
1. The blood plasma proteins are included into the plasma dry matter. Which proteins take an active
part in the processes of blood coagulation?
A.  - globulins
B. Albumins
*C. Fibrinogen
D.  - globulins
E.  - globulins
2. Specify the normal amount of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of adults:
*A. 20 – 40 %.
B. 0 – 1%.
С. 1 – 5 %.
D. 5 – 10 %.
Е. 45 – 70 %.
3. What is the mechanism of the ESR acceleration in pregnant women?
*А. Increase of the fibrinogen concentration
В. Increase of the erythrocytes amount
С. Increase of blood volume
D. Increase of the albumins concentration
E. Strengthening of the marrow functions
4. Where are the agglutinogens of blood types (for system АВО) located?
*A. In red corpuscles
B. In lymphocytes
C. In agranulocytes
D. In plasma
E. In leucocytes
5. How long does the systole of atriums last (if duration of cardiac cycle is 0,8 s)?
*A. 0,1 s
B. 0,33 s
C. 0,37 s
D. 0,40 s
E. 0,47 s
6. As a result of which from the heart physiological properties change the extrasystole arising is
A. Contractility
*B. Excitability
C. Automatism
D. Conductivity
E. Refractority
7. What from the resulted mechanisms of control can not be realized on the isolated heart of a
*A. Central reflexes
B. Local reflexes
C. Law of heart (the Frank-Starling law)
D. The Anrep’ effect
E. The Bowditch stair
8. The minute volume of the heart of adult in rest (in liters) is:
A. 2
B. 3
*C. 5
D. 10
E. 15
9. What vessels have the most tensility and in a state of rest do deposit of blood?
A. Capillaries
B. Aorta
C. Venuli
D. Large arteries
*E. Veins
10. At the diaphragm contraction during the inhalation pressure in a pleural cavity becomes:
A. Equal to pressure in bronchial tree
*B. More negative
C. More positive
D. Equal to pressure in the alveoli
E. Equal to atmospheric pressure
11. A man has done maximally deep exhalation. What is the volume of the air, present in the lungs
this moment name?
A. Alveolar volume
B. Functional residual capacity
C. Capacity of inhalation
D. Reserve volume of exhalation
*E. Residual volume
12. Transsection of a brain stem between a pons and hind-brain causes prolongation of the
inhalation phase. The reason of it is disorder of the medullary respiratory center connections with:
*A. Pneumotaxic center
B. Reticular formation
C. Cerebellum
D. Large hemispheres cortex
E. Red nuclei
13. What compound of haemoglobin produces in the habitants of building with a stove, if to block a
flue during its burning?
*A. Carboxyhemoglobin
B. Methemoglobin
C. Carbhemoglobin
D. Oxyhemoglobin
E. Deoxyhemoglobin
14. Amount of the red corpuscles was near 4,81012/l in a man during a few years. After his
migration in the other locality the amount of red corpuscles was multiplied to 71012/l. In what
locality did this man move?
A. In a woodland
В. In seaside region
С. In a valley
D. In a village
*Е. In the mountain locality
15. Before the operative intervention it was found out, that the time of bleeding is up to 9 minutes in the
patient. Deficit of which of blood formed elements can be the reason of it?
*А. Thrombocytes
В. Erythrocytes
С. Lymphocytes
D. Leucocytes
Е. Monocytes
16. At determination of blood type of 33-years patient is set, that the reaction of agglutination takes
place with standard serums of I and the II groups and is absent with the serum of the III group, and
also with the antirhesus serum. Blood of which group, taking into account the СDЕ system, is it
possible to pour to the patient?
*A. III (B) RhB. I (О) Rh+
C. II (A) RhD. IV (AB) Rh+
E. IV (AB) Rh17. Strong decreased value of albumins and oncotic pressure of blood plasma takes place in a
patient. What will be the result of it?
A. Increase of blood volume
B. Decrease of diuresis
*C. Edemas
D. The ESR decrease
E. Increase of blood viscosity
18. A patient has reduced velocity of the impulses conduction through the atrio-ventricular node. It
will cause:
А. Expansion of the QRS complex
В. Increase of the Р wave amplitude
С. Decrease of the cardiac contractions frequency
*D. Lengthening of the PQ interval
Е. Increase of the ST segment duration
19. What effects of the cardiac activity of the disturbed man is it possible to expect as a result of
the sympathetic nervous system excitation?
А. Negative bathmotropic and dromotropic, positive chronotropic and inotropic effects
*В. Positive chronotropic, inotropic, bathmotropic and dromotropic effects
С. Positive inotropic, bathmotropic, tonotropic and negative chronotropic and dromotropic effects
D. Positive chronotropic effect without the displays of dromotropic, bathmotropic, inotropic
and tonotropic effects
E. Positive bathmotropic, inotropic, chronotropic and negative dromotropic effects
20. The arterial pressure of the grown man is 160/100 mm Hg. Increased concentration of which
hormone can be the reason of it?
A. Somatotropin
B. Glucagon
*C. Adrenaline
D. Insulin
E. Thyroxine
21. It is necessary to estimate the elasticity of large arterial vessels in the man. What instrumental
method of researches is it expedient to use for this purpose?
*A. Sphygmography
B. Electrocardiography
С. Phonocardiography
D. Phlebography
Е. Vectorcardiography
22. In a student of 18 years during the physical loading redistribution of the blood supply in
different organs was recorded with a rheograph. In the vessels of which organs did a blood stream
rise most of all?
A. Liver
*B. Skeletal muscles
C. Brain
D. Kidneys
E. Digestive tract
23. In a sportsman on the start before competitions the increase of arterial pressure and frequency of
cardiac contractions is found out. By influencing of which parts of the CNS is it possible to explain
these changes?
*A. Cortex of large hemispheres
B. Intermediate brain
C. Hind brain
D. Middle brain
E. Hypothalamus
24. Champions for diving submerge on a depth of 100 meters without an aqualung and come back
on a surface in 4-5 min. Why is there no decompression (caisson) sickness in them?
*А. Diver does not breathe
В. Partial pressure of oxygen decreases
С. Partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases
D. Rapid elimination of gases from a blood at lifting
E. Slow elimination of gases from a blood at lifting
25. Disorder of the surfactant production is found out in the patient with the pulmonary pathology. It can
be caused by:
А. Taking of fat
В. Taking of alcohol
*С. Smoking
D. Taking of sunflower seeds
Е. Taking of smoked foods
26. The tidal volume (540 ml), breathing frequency (15 in a minute), volume of dead space (140 ml)
was determined in a patient. How many air will pass through his alveoli per 1 minute?
A. 1500 ml
*B. 6000 ml
C. 7500 ml
D. 9000 ml
E. 12000 ml
27. A man works physically. Which from the resulted indexes of pulmonary ventilation is
considerably more, than in a state of rest in him?
A. Vital capacity of lungs
*B. Tidal volume
C. Reserve volume of inhalation
D. Reserve volume of exhalation
E. Total capacity of lungs
28. The transversal break of the spinal cord below the VI pectoral segment takes place in a patient. How will
breathing change hereupon?
А. Will become more frequent
В. Will become more deep
С. Will stop
Д. Will become infrequent
*Е. Will not change
29. In the complement of dry matter blood plasma there are some proteins.
What group of proteins provides 60-70% of blood plasma oncotic pressure?
А. Fibrinogen
*B. Albumins
С. -globulins
D. -globulins
E. -globulins
30. What is the ESR norm (mm per hour)?
*A. 2 - 15
B. 0,5 - 0,8
C. 16 - 20
D. 25 - 30
E. 0,9 - 1,5
31. What ions are necessary for the initiation of the hemocoagulatory system?
*А. Calcium
В. Potassium
С. Chlorine
D. Magnesium
E. Sodium
32. Where are agglutinins of blood types (for system АВО) located?
A. In red corpuscles
B. In lymphocytes
C. In agranulocytes
*D. In plasma
E. In leucocytes
33. How long does the systole of ventricles last (at duration of cardiac cycle 0,8 s)?
A. 0,25 s
*B. 0,33 s
C. 0,37 s
D. 0,40 s
E. 0,42 s
34. It is set in the experiment at the study of the cardiomyocytes excitation, that Nа+ ions can
additionally move during the phase of the rapid depolarization through such channels:
*A. Са2+ - channels
B. К+ - channels
C. Сl- - channels
D. Мg2+ - channels.
E. Li+ - channels
35. What physiological properties of the myocardium show the waves, segments and intervals of the
*A. Excitability, conductivity
B. Excitability, contractility
С. Excitability, refactority
D. Contractility, automatism
Е. Contractility, refractority
36. During what period of cardiac cycle does filling of atriums by blood take place?
A. General diastole
B. Systole of ventricles
C. Systole of atriums
D. Diastole of ventricles
*E. Diastole of atriums
37. Factors, that determine the blood pressure value:
A. VBC (volume of blood circulation), viscosity of blood
В. Strength of the ventricles’ myocardium contraction
*С. The heart work, peripheral resistance of vessels, VBC, physical and chemical properties of
D. State of the peripheral vessels
Е. Amount of the intercellular liquid
38. Surfactants participate in many processes, EXCEPT FOR:
A. Decrease of elastic tension of lungs
B. Dissolve the oxygen and promote its diffusion
*C. Promote the collapse of alveoli
D. Have the protective function
E. Prevent collapse of the alveoli
39. The volume of air, which is inhaled or exhaled at the quiet breathing, has the name:
А. Vital capacity of lungs
*В. Tidal volume
С. Reserve volume of exhalation
D. Reserve volume of inhalation
E. Total capacity of lungs
40. Recording of the electrical activity of neurons is carried out. They become excited before the
inhalation and during its beginning. Where are these neurons located?
*A. Hind brain
B. Intermediate brain
C. Middle brain
D. Spinal cord
E. Cerebral cortex
41. A driver after work has fallen asleep in a car with a working engine. Waking up, he felt the head
pain, vomit began, whereupon he was entered the admission office by emergency. Formation of
which compound of blood did become the reason of such state?
*A. Carboxyhemoglobin
B. Methemoglobin
C. Carbhemoglobin
D. Oxyhemoglobin
E. Deoxyhemoglobin
42. 10 % solution of sodium chloride can not be injected intravenously, because it will cause:
*A. Increase of osmotic pressure of blood
B. Hemolysis of erythrocytes
C. Sedimentation of erythrocytes
D. Sticking of erythrocytes together
Е. Plasmolysis of erythrocytes
43. In a sick man an extra-cellular edemas of tissues takes place (megascopic soft tissues of
extremities). Decrease of which of the homeostasis parameter is the most credible reason of the
edema formation?
A. Viscosity of blood
B. Osmotic pressure of blood plasma
C. рН
*D. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma
E. Hematocrit number
44. For diminishment of the blood ability for coagulation during its conservation the Na+ -citrate is
used. What is the mechanism of its action?
A. Diminishes the pletelets adhesion
*B. Bind the Са2+ ions in plasma of blood
C. Activates the plasmin
D. Inactivates the thrombin
E. It is the antagonist of the Hageman factor
45. During surgical operation there was the necessity of massive blood transfusion. Blood type of
the victim - III (В) Rh+. Which donor should be chosen?
A. I (О) RhB. II (А) Rh+
*С. III (В) Rh+
D. IV (АВ) RhE. III (В) Rh46. For the second standard lead of the ECG recording, electrodes are placed by the chart:
A. Right hand + left hand
*B. Right hand + left leg
C. Left hand + left leg
D. Right hand + right leg
E. From the apex of heart
47. The Danini-Ashner’ test is applied in clinical practice (pressure on eyeballs during 30-40 s).
What changes of the cardiac activity will be observed?
*A. Frequency of contractions will decrease
B. Frequency of contractions will increase
C. Velocity of the excitation conduction in the conducting system of the heart will increase
D. Strength of cardiac contractions will increase
E. Duration of the atrio-ventricular delay of the excitation conducting will diminish
48. In the experiment on the isolated heart the increase of frequency and force of cardiac
contractions after addition to perfusate certain salt has been recorded. What salt was added?
*A. Chloride of calcium
B. Chloride to potassium
C. Chloride of sodium
D. Bicarbonate of sodium
E. Sulfate of magnesium
49. A patient has high arterial pressure as a result of increased tone of the vessels. For the pressure
decrease it is expedient to prescribe for him some preparations-blockers of:
*A. Alpha-adrenergic receptors
B. Beta-adrenergic receptors
C. Alpha- and beta- adrenergic receptors
D. М-cholinergic receptors
E. Н1-receptors
50. The change of body position (from horizontal on vertical) caused the diminishment of the vein
returning of blood to the heart and, as a result, diminishment of stroke volume and АP. Signals from
what receptors start the compensating mechanisms of the hemodynamics renewal first of all?:
*A. Baroreceptors of the aortic arch and sinuses carotid
B. Chemoreceptors of the sinus carotid area
C. Mechanoreceptors of the right atrium
D. Baroreceptors of the pulmonary artery
E. Volumoreceptors of the inferior vena cava
51. Leucocytosis and shift of the leucocyte formula to the left (increase of amount of stab and
young neutrophills) exposed in the patient’s common analysis of blood. What does it testify about?
A. Helminthiasis
B. Allergy
*С. Acute inflammatory process
D. Decline of immunity
E. Decline of leucopoiesis
52. At the patients with the diabetic comma discharge of acetone by lungs takes place (smell of
apples). Due to what function of the lungs is this process carried out?
*A. Excretory
B. Protective
C. Filtration
D. Absorptive
E. Metabolic
53. The tidal volume (500 ml), breathing frequency (15 per a minute), volume of dead space (100
ml), was determined in a man. How many air will pass through his alveolus per a minute?
*A. 6000 ml
B. 7500 ml
C. 1500 ml
D. 9000 ml
E. 7400 ml
54. How the breathing will change after casual cutting of both vagus nerves on the neck during
A. The hypopnoe will take place
B. The apnoe will take place
C. The dispnoe will take place
D. The frequent deep breathing will take place
*E. The deep infrequent breathing will take place
55. A 58-years-old man visited a doctor with complaints about the dyspnea at rest and expectoration
in the morning. What functional observations of the respiratory system should be done for more
precise diagnosis?
A. Dynamometry
В. Veloergometry
С. Pulsotachometry
*D. Spirography, spirometry
56. A traumatic injury of the large pectoral muscle took place in a man. It caused the decrease of:
A. Tidal volume
B. Reserve volume of exhalation
*C. Reserve volume of inhalation
D. Residual volume
E. Functional residual capacity
57. The blood test of a woman exposed the ESR (erythrocytes sedimentation rate) increase up to 50
mm/hour. The most reliable reason of it is:
A. Stress
B. Physical work
C. Loss of blood
*D. Pregnancy
E. Reception of meal
58. Hematocrit number (in percents) is:
*А. Part of blood volume, which corresponds to the formed elements
В. Part of blood volume, which corresponds to the leukocytes
С. Part of blood volume, which corresponds to the plasma
D. Part of blood volume, which corresponds to the thrombocytes
E. Percent correlation of plasma and leukocytes of blood
59. The maximal concentration of NaCl solution, in which complete haemolysis of erythrocytes
(the lacquered blood) takes place, is named:
A. Min. resistance (0,32 – 0,34%)
B. Min. resistance (0,44 – 0,48%)
*С. Max. resistance (0,32 – 0,34%)
D. Max. resistance (0,44 – 0,48%)
Е. Min. resistance (0,8 – 0,9%)
60. What agglutinogens belong to the third blood type (by system of АВО)?
A. Absent
*B. B
С. A
D. A and B
Е. D
61. What protein of blood changes from a soluble form to insoluble one during the process of
А. Prothrombin
В. Thrombin
*C. Fibrinogen
D. Albumin
Е. Globulin
62. Name the positive waves of ЕCG in the standard leads:
A. P, Q, R
*B. P, R, T
C. Q, R, S
D. Q, R, T
E. R, S, T
63. Specify the factors, which influence the stroke volume:
А. End-diastolic volume
В. Negative pressure in the thoracic cavity
С. Frequency of cardiac contractions
D. Strength of cardiac contractions
*Е. All answers are correct
64. Specify the cardiac pacemaker of the second order:
A. Sinoatrial node
B. Bundle of His
C. Purkinje fibres
*D. Аtrioventricular node
E. Bachman’s bundle
65. Contractions of the heart are strengthened by:
*A. Adrenaline and ions of calcium
B. Аcetylcholine and ions of potassium
C. Thyroxine and the chlorine ions
D. Insulin and ions of potassium
E. All answers are correct
66. The linear velocity of blood movement is the least in the capillaries because they have:
*А. The greatest summary area of cross section
В. Small length
С. Small diameter
D. Small hydrostatical pressure
Е. The most thin wall
67. In what phase a man held breathing, if his intrapleural pressure is –8 mm Hg?
A. Quiet exhalation
*B. Quiet inhalation
C. Forced inhalation
D. Forced exhalation
E. Pause between inhalation and exhalation
68. Part of oxygen, that is uptaken by tissues from the arterial blood, is named:
А. Minute volume of breathing
В. Partial pressure of gases
С. Oxygen capacity of blood
*D. Coefficient of oxygen utilization
Е. Residual volume
69. A patient has a point hemorrhage on gums, soft and hard palate, and mucus shell of checks.
With disorder of what formed elements of blood functions is it connected with?
A. Monocytes
B. Eosinophils
*C. Thrombocytes
D. Lymphocytes
E. Red corpuscles
70. In a patient of 38 years, which had the С hepatitis and continues to use an alcohol during great
while, arose up signs of cirrhosis of liver, ascites and edemas of the lower extremities. What
changes of blood composition became the most important reason for development of edemata?
А. Hypoglycemia
В. Hypocholesteriemia
*С. Hypoalbuminemia
D. Hypoglobulinemia
Е. Hypokaliemia
71. Woman with a blood type A(II) Rh(-), which has a three-year child with АВ(IV) Rh(+), was
delivered to the hospital with the posttraumatic bleeding. It is necessary blood transfusion. Which of
blood types, can be poured?
A. АВ(IV), Rh(-)
B. 0(I), Rh(-)
C. A(II), Rh(+)
*D. A(II), Rh(-)
E. АВ(IV), Rh(+)
72. Worker had intensively physical work at the temperature of 350С for two hours. What changes
of his blood indexes will be observed?
*A. The hematocrit number will increase
B. The hematocrit number will decrease
C. The colour index will increase
D. ESR will decrease
E. ESR will increase
73. The inspection of the sportsmen is carried out after run. What changes in the total analyses of
blood can be exposed?
A. Increase of ESR
B. Leukopenia
C. Anaemia
*D. Leukocytosis
E. Decrease of colour index
74. It is set during the FCG (fonocardiogram) recording, that the second tone of the heart duration
twice exceeds a norm. It testifies to disorder of the state of:
A. Atrioventricular valves
*B. Semilunar valves
C. All valves of heart
D. Myocardium of ventricles
E. Myocardium of atria
75. For recording of the first standard lead of ЕCG electrodes are placed by the chart:
*A. Right arm + left arm
B. Right arm + right leg
C. Right arm + left leg
B. Left arm + left leg
D. Right leg + left leg
76. In a patient it is exposed, that the RR interval of his ECG is 1,5 s. In what part of the conducting
system of heart the driver of the rhythm is located?
A. In the sinoatrial node
*B. In the atrioventricular node
С. In the bundle of His
D. In the left branch of the bundle His
E. In the right branch of the bundle His
77. In a patient with the transplanted heart frequency of cardiac contractions, systolic volume and
minute volume of blood increased at the physical loading. What level of control provides these
*А. Intracardial
В. Extracardial
С. Hypothalamus
D. Cortex of large hemispheres
E. Basal ganglia
78. In the hot climate viscosity of a man blood increases as a result of sweating. How does it affect
the arterial pressure value?
A. Systolic and pulse pressure will increase
*B. Diastolic and systolic pressure will increase, but pulse pressure will decrease
C. Only diastolic pressure will increase
D. Systolic pressure will increase, but diastolic pressure will decrease
E. Diastolic pressure will increase, but systolic pressure will decrease
79. In a man of 70 years velocity of the pulse wave distribution is substantially higher, than in 25years-old. The reason of it is in decrease of:
A. Cardiac output
B. Arterial pressure
*C. Elasticity of vascular wall
D. Frequency of cardiac contractions
E. Velocity of blood stream
80. In a patient activity of all respiratory muscles, with the exception of diaphragm is broken.
Where is the area of damage in the CNS localized?
A. Between 5 and 6 thorax segments of the spinal cord
*B. Between the neck and thorax parts of the spinal cord
C. Between brain and spinal cord
D. Between hind brain and pons
E. Between pons and mid-brain
81. A patient after the request of a doctor breathed out deeply. What volume of air remained in his
A. Tidal volume + reserve volume of exhalation
B. Residual volume + tidal volume
C. Residual volume + reserve volume of exhalation
*D. Residual volume
E. Reserve volume of exhalation
82. In a patient it is necessary to estimate conductivity of the respiratory tracts. What test is it
expedient to use for this purpose?
*A. Tiffno
B. Christie
C. Shtange
D. Henche
E. Shafranovsky
83. In the premature newborns syndrome of respiratory disorders (SRD) takes place often. What is
the most probable reason of it?
А. Intrauterine hypercapnia
*В. Immaturity of lung’s alveoli as a result of lack of the surfactant
С. Imperfection of the respiratory act nervous control
D. Intrauterine asphyxia
Е. Swallowing of the amnoinic waters
84. The danger of the rapid lifting of a diver from a large depth consists in formation of babbles of
the gas in his circulatory system. Which gas forms the babbles?
A. Carbon dioxide
*B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Helium
E. Hydrogen
85. In what stage of the vessel-thrombocyte hemostasis does thrombostenine operate?
А. Platelets (thrombocytes) adhesion
В. Reflex spasm of vessels
*С. Retraction of the thrombocytes clot
D. Changeble aggregation of thrombocytes
Е. Unchangeble aggregation of thrombocytes
86. In the erythrocytes of what blood type there no agglutinogens A and B?
*D. I
Е. It can not be
87. Which compound of haemoglobin is physiological?
*А. Oxyhemoglobin
В. Methemoglobin
С. Carboxyhemoglobin
D. Myoglobin
Е. Compound of haemoglobin with a nitrous oxide
88. What type of hemolysis will arise up, if to place erythrocytes into the solution with low osmotic
*А. Osmotic
В. Thermic
С. Mechanical
D. Chemical
Е. Physical
89. Duration of the QRS complex in a norm is:
*A. 0,08 – 0,1s
B. 0,02 – 0,05s
С. 0,04 – 0,12s
D. 0,06 – 0,15s
Е. No one answer is correct
90. Specify the 2nd order pacemaker for the heart excitation:
А. Purkinje fibres
В. Sinoatrial node
С. Bundle of His
*D. Atrioventricular node
Е. Bachman’s bundle
91. What type of contraction is characteristic for the cardiac muscle?
A. Toothed tetanus
B. Complete tetanus
*C. Single contraction
D. Tonic contraction
E. Isometric contraction
92. In a healthy man an easy physical loading causes the moderate increase of systolic and some decrease of
the diastolic pressure. What is the reason of this phenomenon?
A. Weakening of heart’s work, decreasing of the vessels tone
В. Strengthening of the heart’s work, increase of vessels tone
С. Strengthening of the heart’s work, decreasing of vessels elasticity
*D. Strengthening of the heart’s work, decreasing of the vessels tone in muscles
E. Weakening of heart’s work, increasing of the vessels tone
93. The linear velocity blood movement in capillaries is:
A. 0,1 mm/s
*B. 0,5 mm/s
C. 0,1m/s
D. 0,25m/s
E. 0,5 m/s
94. Breathing of people becomes more frequent at prolonged accumulation of people in not enough
ventilated room. It arises up as a result of:
*A. Increase of carbon dioxide in the room
B. Diminishment of the oxygen maintenance in the air
C. Increase of the air humidity
D. Increase of temperature in the room
E. Diminishment of the air humidity
95. A man did maximally deep inhalation. Which volume of air is in his lungs this moment?
A. Capacity of inhalation
B. Vital capacity of lungs
*C. Total capacity of lungs
D. Functional residual capacity of lungs
E. Tidal volume
96. Pressure in the alveoli of the healthy man is measured. This pressure is 0 mm Hg during:
*A. Pause between inhalation and exhalation
B. Quiet inhalation
C. Quiet exhalation
D. Forced inhalation
E. Forced exhalation
97. In a man, who does not have complaints about the state of health, leukocytosis is exposed
during the prophylactic observation. The reason of it can be that a blood for the analysis was taken
A. Use of alcohol
B. Mental work
C. Rest in a resort
D. Considerable use of water
*E. Physical loading
98. In a child helminthiasis is exposed. What changes in a peripheral blood will be observed?
A. Leucocytosis
*B. Eosinophilia
C. Neutrophilia
D. Basophilia
E. Monocytosis
99. A patient had the edemas of tissues after prolonged starvation. What is the reason of this
A. Decrease of the hydrostatical pressure of blood
B. Increase of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma
C. Decrease of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma
*D. Decrease of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma
E. Increase of the oncotic pressure of blood
100. A patient has complains about the frequent bleeding from the gums. The deficit of the ІІ factor
of hemocoagulation (prothrombin) is exposed in the blood test. What phase of hemocoagulation is
broken in the man first of all?
*A. Formation of thrombin
B. Formation of prothrombinase
C. Formation of fibrin
D. Fibrinolysis
E. Retraction of the blood clot
101. Woman with the АВ(IV) Rh(-) blood type which has a three-year child with the АВ(IV) Rh(+)
blood type, delivered in a hospital with the posttraumatic bleeding. She is need in the blood
transfusion. What blood type can be poured?
*A. АВ(IV) Rh(-)
B. 0(I) Rh(-)
C. A(II) Rh(+)
D. A(II) Rh(-)
E. АВ(IV) Rh(+)
102. Frequency of cardiac contractions is 40 per 1 minute in a patient in a state of rest. Where do the
impulses of automatism arise?
A. In the sinus node
*B. In the atrioventricular node
С. In the Bachman’s bundle
D. In the Purkinje fibres
Е. In the myocardium of ventricles
103. At the analysis of the patient’s ЕCG is set, that the Т wave is positive in the second standard
lead. That means that in ventricles normally proceeds the process of:
А. Contraction
В. Depolarization
С. Excitation
*D. Repolarization
Е. Relaxation
104. It is necessary to decrease the pump function of a human heart. For this purpose it is expedient
to prescribe such blockers of membrane receptors:
A. -adrenoreceptors
B. Н- cholinoreceptors
C. M-cholinoreceptors
*D. -adrenoreceptors
E.  and β- adrenoreceptors
105. During the competitions in football the goalkeeper has received stroke by a ball in the area of
solar plexus. What reaction arose up in the sportsman’s cardio-vascular system?
A. Tachycardia, the Bainbrige’s reflex
B. Increase of circulatory blood volume
C. Increase of force and frequency of cardiac contractions
D. Increase of the arterioles tone
*E. Bradycardia, the Holz’s reflex
106. After the physical loading the arterial pressure of the man increased. What is the reason of it?
A. Increased amount of functioning capillaries
*B. Increased minute volume of blood
C. Increased amount of hemoglobin
D. Increased amount of ions in plasma of blood
E. Increased volume of water in blood plasma
107. In a man with the disease of kidneys increase of the arterial pressure (especially the diastolic)
is exposed. Concentration of which biologically-active matter is increased in the patient’s blood?
A. Noradrenaline
B. Adrenaline
*C. Renin
D. Vasopressin
E. Catecholamines
108. In the hermetic hyperbaric chamber pressure decreased to 400 mm Hg. How will the
breathing change if the man is in this chamber?
*А. The depth and frequency of breathing will increase
В. The depth and frequency of breathing will decrease
С. The depth of breathing will decrease and frequency will increase
D. The depth of breathing will increase and frequency will decrease
Е. Breathing will be without the changes
109. The respiratory volume is (540 ml), breathing frequency - (15 per a minute), volume of
dead space - (140 ml) in a man. How many air will pass through his alveoli per a minute?
*A. 6000 ml
B. 7500 ml
C. 1500 ml
D. 9000 ml
E. 7400 ml
110. A kid asked you to inflate a rubber ball as much as possible for one exhalation. By using
of what from the named volumes of air you will be able to do it?
A. Reserve volume of inhalation
B. Capacity of inhalation
C. Functional residual capacity
D. Total capacity of lungs
*E. Vital capacity of lungs
111. Sharp decrease of the surfactant’s activity is exposed in the patient’s lungs. What will be
the result of it?
A. Hyperoxemia
B. Decrease of the respiratory tracts resistance
C. Decrease of the respiratory muscles work
D. Increase of ventilation of lungs
*E. Tendency of alveoli for collapse
112. Thickness of alveolar-capillary membrane is increased in a man as a result of
pathological process. As a result of it will be decrease of:
*A. Diffusive ability of lungs
B. Oxygen capacity of blood
C. Minute volume of breathing
D. Alveolar ventilation of lungs
E. Reserve volume of exhalation
Module31. What structures belong to the food center?
A. Medulla oblongata
B. Cortex of cerebrum (orbito-frontal cortex)
C. Medial hypothalamus
D. Lateral hypothalamus
E. *All answers are right
2. Where is the center of swallowing located?
A. Spinal cord
B.* Medulla oblongata
C. Mid-brain
D. Thalamus
E. Hypothalamus
3. The amount of saliva secreted per day (in ml):
A. 100
B. 300
C.* 500 - 2000
D. 3000
E. 3500
4. What component of saliva has bactericidal action?
A. Catalase
B. Amylase
C. *Lysozyme
D. Phosphatase
E. Neuromidase
5. A man takes a dry meal. What salivary glands will be more active?
А. *Parotis
В. Buccal glands
С. Mandibular glands
D. Sublingual glands
Е. Glands of the palate
6. In a lecturer during a lecture his throat was dry. The reason for it is influence on the salivary glands
А. dehydration
В. hyperosmia
С. cortisol
D. parasympathetic nerves
Е. *sympathetic nerves
7. Deficit of what enzyme is the most often the reason for incomplete digestion of fats in the digestive
tract and the increase of the neutral fat quantity in the excrements?
A. Hepatic lipase.
B. Gastric lipase.
C. *Pancreatic lipase.
D. Intestinal lipase.
E. Enterokinase.
8. During the coprological research it is determined that excrements are discolored, neutral fat drops are
found in them. The violation of what process is the most probable reason for such results?
A. Processes of an intestine motoric
B. Acidity of gastric juice.
C. Secretion of pancreatic juice.
D.Secretion of intestinal juice.
E. *Permeation of bile into the bowels.
9. In the process of aging of a human being there is a decrease of the synthesis and secretion of the
pancreatic juice, a decrease of trypsin content in it. To the violation of the splitting of what substances
does it lead first of all?
A. Polysaccharides.
B. Phospholipids.
C.* Proteins.
D. Nucleic acids.
E. Lipids.
10. A patient's duodenum is ablated. The decrease of the secretion of what hormone will it cause?
A. Gastrin.
B. *Cholecystokinin and secretin.
C. Histamine.
D. Gastrin and histamine.
E. Neurotensin.
11. A stone in the common bile duct stopped bile coming into the bowels. Violation of what process is
observed here?
A. Absorption of proteins.
B. Digestion of carbohydrates.
C. Absorption of carbohydrates.
D. *Digestion of fats.
E. Digestion of proteins.
12. A person has got considerable violation in digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Reduced
secretion of what digestive juice is the result of it?
A. Saliva.
B. *Pancreatic.
C. Gastric.
D. Bile.
E. Intestinal.
13. Energy wastes of a young man increased from 500 to 2000 kilojoules in 1 hour. Which of the
following below can be the reason for it?
A.* Physical activity.
B. Increase of external temperature.
C. Mental work.
D. Food intake.
E. Transition from sleep to wakeful state.
14. During physical activity a young man's oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination per
minute make 1000 ml. What substances are oxidized in the cells of his organism?
A. *Carbohydrates.
B. Proteins.
C. Fats.
D. Carbohydrates and fats.
E. Carbohydrates and proteins.
15. The air temperature is 38° C, relative humidity of the air - 80 %, wind speed — 0 m per sec. Due to
what mechanism will there be heat emission under these conditions?
A. Convection.
B. Radiation.
C.* Evaporation of sweat.
D. Heat conduction.
E. Radiation convection.
16. A man dressed in light clothes is standing in a room where air temperature is 140C. Windows and
doors are closed. In what way does the man give the biggest quantity of heat?
A. By convection
B. By heat conduction
C.* By heat radiation.
D. By evaporation.
E. By perspiration.
17. By the method of indirect calorimetry it was determined that the basic exhange of an examined
person is 40 % lower than it should be. The violation of the activity of what endocrine gland is the reason
for such state?
A. Pancreas.
B. Thymus.
C.* Thyroid.
D. Epiphysis.
E. Adrenal glands.
18. What mechanism of heat emission is the most effective if a person is in the conditions of 80 % air
humidity and the temperature of the environment is 35° C?
A.* Sweat secretion.
B. Radiation.
C. Heat conduction.
D. Convection.
E. Conduction.
19. Air temperature in production premises is 360C, relative air humidity is 80%. In what way does a
human organism give its warm under such conditions?
A. *By evaporation of sweat
B. By heat conduction
C. By radiation
D. By convection
E. By conduction
20. During a patient’s examination the increase of basic exchange by 50% was determined. The
increasing secretion of what hormone caused this change?
A. Prolactine
B. Insuline
C. Parathormone
D. Somatotropin
E.* Thyroxin
21. A teenager of 14 has got positive nitrogen balance. Which of the following can be the reason for it?
A. Starvation.
B. *Growth of organism.
C. Reduction of protein content in food
D. Considerable physical activity.
E. Emotional tension.
22. One measures a person's energy wastes on an empty stomach, in the lying position, in the conditions
of physical and psychic rest, comfort temperature. At what time will the energy wastes be the greatest?
A. 3 —4 a. m.
B. 7-8 a. m.
C. 10-12 a. m.
D. 2-4 p. m.
E.* 5 — 6 p. m.
23. Measuring the energy wastes of a human organism it was determined that the respiratory coefficient
is 1.0. What substances are mainly oxidized in the person's cells?
A. *Carbohydrates.
B. Proteins.
C. Fats.
D. Proteins and carbohydrates.
E. Carbohydrates and fats.
24. Measuring the energy wastes of a human organism it was determined that the respiratory coefficient
is 0.7. What substances are mainly oxidized in the persons's cells?
A. Carbohydrates.
B. Proteins.
C. *Fats.
D. Proteins and carbonhydrates.
E. Carbonhydrates and fats.
25. The inhabitants of territories with cold climate have an increased content of a hormone in blood,
which has an adaptive thermoregulatory meaning. What hormone is it?
A.* Thyroxin.
B. Insulin.
C. Glucagon.
D. Somatotropin.
E. Cortisol.
26. In a laboratory experiment rats were adapted to living in the conditions of cold at a temperature of 5°
C. The increasing secretion of what hormone caused the development of this adaptation?
A. *Thyroxin.
B. Glucagon.
C. Somatotropin.
D. Testosterone.
E. Adrenaline.
27. A man went out from an apartment with air conditioning into the street where the air temperature
was 400C, air humidity was 60%. In what way will the heat be emitted from the organism in the street?
A.* By the evaporation of sweat
B. By convection
C. By radiation
D. By conduction
28. During the thermometry it was determined that the temperature of the open parts of skin is
1-1.50C lower than the temperature of the parts covered with clothes of natural fabrics. In what way do
clothes reduce heat emission?
A. *By radiation
B. By convection
C. By conduction
D. By the evaporation of sweat
29. In cold weather with wind people freeze quicker than without any wind. In what way does the wind
increase heat emission?
A. By the evaporation of sweat
B. By radiation
C. By heat conduction
D. *By convection
E. By conduction
30. During the examination of a 35-year-old woman there was the increase of the indexes of basic
exchange. The surplus of which of the following hormones probably caused this state?
A.* Triiodothyronine.
B. Somatotropin.
C. Insulin.
D. Cortisol.
E. Glucagon.
31. By the method of indirect calorimetry the decrease of indexes of basal metabolism of a 30-year-old
man by 30% was determined. The decrease concentration of what hormones in blood plasma can be the
reason for it?
A. *Triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine.
B. Thyrocalcitonin, parathormone
C. Glucocorticoids
D. Catecholamine
E. Somatoliberin, somatostatin.
32. As a result of long starvation glomerular filtration rate of a person increased by 20%. What is the
credible reason for the change of filtration in the mentioned conditions?
A. Increase of renal plasma current
B. Increase of system ateriotony
C. Increase of permeability of the renal filter
D. Increase of glomerular capillary filtration coeffitient
E. *Decrease of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma.
33. During the laboratory examination of a 54-year-old man it was determined that inuline clearance is
120 ml/min. What index of the man meets the norm?
A. *Glomerular filtration rate
B. Tubular reabsobtion
C. Tubular secretion
D. Renal blood flow
E. Renal plasma current
34. A great number of protein and erythrocytes were detected in urine. The increase of what index can be
the reason for it?
A. *Permeability of renal filter
B. Net filtration pressure
C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries
D. Hydrostatic pressure of primary urine in the capsule
E. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma
35. A man’s glomerular filtration rate is 80 ml per min (norm –125  25 ml per min). The increase of
what index can be the reason for it?
A. Renal blood flow
B. Net filtration pressure
C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries
D. *Oncotic pressure of blood plasma
E. Permeability of renal filter
36. A man’s glomerular filtration rate is 180 ml per min (norm –125  25 ml per min). The decrease of
what index can be the reason for it?
A. *Oncotic pressure of blood plasma
B. Net filtration pressure
C. Renal blood flow
D. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries
E. Permeability of renal filter
37. The substance, which was introduced to a dog during an experiment, resulted in the damage of the
renal filter. Which of the following substances can be detected in the animal’s urine as a result of it?
A. Ions of sodium
B. Glucose
C. Amino acids
D.* Proteins
E. Ions of calcium
38. During the laboratory research the presence of glucose was detected in the urine of the 18-year-old
patient, while its concentration in blood plasma is normal. Violation of what process is the most possible
reason for this state?
A. Secretion of insulin
B. Glomerular filtration
C. Tubular secretion
D.* Tubular reabsorbtion
E. Secretion of glucocorticoids
39. During an experiment a dog under anesthetic was injected with vasopressin. As a result of that the
quantity of urine decreased. What influence of vasopressin caused it?
A. Decrease of the reabsorbtion of water
B. Increase of the reabsorbtion of sodium
C. * Increase of the reabsorbtion of water
D. Decrease of the reabsorbtion of calcium
E. Increase of the reabsorbtion of calcium
40. Hyponatriemia and hyperkaliemia of a patient were diagnosed. The reduced secretion of what
hormone can cause such changes?
A. Cortisol
B. Vasopressin
C.* Aldosterone
D. Parathormone
E. Atrial natriuretic factor
41. As a result of the loss of 1,5 liters of blood a person has got sharp decrease of diuresis. The increased
secretion of what hormone caused the change in diuresis?
A. Cortisol
B. Corticotropin
C. Atrial natriuretic factor
D.* Vasopressin
E. Parathormone
42. The decline of synthesis of vasopressin of a patient was determined, that caused polyuria, the result of
which was reduced evident fluid loss. What is the mechanism of polyuria development?
A. Increased of glomerular filtration
B. Decrease of tubular reabsorbtion of sodium ions
C. Decrease of the tubular reabsorbtion of protein
D. Decrease of reabsorbtion of glucose
E. * Decrease of tubular reabsorbtion of water
43. The level of glucose in a person’s blood is 15 mmol/l (threshold of reabsorbtion is 10 mmol/l). What
process will become the result of the glucose level increase?
A. Decrease of vasopressin secretion
B. Decrease of diuresis
C. Decrease of glucose reabsorbtion
D. *Glucosuria
E. Decrease of aldosterone secretion
44. During an experiment the processes of energy formation in the epithelium of renal tubules were
blocked. As a result of it diuresis increased by a factor of four. The decrease of what index is the most
possible reason for polyuria?
A. Glomerular filtration rate
B.* Reabsorbtion of sodium ions
C. Secretion of potassium ions
D. Renal blood flow
E. Secretion of urea
45. During the research of a new low-molecular preparation X it was determined that its clearance was
higher than the clearance of inuline. What is the mechanism of excretion of the preparation by kidneys?
A. Secretion
B. Filtration
C.* Filtration and secretion
D. Filtration and reabsorbtion
E. Secretion and reabsorbtion
46. 150 ml of meat broth was introduced through a probe into the gastric cavity of an experimental
animal. The content of what matter will increase in its blood quickly?
A. Insulin.
B. Somatostatin.
C. *Gastrin.
D. Glucagon.
E. Neurotensin.
47. A person has got little viscid saliva, its enzyme activity is reduced, content of mucus is increased. The
function violation of what glands is the most possible reason for this state?
A. Parotid.
B. Own glands of tunica mucosa of oral cavity.
C. *Sublingual.
D. Submandibular.
E. Own lingual glands.
48. During a patient's examination the decrease of the motor and evacuatorv functions of the stomach
was determined. The deficit of which of the following substances can it be connected with?
A. Secretin.
B. *Gastrin.
C. Adenosine.
D. Somatostatin.
E. Gastric-inhibiting peptide.
49. A patient's tip of the tongue was anointed with a local anasthetic. To the absence of perception of
what taste sensation will it lead?
A. Sour.
B. Salt.
C.* Sweet and salt
D. Bitter.
E. Sour and salt.
50. With the violation of cerebral circulation a patient has got a broken act of swallowing. What part of
the brain has suffered?
A. Prosencephalon.
B. Cervical part of the spinal cord.
C. *Brainstem.
D. Diencephalon.
E. Mesencephalon.
51. In an experiment cerebral structures are electrostimulated. As a result polyphagia (excessive
yearning for food) appeared. What department of cerebrum are electrodes put in?
A. Adenohypophysis.
B. Ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus.
C. Supraoptical nuclei of hypothalamus
D.* Lateral nuclei of hypothalamus.
E. Red nucleus.
52. According to the result of the analysis of a patient's saliva it is determined that the pH is 8.0. What
changes in the mouth cavity will this state of saliva result in?
A. Development of hyperplasia of tooth tissue.
B. Development of caries.
C. Development of fluorosis.
D.* Formation of dental calculus.
E. Development of the hypoplasia of tooth tissue.
53. A person has got considerable violation in digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Reduced
secretion of what digestive juice is the result of it?
A. Saliva.
B.* Pancreatic.
C. Gastric.
D. Bile.
E. Intestinal.
54. In what state is a person if the index of his energy wastes is lower than the value of basal metabolism?
A. Calmness.
B. Rest.
C. Easy work.
D. Nervous tension.
E. *Sleep.
55. One measures a person's energy wastes on an empty stomach, in the lying position, in the conditions
of physical and psychic rest, comfort temperature. At what time will the energy wastes be the least?
A. 5 -6 p. m.
B. 7-8 a. m.
C. 10-12 a. m.
D. 2 — 4 p. m.
E.* 3-4 a. m.
56. Measuring the energy wastes of a human organism by the method of indirect calorimetry it was
determined that the oxygen consumption per minute is 1000 ml and carbon dioxide elimination per
minute is 800 ml. What respiratory coefficient does the examined person have?
A. 1.0.
B. 1.25.
C. 0.9.
E.* 0.8.
57. Measuring the energy wastes of a human organism it was determined that the respiratory coefficient
is 1.0. What substances are mainly oxidized in the person's cells?
A.* Carbohydrates.
B. Proteins.
C. Fats.
D. Proteins and carbohydrates.
E. Carbohydrates and fats.
58. An increase of arteriotony, especially diastolic, of a person suffering from a kidney disease
was diagnosed. The concentration of what biologically active substance was increased in the
patient’s blood?
A. Noradrenaline
B. Adrenaline
C. *Rennin
D. Vasopressin
E. Catecholamines
59. After giving blood as a donor, a student felt thirsty. The increased secretion of what
biologically active substance stimulated it?
A.* Angiotensin-II
B. Aldosterone
C. Erythropoietin
D. Adrenaline
E. Noradrenaline
60. In an experiment on an animal by overstretching of atriums by blood the decrease of the
reabsorbtion of sodium ions and water in renal tubules was caused. The influence on kidneys
of what hormones can it be explained by?
A. Rennin
B. Aldosterone
C.* Atrial natriuretic factor
D. Angiotensin
E. Vasopressin
61. Long-lasting vomiting of a 32-year-old patient resulted in fluid loss. The increased
secretion of what hormone promotes water preservation in the organism?
A. Thyroxin
B. Calcitonine
C. *Vasopressin
D. Somatostatin
E. Aldosterone
62. The magnitude of the pure gastric juice рН on an empty stomach:
A. 0,5
B. 1,0
C. 1,8
D. 3,5
E*. 6,0
63. What is the main inorganic component of gastric juice?
A. Carbonic acid
B.* Hydrochloric acid
C. Lactic acid
D. Acid phosphatase
E. Pepsin
64. The HCl role in digestion:
A. activates the proteolytic enzymes of gastric juice and stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice
B. causes the swelling and denaturation of proteins
C. has bactericidal action
D. controls the evacuation of chyme from the stomach into duodenum
E. *all answers are right
65. What is the optimal gastric juice рH for action of pepsin A?
A. 0,5 - 1
B. *1,5 - 2,5
C. 2,8 - 3,5
D. 3,8 - 7,5
E. 5,5 - 5,8
66. What is the main role of gastrin?
A. Activates the enzymes of pancreas
B. Converts pepsinogen into pepsin in the stomach
C.* Stimulates the secretion of gastric juice
D. Inhibits intestinal motility
E. Inhibits motility of gall-bladder