Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques
Technique 1: Imagery
*Script for Guided Imagery – A Walk in the Country
Allow participants to settle comfortably and close their eyes if they wish.
Imagine yourself walking along a peaceful old country road… The sun is
warm on your back. The birds are singing. The air is calm and fragrant. As
you walk along your mind naturally wanders to the concerns and worries of
the day. Then, you come upon a box by the side of the road and it occurs to
you that this box is a perfect place to leave your cares behind while you enjoy
this time in the country.
You feel lighter as you progress down the road. Soon, you come across an
old gate. The gate creaks as you open it and go through. You find yourself in
an overgrown garden. Flowers growing where they have seeded themselves.
Vines climbing over a fallen tree. Soft green wild grasses. Shade trees.
Breathe deeply, smelling the flowers… Listen to the birds and insects… Feel
the gentle breeze warm against your skin… All of your senses are alive and
responding to pleasure to the peaceful time and place…
When you’re ready to move on, you leisurely follow a path behind you to the
garden eventually coming to a more wooded area. The air feels mild and a
little cooler. You become aware of the sound and fragrance of a nearby
stream. You pause, breathing deeply of the cool and fragrant air several
times… Continuing along the path for a while, you come to the stream. It’s
clear and clean as it flows and tumbles over the rocks and some fallen logs…
You follow the path along the creek for a way, and after a while, you come out
into a sunlit clearing where you discover a small waterfall emptying into a
quiet pool of water… You find a comfortable place to sit for a while. A perfect
niche where you can feel completely relaxed. You feel good as you allow
yourself to just enjoy the warmth and solitude of this peaceful place…
After a while, you become aware that it’s time to return… You walk back down
the path through the cool and fragrant trees, out into the sun drenched
overgrown garden, one last smell of the flowers and out the creaky gate…
You leave this retreat for now and return down the road noticing that you feel
calm and rested. You know that you can visit this special place whenever you
wish to take some time to refresh yourself and renew your energy.
When you are ready to return, take a deep breath and open your eyes.
Technique 2: Progressive Muscular Relaxation (Jacobson Technique)*
Allow participants to settle comfortably and close their eyes if they wish.
Legs, ankles and arms should be uncrossed.
Let all your muscles feel heavy. And let your whole body just sink into the
surface beneath… Good. This exercise will guide you through the major
muscle groups from your feet to your head. Asking you to first tense and then
relax those muscles. If you have pain in a particular part of your body today
don’t tense that area. Instead, just notice any tension that may already be
there and let go of that tension.
Become aware of the muscles in your feet and calves. Pull your toes back up
toward your knees. Hold your feet in this position… Noticing the sensations.
Now relax your feet and release the tension. Observe any changes in
sensations as you let go of the tension… Good.
Now tighten the large muscles of your thighs and buttocks. Hold the muscles
tense and as you do be aware of the sensations. And now release these
muscles allowing them to feel soft as if they’re melting into the surface
beneath you… That’s it.
And now turn your attention to your abdomen and chest. Tense the muscles
by holding in your abdomen and tightening the muscles on your chest wall.
Notice a tendency to hold your breath as you tense these muscles. Now
release the tension. You may feel a natural desire to take a deep breath to
release even more of the tension, and so do that now. Breathe in deeply
through your nose, and when you breathe out allow your abdomen and chest
to soften… Good.
Now, stretching your fingers out straight, tighten the muscles of your hands
and arms. Hold. And release and feel the tension flowing out and the
circulation returning.
Next, press your shoulder blades together, tightening the muscles in your
upper back, shoulders and neck. This is a place many people carry tension…
And relax. You may notice that your muscles feel a little warmer and more
Finally, tighten all the muscles of your face and head. Notice the tension
around your eyes and in your jaw especially. Now release the tension
allowing the muscles around your eyes to soften and your mouth to remain
slightly open as your jaw relaxes. Notice the difference.
Now take another deep breath and when you’re ready to breathe out allow
any remaining tension to flow out with your breath. And your whole body to
be even more deeply relaxed.
And now, just enjoy this feeling of relaxation for a little while. As you prepare
to end this exercise, picture yourself bringing this feeling of quiet and calm to
whatever you’re going to do next. And then, take one more deep breath and
when you’re ready, open your eyes.
 Following the practical sessions the participants will be given an
opportunity to discuss how effective they found the techniques as well as
other relaxation strategies, and how they can realistically apply them in
their regular routines