106757901 Page 1 of 17 DR WHO THOUGH THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? “FEATS 2006 Fringe Skit by Martin KIRK with additional material by everybody 5 PART 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 CAST (41 parts in order of appearance) PLAYED BY (GROUP) William Shakespeare Glenn VAUGHAN (BSS) Ann Hathaway Yvonne DUNN? (AATG) Viking of ceremonies (VOC) John BRIGG (NWTC) Davros / Stavros / Evil Mike Richard MADDERN (TIE) Dalek Alice PERRY (ITG) Man with tin foil Patrick GRIFFIN (TIE) Seagull Nigel HARVEY (Stockholm Players) Doctor Who Martin SWABEY (BSS) Billie Piper Jemima CHALLENS (TIE / ECC) aged 3 Dr Spock Sheila HEWITT (BLOC – Brussels Light Opera Company) Dimitri John ? (Luxembourg) Anna Anna SPARRE (TIE) Harpagon (Miser) Peter ? (AATG) Valere (Steward) Alan KENWAY (BSS / TIE) Jacques (cook) Eva ? (AATG) Dowager Empress Beverly ATKINSON (NWTC) Anastasia Jenny BUNCH (TIE) Roy Filip BLEY (TIE) Miss Piggy Christianna MASON (TIE) Officer / Judge Chris REIDY (TIE) Alice Rose BLYTH (TIE) Bus Announcer Blair GAULTON (Entity) Mystery Woman from audience Denise WICKEN (TIE – Chris Reidy’s mum) Jess Jo JACK (ECC) Ned Matthew ELLIOTT (TIE) Blink Chris REIDY (TIE) Sherry Anna SPARRE (TIE) Kevin Blair GAULTON (Entity) Jeanette Eva ? (AATG) Off Stage Voice Martin KIRK (ITG / TIE) General John ? (Luxembourg) O’Flaherty WC Peter (AATG) Dad Patrick GRIFFIN Brother Chris REIDY (TIE) Mother Yvonne DUNN (AATG) Sister Anna SPARRE (TIE) George Alan KENWAY (BSS / TIE) Barbara Beverly ATKINSON (NWTC) Ben Filip BLEY (TIE) Gus Matthew ELLIOT (TIE) Carrie Beverly ATKINSON (NWTC) Sound Martin KIRK (ITG / TIE) Lights Paul DAVIS (TIE) Smoke Sue BOTTERELL (ITG) ================================================================= 106757901 Page 2 of 17 HOW SEAGUL DIES Yalta Game Miser 5 10 15 Run over by steam train Buried in money box, resurrects as Dalek’s long lost brother Anastasia Bird flu Roy Weakest link / sword of Greystone Alice Death sentence Real Lady Macbeth Rusty Sword Kevin Safety scissors O’Flaherty Watering can Tardis falls on him WASP Mother uses him to stuff a cushion lamb toy Fallopian Women Dick Cheney shoots him Dumb Waiter Flies into wall into surprise after he wasn’t shot Authors voice Shakespeare gives it a moving death scene. ================================================================= 106757901 Page 3 of 17 PROLOGUE FX Smoke. Blackout . William Shakespeare sits on stage in spotlight from TIE’s mega torch, typing on an (imaginary) lap top. 5 WILL SHAKESPEARE When shall we three meet again…. No too Scottish. Boîte d’argent where is moi boîte d’argent. No, No too French. Anastasia No no too short, ANN HATHAWAY (Random accent) What is it Will, my Warwickshire turnip? 10 WILL Well Ann, I’m trying to write an opening for this FEATS thingy on a lap top that hasn’t been invented yet. 15 20 ANN A sort of “The Real Ladies of McFEATS”, heavy on the additives. Or perhaps “Lady with the Laptop” - a short story due to low battery life. WILL (Large gasp then speaks quickly in an accent that changes rapidly every time he speaks) It has to be set in the Crimea, in a house in Paris, where everyone recognises each other, be written in a crude Essex dialect that no-one under seventeen understands, with adventures in a surreal world of political rabbits – but no witches I hate witches – with an actor who is disturbed… ANN 25 30 So no shortage of role models there… WILL …but on a recruiting drive for trellises, whilst visiting a golf playing family of insects in a sex free Iraq who are stupidly waiting to kill someone in a room whilst a best selling novel is being written, all to be performed in Luxembourgish whilst eating boiled cheese. ANN Yes I see, tricky even for the Bard of Avon. Perhaps we need to go back to the beginning… Fade to Blackout then LFX Blue 35 VOC The FEATS home for resting actors unfortunately presents, during a black-out just to annoy the adjudicator, The “Real Mc FEATS” or “Dr Who though this was a good idea?”. The scene Rotterdam, 30 years ago, 1976 in a land that taste forgot, SFX Dr Who theme music 40 VOC … Strange dark forces of Seagulls All cast make sinister squawking noises, SEAGULL flaps vigorously VOC … and Daleks 45 ALL CAST “Exterminate” Exterminate” and Dalek SFX 50 VOC …. are planning to burst onto the international, Anglophone stage from their evil lair deep within the bowels of, centre stage. Mike Davros / Stavos the evil leader of this rubber band of Greek kebab selling adjudicators is plotting his plans for world domination to fit around the England team’s world cup match schedule. The dastardly if well dressed villain with well polished shoes hatches his schemes (all within the allotted time period) and with plenty of time for tea breaks. 106757901 Page 4 of 17 SCENE 1 Seagull and Dalek lair Enter Dalek from SL pushed by EVIL MIKE, SEAGULL, MAN WITH TIM FOIL ON HEAD. 5 SFX Unlimited Rice Pudding DAVROS / STAVOS / MIKE THE ADJUCATOR = (EVIL) MIKE Well my guild of adjudicators let us exterminate good taste and non flared jeans as we plan our thirty year long campaign for my Fiendish Earth Attack for Total Supremacy or ‘FEATS’ 10 (evil laughter SFX stop before Tom Baker speaks ). 15 DALEK Evil Mike O master adjudicator our plans are nearly complete, with our FEATS-o-matic time machine / TARDIS / wormhole / portkey we are ready in any sci-fi milleu to travel anywhere in time and space (as long as it is Whitsun holiday in Northern Europe) to spread avant garde confusion to theatre audiences. MAN WITH TIN FOIL Yes O master you are so evil you couldn’t even be bothered to give me a proper costume or many lines later on. 20 ALL Squawk, squawk squawk. SEAGULL (annoyed) That’s my line. 25 EVIL MIKE What is that you say my fine feathered hench seagull. Well at least you make more sense than the dialogue in Roy. What’s that, you say? We must kidnap Will Shakespeare so we can then teach him badly in school to put kids off the bard for life and then force every one to watch theatre of the absurd instead and die of confusion. 30 SEAGULL Squawk, squawk squawk. EVIL MIKE But first you say we must exterminate the doctor? MAN WITH TIN FOIL Doctor Who? 35 MIKE Exactly my henchman covered in tin foil.. And we must not forget his side kick the beautiful Billie Piper and their helper Dr Spock. MAN WITH TIN FOIL I’ didn’t know the Doctor was pregnant? 40 SEAGULL Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk. MIKE What’s that my feathered compadre? Are you saying that we must be careful to first alert the Doctor of our plans so he can thwart them at the last minute? Hmm I see. 45 SEAGULL 50 Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk. MIKE And what’s that? You spotted someone like him loitering in a seedy café by the Black Sea. I see. What. So you crapped my special locator guano on his head. Well done my disgusting lighter than air spy. Quick leap into the wormhole Tardis thingy before he can wash it off. VOC Audience participation in the sound effects is encouraged. 55 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue 106757901 Page 5 of 17 MIKE, TIN HENCH leap behind TARDIS, DR WHO, BILLY PIPER & DR SPOCK jump out from behind the Tardis. 5 DALEK Oh bugger I don’t do leaping. Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate DOCTOR WHO 10 Anyone like a jelly baby, Dr Spock? DR SPOCK That’s not logical Doctor I’m a woman and in the wrong sci-fi series, but Doctor Who; DR WHO Doctor Spock DR SPOCK Yes DR WHO What 15 DR SPOCK No Who 20 DR WHO Where DR SPOCK Who, There? DR WHO Dr Who Here? DR SPOCK Dr You there. DR WHO Who, Me DR SPOCK Yes DALEK The next Doctor to make a Who joke will be exterminated DR WHO Roger Daltry DALEK Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate 25 30 35 DR SPOCK That’s logical. Makes beep. Flips open communicator, What’s that Captain Kirk. (pause) William Shakespeare’s been kidnapped, Doctor we must do something. 40 45 DR WHO Why? (to Billie) A Jelly baby for my perhaps too young assistant? DR SPOCK There was an accident in the TARDIS she’s actually 105 years old DOCTOR WHO Never-mind, did you see that bastard seagull? When I find him I’m going to undo his neck with my sonic screwdriver. Why do you think my hat is white. If you see that bird kill it! I hate Chekov! (exit) Sonic Screwdriver SFX Seagull dies 50 VOC Our heroes travel to Yalta because they are trying to get to Rome. SFX Tardis whilst LFX to blue 55 106757901 Page 6 of 17 SCENE 2 Yalta Game Yalta Game brass band music 5 DIMTRI Can you hear that? Makes you want to charge out of the theatre with all the bad jokes. Here am I in a wet weekend in Bray, waiting for the Dun Laighoire (pronounced Leary) ferry. ANNA Well those Daleks have to take the Theodossia car ferry they can’t fly. 10 DALEK wheels around on spot, DALEK Exterminate, exterminate, Oh bugger I can’t swim, I knew I should have asked those Sea Devils for a lift. 15 DIMTRI Never mind we can wait, and speed drink an imaginary cup of coffee with too much pretend sugar. 20 ANNA You spend most of the time slowly talking to yourself whilst I’m polishing the chair waiting to be plucked. (pause) No I said plucked. DIMTRI (Shouting) Sorry I can’t hear you over the waterfall. (normal voice) But its OK, with a time machine we can now take as long as we like which should please even the most evil of adjudicators. Somersault anyone? 25 ANNA Strange man, I wouldn’t trust him further then he can carry me, which is about 10 metres up-stage to the wobbly table. 30 DIMTRI Holiday. That’s right we are 30 miles south of the nearest shop that is open on a Public ANNA Oh Dimtri I have to go and iron the fringe around the rostrum and that smoke, it gets into my eyes and that’s just in the wings. I need an operation. 35 DIMTRI Damn I haven’t got enough money to follow on the train to Rome, I’ll have to get off in Paris via Amsterdam. Look out! Damn too late! The steam train seems to have hit that seagull which is upstaging every one centre stage. Seagull dies messily 40 DR WHO for dinner. Scrape up that seagull Spock. Come on I haven’t got all day I want road kill SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue 45 VOC And so to Paris, unfortunately there isn’t a set as we were too mean, and also we blew the budget on a fancy dressing gown and white gloves. 50 SCENE 3 55 HARPAGON Oh dear I seem to have fallen in love with Marianne the daughter of my neighbour (well it is Molière the women are always called Marianne) and I have a Dalek as a rival in love, mainly because we can’t get the damn thing off stage. But that’s OK this is an irrelevant production. The Miser 106757901 Page 7 of 17 DALEK Exterminate, no kiss, Exterminate, no kiss. Exterminate, no kiss. Oh bugger Valere is miming digging a hole on stage. Not a hole. Cannot levitate, Cannot levitate. Cannot levitate. 5 HARPAGON So what do you say my shiny star wonderful steward in your white gloves. 10 VALERE Harpagon, do you need money to repair your dressing gown its covered in patches. But we eat to live not live to eat don’t you agree, Jacques the tartan, tap dancing cook. JACQUES Sorry who are you again, you’re not in my program. VALERE Now be nice you can’t upset me mummy. 15 20 DR SPOCK That’s not logical Captain, Jacques isn’t his mummy. DR WHO She will be, they have an accident with a condom in a time machine. DALEK Pieces of Eight! Bring me your pieces of eight! The Daleks will have money. Money Money! Your money or your life. HARPAGON 25 Can I think about that? (points to Valere) Will his life do? VALERE I shall hide in my mime hole. ALL make Bird noises and mime looking out to sea DR WHO Why do seagulls suddenly appear bearing red roses, I hate that seagull. VALERE The seagull has been buried in the garden in the money box 30 Seagull dies 35 HARPAGON Well death doesn’t always come on schedule (pause), like British Rail. Steward fetch me some chairs. DR SPOCK That’s not logical, you don’t have a set. 40 VALERE Well any disguise will do, its a hotch potch of costumes. JACQUES And I suppose with acting that ham, we don’t need a full breakfast, which is just as well, if you are staying in the Herckmans hotel. 45 HARPAGON see me. Give me a stick you moron, is that a truncheon or are you just pleased to Fake fight using fingers as swords, light sabres fake karate & shoulder charges. SEAGULL Flaps noisily. 50 VALERE DALEK The hench Seagull isn’t dead he is just pining for the fjords. Impersonate! Impersonate! Impersonate! 106757901 Page 8 of 17 EVIL MIKE No wait my hench recycling bin, you can’t kill the seagull he is your long lost brother. Quick we must flee before Marianne decides to kiss you whilst waving her leg in the air. 5 DALEK Yes master I shall transport to the black hole in the middle of a elegant set in the Hague on the outskirts of Berlin VOC 10 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue SCENE 4 15 Finally a proper set, not Valhalla, but better than nothing. Anastasia EMPRESS (bad Russian accent) I must tell the staff to use more colour in the decor and more power on the chandeliers. DR SPOCK (Scottish accent) But the Captain the lights they just can’t take the power. And anyway madam you can’t use colour you are White Russians. 20 ANASTASIA Great rooms ablaze ... EMPRESS With light 25 ANASTASIA No just ablaze, those Daleks get so enthusiastic in the audience. DALEK Participate, Participate, Participate 30 ANASTASIA Release the Romanovs from those Roving, Wretched, Rascally, Rapscallion, Rhapsodic, Red Russians EMPRESS Why do you lisp so? ANASTASIA You will ask me difficult questions Grand Mummy. 35 EMPRESS Why do people eat ‘KA CASE’? (REM the author apologises for the semi phonetic spelling) 40 DALEK Where did you learn to eat boiled cheese and call the Daleks Grand Mummy. Masticate, Masticate, Masticate EMPRESS Oh the horror, the cruelty the emptiness, Ettelbruck on a weekday night (she coughs). 45 ANASTASIA Have you seen a doctor? DOCTORS SPOCK & WHO (together) EMPRESS It’s probably bird flu. SEAGULL Squawk, Squawk, squawk. 50 Seagull dies You call? 106757901 Page 9 of 17 EMPRESS To be an actress is to be a princess, but not necessarily a good one. I will leave you as I’m used to a shorter running time. ANASTASIA You keep saying you are leaving but you never do. 5 EMPRESS Shhh, I’m trying to string out the time. EMPRESS If you had any decency you would end these bad jokes. 10 ANATASIA How can we link seamlessly to the next scene. EMPRESS "I will tell them that the play is over, now go home SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue 15 20 VOC at his lair. Whilst the Seagull checks out his medical insurance, Mike re groups back SCENE 5 FEATS lair EVIL MIKE good or bad. Well my evil hench audience my job isn’t to tell you whether the play is 25 ALL 30 EVIL MIKE Sorry? Oops no sorry, I make no apologies. No my job is to look for a deluge of drama and pick out the arty bollocks in my shiny shoes with a little theatre magic like sawing a lady in half to make a Dalek. Light and shade, although this weekend mostly shade. All the emotion must be conveyed. Why the bloody hell not? DR SPOCK 35 That’s not logical SCENE 6 Charles in chav land VOC Evil Mike Davros buggers off stage (VOC pushes them off with spear) , together with everyone under the age of 17. With so much bleeping swearing, the bleep machine starts to overheat, creating too much smoke innit. 40 FX Smoke ROI Oh I say I am speaking so proper innit. Well I am Prince Charles innit. 45 MISS PIGGY And I’m Miss Piggy innit. ROI Oh I say one doesn’t think the director meant that sort of muppet innit. MISS PIGGY Sorry I can’t hear I’m bleeding from both ears innit. 50 DALEK Enunciate! Enunciate! Enunciate! Innit! ROI I say ones Dalek is not perambulating innit. 106757901 Page 10 of 17 DALEK I’m too posh to push innit. One Exterminates one! One Exterminates one! One Exterminates one innit. SEAGULL Squawk innit! Squawk innit! Squawk innit! 5 MIKE What’s that my hench bird innit. You haven’t a clue what’s going on innit. No me neither and I wrote it innit. ROI I say ones bird is the weakest link goodbye innit. 10 Dramatic music (Brave heart track 6) as ROI chases seagull with the sword and kills it. DR SPOCK That was illogical Doctor. I’m exhausted innit. 15 DR WHO Time Lords don’t do chav. Quick down that rabbit hole. SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue VOC Meanwhile Will Shakespeare has turned his hand to writing tragedy 20 WILL It no good in order to come up with a decent comedy, I need much more drugs and definitely counselling. 25 VOC For no apparent reason other than it is in the script, our hero approaches the border of Setttelbruck. Scene 7 30 Alice in Settelbruck IMMIGRATION OFFICER & JUDGE Settelbruck Immigration, welcome to our small but rich town. No skateboards, roller-blading or Daleks SFX “Not good, nothing about that was good” 35 DALEK O bugger! So much for world domination, and the only thing we wanted was cheap wine, good food & Swedish films. FX Smoke 40 ALICE What was that. OFFICER The noise of a steam train. Its picture will be along in a minute. 45 ANNOUNCER Ding dong! The shuttle bus for Diekirch has been sold to the Belgians as a tax shelter. The shuttle bus for Bourscheid has wheels and is therefore banned from Ettelbruck. The shuttle bus for Eperldange has been entered for the Tour of Luxembourg. Ding Dong. DALEK Cyclists, Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate. 50 ALICE One mans cyclist is another mans biker whose engine fell off. I must seek out the lunatic fringe. VOC 55 Well you’re in the right place then. 106757901 Page 11 of 17 That’s logical DR SPOCK WOMAN wanders in from audience slowly crosses the stage wonders around WOMAN Sorry wrong room! (leaves) 5 That’s illogical DR SPOCK OFFICER The Court will decide what is possible or impossible not the laws of physics. 10 DALEK spins in place DR SPOCK 15 What is he doing. DR WHO I think the person inside the Dalek is randomly pulling the levers of government, or perhaps it slipped on some seagull infested custard. OFFICER Off with his head! I hereby sentence that bird to die badly again! Seagull escapes 20 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue DR WHO Spock quickly after the Seagull, it is escaping by flying off to that castle over there (leaps behind Tardis) 25 VOC Now a musical interlude. LFX to blue. Braveheart CD track 6 continues very long scene change, lots of stupid activity in dark (Note to cast you were all wonderful) When lights up nothing has changed on stage. 30 SCENE 8 Real Will Shakespeare SFX Smoke 35 40 JESS Storm create too loudly NED Let the breath go? ALL Pant theatrically JESS BLINK When shall we three meet again. In the bar in about 45 minutes. 45 50 55 JESS Fair enough. NED I want to play queens, SHERRY We are in Luxembourg not New York, but I hear Mr Shakespeare’ play is very pertinent to the recent mood of bad puns. DALEK Pertinent, Pertinent, Pertinent JESS William. 106757901 Page 12 of 17 BLINK Yes Ann, JESS What’s a rhinoceros (pause), I’m sorry I mean a set? 5 NED bangs 2 toothpicks together. Very Loud knocking with echo comes from wings NED Don’t knock the great knockers (leers) 10 SHERRY Let’s tell Macbeth in 5 minutes. BLINK 15 Macbeth NED No lets kill the seagull instead, I can hear my sword rusting. Seagull dies BLINK This is a tale told by an idiot NED Actually a cast of idiots BLINK Full of sound 20 Random Dr Who SFX 25 BLINK And fury ALL Grrrr! BLINK Signifying nothing. NED Except you’ve had too much to drink. JESS Or not enough 30 35 40 45 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue SCENE 9 FEATS lair MIKE Well my dastardly wheelie bin cronies what do we think of those monstrous puppets. The secret of good comedy is turning up and the secret of good cue bite is to eat more Barm Cake. VOC Before we are transported to a beer hall in Munich for German night to watch the football and dance on tables until 4 in the morning, please sit down there at the back you might spontaneously combust you’re a fire hazard. DALEK 50 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue SCENE 10 55 I am sitting down KEVIN Kevin Zip zip zip 106757901 Page 13 of 17 SEAGULL Squawk, squawk MIKE For once the damn hench bird doesn’t need translating. 5 10 JEANETTE The idiot and the scarecrow. DR SPOCK Which doctor is which do you think? KEVIN Shepherd’s Bush, Tower Hill, Bethnal Green, Earl’s Court, Waterloo. JEANETTE Mornington Crescent ALL Round of applause O! Well done I say! 15 KEVIN Shall we fill the Dalek fill of bricks and push him into the canal? After all we found him outside Boots. DALEK I have wheels not boots. 20 JEANETTE I shall just throw my purse off the apron into the audience. Now who can tell me what Conqueror means? DALEK Oh Oh (excited) I know this one. Please miss please! 25 JEANETTE Help I’m trapped by a table but I’m afraid that is a joke too far. 30 KEVIN Surely not? O look! A floating Dalek, but Daleks don’t sweat. DALEK Oh yes they bloody do! KEVIN Ever thought of your head as an apple. DALEK Cardboard box actually KEVIN Words can make things disappear. 35 OFF STAGE VOICE 40 Jeanette exits Jeanette exits KEVIN All sorts of feelings we should write them down. DR SPOCK Not necessarily 45 KEVIN Have you got any battle books? DALEK (excited) Oh yes please! Humans you shall be glotting with fear (pause) and no I don’t know what it means either 50 KEVIN I shall stab the seagull with my glow in the dark safety scissors (pause). Well you wouldn’t what someone to cut themselves now would you. SEAGULL dies 55 106757901 Page 14 of 17 VOC Meanwhile Dr Who, returns from his little break where he was recording voice-overs for Little Britain. Flushed with success he rejoins our next scene - O’Flaherty WC. The TARDIS has been cunningly disguised as a watering can stage right, in a nice little rose garden set, that is mercifully free of black boxes. 5 SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue 10 SCENE 11 O’Flaherty WC GENERAL No, No, Don’t get up to change my boots, O Flaherty WC. O FLAHERTY If the General knew all the seagulls I snared on him, he’d exterminate me or them.. 15 DALEK Exfoiliate, Exfoiliate, Exfoiliate. SEAGULL (Happy that Dalek missed) Squawk, squawk, squawk 20 GENERAL (soothingly). Yes, yes: I know. I know. One does get fed up with the endless seagull deaths. SEAGULL 25 Squawk squawk, squawk Thud GENERAL Oh I say how deuced unlucky that watering can fell on the seagull. But after all, it’s for our king; and our own country, isn't it? Invade a small country anyone? O'FLAHERTY. Well, sir, my mother would have taken the skin off my back if I'd ever let on to have any other king than Elvis. She pray night and morning to St Patrick (who cleared the snakes, seagulls and Daleks out of Ireland) to let England lose to Paraguay 3 nil. 30 SIR PEARCE But there aren’t any Daleks in Ireland O’FLAHERTY Exactly! 35 40 DR WHO Sorry I’m late, I got stuck in my scarf and then at the hairdressers for a perm. Where is that pesky seagull. ALL In the comedy bin of desperate jokes. DR SPOCK Timing DR WHO What DR SPOCK Secret of good comedy. DR WHO What DR SPOCK No who 45 50 VOC We interrupt this time loop ... we interrupt this ... we interrupt this... of a previous joke due to a Tardis malfunction and shift gear to travel 4325 years back in time to heartland America in the 1950s. SFX Tardis, whilst LFX to blue 55 106757901 Page 15 of 17 SCENE 12 5 WASP DAD May your science teachers tongue be pieced in hell with a red hot poker. I’m confident in my ignorance. A luxury item is something that annoys other people when you have it. BROTHER Like a Dalek. DAD No, they just annoy other people by mass murder and conquest 10 DALEK SFX (eventually) whilst Dad storms off in a pretend tantrum due to my incompetence “We are your friends” 15 20 DAD I was 28 years old before I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but by then it is a bit too old to be a Dalek; and as your mother is terrified of supermarkets we could never buy the sink plunger for the spare parts. MOTHER Voices ALL Yes, it’s raining molten iron. SISTER I guess pretty pink ears don’t count for much. DR SPOCK That’s not logical. 25 SISTER I’m a flame, I bring myself to un-suspecting seagulls. But really, I want to give birth to Jesus. MOTHER But in Ettelbruck there is no room at the inn. 30 DR WHO You could dive into the river but weighed down by Weatabix, clotted cream, bacon fat & mango, you would drown. DALEK I know the feeling, never a passing Sea Devil when you need one. 35 DAD My feelings can’t stand illumination under the strong light, so no worries there, but I saw something flapping towards me with wings SEAGULL Squawk, squawk, squawk. BROTHER Where’s the dog. 40 MOTHER Oh Yalta, she was eight plays and three days ago. Although she didn’t exist I exterminated her anyway just to be sure. 45 SISTER Come to think of it where’s the seagull gone? Mother! That cushion (actually it was a lamb cuddly toy) is looking very plump. MOTHER looks sheepish (REM should that be lambish?) 50 55 DAD I would love to feel these emotions I have heard so much about them. DR SPOCK I wouldn’t. 106757901 Page 16 of 17 SCENE 13 5 10 FEATS lair MIKE Well my Viking stooge how was that for entertainment and that was just my tricycle ride. There are just four things one needs for acting, a pulse, an over developed ego, a good memory and I forget the other. SCENE 14 Fallopian Women VOC We move to a hot and dusty place for Fallopian Women DALEK It’s quite cramped in here. VOC I said dusty not dustbin 15 BARBARA If you don’t stop messing around in that sand pit you won’t get any nookie for the next month. GEORGE Oh Barbara BARBARA No George W I’m serious ALL Bang Squawk GEORGE Oh Dick you haven’t been out huntivating seagulls again! DALEK Huntivate, Huntivate, Huntivate 20 25 Seagull dies 30 35 40 SCENE 15 Dumb Waiter VOC That scene was really dumb, talking of which... BEN Gus GUS Ben Very long pause both look at watches & each other, go and sit in the audience etc. Finally Ben speaks again BEN One of us is a seagull DALEK Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate, 45 Both Ben & Gus die. SCENE 16 50 Seagull lives and is so surprised that it flies into a wall & then dies. Author’s voice CARRIE I’m the author’s voice and could now tell you the plot but then would have to kill you afterwards DALEK Oh yes please. 106757901 Page 17 of 17 CARRIE And anyway if you are too mean to get a ticket for the last night you will just have to watch in the bar without the volume. Or instead why don’t you write your own WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Hey that’s my job 5 VOC So Will you finally escaped. SFX Great Escape music (Missed cue – Sorry guys!) 10 WILL Yes I wrote my own exit, but I have one final job, to write a moving and hammed up final death scene for that seagull. Seagull dies extravagantly and very lengthly to dramatic music Brave heart track 9 Dead Gus complains about the time it takes him to die. 15 SCENE 17 20 FEATS lair MIKE Well my evil doers by the magic of time travel I am able to give you tonight’s results before I have seen all the plays. SFX Daleks have won Curtain call END 25 © TimeLords year infinite