SOOT Tests

Reviewer 1 ____________ Date _____ Pass
Reviewer 2 ____________ Date _____ Pass
Name: _________________________ Phone #: ______________________
Student Group: __________________
Position: _____________________
Please read through each scenario and answer all accompanying
questions. Sample purchase orders and deposit forms are attached to
this document. Fill out each purchase order and deposit slip as if you
were doing so on behalf of your student group.
Scenario # 1
Your student group would like to request money to use in your General
Operating Budget from the BSO.
Your group meets and estimates that it
would like to spend the following during the fall semester:
- Advertising for group meetings in the Free Press
- Office supplies (paper, pens, etc.) for group secretary
to use at group meetings
- 15 T-shirts for group members (at $10 per shirt)
- Food for group meetings during the fall semester
(1a) Fill out a Student Group General Operating Budget (GOB) Request
Form for your student group based on this scenario.
Use the sample
GOB Request Form on pages 6 and 7.
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Scenario # 2
Your student group would like to bring a musician to school to play at the Fall Formal
on November 2nd.
The Fall Formal will be held at the Woodbury Campus Center in
Portland from 6 – 10 pm.
The musician will require payment in the form of a check for
$500, made out to Albert Allen, 1462 High Street, Portland, ME 04101.
Albert’s social
security number is 987-65-4321.
Albert requests that you sign a contractual agreement in order to reserve his services
for the Formal.
He gives you a blank copy of the agreement to review.
(2a) Fill out a sample purchase order based on this scenario.
Use the sample
purchase order on page 8.
(2b) What type of documentation should be submitted to the SGA Business Office
along with this purchase order?
(2c) Once the purchase order for Albert Allen has been approved, Albert’s contract
must be reviewed and signed by whom?
(2d) Planning ahead is important!
It will generally take the SGA Business Office no
less than _____ week(s) to process a purchase order like this one.
Once they receive
backup documentation for the purchase, it will usually take the Business Office another
_____ week(s) to process a payment check.
(2e) USM requires that a contract be created when the cumulative payment to a
service provider or performer will exceed $_________ for the school year.
Scenario #3
Your student group is planning a trip to the American College Theatre Festival
in Washington, DC on March 23-30, 2012.
Three group members will attend:
Marcia Brady, Keith Partridge, and Bart Simpson.
share accommodations in Washington.
related to the trip will be as follows:
Marcia, Keith and Bart will
You have estimated that the total costs
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Festival Registration = $150
American College Theatre Festival requests that payments be made at least one month
ahead of time in the form of a check, which should be made out to ACTF and mailed
to One Capital Place, Washington, DC 45456.
Airfare and hotel = $750
Airfare and hotel will be purchased in a package deal through an online travel company
using the SGA Business Office purchasing card.
Food costs = $300
Marcia Brady will pay for meals during the trip on her credit card. Marcia lives at 25
Bedford St, Portland, ME 04101. Her social security # is 123-45-6789.
Total = $1,200
When you divide the estimated trip total of $1,200 by the number of students attending,
you find that the total estimated trip costs are $400 per student.
Your group already has $300 in fundraised money that you have agreed to use towards
this trip.
Additionally, each student attending the conference has agreed to pitch in $50
of his/her own money to cover the costs.
You have decided to pay for the remaining
$750 in travel expenses associated with the trip out of your group’s budgeted Student
Activity Fee allocation.
(3a) Fill out a sample deposit form for the student contribution money received for the
Use the sample deposit form on page 11.
The money you have received from
the students is as follows:
Marcia Brady – $50 – Check # 1804
Keith Partridge – $50 – Check # 202
Bart Simpson – $50 – Cash
(3b) How many Purchase Order forms do you need to fill out before going on this trip?
(3b1) Fill out a Special Projects Form using the information in Scenario #3. The SP
form is on page 9 and 10.
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(3c) Fill out a sample purchase order for the hotel and airfare.
Use the sample
purchase order form on page 12.
(3d) What type of documentation MUST be submitted to the Student Government
Association Business Office along with any purchase order that involves travel?
(3e) Fill out a sample purchase order for the food costs that will be incurred by Marcia
Use the sample purchase order form on page 13.
(3f) When Marcia returns from the trip, what must she present to the SGA Business
Office in order to be repaid for the travel expenses that she put on her credit card?
(3g) Your student group went to the conference, and had a fulfilling educational
While on the trip, Keith decided to buy a lighting design book for the
He thinks this will be a great tool for the group to use in the future.
Keith asks you if it is possible to get reimbursed for the $25 that he spent on the
reference guide book out of the group account.
You let him know that, per Student
Senate policy, reimbursement for money that was
approved purchase order beforehand is prohibited.
that he will get his $25 back.
spent without obtaining an
Therefore, you can’t guarantee
You let him know that in order to gain an exception to
this policy, he must first ask (circle the correct answer):
(a) The Dean of Student Life
(b) The Coordinator of Student Government Operations
(c) The Student Senate Chair
(d) The Student Senate Executive Board
If this person or entity grants an exception to the reimbursement policy, it will then be
presented to the Student Senate.
______ vote.
The Senate must approve Keith’s request by a
If the expense is approved by the Senate, Keith will be reimbursed for
the $25 that he has spent.
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(3g) When members of a student group travel or attend a conference, what is the
maximum amount of student activity fee money that may be spent, per student, on
expenses related to the trip? _______________________________________
(4) It is important to understand the correct order of the purchase order process.
Please put the following steps in order from 1 – 7:
Ensure that the SGA Business Office receives appropriate backup documentation
to prove that a purchase has been made.
Make your purchase!
Receive a purchase order copy with detailed payment information in your student
group mailbox. Save this for your records!
Place the purchase order in the BSO President’s mailbox for approval.
Receive the approved white copy of your purchase order (containing 3 valid
signatures) in your student group mailbox.
Fill out a purchase order with information about an item or service you would
like to purchase.
The SGA Business Office generates a check and remits payment for the
purchase order.
Please place your completed SOOT Certification in Ray Dumont’s mailbox in the
Student Government Association Business Office, located at 131Woodbury Campus
Center. We will contact you with your results within one week of receiving your
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GOB Request Form for Scenario # 1, Question (1a)
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GOB Request Form for Scenario # 1, Question (1a)
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Purchase Order for Scenario # 2, Question (2a)
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BSO Special Projects Proposal for Scenario # 3, Question
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BSO Special Projects Proposal for Scenario # 3, Question (3b1)
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Deposit Form for Scenario # 3, Question (3a)
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Purchase Order for Scenario # 3, Question (3c)
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Purchase Order for Scenario # 3, Question (3e)
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