SWOT case study

1. SWOT analysis of territory
Natural resources
- Raw materials: brick clay, stone, gravel,
wood pulp, water, geothermal drilling,
mineral springs
- Deep traditions of agricultural production
- Healthy environment
- Fishing
- Submontane areas suitable for livestock
- Forest fruits
Natural resources
- Inadequate infrastructure and services in
tourist centers
- Few final processors
- Not conceptual use of resources
- Unknown ownership – threat
- Unauthorized and unprofessional
extraction of resources by people
- Increasing number of environmental
polluters (internal combustion engines of
Human Resources
- Sufficient workforce
- Willingness of people to adapt to the
requirement of labour market
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Strong family and community relations
- Folk customs, traditions and craftsmanship
- Willingness to engage in non-profit
organizations and voluntary actions
- High flexibility
- Network of social services (DPS in the
town, RHS, DSS, day care, Retirement
clubs, MC, Special pedagogical
- Willingness of Roman Catholic Dean for
social projects
- Activity of social commissions
Human Resources
- High number of non-adaptable population
negatively affects the educational level of
the region
- Decadence of job morale,
- Unwillingness to work independently and
to seek new job opportunities,
- Total apathy of people predominates
- Benevolence against negative phenomena
of society
- Low self-confidence of people
- Low motivation of work force because of
non-adequate remuneration
- Apathy of people in respect to education,
- Poor public opinion
- Aging population
- Negative demographic trends (newborn
children, migration of population)
- Not exploited opportunities for
cooperation with the Church
- Inadequate protection of women and
children in risk in maladjusted families
- The existence of abandoned citizens
- The existence of barriers for disabled
- Lack of awareness of people on
possibilities for social assistance
- Absence of crisis centers for children,
mothers, homeless
- Poor promotion
Material resources
- Good geographical distribution of
important settlements
- Relatively good infrastructure of villages
- Plenty of non-residential places opportunity
- Free houses in the region- opportunity
- Ownership of forests and land
- High coverage of telecommunications
networks, the region is suitable for further
development in this area
- Appropriate access to the region north south.
- Route
- International Railway Network
- The existing ruins of the castles, manors
and curias, cultural heritage
Existence of the Center of Folk Culture
Economical resources
- Good geographical location, short distance
from borders, tourist destinations
- Relatively low investment costs for
starting business activities
- Active participation of non-governmental
organizations what can help to regional
development by submission of projects
from EU funds
- Sufficient human resources
- Subsidies for small entrepreneursopportunity
- Big opportunities for investmentsopportunity
- Free manufacturing and real estates for
lower prices than eg. in Bratislava.
- Industrial Park in the city
- Geothermal drilling
- The existence of ski centers
Crafts guilds
Long distance of villages in the region
from district and regional city
Bad connection to the district and regional
town especially in the outlying villages
Material resources
- State of buildings does not coincide with
technical and energy requirements
- Unused land
- No utilization of biomass
- Pending property-legal settlement of land
- Low possibility of valorization of finance
capital in the region with high rate of
- Lack of interest of people about the use of
non-residential premises and vacant land
- Poor presence of companies involved in
information technology
- Poor quality of existing networks
(television, radio, telephone,...).
- Poor network of regional medias
- Absence of a regional museum and
traditional rooms
- Bad technical conditions of castles
- Lack of funds for the restoration of
historic monuments-threat
- Lack of interest of youth for regional
Economical resources
- Poor purchasing power of people
- Non-existing or poor activity in planning
of business strategy (projects, credits, ets.)
- Poor, low independency of selfgovernment in obtaining and decisionmaking about finance
- Absence of a common procedure
(common projects and common
- Unknown ownership of vacant buildings
and land
- Few information for investors
- Lack of finance
- Lack of skilled labor
- Lack of awareness of the availability of
non-residential places and land
- Poor promotion of activities of
- Missing business associations
Natural resources
- Opportunity of bigger use of natural and
local resources
- Opportunities of using alternative
- EU programmes
- Using of quality of environment (air,
- Development of crafts and traditions
- Development of sport and relax activities
- Common interest of self-government,
associations, consortiums, NGO, schools,
- Take advantage of the geothermal well
Human resources
- EU tools and opportunities of their use
- Using of relative cheap work force
- Increasing of flexibility of school quality
(secondary vocational education)
- Development of family business and
- Development of non-government
- Growth of leaders
- The possibility of active labor market
measures (in particular MOS) for the
implementation of projects and activities
in the field of social assistance
- Social prevention
- The possibility of essential health
education habits of Roma ethnic
- offers of the third sector
- Establishment of information technology
- Utilization of existing facilities (libraries,
cultural centers, IT ...) to promote villages
and region
- Creation of business associations, craft
guilds and partnerships
Material resources
- Opportunities of using finance from EU
- Promotion and development of
information technology will increase the
Natural resources
- The threat of environmental damage
- The risk of cheap export of resources
- Bad management of resources
- End of regional culture and traditions
- Risk of uncontrolled depletion of natural
resources extraction
- Floods, fires
Human resources
- Roma ethnic
- Increased migration of citizens to work
and subsequently the permanent moving
out of the region
- Misuse of public opinion
- High unemployment
- Separation of families because of
employment outside the region
- Increasing poverty
- Relatively high payment for drugs
- The falling birth rate of the majority
- The increasing divorce rate
- Neglect the cultivation of spiritual values
in children and youth
- Alcoholism, addiction, crime, vandalism
- Bad health status of the Roma ethnic
Material resources
- Threats to the development of the region
because of increase of non-adaptable
- Lack of information technology: the
investment attractiveness of the region.
Using of EU funds
New forms of historical monuments use
Completing the Centre of folk culture
Economical resources
- The possibility to apply for euro funds
- Support for small and medium
- Development of IT will help to the
economy in the region (development of
tourism, industry, services and agriculture)
- Possibility of development of traditional
branches and crafts
- Reducing dependence on central resources
thanks to the pressure of public opinion
slowdown and stagnation
Vandalism and destruction of monuments
Dilapidation of historical monuments (lack
of interest of owners about their
Economical resources
- The lack of credit resources, especially for
new entrepreneurs
- Legal barriers for entrepreneurs
- High taxes for entrepreneurs
- Lack of incentive environment for foreign
- Bad realization of the reform of public
sector, taxes, etc.
- Non-transparency in public finances
- Survival of the centralization of economic
- The current bad economic situation of the
region may cause a slowdown of
applications of information technology
- Bad quality of road network
- Outflow of skilled labour outside the
- High rate of unemployment particularly
among the Roma ethnic
- Criminality of non-adaptable population,
especially Roma ethnic
Key problems of territory
After the realization of the analysis MAS group agrees on following key problems of the
1. High long-term unemployment
2. Bad quality and not-completed road infrastructure
3. Potential of area for socio-economic development is not used
4. Lack of interest about public issues and cooperation
5. Inaccessibility of health care
6. The problem of coexistence with marginalized citizens
For purpose of integrated strategy of development of the territory, MAS agreed on following
 Creation and maintenance of workplaces
 Road infrastructure
 Development of partnership and participation