2008CSR029 - City of Edmonton

Queen Elizabeth
Outdoor Pool
That the September 30, 2008,
Community Services Department report
2008CSR029 be received for
Report Summary
This report summarizes the results of
a Request for Tender process that
was undertaken to determine the
scope of the Queen Elizabeth
Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project
that can be constructed at the
Kinsmen site for $5.5 million.
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the July 14, 2008, Community
Services Committee meeting, the
following motion was passed:
That Administration tender a
Request for Proposals for
Construction Management Design
Build of a six-lane outdoor pool,
including the wading component, at
Kinsmen Park for a total project cost
of $5.5 million, and return to the
October 6, 2008, Community
Services Committee meeting.
2008 Project Background
 On January 16, 2008, City Council
directed Administration to explore
the feasibility of developing an
outdoor pool at the Kinsmen Park,
and to retain the approved program
previously endorsed for the Queen
Elizabeth Outdoor Pool
Redevelopment Project. This motion
was the result of the projected cost
of the redevelopment of Queen
Elizabeth Outdoor Pool, at the
original site (tendered in September
2006 and again in January 2007)
coming in significantly over budget
($7.6 million in 2006, and
$8.1 million in 2007).
 The most recent Queen Elizabeth
Outdoor Pool program and design
was developed in consultation with
the Friends of Queen Elizabeth Pool
Society (FQEPS), the aquatic
community, and the Kinsmen Club of
 The feasibility report, responding to
the January 16, 2008, motion to
study the relocation of the Queen
Elizabeth Pool program to the
Kinsmen Site, was brought forward
to Community Services Committee
meeting, on July 14, 2008. The
report indicated that the estimated
cost was $5.3 million in 2008 dollars
and with inflation factors of 20%
applied, and a design and
construction contingency of 30%
applied, the funding shortfall could
have reached $2.4 million
($7.7 million total).
 At the July 14, 2008, Community
Services Committee meeting, the
Committee heard from the FQEPS
and Edmonton Springboard Platform
Diving Club. They spoke of the need
for a six lane pool with recreational
diving capabilities. Community
Services Committee directed the
Administration to issue a Request for
Proposal (RFP) to modify the
program to reflect a six lane
rectangular pool tank, and to remove
the zero depth entry, the lazy river,
ROUTING – Community Services Committee | Delegation – R. Smyth/C. Ward
WRITTEN BY – M. St. Louis/C. Ward | September 30, 2008 – Community Services Department 2008CSR029
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Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project
and the hot tub, as previously
recommended by the stakeholder
groups. The RFP direction was to
determine if the amended program
could be built for $5.5 million.
Activities resulting from July 14, 2008,
Community Services Committee Motion
 As directed, the RFP documents
were prepared with the pool
configuration as noted in the
July 14, 2008, motion, and with all
other minimum program
requirements necessary to meet
building codes and City policies.
The RFP requested total project
costing for the scope identified, and
the degree of cost accuracy at that
level of conceptual design.
 The minimum acceptable scope
identified the following general
elements, with the intent to build the
program back up to consider
increasing the pool depth and
additional leisure elements, if this
could be achieved within the
approved budget:
 a 25 metre, 6 lane, pool with
depth ranging from 1-2.5 metres;
 adequate deck space, amenities,
lighting, mechanical, and security
systems to effectively serve the
 an open change facility with
covered family change stalls, and
separate male/female change
 first aid room and control desk;
 a water play park with a children
and family oriented aquatic
 The RFP documents were issued
and remained open for submission
from July 24 to August 14, 2008.
Four bids were received. One bid
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was disqualified due to noncompliance with the terms of the
RFP documents. The remaining
submissions were evaluated and the
project was awarded to Jen-Col
Construction Ltd. on
August 29, 2008.
A start-up meeting was held
immediately after award to discuss
the project, the information
requirements, and the overall project
schedule. The estimated
construction schedule has a start
date of April 1, 2009, and a
completion date of
December 15, 2009.
Jen-Col Construction Ltd. has
responded to the RFP by providing a
pre-concept estimate of $5,842,535
(see Attachment 1). This estimate
reflects total project cost, is stated in
September 2008, dollars, and
provides a 9.5% design and
construction contingency factor. The
estimate is not escalated to match
the construction schedule.
Based on City forecasts, inflation
factors are projected to be 14%
annually; therefore a cost escalation
allowance of $660,000 is advisable
to ensure the completion of this
Jen-Col Construction Ltd. forecasts
design and construction contingency
at 9.5% ($393,995).
Since the project is at a concept
level only, the Administration
recommends a 30% contingency be
applied to this project. This
difference in contingency amounts to
an additional $850,000.
The estimated total project costs
could reach $7,352,535. This does
Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project
not include demolition of the existing
Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool site.
2. Summary of Queen Elizabeth
Outdoor Pool Cost Estimates.
Jen-Col Estimate
City Escalation
Additional Design
and Construction
$ 660,000
Others Reviewing this Report
 M. Koziol, General Manager, Capital
Construction Department
 C. Warnock, Chief Financial Officer
$ 850,000
Attachment 2 provides a summary of
the Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool
Redevelopment cost estimates.
Approved Policy C534 – Outdoor
Focus Area
Outdoor aquatic experiences contribute
to a quality environment and social and
cultural key outcomes areas that
promote vibrant, inclusive, and safe
Budget/Financial Implications
There has been no changes to
previously approved/submitted
budgets, as noted below:
- $4.1 million is approved through
project 06-75-2515.
- The Kin Park Wading Pool
redevelopment has $300,000
approved in project 06-28-5223
with an additional $700,000
allocated in the 2009-2011
funded Capital Plan.
- The Friends of Queen Elizabeth
Pool Society have raised
approximately $400,000 for the
project through CFEP grants.
1. Jen-Col Construction Ltd. Feasibility
Budget Report
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Attachment 2
Summary of Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Cost Estimates
Original Program
(Queen Elizabeth Site)
$7.6 million
(tender price)
$8.1 million
(tender price)
Original Program
(Kinsmen Park Site)
Modified Program
(Kinsmen Park Site)
$7.7 million
$7.4 million
(July concept estimate) (September concept
Note that these estimated costs do not include demolition and restoration of the existing
Queen Elizabeth site.
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Report: 2008CSR029 Attachment 2