Address Issues and Matrix The University of Illinois Address Issues and Person Data in Banner Banner Address Type Ownership Matrix Updated 4/23/2013 Issue Description The UI approach to managing addresses for an individual has created several very complex challenges for person data. A key understanding and agreement must be reached in order to correct and ultimately reduce the issues of address data maintenance and on-going support. The address of any individual is, by definition, owned by the individual. No one area of the University can claim ‘ownership’ of the address. Each office has a responsibility for data stewardship and to correctly identify the person with his place of residence or his desired communication approach, but it is the individual who owns his address. In addition, the University is legally required to maintain specific person information that complies with federal, state and local laws governing employment, student aid, national security and fiscal responsibility. Traditionally, each system has managed address information independently but in concert with other systems utilized by the University. This approach has been coined ‘ownership’ and has lead to some of the design and implementation challenges we face now. Reasons for maintaining addresses Addresses are primarily used for two purposes: communication and/or location of an individual. It is necessary to keep history of addresses for certain purposes and an individual may have different addresses for different reasons. By and large, though, an individual will be communicated to at one location for a period of time. Once that period of time has ended, a new address (not address type) would be communicated to the University by the individual. Shared Address Types By definition, the MA (Mailing Address) type is used to communicate to an individual through the United States Postal Service (USPS). As defined, this address will change each time an individual relocates. Employees tend to have stable, long-term addresses whereas students have transitory mailing addresses based on their educational progress. By definition, the PR (Permanent) type is used to communicate to an individual through the USPS when a MA address is no longer valid or has expired. This address is usually more stable than an MA address and for students typically indicates a parental address or permanent home address. D:\106753214.doc 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 1 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix The University of Illinois Address Issues and Person Data in Banner Address Types by Functional Area – Human Resources/Payroll C1-Campus Primary, C2-Campus Secondary, IA- International Direct Deposit (also used by AP), PCPaper Check, W2-W-2 Mailing, PY-Payroll / HR, HQ-Headquarters (Non-Illinois), LE-Leave Address, UP-Unclaimed Property, Z9-W-2 Mailing if No Address HR intends to communicate to employees by internal (campus) mail. This type of contact is appropriate and necessary for the daily activities within the University. The C1 (Campus Primary) address was designed for this purpose. While it might be more cost efficient for the University to utilize campus mail instead of the USPS for certain communications, it is important to recognize that billing/financial and/or student communications are not necessarily appropriate to be delivered in this manner. The C1 address is initially entered through HRFE by the employee’s hiring unit but all subsequent maintenance is the responsibility of the employee. C1 addresses for the extension offices are the exception as these addresses will be either a campus address or an actual street address depending on the location of the office. C2 (Campus Secondary) addresses were previously used for campus mailings to locations other than the employee’s home department. There is a plan to inactivate all existing active C2 addresses in the near future. Employees are no longer able to set up or maintain a C2 address through NESSIE. IA (International Address) addresses are used for Direct Deposits for International ACH deposits. This was new in Banner 8. PC (Paper Check) addresses are for people who were grandfathered in who received checks via USPS Mail (i.e. Extension Office etc.). The W2 (W-2 Mailing) and the PY (Payroll / HR) addresses are never intended for any other area but Payroll. HQ (Headquarters (Non-Illinois)) addresses are used for employees who are located outside Illinois with no actual address within Illinois. LE (Leave Address) addresses are temporary addresses used for employees who are on leaves of absence. UP (Unclaimed Property) addresses are used as part of an automated process for re-issuing payments for unclaimed property by University Payroll. Z9 (W-2 Mailing if No Address) addresses are used as part of an automated process to identify bad addresses for W2 purposes. D:\106753214.doc 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 2 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix The University of Illinois Address Issues and Person Data in Banner Address Types by Functional Area – Student LR-Local Address International, PA-Parent Home, P2-Parent Second, RH-Student Resident Hall, DADiploma Address The LR (Local Address International) address types are used for the physical location for international students for SEVIS purposes. The PA (Parent Home) and P2 (Parent Second) address types are intended to meet the needs of applicants/students who have more than one parental/permanent address. Ongoing maintenance of these address types is not considered to be substantial since they are used primarily at the point of admissions application and during the first year of education. The RH (Student Resident Hall) address type is used to track where individuals reside on campus. While this address type is used primarily at UIUC, it may be utilized by other campuses. The RH address type is loaded once per academic year into Banner. The DA (Diploma Address) address type allows students to set up a specific address to which they would like their diploma mailed. This address type is first in the hierarchy for mailing diplomas. NOTE: Per a meeting held with the UIUC stakeholders on 9/25/03 – the RH address type was used only through the Spring 2004 term. At that point, the RH address type was decommissioned. Housing addresses were loaded to the MA address type in the correct format for USPS mailing purposes, overlaying existing MA addresses from 2004 until 2006. The RH address type was recommissioned during Spring 2006; there is now one main load at the beginning of each term followed by weekly updates during the term. Address Types by Functional Area – Finance AB- Agency Billing, BB-Bid Address, BP-Business-Purchases BI-Billing Address, BR-BusinessRemittance, BU-Business Address AB (Agency Billing) and BB (Bid Address) are used by Finance for Agency billing and bidding purposes via the USPS. Maintenance of these addresses is executed in the Banner forms by the purchasing department. I don’t believe this is correct, AB addresses “belong” to Grants & Contracts (Amy Roessler/Anne Francis). I believe the BB addresses used to be setup by Purchasing but they are no longer used. Finance has created BP (Business-Purchases) to send purchase orders to vendors via the USPS. Finance reported that on Purchase Orders to foreign countries, they have to enter the country on the last Street Line. If they only enter the country in the country field in Banner the country does not print and therefore the post office returns the mail. This info is outdated. We no longer list the country on the last street line, but instead list it in the Country Code Field. This change occurred 4-5 years ago. These address types are maintained by AP. D:\106753214.doc 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 3 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix The University of Illinois Address Issues and Person Data in Banner BR (Business-Remittance) is used to send payments to vendors via USPS. These addresses are maintained by AP. BU (Business Address) is used once all BR addresses have been used up for a vendor. Business address includes: Vendor, Independent Contractor, Agency, Constituent Donor, Regulatory Agency, Grant Agency, Banks, Student/Staff Associations, and Bondholder. It is also commonly used for Universities. This information is outdated. BU addresses are used for overflow for entities such as Universities when all BR addresses have been used, but more so it is used to record the Corporate Office address for an entity. If one exists, this is the address a 1099 will be used to. Finance has created BI (Billing Address) to bill students with an Accounts Receivable record via the USPS. Billing addresses are maintained by the student via the web. – These addresses are “owned” by AR (Susan Cotter). Finance has reported that any vendor that will receive a 1099 has to have their address entered contrary to the USPS standards. The USPS standard is that the last Street Line contain the meat of the address the actual street address (50 E Gerty, for example). For example, any additional information such as an apartment number or an attention line must appear in the line ABOVE 50 E Gerty. Finance reports that the 1099 process ONLY pulls the address from Street Line 1 so they are required to enter 50 E Gerty on Street Line 1 and any additional information below in Street Line 2 or 3. This is outdated. CONVEY now allows for three address lines in addition to the city/state/zip field. There is however a 30 character per line limit in CONVEY. Current Rules for Changes of address: MA – Mailing Address and PR – Permanent Address Permanent Employee permanent and mailing addresses are editable through NESSIE or by directly accessing Banner. Graduate Student Employee permanent and mailing addresses are editable through NESSIE, Web for Students/Student Self Service, or by directly accessing Banner. Undergraduate Student Employee permanent and mailing addresses are editable through NESSIE, Web for Students/Student Self Service or by directly accessing Banner. Formerly employed persons’ permanent and mailing addresses are not editable through NESSIE. Address updates needed for W-2 purposes can be made through the Payroll office. D:\106753214.doc 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 4 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix The University of Illinois Data Source Web for Prospects Address Issues and Person Data in Banner Web for Applicants GP-AR NESSIE Web for Student Paper application for admission Permanent Employees MA PR PA P2 MA PR PA P2 MA PR PA P2 MA MA PR MA MA PR PR MA PA P2 RH PR MA PA P2 BI DA MA PR BI DA MA PR BI DA MA PR BI DA MA PR MA PR Employee group ‘G’raduate Employee group ‘S’tudent Non-current employee, terminated < 15 months ago Non-current employee, terminated > 15 months ago Never employee C1 MA PR IA C1 MA PR IA C1 MA PR IA BI DA MA PR MA PR MA MA PR BI DA MA PR MA PR Type PR MA PA P2 MA PR MA PR MA PR Those in Bold/Italic mean that the change can come directly from the person through the Web D:\106753214.doc 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 5 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix Address Issues and Person Data in Banner The University of Illinois Definition of Address Types: Code (2char) AB Descriptio n System Required? Telephone code Agency Billing Bid Address Billing Address No BP BR BB BI BU Purpose AB Update via the web Null No Null Null No BI Student BusinessPurchases No BP Null BusinessRemittanc e Business Address No BR Null No BU Null Mailing bids to vendors Used for a primary billing address for anyone with an Accounts Receivable record. Used to send purchase orders to vendors. Used to send payments to vendors. Business address includes; Vendor, independent contractor, agency, constituent donor, regulatory agency, grant agency, banks, student/staff associations, bondholder. Used for inter campus mail to employee’s home dept. Previously used for campus mailings to locations other than the employee’s home dept. First address in the hierarchy for mailing diplomas Used for Direct Deposits for International ACH Deposits. Used for employees who are outside Illinois or headquartered away from their normal campus C1 Campus Primary No C1 NESSIE C2 Campus Secondary No C2 Null DA Diploma Address No Null Student IA Internation al Direct Deposit No Null Student Nessie HQ Headquart ers (NonIllinois) No Null Null D:\106753214.doc Functional Area USPS use Uses Clean Address Finance Yes - Billing No Finance Yes – Bidding No Finance Yes - Billing Finance Yes-Purchasing – Corporate address No Finance Yes- Remittance addresses No Finance Yes- BU addresses are used once all BR addresses have been used up for a vendor. No Commonly used for Universities No – For internal HR (Extension offices are the exception) No – Previously for internal HR No Student Yes Yes Payroll No No Payroll Accounts Payable Yes Yes HR HR No 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 6 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix Address Issues and Person Data in Banner The University of Illinois Code (2char) LE Descriptio n System Required? Telephone code Leave Address No LE Update via the web Null LR Local Address Internation al Mailing Address NO Null Student Yes MA Student , NESSIE P2 Parent Second No P2 Null PA Parent Home Yes PA Null PC Paper Check No Null Null PR Permanent No PR Student , NESSIE PW Payroll Windstar Address No Null No PY Payroll / HR No Null Null RH Student Resident Hall Student Off Campus Local Temp No RH Null No SL Null MA SL D:\106753214.doc Purpose Functional Area USPS use Uses Clean Address Temporary address used for employee on leave of absence. Physical local address in addition to international address for SEVIS Preferred postal mailing address of student or employee. Used for mailing to parent 2 if not the same as MA or PA or PR address. Used for mailing to parent(s) or guardian(s) of student if not the same as MA address. Was used for persons who were grandfathered in who received checks via usps. Person’s permanent residence address If other than MA Intended for storing international addresses for Windstar HR Yes Yes Student Yes-but not used for any correspondence. Yes HR Student Yes – Primary communication address for person Yes Student Yes – Fourth communication address for person Yes Student Yes – Third communication address for person Yes Payroll Yes, but probably nobody grandfathered is still alive No HR Student Yes – Secondary communication address for person Yes Payroll No – this address type is not currently being used as Banner truncates long international addresses Yes Used to send paychecks or earnings statements to employees. Used to identify a student’s on campus residence. Used to identify a student’s off campus temporary residence. Payroll No Student No No Student No – this address type is not currently being used Yes 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 7 of 8 Last saved by twoodley Address Issues and Matrix Address Issues and Person Data in Banner The University of Illinois Code (2char) UP Descriptio n System Required? Telephone code Unclaimed Property No No Update via the web Null W2 W-2 Mailing No Null Null Z9 W-2 Mailing – IF NO Address TGRFEED No Null Yes Null Spraddr user UI2SQZ 9ADDR Null XX D:\106753214.doc Purpose Functional Area USPS use Uses Clean Address Used as part of automated process for re-issuing payments for unclaimed property by University Payroll. Populated from MA at the beginning of the year. Maintained until W2 is mailed. Freezes the MA to reduce mailing errors. Part of automated process to Identify bad address for W2 processing Banner System Processes. Payroll No Yes Payroll Payroll Finance Yes No No No 3/8/2016 12:42:00 AM Page 8 of 8 Last saved by twoodley