highways & waste management cabinet panel

Agenda Item
Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment
Peter Simpson Tel: 01992 658170
Executive Member: Terry Douris (Highways and Waste Management)
Purpose of Report
To provide an update to the Panel on the CMS controlled LED lighting
across Hertfordshire and on pilots for part night lighting and additional
dimming and trimming on A-Roads.
The report provides an update on the phased implementation of the
central management system (CMS) controlled Light Emitting Diode
(LED) lighting on A-Roads (Phase 1) and for all those lighting systems
currently in full night lighting (Phase 2).
The report provides more detail and update on progress to undertake
pilots on the A-roads involving part night lighting and additional
dimming and trimming.
The DfT Maintenance Challenge funding announcements are due
before the end of March 2015 regarding Hertfordshire County Council’s
two bids for the upgrade of street lighting. The bid for the Major Project
includes the proposal to introduce LED lighting with CMS control on
Hertfordshire’s lighting network that is currently under part night lighting
(Phase 3).
That the Panel:
Notes the progress to date for the Phase 1 implementation and
Phase 2 planned implementation of the central management
system (CMS) controlled Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting.
Notes and comments on the detail provided and progress to date to
undertake pilots on the A-roads involving part night lighting and
additional dimming and trimming.
The November 2014 Panel endorsed the following:
 The introduction of central management system (CMS)
controlled Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting for all those
lighting systems currently in full night lighting (Phase 2).
 To undertake pilots on the A-roads involving part night lighting
and additional dimming and trimming.
The February 2015 Panel endorsed the following:
The submission of two bids for the upgrade of street lighting
(Minor and Major Projects) for the DfT’s Maintenance Challenge
including the County Council’s financial contribution from its own
capital programme.
The February 2015 Cabinet and County Council meetings endorsed
the capital funding of the CMS controlled LED phase 2 ‘invest to save’
project and the County Council’s financial contribution from its own
capital programme for the DfT’s Maintenance Challenge bids as part of
the County Council’s Integrated Plan for 2015/16.
Phase 1 Project Implementation
The integrated programme for rolling out 12,610 LED lanterns
incorporating CMS on A-Roads at a cost of £6.5m with annual savings
of around £660k started in mid-November 2014 and is currently on
programme to be completed by June 2015.
Conversion to LED lighting incorporating CMS has been substantially
completed in Stevenage, Watford East, North Herts, St Albans and
East Herts (6,035 lanterns in total). Work is currently in progress in
Dacorum and Broxbourne. Works are programmed to be undertaken in
Welwyn Hatfield, Three Rivers and Watford West during April to May
2015 and in Hertsmere during May 2015. Any anomalies or those with
engineering difficulties will be mopped up during Summer 2015.
The July 2014 Panel endorsed the ad-hoc replacement with CMS and
LED. The backlog of the majority of the 300 columns that were
stumped and left in the ground as result of planned testing and making
safe were replaced by the end of December 2014. The total number of
columns replaced on an ad-hoc basis with CMS and LED as a result of
planned testing and knockdowns since November 2014 was 655.
Phase 1 Pilot Projects
The November 2014 Panel endorsed to undertake pilots on the Aroads involving part night lighting and additional dimming (reduced
lighting levels) & trimming (reduced lighting periods).
All existing lighting units on the ‘A Class’ road network were exempt
from the original PNL programme. The PNL pilot on A roads is to be
undertaken on lights that do not meet the current exception criteria (i.e.
high crime and high accident areas, safety camera and CCTV areas,
major road junctions, roundabouts / splitter islands, traffic calming /
centre islands and principal transport hubs) and will be applied
between the hours of midnight and 6am, which is consistent with the
current PNL regime.
The current variable lighting operating levels and periods on A roads
are dimming by 25% between 11pm and 6am. The additional dimming
and trimming pilots are also to be undertaken on lights that do not
meet the current PNL exception criteria and comprise dimming by 35%
i.e. a further 10% dimming (within current national guidance and by
50% i.e. a further 25% dimming (outside current national guidance .
The reduced lighting periods for both scenarios will be determined by
the hourly traffic flow.
It is proposed to engage the emergency services on the pilots and to
monitor highway safety and crime trends. It is also proposed to
undertake local resident and member surveys of their views of the
lighting levels trialled within the dimming and trimming pilot once they
are able to observe them.
The PNL pilot is best suited to the rural and semi-rural environments
and the dimming & trimming pilot for the more urban environments. The
following locations have therefore been selected as representative sites
for both pilots:
 A41 between Elstree Hill South and Watford Bypass roundabout
to just before junction 20 of the M25. This location contains 871
street lights with 19% classed as being within an urban
(dimming & trimming pilot) environment and 81% classed as
rural (PNL pilot).
 A405 between Brookdell Transport Depot junction and Park
Street roundabout. This location contains 362 street lights with
75% classed as urban (dimming & trimming pilot) and 25% as
rural (PNL pilot).
 Residential roads - Rosedale, Cheshunt, Broxbourne District.
This location contains 150 street lights classed as urban
(dimming & trimming pilot only).
Other highway authorities have been consulted on their practices.
Buckinghamshire currently dim lights by 30% from 8pm to 10pm and
then dim by 50% between 10pm and midnight. Essex are planning
similar trials.
The proposed trials are planned to be undertaken between November
2015 and January / February 2016 in order to capture the longer nights
and will be monitored, both on site and remotely throughout this period.
The situation will be reviewed after a period of 12 months.
It is proposed to present more detail on similar pilots for Phases 2 and
3 to the Panel in 2015.
Future Phases of CMS controlled LED lighting
Phase 2
7.1.1 The November 2014 Panel endorsed the conversion of all 21,264 lights
that are currently in full night lighting on the B, C & U Classification of
roads to LED with dimming 25% between 11pm and 6am (Phase 2).
7.2.2 The February 2015 Cabinet and County Council meetings endorsed
the £7.5m capital funding with annual savings of around £780k of the
Phase 2 ‘invest to save’ project as part of the County Council’s
Integrated Plan for 2015/16.
7.2.3 The design, on site survey work and structural and electrical testing is
in progress and the Phase 2 project is programmed to commence in
summer 2015 following on from Phase 1. Lessons learnt from Phase 1
(e.g. investigating affordable options to increase the distribution of light
and mitigate the side effect of areas of darkness pre-dominantly on
remote footways and cycleways and reducing the distribution of light by
diming and fitting of shields to address issues of glare) have been
incorporated into Phase 2.
Phase 3
7.3.1 The February 2015 Panel endorsed the submission of two bids for the
upgrade of street lighting (Minor and Major Projects) for the DfT’s
Maintenance Challenge including the County Council’s financial
contribution from its own capital programme.
7.3.2 The bid for the Major Project includes the proposal to introduce LED
lighting with CMS control on Hertfordshire’s lighting network that is
currently under part night lighting (Phase 3) and the replacement of
17,575 ‘at risk’ lighting columns with new columns.
7.3.3 The DfT Maintenance Challenge funding announcements are due
before the end of March 2015. If successful, it is planned to implement
Phase 3 over three financial years starting in 2015/16 and overlapping
with Phase 2.
7.3.4 A successful bid for Hertfordshire will help ensure that all its street
lighting assets will be structurally sound until at least 2025 and enable
all of its columns to be LED lit with CMS control, thereby delivering a
more reliable service with both energy and maintenance savings.
Phase 4
7.4.1 The Council has invested heavily in a structural testing programme,
testing 85,000 columns since October 2012 to ensure that columns are
replaced based on condition, rather than age. This asset intelligence
led approach is more economical.
7.4.2 Phase 4 includes the replacement of circa 2,440 lighting columns from
2018 to 2025, which have been potentially identified for change via the
outcomes of the existing structural testing strategy. In addition, ongoing
works to maintain and replace other assets, such as; high mast
installations, underpass and subway lighting, belisha beacons and
illuminated traffic signs. Phase 4 will be funded by the Council’s annual
Financial Implications
The report includes the proposal to introduce Phase 3 of the integrated
LED & CMS project as part of the County Council’s ongoing capital
‘invest to save’ programme, subject to a successful bid for DfT
Maintenance Challenge funding. Savings identified from the LED &
CMS project (Phases 1 to 3 inclusive) will total around £2.5m per
Next Steps
Firmer proposals for the pilots for Phases 2 and 3 will be presented to
Panel in 2015.