms cancellation. 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. Select the Cancel action from the Actions displayed and click submit. 5. This displays the Cancel action screen. 6. Enter any notes in the Notes field. 7. Use submit to save the changes Tip: It is possible to use the Cancel-Request Action even while the request is still Pending - potentially before the Responder Location has even seen the request! You cannot cancel a request simply by deleting it. Deleting a request after it has been authorised is not a valid operation. 25 Printed Documentation Completing a Request Completion can be performed either manually or, if automatic allocation of authorisation status has been set up, automatically. In both cases, completion will depend on a number of factors such as whether the Status of the item was RECEIVED or LOST or SHIPPED etc. and whether a responder sends shipped messages or received and checked-in messages for example. The completion of a Request must be determined by considering all these factors. To mark a request as complete: 1. 2. 3. 4. From requests use the search button to load the search screen. Locate the relevant item Click the Complete button The request will be given the authorisation status of complete. If VDX can automatically allocate an authorisation status, then completion can be triggered when a specified action has been performed either by the requester or responder. For example, a RECEIVED action (performed on receipt of a non-returnable copy) could trigger automatic completion. If the requested item has to be returned to the responder, automatic completion may not be performed until the requester has received a CHECKED-IN indication from the responder. On most systems, the Responder action Check In automatically sets the Complete state. This is an optional feature, so check with your own organisation to determine your local settings. Completed requests are removed from the Requests display list for both the Requester and the Responder. 26 Getting Started Creating Requests Using Retrieved Catalogue Details After obtaining a bibliographic record using a search in VDX Web Admin, you can use the bibliographic details from the record to form the basis of a new ILL request. This can be done by 1. Click the request button in the hitlist display alongside the details of the record you wish to request. 2. OR Click the request button in the details display at the foot of the record. 3. At this point if you have been searching VDX anonymously (not logged in) then you are prompted to do so now before the ILL request can proceed. 4. VDX imports the bibliographic information from the record into the appropriate fields of the ILL request. If necessary, this default information can be modified or deleted. Additional information can also be added. 5. Depending on your organisations policy you may have Validate ILL Requester enabled in the Windows Admin.Client (User Loc Defaults). If so, in the Web Admin.Client you need to first check the validity of the end user for whom you are creating the request - click the requester button at the top of the screen. In the Requester screen enter the client barcode and click the validate button. If there is a problem with the user record VDX reports it now. Otherwise the client details are copied into the ILL request. 6. Create your request details in all request pages using the notes in the links below and click on submit. 7. If configured your request is now going through the Docfind-request process. This will search suitable locations and identify where the item is held. Depending on the quality of the data within the records, it may also filter out those locations that e.g. do not hold a particular volume/issue. It will create a rota for you and send your request to the first library on the list. 8. The request’s status will automatically change from IDLE to PENDING. When creating a request using catalogue details from a retrieved record the bibliographic details are defaulted. Many other fields can also have default values populated according to VDX configuration therefore check your organisation for local policy. Main Rota Service Requester On completing the details of the ILL request click the Submit button. VDX displays a confirmation message. Check the progress of the request by finding and monitoring the request using the ILL Request Search screen. Alternatively you can create a request for an item that you have not retrieved the bibliographic details of. Instead you can enter the known details directly on to a blank ILL request form. 27 Printed Documentation Creating New Requests Using Blank Form This section describes how to create an ILL request from scratch using a blank ILL form. Alternatively you can create a request using the retrieved bibliographic details resulting from a VDX search. To obtain a blank ILL request form click the requests button in the left hand menu pane 1. This takes you to the ILL Request Search screen. 2. Click the create button at the top of the screen. 3. This displays the blank ILL request form. 4. Depending on your organisations policy you may have Validate ILL Requester enabled in the Windows Admin.Client (User Loc Defaults). If so, in the Web Admin.Client you need to first check the validity of the end user for whom you are creating the request - click the requester button at the top of the screen. In the Requester screen enter the client barcode and click the validate button. If there is a problem with the user record VDX reports it now. Otherwise the client details are copied into the ILL request. Many fields can have default values populated according to VDX configuration therefore check your organisation for local policy. Main Rota Service Requester On completing the details of the ILL request click the submit button. VDX displays a confirmation message. Check the progress of the request by finding and monitoring the request using the ILL Request Search Screen. 28 Getting Started Finding End Users Requests for Requests End users can create requests using ZPortal. VDX can be configured in various ways to process requests from end users all new requests can require manual authorisation by an ILL administrator at the requesting location all new requests can be set for automatic authorisation of requests that have successfully met certain criteria. In this case the request can be sent to the first potential responding location on the rota without any prior action from the requesting ILL administrator all new requests can be set for automatic checking - auto-mediation causing many fields to be defaulted into the record, but still require intervention by the ILL administrator for final authorisation; the authorisation status for these requests is AutoMediated:AuthManual if a request does not pass a check for automatic authorisation the authorisation status can be check manual if a request does not pass a check for automatic authorisation the authorisation status can be unauthorised For details of how your system is configured check locally with your organisation. You will need to know what status requests are left in when a user places a new request so that you can search for them using the correct Authorisation Status. To search for requests you use the ILL Request Search screen Example1:find requests with the status AutoMediated:AuthManual This status means that the end user request details have been checked by VDX and that VDX is configured to hold the request until an ILL Administrator has checked the details. The requests obtained in this search have an ILL state of Idle because they have not yet been processed and authorised. 1. Click the requests button in the left hand menu pane. 2. This takes you to the ILL Request Search Screen. 3. In Type of request select Outgoing only. 4. In Request Status: Authorisation Status select AutoMediated:AuthManual from the pull down box. 5. Click the submit button. 6. VDX displays a hitlist of requests with the authorisation status AutoMediated:AuthManual. 7. To open the request and process / authorise click the details button. Example 2: Find requests that have been rejected If a request does not pass automatic checking it can have an authorization status = unauthorised. 1. Click the requests button in the left hand menu pane. 2. This takes you to the ILL Request Search Screen. 3. In Type of request select Outgoing only. 4. In Request Status: Authorisation Status select unauthorised from the pull down box. 5. Click the submit button. 6. VDX displays a hitlist of requests with this authorisation status. 7. To view rejection details expand an individual request by clicking the details button and look at the request notes at the foot of the record. 29 Printed Documentation Authorising Users Requests VDX is often configured so that new requests from end users require an ILL administrator to check them before sending to the first location on the rota. This is called authorisation. For details of how VDX is configured check your own organisation for local policy. First search for the end user requests that require authorisation. 1. Having obtained the hitlist of requests, click the details button on the request to be progressed. This displays the ILL Request screen in the main view. (Tip: when the details record is closed the user is automatically returned to the current request on the hitlist.) 2. The buttons along the top menu bar show you details attached to the request. Clicking on the submit button on any of these screens takes you to the whole request form. - main: the main bibliographic details - responder: rota/responder location details - service: service preferences - requester: name, address and other ID. - control: details of request within VDX - audit: audit information - print: a printer-formatted version of whole request record 3. Check the bibliographic details and amend as necessary. 4. Check the default Service Type and Media Type preferences are suitable for this request. 5. In requester check the end user’s details. The location details should be those for your own location. 6. If the Responder Location uses the ILL Email protocol enter your account and password for the nominated Responder Location. 7. Check or enter the default target Responder Locations for the rota. 8. On completion set the Authorisation Status to Authorised. When you press submit the request is picked up by the relevant protocol driver and sent to the first location. Automatic checking of requests The System Administrator may configure the system to automatically check requests once they are written to the VDX database. Automatic checking - auto-mediation - may be set up to cover one or more of the following conditions: Validation of service level: the system will check whether the service level entered by the user is valid for this user, location and service type. Check mandatory fields: the system will check whether mandatory fields are present. These fields (e.g. title, author) are pre-defined by the System Administrator. Check local catalogue for this bibliographic item: the system will check whether the item is held locally and then check whether the user is allowed to borrow it. Check remote catalogues for bibliographic item: the system checks the request against the nominated remote catalogues and updates the authorisation status accordingly. Automatic routing check: The system will filter an existing rota by the Requester’s user/location default rota selection. This will select locations that fulfill certain criteria i.e. belong to the same consortium as the Requester Location or able to handle the material type, service type, service level requested. Alternatively, if the rota is empty, the system uses locations from the default non-located sequence for this service type and service level. User-status checks: The system will check that the user’s financial or quota limits are not exceeded. To find out the specific details of your VDX system configuration choices, check the procedures within your own organisation. Automatically authorised requests If a request successfully completes all the required authorisation checks, VDX can be configured to give the authorisation status of authorised. If a record does not pass a check the request will either be automatically rejected (un-authorised) or marked as check manual if automatic rejection is not set up. Special instructions and auto authorisation The system can be configured to override auto-authorisation if the end-user has entered special instructions in the initial request. (The override is set up in the Windows Admin.Client ILL User Location Default record where Manual on Client Note field is set to Yes.) When the end user places the request the special instructions should be entered as a note with the Note Type: client instructions. If special instructions have been entered, the automediation process updates the authorisaton status of the request to auto-mediation: authmanual. These requests should be reviewed by the administrator before manually authorising the request. Locally held items and auto-authorisation VDX can be set up to prevent a request from being automatically authorised if the item requested is held locally. The request authorisation status is then set to For Manual Authorisation. Automatic rejection of requests If VDX is configured to automatically reject requests not passing various checks then the authorisation status is set by VDX to un-authorised. To find these requests you need to search using this status as your criteria. 30 Getting Started Progress Requests Failing Validation This section relates to new end user requests that have not passed all the required checks. If auto-rejection has not been set up and a request does not pass all the required checks, the authorisation status is set to check manual. ILL Administrators should review each request and decide on the most appropriate course of action. 1. Click the requests button in the left hand menu pane to load the ILL Request Search screen. 2. In Type of request set to Outgoing only. 3. Set the Authorisation Status to check manual. 4. Click the submit button. 5. VDX displays a hitlist of items that require reviewing. Details of the problems encountered during validation are displayed in the notes field. The buttons along the top menu bar show you details attached to the request. Clicking on the submit button on any of these screens takes you to the whole request form. - main: the main bibliographic details - responder: rota/responder location details - service: service preferences - requester: name, address and other ID. - control: details of request within VDX - audit: audit information - print: a printer-formatted version of all whole request record On completion set the Authorisation Status to Authorised. When you press submit the request is picked up by the relevant protocol driver and sent to the first location. Alternatively you can Cancel a Request. View Notes and their meanings for both requests that have been automatically rejected and requests that require manual intervention. 31 Printed Documentation Monitoring Outgoing Requests You can use the VDX Web Admin. interface to monitor incoming and outgoing requests. To do this you use the ILL Request Search screen. Click on requests in the left hand pane to access this screen. There are a number of searches you can perform to retrieve the requests you want. Note that all searches are restricted to requests where your own location is either the Requester or the Responder. The Responder Location may send messages back to you to confirm that the item has been shipped, not supplied, etc. These cause the authorisation status of the request to be updated to: To Be Acknowledged. Authorisation status = To Be Acknowledged Tip:You can monitor the progress of requests which are updated automatically by the Responder Location by using a search that has Authorisation Status = To Be Acknowledged. This is always limited to requests from your location. To check whether you are the Requesting Location or the Responding Location: 1. 2. 3. In the hitlist of outgoing requests click details. At the top of the ILL Request screen click audit. This displays an audit trail. Where this indicates Request then you are the requesting location; where Request Indication is displayed then you are the responding location. If you operate as a Responder Location to another organisation, or if you operate an inter-branch loans service, you will also need to monitor for incoming requests on a regular basis, and respond to them accordingly. Tip: All new requests received for your location are at status In Process. Performing an Action Whenever you want to respond to the latest status of a request you perform an action on it. This can send another ILL message to the responding location. 1. From the hitlist of ILL requests click the action button. 2. This displays the Action ILL Request Screen. 3. A list of valid Actions is made available. Only valid responses are provided depending on: ILL protocol - Current status - Valid transition states - Possible actions. 4. To progress the request you select the appropriate Action from the drop-down list. Once you have selected an Action a new frame loads to provide relevant fields associated with that Action. 5. Complete the details for e.g. Action:Received and click submit. 6. A confirmation message shows if the action was successful. Ongoing requests can have Actions performed by the user to record receipt, cancel a request etc. Over 30 Actions are provided in VDX. The usually valid Actions for the current state of the request are made available. Note that a single action can also be performed on several requests simultaneously - Multiple Request Processing. ILL Statuses (ISO) From the point when a request is created and sent to a Responder location to the point where the request is satisfied, a number of messages may be sent between the requesting location and the Responder(s). According to the last event that occurred, the valid status of the request is displayed. See the statuses listed here, especially from the viewpoint of the requesting location, to determine their meaning. For each stage in the lifecycle of a request there are corresponding ILL Actions and Statuses. Docfind-requester This is an automatic process that may be configured at your organisation (check with local policy). Potentially it can remove much of the mundane work of the requesting librarian by validating the request before transmission, and automatically compiling a list of potential suppliers for the rota. This is based on items located via Z39.50 searching, library groupings and other Requester-defined filtering and sorting rules. The holdings records of the remote supplier databases are checked, and if the requested item is located, the supplier location is added to the rota. All this is configured in the Windows Admin. Client. 32 Getting Started Communicating with Responders At any time notes can be added to an existing authorised request. These are viewable in the request details, latest note displayed first. The relevant note type should be selected 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button. 2. In the ILL Requests Search screen find the request you want to send a message with. 3. From the hitlist select action. 4. Valid actions are displayed. 5. Select Message From pull down list. 6. On the Message details screen, choose a relevant Note Type. 7. Add a free text note into the Note box and click submit. Tip: Notes can also be added to other actions if required e.g. cancel, received. 33 Printed Documentation Receiving a Requested Item When an ILL request item is received, the database will need to be updated. 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record e.g. Type of Request = Outgoing only, Status = Shipped, Authorisation Status = To Be Acknowledged. 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. Select the Received action from the Actions displayed and click submit. 5. The Received Action screen displays. 6. This holds details of a due date. if one is not provided by the responding location it can be manually added here, or it can be edited. 7. Enter a Date, any Note if required, and click Submit. Tip: The Due Date field can be used as a filter/search option in the ILL Request Search screen and in the Audit trail. 34 Getting Started Receiving a Requested Item When an ILL request item is received, the database will need to be updated. 3. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button 4. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record e.g. Type of Request = Outgoing only, Status = Shipped, Authorisation Status = To Be Acknowledged. 8. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 9. Select the Received action from the Actions displayed and click submit. 10. The Received Action screen displays. 11. This holds details of a due date. if one is not provided by the responding location it can be manually added here, or it can be edited. 12. Enter a Date, any Note if required, and click Submit. Tip: The Due Date field can be used as a filter/search option in the ILL Request Search screen and in the Audit trail. 35 Printed Documentation Incoming Requests Monitoring Incoming Requests If you operate as a Responder Location to another organisation, or if you operate an inter-branch loans service, you will also need to monitor for incoming requests on a regular basis, and respond to them accordingly. All new requests received for your location are at status In Process. 1. Click the requests button to load the ILL Requests Search screen. 2. Retrieve all new incoming requests aimed at your location e.g. by searching with your library’s role as Responder, filtered by Status = In Process. 3. Select any request you want to respond to and use the Action button. 4. Select one of the valid Actions from the list of actions presented to you in the Action window pull down list. Only valid Actions for incoming requests are displayed, such as Answer Conditional, Forward, Answer Will Supply, Shipped. The appropriate Action window is then loaded for you to supply additional information regarding the Action you are performing. 5. Click submit to save the changes. Forwarding a Request Where you receive an incoming request that you cannot satisfy then the request can be moved on to the next location. This can be done by sending a Not Supplied message or a Forward message. With either of these Actions the request is automatically sent on to the next location in the rota. See what to do if you are unable to supply. Automatic Response The responding process can be automated. This means incoming requests can be processed automatically by VDX against a set of rules defined in the Windows Admin.Client for responses by the home location to requesting locations. This configuration is optional, and can be implemented in a variety of ways. A process called docfind-responder carries out these automatic responses. Check own local information for details of how this might be used at your own location. Docfind-responder This is an automatic response process for the benefit of the responder location, (check with local policy to see how implemented in your organisation). This process checks whether the requested item is held by the Responder and is available for the Requester. It can validate the request against local profiling rules and service attributes, and be configured to automatically send back suitable ILL messages to the Requester dependent upon the circulation status of the requested item. The process can automatically re-route requests that cannot be directly satisfied by the current responder, but can be satisfied by other ILL departments internal to the current institution or consortium. The process also has the ability to automate the role of intermediary or broker between external requesters and other external suppliers or brokers such as OCLC. The configuration of docfind-responder is done in the Windows Admin.Client but in practice when using the Web Admin.Client it means that many incoming requests can automatically be moved on to the next stage without human intervention at the responding location. 36 Getting Started Finding Incoming Requests As a responding location a regular task is to see what new requests have come to your location. To do this 1. Click on the requests icon on the left-hand frame. 2. In Type of Request select Incoming Only. 3. Optionally Select a suitable status such as In Process and submit your search. 4. This search can be refined by using the Other Fields which are available such as Date Created or by selecting an Authorisation Status e.g To Be Acknowledged 5. Your search results are displayed in a hitlist. 6. Click on the details button to view more details about the request including the rota. 7. Click on the print button to print requests individually and use these for shelf-checking. Viewing requests in detail After clicking on the details button To see the rota, click on the responder button. To find the history (audit) of the request, click the audit button. 37 Printed Documentation Mark Requests Being Dealt With If you work in a team who will all be processing ILL requests, you may choose at this point to mark your requests as ACKNOWLEDGED. This does not change the STATUS of the request – but it will update the request’s authorisation status to indicate that the request is being dealt with. To do this: 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button. 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record. 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the acknowledge button. Printing Requests for Shelf-Checking 1. 2. 3. 4. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request records for printing. Locate the item in the hitlist and click the print button. This loads a preview screen and a print dialog. The requests can also be printed individually after you have clicked the details button. In this case click on the print button at the top of the ILL Request screen. Alternatively, the requests can be printed directly from the ILL request search screen by selecting print from the Format field. Select the Print option to print requests fulfilling the criteria selected. When the submit button is selected, the requests are shown in the layout in which they will be printed and the dialog box for printing is displayed. If you want to print, click OK. Tip: This can be used to shelf check and identify the appropriate copy. See also how to use reports to output a pick list for shelf checking. 38 Getting Started Unable to supply? If you are unable to supply the requested item, then you will need to change the status of the request: 1. In the left hand menu pane click the requests button. 2. Using the ILL Request Search screen find the relevant request record. 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. From the drop down box, choose Answer Non Supply and click on the submit button. 5. Select a reason, and enter any notes if appropriate. Click on the submit button. 6. A successful message displays on screen. For the responding library, the request’s status will change from In Process to Not Supplied. For the requesting library, the request’s status will stay at Pending and the request will move on to the next location on the rota. 39 Printed Documentation Shipping a Request When a Responder is physically sending an ILL requested item, the database will need to be updated to reflect this: 1. Load the search screen for the requests domain in the usual way – see ILL Request Search for detailed instructions. 2. In the ILL Requests Search screen find the relevant request record e.g. Type of Request = Incoming, Status = In Process, Authorisation Status = To Be Acknowledged. 3. Locate the item in the hitlist and use the Action button. 4. Select the Shipped action from the Actions displayed and submit. 5. VDX recalculates any shipping costs associated with the request. A brief message displays if this occurs, depending upon the service details between the Requester and Responder. 6. The Shipped Action screen displays. 7. Enter a Date, any Costs and Taxes for the shipped request, a Note if required. 8. Optionally, click the recalc cost and/or recalc tax buttons if changes are made. 9. Press submit. Data for calculating the costs associated with the ILL service of a particular request are set in the VDX Windows Admin.Client – further information on options and configuration can be found in the System Administrator’s Manual. For details of your local settings, please check with your own organisation’s procedures. 40 Getting Started Multiple Request Processing Frequently a VDX search for incoming only or outgoing only requests will result in a hitlist containing several request items, potentially a large number. The web interface allows multiple record selection and processing by using the Bulk Action feature. To carry out multiple processing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you wish to perform an ILL action on more than one item in the hitlist, check the Bulk box next to each of the items to be actioned and click on the bulk submit action button at the bottom of the page. This will enter the request numbers for all the requests for which you want to perform a given action into a box in the Bulk Action / Authorisation screen. Alternatively, you can click the bulk action button located in the top menu bar to display a blank bulk action screen, into which you can enter the request numbers. This shows the ILL numbers of the requests selected. Others can be manually added. Select the required Action or Authorisation Status from the appropriate pull down menu. Press the submit button to then obtain a screen to enter the details for the selected Action or Authorisation Status. This information will apply to all the requests selected. On pressing the submit button again, VDX displays the request numbers that have been successfully updated. 41 Printed Documentation Reporting A number of reports can be run from the VDX Web Client. For general request processing the most important of these is the Picklist report. This report allows responding locations to print incoming request records in order to facilitate pulling the material from the shelves for fulfillment. To access this and a number of other predefined reports 1. Click the reports button. 2. This displays the ILL Reports screen. 3. Valid criteria include: Start Date and End Date Start Date only End Date only Null Dates (includes all requests) 4. Click submit to execute the report. Note the date format: 10 JAN 2003 42 Getting Started Electronic Document Delivery About Document Delivery GEDI The GEDI standard is an international standard form of electronic document supply header which allows an electronic document to be described in terms of the request that triggered its supply. The fields of the GEDI header are derived from the contents of an ISO -ILL Request message. The GEDI headers allows the program or person who receives the document to associate the document with the request that ordered it. VDX is dependent upon the GEDI header to be able to match an incoming document with the right request in the database. Native VDX Document Delivery methods Once an electronic document has been dropped in the responder’s VDX database, VDX has native FTP and Email delivery programs that automatically transmit the documents to the requesters when the request is SHIPPED. Ariel With JEDDS Shipping’ a request where Ariel® is operating with the JEDDS component, will cause VDX to automatically trigger the scanning and transmission of an electronic copy by Ariel. Once Ariel has transmitted the document, VDX will automatically transmit the Shipped Message to the Requester. When used in this mode, VDX will automatically fill out the Ariel GEDI header as part of the remote scan request. Ariel Without JEDDS Those VDX and Ariel customers outside of UK and Australia/New Zealand need to manually enter the ‘Shipped’ message after they’ve manually scanned and transmitted the document using Ariel. For these users when filling out the Ariel scan screen, they must add the TGQ to the FileName field of the GEDI header prefixed by ‘VDX_’. Configuring where to store electronic documents Whether acting as requester or responder VDX needs to know where to store the documents that it is transmitting or receiving. VDX can store Objects inside the VDX database or they can be stored on local or remote file systems too. VDX knows where to store documents from the value of the VDX Setup: System Globals variable Default Document Store. This has to be configured in the Windows Admin.Client. In addition the FTP Document Receiver process needs to know where to find incoming documents, where to place troublesome documents that have failed to be received properly, and where to place temporary working files. These various file paths may all be local or remote to the VDX server machine. They are defined in the FTP Document Receiver’s configuration details in the Windows Admin.Client. 43 Printed Documentation Attach Electronic Document To attach an electronic document to a request in the Web Admin.Client you can specify a document path from which the document may be retrieved into VDX. Responders may now insert a requested electronic document from their PC into the appropriate incoming request as follows. The request must fulfill the following conditions before a document can be ‘inserted’ into it: The ILL Status must be ‘In Process’ The Service Type must be ‘Copy Non Returnable’ The Delivery Method should be EMAIL or FTP The Electronic Delivery Param may be ‘GEDI’ The Requesters Delivery Address must be an Email or FTP address To add a document to a request In the WebAdmin client, first select an incoming copy request. The following describes how to attach an electronic document in response to a request for an electronic copy from a requesting location. In the hitlist the add doc button appears where this is a valid action. 1. Use the ILL Request Search screen to locate the ILL request 2. In the hitlist click add doc to obtain the Documents screen. This prompts you to enter a file path to the document which is assumed to be available from your local PC. 3. Select a suitable action from the pull down box. 4. In the Attach document section you can use the browse button to locate the relevant file on your PC. 5. A standard Windows file dialogue is now displayed. 6. Select the file by pressing the ‘Open’ button. 7. Having selected the required document, press the submit button to link the requested document to the current request. 8. This causes a document details form to be displayed ILL Attachment Details where specific disposal conditions and copyright texts may be added to the document information. (This information will end up being included in the GEDI header that accompanies the transmitted document). 9. Select the appropriate Doc Disposal Condition (if required) and enter a copyright statement (this can be left blank). 10. Finally hit the ‘Save’ button to store this information in the database. If you now select the Documents button for the current request, you will see a hot-link which, when followed, will display the inserted document. Pressing the eye icon will redisplay the Attachment details, and hitting the cross icon will delete the document. Click on the hightlighted Attached Documents item to view the document online. Click on the eye icon to view the Atttachment details. Click on the cross icon to delete the Attached Document. Shipping When this request is actioned as SHIPPED, the appropriate VDX document delivery driver will transmit the attached document to the Requester. Note that document viewers are hardcoded into the Web Admin.Client, and the following subset of file formats are currently supported: JPG,TIFF, XLS. 44 Getting Started About Receiving Documents Via Email As long as the Document Receiver program is running on your VDX server, then incoming emailed documents will be captured by this program and inserted into the VDX document store, provided that the documents contain a GEDI header whose TransactionId or FileName contains details of the request to which this document belongs. In VDX 2.3, documents received by email can only be stored in the VDX database as binary objects. Via FTP As long as the FTP Document Receiver program is running on your VDX server, and that server is also running an FTP receiver, then incoming documents will be captured by this program and inserted into the VDX document store - provided that the documents contain a GEDI header whose TransactionId or FileName fields contain details of the request to which this document belongs. Unlike the email receiver, documents received by FTP can be stored in one of three different types of location: In the VDX database as a binary object In a filesystem directory local to the VDX server In a remote filesystem accessible by FTP from the VDX server. Via Ariel® If your documents have been received by FTP or EMAIL in a local Ariel server, then if you have the JEDDS component, the Ariel workstation will notify VDX that it has received a document for a given request. This will trigger VDX to automatically transmit a ‘Received’ message to the responder and may also trigger User Alerts to the requesting User. Without the JEDDS component, VDX cannot be automatically made aware that the electronic document has been delivered to the Ariel workstation. Under this circumstance, ILL staff must manually set the request to ‘Received’ when the document arrives in their Ariel workstation. 45 Printed Documentation Viewing a Received Document Via Web Admin or ZPortal When an electronic document arrives to satisfy a request, the request is set to RECEIVED so that the operator is alerted to process it. If permissions allow, end users using ZPortal can click on the document link in the request display to view the document online within their current browser session. VDX will check first as to whether the requesting user has already accessed the document more than the permitted number of times. Via Email The User Alerting Agent can be configured to incorporate the delivered document as an attachment to the ‘Document Received’ user alert. Very often though, local copyright rules will prohibit this form of document delivery. Via URL On receipt of the document by FTP, VDX will send the user a Document Received alert that will include the DocFetch URL and a username/password. This is provided that the DocFetch program has been enabled the FTP Document Receiver program has been configured to cooperate with the DocFetch program the Received User Alert has been configured to include the DocFetch URL and authentication fields If the user clicks on the embedded URL, and enters the given authentication details, DocFetch will display the document to the user online via their browser. As with the other end user document delivery methods, VDX will check the number of times this user has tried to access this document before it displays the document to them. 46 Getting Started Location Records About Locations Location is the term used in VDX for those sites providing material to you to fulfil requests. A location can be another library or a document delivery supplier. All sites that you have interlibrary loan relationships with should be entered into VDX as locations. When your VDX system is installed, your own organisation is entered as one or more locations, and your relevant location and service details are recorded. You can view all location/supplier records in the VDX Web Client too, but you will only be able to edit your own location record. All users are assigned to a location. ILL Administrators using Web Admin.Client are only able to view and manage user records assigned to their location. (If a library will only be requesting material and not supplying material to fill requests, then their role is essentially that of an end user, and they do not need to be recorded as a location in VDX). What can you do in Web Admin.Client with Location records? Clicking on the location button on the left-hand menu pane will allow you to: View and edit your location and service details. View the details of other external locations. New locations cannot be created using the Web Admin.Client. They must be created using the VDX Windows Admin.Client. Locations and Services The details of what ILL services your location provides to other locations/libraries are recorded in your location record and can be edited. In addition the details of what ILL Services you can expect from other locations/libraries to your location can be viewed, however these cannot be edited. Services information includes service types, service levels, costs and so on. This information is used to enable VDX to evaluate potential suppliers, given the details of a particular request, and create a rota automatically. The rota can be checked by an ILL Administrator prior to authorisation and any necessary changes made. Individual locations can be grouped together in VDX. Groups are also considered locations and group location records can be used by VDX as sorting criteria when creating a rota. Group locations can also be used when defining your services. Location is also the level at which various ILL User Location Defaults are configured, as different locations will have unique default data. However the details for ILL User Loc Defaults are configured in the Windows Admin.Client. For details on criteria and preferences used in the creation of Location Records, please check with your own organisation. 47 Printed Documentation Viewing and Editing Locations This section explains how to enter details about your location and how to record the services you offer to other locations/libraries. Viewing Click the location button in the left-hand menu bar to display the Location Search screen: Select your search criteria from the Search pull down box: Tip:Location Symbol –You can enter an official symbol for the location as the basis for the search. This is the recognised code for that location as designated by the ISO Naming Authority. The list of official naming authorities can be viewed on the ISO Protocol Register: http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/ill/regiimp.htm. Location Code Location Symbol Short Description Long Description Enter your search terms into the free-text search box. Select the appropriate radio button from the Match options Exact retrieves records matching your search terms exactly, but is not case sensitive. Any part retrieves matches including your search term in any part of the string. First part retrieves matches including your search term at the beginning of the string. Last part retrieves matches including your search term at the end of the string. If you set match to Any part and click the submit button without any search criteria this obtains all records. Click submit to display results in a hitlist. Click the details button to view the location record or click the services button to view information on the service you receive from a location. From the Services screen, you can click on the attributes button to view more information on the service available from a site. Then click either the services button to return to that screen, or use the results button on the top menu bar to return to your original search results. You can only view details for other locations – you can’t edit them, but you can edit your own Location record. Edit Own Location To edit the Location record for your own location, click the edit own button in the top menu bar. To assist with this see Field Details for locations. Addresses The New Address button provides a variety of addresses to include in a location record. To see the complete list of address types click the arrow in the Address Type drop down box. For each address you must select an Address Type. A list of standard types are provided but new ones can be added therefore check with your local organisation. In the Windows Admin.Client, Address Types may also be mapped to behave in a certain way. When you have added an address, click save to save the address record and open another New Address window, or save & close to save the address record, close the New Address window and return to the own location screen. Once you have finished editing your Location Record, click the submit button to record any additions and changes. You can also edit the service record at your location. This records the services that you provide to other locations/libraries. You cannot edit the services provided from other locations to your location, you can only view them. 48 Getting Started Services Viewing and editing your Services records The services section of your own Location record is where you will record the various services you offer to other locations/libraries. Services information includes service types, service levels, costs and so on. Other locations using VDX will use this information in your services record to determine what order to place your location on a rota. You need to be logged in as a user with high privileges to do this. 1. Click the location button in the left-hand menu pane to display the Location Search screen. 2. Click the own services button on the top menu bar to display your services record. 3. Click the edit button to change your services record. Viewing other location services You can also view the services that other locations provide to you when you request from them. You cannot edit the services provided by other locations however. 1. Click the location button in the left hand pane. 2. In the Location Search screen search for the location of interest. 3. If your search produces only one record click the results button to display the brief details. 4. From the Results page click services on the location you wish to view. 49 Printed Documentation Glossary A Acknowledge: Requests or incoming messages that have not been 'reviewed' by the VDX administrator have the authorisation status of to be acknowledged. The status of these requests/incoming messages can be updated to acknowledged by selecting Acknowledge from the Request menu's pull-down list. Action: The act of changing the status of a request record. An action changes the status of a request Address Type: The purpose assigned to a user's address/es - e.g. Billing Address, Delivery Address. Can be different addresses for one user. Allocate: To 'lock' a request to a certain ILL operator in order to process them. ANSI/NISO: American National Standards Institute/ National Information Standards Organization ARIEL: Software from Research Libraries Group (RLG) allowing documents to be scanned and transmitted to other Ariel Workstations via e-mail or FTP. ARTEmail: Method of sending requests to BLDSC in which request is typed in ARTE format and saved as an ASCII plain text file. This is text is then pasted into the body of an e-mail message and sent to BLDSC. Attribute sets: A collection of attributes (e.g. BIB-1) registered with by the Z39.50 Maintenance Agency. An attribute is used to describe how a search terms is used when searching a target database. Authentication Service: Used to check user login details. Details can be checked against the VDX system or against a remote database, for example a Library Management System, that contains user details. Can be one just one option for all users, or can be a drop down list where the user selects their option. Authorise: A change of authorisation status performed automatically or by the ILL administrator, if the request satisfies certain criteria. Once a request has been authorised it can be picked up by the background driver and sent to the first potential responder on the rota. Auto-authorisation: The change of authorisation status performed automatically if a request satisfies certain predetermined criteria e.g. mandatory fields are present. Auto-mediation: Steps in the requesting process that have been configured to be checked and passed on automatically to the next stage of the process, provided a request meets certain criteria. Autoforwarding: The automatic forwarding of a request to the next location on a rota if it cannot be satisfied by the first location. Automatic Expiry: Configuration of VDX to select requests that have expired and take appropriate protocol specific action i.e. send status error to responder. Available databases: All databases that are available for the user but not currently selected. (VDX Web Client only) B Background Driver: Program running on VDX that checks for newly authorised requests and incoming Requests and ILL messages. Banned: Status that prevents a user from logging on to the system and placing requests etc. An anonymous search is still available to banned users. Barcode: Unique code given to all VDX users and used to log in to the system. Can be letters and/or numbers. Often an existing ID is used - e.g. library card number etc. Used with password. Boolean operators: The use of the conjunctions (AND, OR, NOT) to join terms when creating a search query. Used within the Criteria Tree tool to add new search criteria to searches. Bulk Action: Allows the same action to be performed on a group of requests. C Cancel: An action that causes the system to send a request to the current responder location to cancel the request. Catalogue: Database resources that can be accessed via VDX. Searches can be carried out on them, and requests made for items found on them. 50 Getting Started Centralised model: VDX implementation model. All locations within the service log on to a central system and place requests within a single database. This model uses an internal ISO based protocol driver - the LASER driver, that processes requests in the background. This is usually run with a virtual union catalogue. Check-in: An action performed on a request by the responding location to confirm that a returned item has been received. Client: Software that runs on a user's computer that is used to communicate and access services on a remote server. Close Coupled Configuration: A scanning configuration in which the ARIEL/JEDDS scanning software and the VDX client are on the same PC. Combo box: Used to describe a selection box i.e. to select new type of search. Complete: A change of authorisaton status performed by the responding location either manually or automatically to record the end of request processing. Control: A field in a record. Copy: An item that can be requested via VDX that does not have to be returned. Usually a paper or electronic copy for example, a journal article or a chapter from a book. Copyright: Country-specific copyright legislation applies to all requests for non-returnable material. End-users must either pay a copyright fee (i.e. for copyright cleared material) or be bound by 'fair dealing' agreements which will usually allow for limited copying of a document for private study, research or review. Current databases: All databases in the User Search Profile that are selected for use (WEB client only) D Databases: Database resource that can be searched via VDX - e.g. an online library catalogue Dependent search: A search made to select values to add to a control whilst inputting/editing data Details: The most fullest on-screen view of a record. Distributed model: VDX implementation model. Allows peer-to-peer interaction between locations and does not rely on a centralised service. Service levels can be established independently between users institutions. DocFetch: The DocFetch process allows document delivery directly to the end user via an Emailed URL. Docfind-requester: An automatic process for the benefit of the requester location. This process can be configured to validate the request before transmission and automatically compile a list of potential suppliers for the rota. This is based on items located via Z39.50 searching, library groupings and other Requester defined filtering and sorting rules. The holdings records of the remote supplier databases are checked, and if the requested item is located, the supplier location is added to the rota. Configured in Windows Admin. Client. Docfind-responder: Automatic process for the benefit of the responder location. Checks whether the requested item is held by the Responder and is available for the Requester. Can validate the request against local profiling rules and service attributes, and be configured to automatically send back suitable ILL messages to the Requester dependent upon the circulation status of the requested item. Can automatically re-route requests that cannot be directly satisfied by the current responder, but can be satisfied by other ILL departments internal to the current institution or consortium. Ability to automate the role of intermediary or broker between external requesters and other external suppliers or brokers such as OCLC. Configured in Windows Admin. Client. Document delivery: A service in which the library delivers books, articles, or other materials to an end-user. Documents may be supplied in hard-copy or electronically from the libraries own stock or via inter-library loans. Domain: An area of information within VDX e.g. Requests domain, User domain. E EARL: Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries. The EARL Consortium for Public Library Networking, offers (British) public libraries a web presence. Edit box: An input field on an online form. New data can be entered or existing data edited. Electronic document delivery: The transmission and supply of items electronically. End User/s: The basic level off access/privileges within VDX. Can search and place requests or 'requests for requests' depending on privilege assigned. Can only access the VDX system through the Web Client. Explain: A service specified within the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard (version 3) that allows a client to discover information about a server e.g. available databases, supported attribute sets and record syntaxes. 51 Printed Documentation F Field Details: Collective term to describe the data within a domain. Given at the end of each chapter and includes details of the requirements and options within each field. Filter: Function allowing search to be refined by searching on specific fields within a record. Folder: A 'window' into which the results of other searches can be stored. Forward: To transmit a request to the next location on a routing rota. G GEDI: Group on Electronic Document Interchange: An international agreement for the format of image documents to be exchanged among different computing environments. This format is used by Ariel systems and consists of a multipage TIFF document and a GEDI header. The GEDI headers allows the program or person who receives the document to associate the document with the request that ordered it. H Hitlist: The format that search results are presented in VDX. This can be a search of external databases for resources, or an internal search for users or locations etc. Hybrid model: VDX Implementation model. A mixture, in any proportions, of the centralised model and the distributed model. Can be tailored to client-specific requirements. I Icons: An image on a tool bar providing a short-cut to a menu option. ILL Administrator/s: Varying levels of access/privilege within VDX assigned to staff performing tasks related to the processing of requests and the maintenance of user records. There can be multiple, varying levels configured for staff working on the Windows Admin. Client. The Web Admin. Client has a more limited choice of privilege, but still has different levels of a access available. Incoming requests: These are request messages that come to you from other institutions or locations. IPIG: ILL Protocol Implementers Group. ISO: International Standards Organisation: a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from around 130 countries. L Links: Ability to move from one record to related records. List view: A view providing a list of brief records. Loan: An item that can be requested via VDX but must be returned. Usually a hard copy, e.g. monograph or video tape etc. Location: Any site that requests and/or supplies material via VDX. Any site that is registered with a VDX system. Location Record: VDX record where details of all locations and their service details are held. Lock: A request can be locked to allow a user to work on a record without other users being able to access it. Log messages: Messages displayed on the 'audit' screen of a request: validation, user alerts, errors. Logon: Oracle login window allowing user to connect to VDX Loose Coupled Configuration: A scanning configuration in which the ARIEL/JEDDS scanning software and the VDX client are on different PCs. M MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail extensions: The standard for attaching non-text files (such as graphics, spreadsheets, word processor documents, sound files, etc.) to email messages. 52 Getting Started Modify: Edit record Multi-media: Used within VDX to describe 'object' that can be delivered to the end-user electronically N Notes / Note field: Notes about a request can be made and attached to the request in the Note field. The Note can be set to be available just to the Requesting Location or to the Responding Location too. Can also be visible to the End User if required. Options can be set in the Web Client. O OCLC: Online Computer Library Center, inc: a not for profit membership organisation with over 40,000 libraries in 82 countries and territories around the world. Outgoing requests: These are requests that are sent out from your location to other locations or institutions. P Password: Linked to barcode and required by all VDX users. All privilege levels can change their own password if VDX has been configured to allow this function. Patron: VDX user. Permissions: The authority granted to users to view, edit or modify records. Pickup Location: Location at which a user may collect requested item. Protocol: The rules of an agreement which specifies the content of ILL messages and procedural rules for exchanging them e.g. ISO 10161 is a major ILL protocol. Protocol driver: This enables ILL messages to be transmitted from one computer to another according to the rules of a specific ILL protocol. VDX uses ISO 10161, LASER (VDX style driver) and Email. Pulldown menu: A menu of further options that is accessed by clicking on the required option on the menu bar at the top of the screen. R Re-order: Arrange locations on rota in different order. Displayed as icons on the ribbon bar. Recall: An action by a responder to request the return of an item on loan to a requesting library. Receipt: An action by a responding location to record receipt of an item that has been returned by a requesting location. Renew: An action by a requesting location to responding location requesting extension to the loan. Request Details: Format used to place requests via the VDX system. The form appears with bibliographic details automatically in place when a request is placed from a search result, or it can be accessed as a blank form and filled in manually. Requester Location: Any location that places requests via VDX. Locations can be either responders (i.e. they do not make requests, only supply them), or requesters (i.e. they do not supply requests, only make them), or they can be both a requester and a responder (i.e. they make requests and supply them). Responder Location: Any location that accepts requests via VDX. Locations can be either responders (i.e. they do not make requests, only supply them), or requesters (i.e. they do not supply requests, only make them), or they can be both a requester and a responder (i.e. they make requests and supply them). Rota: A list of Responders that can be created in VDX. The list can be ordered to criteria set by the Requester - for example cheapest or quickest Responder first etc. Can be configured to be generated automatically or can be created manually. Routing: The forwarding of a request to a succession of responders on a rota. S Saved List: Used in bibliographic searching to save specified retrieved records in a temporary list. Items on the list can be printed, emailed or requested. 53 Printed Documentation Secondary Resources: Database resources that can be selected for the Advanced Search within VDX Web.Client only. Servers: The computer or software that provides services to other computers known as clients. Service Details: Information on the type and level of service offered by each location. Shipped: An Action by the responding location to record shipping of the item to the requesting location. Status of a shipped item. Simple Search: VDX key word search of targeted databases via VDX Web Client only. Special instructions: Client Instructions entered in the request. If present, the system can be configured to 'override' auto-authorisation and force manual authorisation. Status: The position of a request at a given point in the VDX system request cycle. An action is used to change the status of a request. System Administrator: The highest level of privilege/access within VDX and responsible for the initial setting up of VDX within an organisation. Can alter/configure all none hard-coded options. Can access all the privileges of the ILL Administrator and the End User. T Target: Databases or other resources and also locations that are set up to be searched and requested from via VDX. TIFF: Tagged Image File Format,: A standard method of defining information about an image or group of images contained in a file. U Unauthorise: Option in Requests to give request the authorisation status of 'unauthorised'. It can only be used with requests that have not yet been authorised. User Category: Assigned to each user to determine their level of access - e.g. ILL Administrator and End User are User Categories. Can be set up in the Web Client. User Details: Record containing details of VDX users including end-users, ILL operators and administrators. User Group: Privileges within VDX can be set at a group level, then users can be assigned to a group. User Groups are configured in the Windows Client. User/s: Any person using VDX. V Validation errors: Errors that have been generated by the auto-mediation process. VDX Web Admin. Client: The interface used by ILL Administrators to search and request items. Also used to perform routine processing and maintenance tasks for records connected with your own location/organisation. VDX Windows Admin. Client: The interface used by ILL Administrators and System Administrators. End Users don't usually have access to this interface. The whole range of administrative tasks can be performed in this interface, with customised levels of access in place as locally required. The System Administrators use the Windows Admin. Client to make changes to the system e.g. adding new user groups and also to add to and amend all configurable options. VDX Windows Admin.Client: The interface used by ILL Administrators and System Administrators. The whole range of administrative tasks can be performed in this interface, with customised levels of access in place as locally required. The System Administrators use the Windows Admin. Client to make changes to the system e.g. adding new user groups and also to add to and amend all configurable options. W Wildcard: A symbol, i.e. "%" which acts as a variable within a search term. Z 54 Getting Started Z39.50: An ANSI/NISO Information Retrieval protocol which allows client applications to query databases on remote servers, retrieve results, and perform other retrieval related functions. ZPortal: VDX application normally used by end users. It enables 'one search' access to a range of mixed resources such as journals, online databases, library catalogues, the web, the organisation's own intranet. 55 Printed Documentation 56