article 1. name and location - Officers' Spouses' Club of MCAS Yuma

1) The name of this organization, hereinafter referred to as “OSC”, shall be the Officers’ Spouses’ Club of MCAS
Yuma, Arizona (wording as recommended by DoD 1000.15).
2) The Officers’ Wives’ Club was founded on January 8, 1952.
1) The purpose of the OSC is to promote good will, friendship, and cultural opportunity among OSC members while
supporting social, educational, and community activities and organizations that benefit military personnel and their
2) After all expenses of the OSC are met, any and all profits that are derived from the activities of the OSC will be
used solely for charitable and educational purposes set forth above. No funds will be used to the personal benefit of
any private member or membership of the OSC as a whole .
a) This organization is to be used exclusively for charitable purposes and shall be carried out in accordance
with the IRS regulations pertaining to 501c(3) organizations.
b) Upon dissolution of this organization, assents shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within
the meaning of section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future
federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a
public purpose.
3) Club activities will not in any way prejudice or discredit the Department of Defense components or other
agencies of the Federal Government.
1) Local membership eligibility will be primarily for members of the DoD family stationed/assigned to MCAS
Yuma, Arizona.
2) Regular Membership – Dues Required; Eligible to Vote
a) Spouses of active duty, reserve, and retired commissioned and warrant officers.
b) Commissioned and warrant officers.
c) Spouses of commissioned and warrant officers serving overseas, including POWs and MIAs
d) Newly elected officers, committee chairpersons, and unit representatives must be a member in good
standing, having paid membership dues, to be a member of the OSC Executive Board
3) Honorary Membership – No Dues Required
a) The spouse of any 0-6 stationed/assigned to MCAS Yuma
b) Honorary members do not have the privilege of voting unless they elect to become regular member.
c) Widows and widowers of deceased commissioned and warrant officers
4) Anyone eligible to be a member of the OSC may attend only one function prior to payment of membership dues.
5) Participants in OSC special interest groups must be members of the OSC. However, any member with a vested
interest is ineligible to serve on said committee.
6) There will be no membership discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age, disability, national origin,
religion, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination.
1) The purpose of the Executive Board is to make recommendations to the OSC members concerning OSC policy,
planning, and any substantive procedure changes.
2) Members of the Executive Board shall be regular members of the OSC and will consist of the following:
a) President
b) 1st Vice President
c) 2nd Vice President
d) Treasurer
e) Recording Secretary
f) Corresponding Secretary
g) Scholarship/Philanthropy
h) Honorary President
i) Parliamentarian
3) The Executive Board will hold meetings at the discretion of the President.
4) The Executive Board shall consist of Elected Officers of the OSC and the OSC Advisory Board.
1) The OSC Executive Board will govern the affairs of the general membership of the OSC. The duties of the
Elected Officers, Appointed Officers and Unit Representatives will be those normally pertaining to their offices as
outlined in the by-laws. Terms of Office will be one fiscal year, commencing 1 June of the year elected through 31
May of the following year.
2) The OSC Board shall consist of:
Elected Officers
Honorary President
Advisory Board
Appointed Officers/Chairpersons
Unit Representatives
3) The Advisory Board shall have no vote and shall consist of:
a) Honorary President
i) The spouse of the Commanding Officer of MCAS Yuma will be invited to serve as the Honorary
President. If the Commanding Officer of MCAS Yuma is not married, or his/her spouse does not wish
to, or is unable to serve as Honorary President, the spouse of the next senior Colonel serving aboard
MCAS Yuma shall be invited to serve as the Honorary President.
ii) The Honorary President will only vote in the event of a tie.
b) Honorary Vice President
i) The spouse of the Executive Officer of MCAS Yuma will be invited to serve as the Honorary Vice
President. In the event that the XO of MCAS Yuma is not married, or his/her spouse does not wish to,
or is unable to serve as Honorary Vice President, the next senior O-6 serving aboard MCAS Yuma
shall be invited to serve as Honorary Vice President.
c) Parliamentarian
d) Squadron/Unit Representatives
1) Spouses of commissioned and warrant officers on active duty will be eligible to serve as elected officers of OSC.
2) Nominations
a) The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Parliamentarian prior to the March meeting and
shall consist of at least three other members. The Committee shall select one or more nominee(s) for
each office and present a slate for election at the April meeting.
b) Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for nomination.
c) The President may serve only one term with the exception of a vacated position, in which she may
complete a vacated position and run for a full term the following year.
3) Elections
a) Election of officers shall be by secret ballot or by vote of acclamation if position is uncontested at the
annual meeting during May. The candidate receiving the plurality of vote for each office shall be
b) Voting may be by absentee ballot, which will be provided by email sent out just prior to the
vote being taken. The ballot must be returned to the Parliamentarian prior to the May meeting.
c) Vacancies which occur during the term of office, with exception of the president, will be screened and
nominated by the Nominating Committee and shall be approved by a majority vote of the OSC voting
members. The 1st Vice President will fill the President’s term.
1) OSC Meetings
a) Regular meetings of the OSC Board shall be held monthly. The first meeting of the OSC year shall be
called by the President.
b) While OSC meetings are open to any OSC member and/or Officer’s spouse, any in attendance who are
not paid members of OSC shall not vote.
c) A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the OSC members present at a meeting shall constitute a Quorum for
voting purposes.
d) Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the OSC.
e) If an issue requiring a vote arises and an emergency meeting cannot be convened with 2/3
membership, then an OSC member may present a motion via social media, and members can vote on
the motion via social media, so long as all adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order.
2) Purpose of OSC Meetings
a) The meeting in April shall be for the purpose of presenting the Nominating Committee’s proposed
slate of elections for the new Executive Board and to conduct any other business necessary.
b) The meeting in May shall be the Annual Meeting for the purpose of electing and presenting the new
Executive Board members for the coming year.
c) A joint meeting will be held at the outgoing President’s discretion for the incoming Executive Board
members for the purpose of the transfer of records to the incoming Executive Board members.
d) All other meetings during the year shall be for the purpose of discussing current business and
upcoming fundraising functions.
3) Committees
a) Committees will be formed at the discretion of the President.
b) Meetings will be held at the discretion of the Chairperson.
1) Adequate insurance, if appropriate, will be secured to protect against public liability and property damage claims
or other legal actions that may arise as a result of activities of the OSC or one of its members acting on its behalf.
Since there is not a direct, vested interest of the Federal Government or any of its instrumentalities in the assets,
such as through fidelity or life insurance, it is the responsibility of the OSC membership. Each member is of the
understanding that they are personally liable if the assets are insufficient to discharge all liabilities.
2) Accountability of Funds
a) The fiscal year is 1 June to 31 May.
b) The Treasurer will account for funds, and their expenditures and will be authorized by the OSC Board.
c) Funds will be dual counted upon receipt. Any OSC Executive board member may count and verify
funds given to the treasurer for deposit.
d) Any OSC member (Executive, Appointed or Unit Representative) who receives a check as an OSC
representative is responsible for notifying the Treasurer within five (5) days of receipt for a timely
e) Any check written to the OSC must be deposited within thirty (30) days of receipt.
f) The General Fund will be derived from the payment of dues, other assessments, fund-raising activities,
and any other source of funds as authorized by the OSC.
i) Dues
(1) Annual dues (amount to be determined by the OSC Executive Board) will be
assessed for
Regular membership: Full membership: 1 June-31 May; Half-year membership:
1 Jan-31 May
(2) Honorary members will not be charged
(3) Dues will be collected by the Membership Chairperson
(4) Dues will not be refunded
(5) The deadline for membership to guarantee inclusion in the directory is 31 October
ii) Fund-raising Activities
(1) Approval must be obtained from the Base Commander, MCAS Yuma
(2) These activities will not compete with those of any non-appropriated fund
instrumentality on a DoD installation.
3) Amendments of the Constitution can be made provided the following criteria are met:
a) Constitutional amendments may be proposed by a paid voting member by submitting in writing the
proposed amendment(s) to the President, who, in turn, will submit it to the Executive Board before the
end of the OSC fiscal year, 31 May.
b) The proposed amendment has been approved by a majority vote of the OSC Executive Board, provided
a Quorum of two-thirds (2/3) are present.
c) The proposed amendment has been presented to the Base Commander, MCAS Yuma.
d) The proposed amendment received two-thirds (2/3) vote of OSC members in attendance.
4) The OSC’s operation is of interest and concern to the Department of Defense because of it location on MCAS
Yuma, its relationship with elements of both federal and private sectors, and its activities in support of certain
recognized programs being conducted for the benefit of members of the DoD family. The OSC is not a nonappropriated fund instrumentality nor is there an official relationship between its activities and those of DoD
personnel who are members or participants.
5) Discontinuance of the OSC will be determined by the OSC membership or upon determination by the Base
Commander, MCAS Yuma, Arizona, to withdraw authorization to operate on the installation. Neither appropriated
funds nor non-appropriated fund instrumentalities shall assert any claim to the assets or incur or assume any
obligation of the OSC except as may possibly arise out of contractual relationships.
6) Upon disestablishment or dissolution, after all bills and valid debts are paid, any residual funds, assets, or
property will be contributed to charitable or educational organizations exempt from taxes under applicable sections
of Federal tax laws, as determined by a majority vote of the OSC members in attendance.
7) Parliamentarian authority will comply with the current “Robert’s Rules of Order” and govern all cases to which
they are applicable. In any case in which Robert’s Rules of Order are inconsistent with the by-laws or the special
rules of order of the OSC, the by-laws or the special rules of order will prevail.
1) This Constitution will rescind and supersede all previous Constitutions and amendments, except that it will not
affect Officers elected, nor specific agreements and contracts entered into under the terms of pervious Constitutions
until such terms of agreements of contracts have reached their expiration dates.
President, Officers’ Spouses’ Club of MCAS Yuma
Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona
Adopted 5/5/2014