The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 金盞花大飯店 中英文註解 語言中心劉愛萍編註 2015/09/09 一家同住,正因為如此,賣了房子之後得以 前往印度,展開新生活。 Part 1: Evelyn’s situation EVELYN(OVERLAPPING) Yes, now if you could stay on thephone for a moment and talk tome, just talk to me. I'm noteven clear, I don't actuallyunderstand what it is I'm tryingto order. Is wireless the sameas Part 2: Graham’s situation GRAHAM Bloody retirement parties. Hardcheese, soft wine, and endlessspeeches. Why do people do that?No one ever said about any kindof party: it was a wonderfuloccasion, just a shame that thespeeches were so short. GILE wi-fi? And what do either ofthem have to do with broadband? FEMALE VOICE MrsGreenslade, since the accountis not in your name, before wecan make any changes we need tospeak to the account holder. CanI please talk to the accountholder? EVELYN What? FEMALE VOICE it'll be you one day. GRAHAM One day very soon. GILES You've been saying that foryears. JUDGE An occasion such as this leadsone to cast one’s mind back to thedays when I first entered my pupillage. I had the very goodfortune of serving as a junior Mr Justice Stancombe I'm asking if I can speak to theaccount holder. Before we canmake any changes EVELYN You can't talk to him, no.(BEAT) He's dead. He died. There'sonly me. Broadband 寬頻 丈夫的逝去留給 Evelyn 的是一堆債務,以及 她必須獨自面對所有的生活瑣事,包括網路 變更這類她一無所知的事物。 GRAHAM This is the day. Pupillage 學生身分 在一成不變的慶祝退休宴會裡,Graham 深感 厭煩,他參加這樣的場合無數,有一天,總 算輪到自己要從幾十年的法官職位上退休 了。 EVELYN (CONT'D) Part 3: Muriel’s situation MURIEL How can any of us know what Hughwould've wanted? And would hehave seen fit to tell us anyway? (BEST) Obviously the flat has to besold.(Best, then to Christopher)And you're very kind. And dear Polly. But no, I won't be comingto live with you. The flat 公寓,英式用語 Evelyn 婉拒女兒的心意,堅持不搬去和女兒 Listen, young lady. I want a cupof tea, and I want it now. KAREN The trolley will be alongshortly. MURIEL How hard d'you have to fall down before you get some properattention? Hours I've been lyinghere, and not a single doctor hascome to see me. KAREN Now that's not quite true, is it, Mrs Donnelly? Sorry? JEAN A doctor did try and examine you,and you sent him away. MURIEL That one?He's black.He can wash all he likes, thatcolour's not coming out. I wantan English doctor. Trolley 小餐車,推車 年長的 Muriel 不良於行,需動手術,卻只願 意讓白人醫生來照料她,言語中對黑人充滿 輕蔑與歧視。 It's just that we might notmanage to plan our sudden fall inthe exact corner where the buttonis. EVAN Yeah. As I say -And would it be possible to get the rail to go through the middleof the room as well? DOUGLAS DARLING MURIEL So when do I have the operation? DR GHUJARAPARTIDAR I'm afraid you'll be on a waitinglist for at least six months. MURIEL At my age, I can't plan that farahead. I don't even buy greenbananas. DR GHUJARAPARTIDAR JEAN To help us get across, not just around? DOUGLAS (TO EVAN) Could we have a moment, please?Thanks. Thanks so much. JEAN Thirty years in the Civil Serviceand this is all we can afford? DOUGLAS Would it help if I apologizedagain? There is another way. Ourhospital trust is funding a newpilot scheme, that will enable us toout-source you to anotherhospital, where they can performthe procedure almost immediately,and at a fraction of the cost. MURIEL Is it local? Pilot scheme 試行的計畫 Out source 外包 年長又固執的 Muriel 不願意等上半年,聲稱 JEAN No. But try it anyway. Sudden fall 突然跌倒 The rail 扶手,為老人設計的電動椅可循扶手 依著牆行動。 Jean and Douglas 退休後的住處規劃另 Jean 覺得沮喪,抱怨做了 30 年公務員的老公只能 付得起這種住處和設備養老。由此可見,Jean 對婚姻和生活的抱怨也很多。 自己這把年紀都已經不買綠香蕉了(言下之 意是哪天說死就死,還等不到香蕉變黃可以 吃就死了也說不一定)。醫生建議手術可以外 包,到印度去做,費用也比在國內便宜很多。 How did you come to be here? InIndia. DOUGLAS I invested our - well, my -retirement money in ourdaughter's internet company. Sheassured me that as soon as thestart-up actually started up, andthe conversion from virtual toactual proved sufficientlyviable, then she would be able topay it all back. EVELYN Part 4: Jean and Douglas’s situation JEAN What if we fell somewhere else? EVAN EVELYN I'm not sure I understand whatmost of those words mean. 碰面了! DOUGLAS It turns out neither did she. Viable 可實現的 原來促成 Jean and Douglas 來印度養老的原 因是,他們投資女兒的網路公司失利。網路 虛擬的(投資)終究沒有變成現實(獲利)的一 部分。 Part 6: Madge’s situation CRAIG Talk to her. She doesn't listento me. MADGE Nobody listens to you. (TO JESSICA) It's one of the great mysteriesof life that someone so vibrantand fascinating as my daughtershould choose to spend her life Part 5: Judith and Norman JUDITH And then after that I worked as asystems analyst for a few yearsbut I just found it so dull, whatI really wanted was to dosomething that was more creative,that matched my ...I'm sorry. On the form theyasked for our age bracket, andthe age we wanted to meet .and in both cases I ticked 35-45. NORMAN That's right, yes. So did I. NORMAN (CONT'D) Anyway, don't stop. SomethingMORE CREATIVE JUDITH How old are you? NORMAN Early 40's. JUDITH D'youmean you were born in theearly 40's? NORMAN Judy, I know what you're asking JUDITH It's Judith. NORMAN Judith. And trust me, I've stillgot it. Early 40’s Norman 號稱自己才 40 出頭而 已,其實是 1940 年代初期出生的 系統分析師 Judith 在約會公司的媒合之下會 面已經六七十歲的 Norman,他還說自己那方 面(性生活)還行!沒想到,二人在印度之旅又 withthis fraction of a man. JESSICA I still don't understand what'sgoing on. CRAIG I just asked her to babysit. Andnow she says she's leaving. JESSICA But you love babysitting. MADGE I loved it last night. Vibrant 充滿活力的 Fraction 一小部分,指女婿一點都不像個男 人 Madge 的情況是不滿意女婿,要看顧孫子孫 女她也不敢興趣,一早拎著行李趕緊逃離女 兒的家!當然,之後她也參加了金盞花大酒店 度的假期。 Part 7: Muriel is very biased MURIEL You know who'll be there, don'tyou? Indians.Loads of them, Asea of brown faces and blackhearts, all greasy haired andreeking of spices. Never see oneon their own, do you? No,because they hunt in packs. Allthe better to rob me blind and JACKSON You know what? You can take itfrom here. MURIEL You're supposed to see me into myflat. That's what they said. JACKSON It's time to prove the first andonly rule of India: there'salways room. My wife is from Mumbai. MURIEL No good moaning to me, mate. Youmarried her! Greasy haired 頭髮油膩膩的 Reeking of spices 滿嘴都是香料味道 Moaning 哀怨,抱怨 Mumbai 孟買,印度大城 Muriel 坐著輪椅,入住飯店,一路看到很多 印度人,輕蔑的口吻數落著他們的棕色皮膚 EVELYN What larks, Pip. DOUGLAS Let's hope so. Tuk-tuk 印度式計程車,黃包車 What larks 意思是雲雀,嬉戲等。這裡的意 思是 What a ride¸how funny 的意思,Evelyn 覺得就豁出去了,擠進公車,再去坐黃包車 抵達飯店死不了啦。 和黑心肝。她那麼直接,真的有些超過了。 難怪服務員要她自己推著輪椅進房間。 JEAN Are you insane? "Avoid all foodnot from a reputable vendor, itwill have been washed with Part 8: Cultural differences JEAN Obviously one's read one's Kipling, but we view this as anopportunity to explore another culture, as well as making newfriends. And a retired judge isjust the class of guest one was impurewater." DOUGLAS It's just a sandwich. JEAN Marvellous. Then I'll have theham, cheese, and streptococcus,please. Or perhaps the hoping for, isn't it Douglas? DOUGLAS I'm sorry? GRAHAM(TO EVELYN) And is this your first time inIndia? JEAN You don't seem like anexperienced traveller. EVELYN I'm not. Although one has readone's guidebooks. Kipling 作家,季柏林 旅途中 Jean 對退休法官深具好感,想引他注 意,而 Graham 卻比較想和 Evelyn 聊聊天 bacteria,lettuce and tomato. DOUGLAS Would you like some of this? Ibelieve it'salookaparatha. MURIEL If I can't pronounce it, I'm noteating it. Impure water 非純水 Streptococcus 鏈球菌 Bacteria 細菌 alookaparatha 馬鈴薯薄餅 GRAHAM The bus will drop us in thecentre of town. We can take tuk-tuks the rest of the way! MADGE There's not enough room. GRAHAM Jean 看見丈夫隨便吃起本地乘客給他的三 明治,驚呼一定很多細菌等;而老太太 Muriel 更是固執,聲稱不知其名的食物她絕對不吃! Part 9: SONNY and his hotel This is a building of the utmostcharacter, which means thatperhaps not everything will function in the way you expect itto. But as the manager and chiefexecutive supervising officer ofthe Marigold Hotel, I can tellyou with great pride that thebuilding has stood for A refund 全額退費 愛抱怨的 Jean 拿著飯店的廣告冊子質問 centuries,and will stand for many more, in100% shipshape condition. Pleasefollow me, carefully avoidingthat naughty stone there round this corner, leading usmost successfully all the way toyour bedroom! MADGE Where? SONNY Here. In here. Sonny 廣告不實,飯店照片作假,要求退費。 而 Sonny 極力推銷,並以一句印度格言安慰 她,風趣十足。 MADGE My dear man. Rooms have doors.What you're showing me here is analcove. SONNY The door is coming soon, mostdefinitely. In shipshape condition 井然有序 Alcove 凹室(沒有門),壁櫥 明明飯店還未就緒,多處都還需要整修,負 責人 Sonny 卻說這超過幾百年的建築百分百 就緒,歡迎客人入住。 instead from the Jaipur. Soon I might even growaccustomed to the storm of carhorns and vendors.Can there be anywhere else in theworld that is such an assault onthe senses?Initially you're overwhelmed.But gradually you realise: it'slike a wave. Resist, and you'llbe knocked over ...Dive into it, and you'll swim out the other side.This is a new and different world.The challenge is to cope with it.And not JEAN I want to stay at the otherhotel, the one in the brochure. SONNY Mrs Ainslie, prepare to beamazed. This is that verybuilding! JEAN You've Photo-shopped it! SONNY I have offered a vision of thefuture. just cope ... but thrive. Jaipur 印度北部古城,位於新德里 An assault 污辱,攻擊 Thrive 蓬勃茂盛 Evelyn 寫日誌,發人深省。溶入異國文化就 像浪濤一樣,抵抗它,會被擊到,潛入它, 浸淫其中,反而能克服挑戰,甚至如魚得水。 SONNY (CONT'D)Of course I had hoped that by nowit would be the present. But inIndia we have a saying:everything will be alright in the end. So if it is not alright,then it is not yet the end. JEAN What will start to make thisalright is for you to give us arefund. Brochure 文宣,廣告小本子 You're sure I can't offer yousomething? We have EnglishBreakfast Tea. Building Tea, as you call it. EVELYN Builder's tea. It's calledbuilder's tea. And no, I'm fine.Thank you. JAY Tell me then. How can I helpyou? EVELYN Part 10: Evelyn’s blog and new life EVELYN Day Nine. Old habits die easierthan we think, and new ones form.No longer do I reach out in themorning for Radio 4. My newscomes Part 11: Evelyn’s getting a job! JAY I don't think you can. I'msorry, I shouldn't have come.I saw your advertisement in thelocal ofcultural advisor. GRAHAM paper, and it specificallymentioned the ability to talk toolder people. But this is notwhat I imagined ... JAY You came for a job? EVELYN I've wasted your time. JAY MrsGreenslade. Everyone workinghere is a A role I'm sure you'll performwith great distinction. EVELYN Perhaps if you wouldn't mindkeeping that news to yourself. GRAHAM I'm flattered you shared it withme. Evelyn 居然在異鄉得到她人生第一份工 作,文化諮詢師,教導電話客服公司的員工 一些語言文化相關知識。Graham 誇獎她一 graduate of a gooduniversity. This is a place forambitious people. Young people. EVELYN I see that. Good day. JAY Please. One second.JAY (CONT'D)It is really builder's tea? EVELYN Yes. We dunk biscuits into it. JAY 定可以勝任,也感到榮幸成為替她保守這個 秘密的人。 Part 11: Jean is interested in Graham JEAN Good evening, YourHonour. GRAHAM Mrs Ainslie. I hope you had a good day. What did you get upto? You dunk? EVELYN It means lowering a biscuit intoyour tea, letting it soak inthere, then trying to calculate the exact moment just before itdissolves to whip it up to themouth, and enjoy the blissful union of biscuit and teacombined.It's more relaxing than itsounds. Dunk 弄低,浸入 Soak 浸濕 JEAN Well, I started in my bedroom,where I had a lovely couple ofhours giving all the cockroachesnames. Then after a lunch that will long have a place in myheartburn, I came out hereand stared blindly at a bookwaiting for someone - anyone torescue me. And how glad I am itwas you. GRAHAM Why would you not go out?There's so much to Dissolve 溶解 建築工人休息時飲用的一種味道較濃郁的 茶,現在並非侷限於建築工人,但是就稱之 為 builder’s tea。Evelyn 解釋將餅乾浸到茶 中,數著幾秒,到餅乾剛剛好和茶液融合的 瞬間放入口中,享受那美妙幸福的滋味!一派 悠閒輕鬆的模樣。 see.Open your eyes, Mrs Ainslie. Alllife is here, I tell you.GRAHAM (CONT'D)I could talk to the chef, if youlike. Perhaps get you somegrilled chicken, plain rice. JEAN I would appreciate that verymuch. Heartburn 胃灼熱 Plain rice 白米飯 Jean 成天在飯店待著,窮極無聊到幫房間裡 EVELYN I got a job. My first.Ever.I'm going to be a sort 的蟑螂命名,也不出去走走看看。Graham 友 善,還幫她點了些輕食。但是這樣一來,Jean Tell me why you have come. MRS KAPOOR 更加對這位神祕法官產生情愫。 Part 12: Graham’s story GRAHAM I grew up here. Just a shortdrive away. It was a big house,and we had servants, everyonedid. We knew their wives, theirchildren. One boy, Manoj, becamemy friend. We played a lot of cricket together, played anythingwe could. And Do I need a reason to visit myfavourite son? SONNY No. He is in his mansion inDelhi. MRS KAPOOR My second favourite SONNY He went to Kerala to make hisfortune. MRS KAPOOR But make it, he did. that's how itstayed for years. Until onenight, he became something more.We had a few months, we had that.There was a weekend in Udaipur,we sat by a lake and watched thesun go down, and I remember thinking . I will never be thishappy again. And I was right. Because quite suddenly it wasover. We'd fallen asleep, andthey found us. GRAHAM (CONT'D) For me it was bad enough. But I already knew SONNY As I will make mine. I have adream, Mummyji. A most brilliantone: to out-source old age.Andnot just for the British. Thereare many other countries wherethey don't like old people too. MRS KAPOOR Your brothers own a third of thehotel each, they are entitled toa third of the profits. SONNY who I was, and Ithink my family had guessed. ForManoj, the disgrace was absolute;a double taboo. His father wasfired, they were sent away, allof them. I don't know what Icould've done, but it should'vebeen more than nothing. I put upno fight. I let it happen.Soonafterwards I went to England, to University. I alwaystold myself I'd come back. But Inever did. Cricket 英式板球 Taboo 禁忌 Success does not happenovernight, Mummyji. This is bluesky thinking, and it requireslong-term strategy and patience. MRS KAPOOR How is your girlfriend? SONNY I look forward to you meetingher. MRS KAPOOR And I look forward to you meetingthe woman you will marry. She isfrom a good family in Put up no fight 沒有爭吵 Graham 對 Evelyn 訴說自己和昔日情人的故 事,他們的同性戀情被發現之後,Manoi 及 其家人深受無比的屈辱和災難,而當時的 Graham 甚麼也沒做,也沒有弄家庭革命,就 這樣離開印度前往英國讀大學,變成他這一 輩子最大的遺憾。 Delhi. SONNY I can marry as I choose, Mummyji.I need no permission. Out-source old age 外包老人家,意思是做老 人的生意,自己的飯店成為世界各國老人家 來養老度假的天堂 這裡可以看的出來 Sonny 和媽媽之間的緊張 關係。第一,媽媽對他經營這老飯店有意見, Part 13: Sonny and his mother SONNY (CONT'D) 而三兄弟各自擁有飯店三分之一的產權和營 利所得。第二,媽媽想要決定 Sonny 的婚姻, it's not healthy for you to spendall day and every day in theconfines of the hotel. Sonny 深感困擾,但同時不放棄他心愛的 JEAN I didn't sleep a wink. The tapin there never stops dripping. DOUGLAS (O.S.) I talked to Young Wasim about it. JEAN What did he say? DOUGLAS No idea. It was in Hindi.DOUGLAS (CONT'D) Sunaina Part 14: Sonny and Sunaina SONNY My father used to bring me tothis well to swim. He said thewater was better, and so were thepeople we would meet.He would have liked you so much.SONNY (CONT'D) My mother doesn't want us to bemarried. SUNAINA She hasn't met me yet. SONNY She doesn't need to meet you. SONNY (CONT'D)She knows you are not from Delhi. That you have no family money,and work in a call centre.Youare a part of a new India shecannot welcome. SUNAINA I thought I might get it fixedmyself. Jean and Douglas 夫妻二人之間的關係看似 平和,但衝突越來越激烈,Douglas 希望妻子 不要成天待在飯店裡不出門逛逛,而 Jean 卻 因水龍頭滴水吵得她睡不著覺而心生厭煩。 這樣一來,丈夫的關心她一點也不領情。 Isn't this where you tell herwhat you want? SONNY That conversation will be easierwhen the hotel is a success. Sonny 的媽媽心目中理想的媳婦應來自首都 德里,家裡要有錢,像 Sunaina 這樣新新女 性她不歡迎,當然也沒有見面的必要。 Part 15: Jean and Douglas don’t get along well JEAN What do you seethat I don't? GRAHAM Unutterable beauty.Everywhere.In the light, the colours, thesmiles, the people who see life as a privilege not a right, andso teach me something every day. JEAN Is this milk pasteurized? GRAHAM It'll be fine.GRAHAM (CONT'D)It's a pleasant Will you check in at the bank? DOUGLAS I checked yesterday. And the daybefore. As requested.Will you be staying in again? JEAN Why do you ask that everymorning? DOUGLAS Because I hope for a differentanswer. Because I think you'llbe hurt if I don't. And because surprise to seeyou out and about. JEAN Is it? GRAHAM Yes. That's progress. Wherewere you going? JEAN Oh god. Is it possible you feelthe same?JEAN (CONT'D)The way you talk toyou’re yourcompassion, your understanding..the Part 16: Jean is really interested in Graham JEAN I don't know how you can bearthis country. wonderful, tenderconsideration, it had to be morethan just GRAHAM I'm gay. JEAN As in ... happy?JEAN (CONT'D)Yes. I see. Of course I see.I appear to have humiliatedmyself. And embarrassed you. Unutterable 無可言喻的 Privilege 特權,享受 Pasteurized 殺菌過的 Pasteurized milk 保久乳 Jean 真的表錯情了,只因為 Graham 的問候, 她直覺 Graham 一定對她有意思,而不是一 般的體貼和關懷。Graham 只好趕緊說出實情 自己是同性戀,結束這尷尬的接觸。而 Jean 也因此更加覺得,待在印度實在不自在,是 一個錯誤的決定。 Part 17: Jean is very upset JEAN We should never have come.This whole trip is a grotesquefantasy. It's time to go home. DOUGLAS Who's paying for the tickets? JEAN Look at us. A group of self-deluding old fossilstraipsingaround as if it's our bloody gap year. Humiliating ourselves DOUGLAS Not us, we can't pay. And Idon't see you asking our friends back home. JEAN (OVERLAPPING) We should just face up to thetruth. That we're all old, we'reall past it. That's the realtruth, the raw, unvarnished factof the matter. All we're goodfor now is the beige bloodybungalow with the sodding panic button in the sodding corner ... DOUGLAS We just have to make the best ofit, darling. I really thinkthat's the best thing to do. Grotesque 荒誕怪異的 Self-deluding old fossils 自欺欺人的老化石 Traipse around 漫步 Gap year 原本指上大學前休息一年度假充 電 Bungalow 單層平房 Jean 與丈夫攤牌,怒罵大夥是一群自欺欺人 的老骨頭。她決定要回國,住進那糟糕的退 休房舍,才是不爭的事實。而 Douglas 覺得 沒有機票的預算,希望太太調整心態,別再 彆扭。 Part 18: Muriel’s story MURIEL I looked after somebody else's.This one family, years I was withthem. I ran the house, looked after the money, did it all,cared for them like they were myown. MURIEL (CONT'D) That's the mistake, see. Youdon't want to get like that, tostart feeling part of something. One day they decided I neededsome help. I was grateful, Itried to teach her. Not just the books, but how to crisp up thebacon like the gentlemanpreferred it, the way the littleone liked to have her hairbrushed. The things you onlyknow if you care. But then theysaid I was no longer useful tothem. Thanked me for my service. I needed some help 需要有人幫忙 Crisp up 煎焦香酥脆 Muriel 一輩子照顧主人一家,打理內外還管 帳務,但是年紀大了,突然間主人雇了新人 來幫她,其實,新人是來接她的位子的,令 她感慨萬分。 Part 19: Graham has seen his man GRAHAM I saw someone yesterday, a man Ihadn't seen for many years. Aman I've loved all my life.I Ashes 骨灰 Shuffle off 拖著腳步離開,指離開人世 didn't know how he'd been inthe meantime, didn't want toguess. I brought disgrace upon him and his family, and imaginedhe might hate me for it.But we talked all night. He'sbeen happy. He's led a peacefullife, married to a woman whounderstood him and loved him, nonetheless. But he's neverforgotten me. That's what hesaid.I asked his forgiveness anyway.He said he had nothing to forgive Shimmer 閃爍微光 Graham 因心臟病在搖椅上悄悄離世,Evelyn 在網誌裡記下 Graham 的葬禮,昔日愛人將 他的骨灰撒入河裡,骨灰在河面上閃爍飄揚。 me for. That instead I shouldforgive myself. All that time. All that time Ibelieved I'd sentenced him to alife of shame. When I was theone in prison.But not any more. Graham 多年的心事終於了結了,舊日情人 並沒有怨恨他,反而要 Graham 卸下心中大 石,不要歸咎自己。 Part 20: Graham’s burial EVELYN (V.0.) that she knew everything, thathe'd loved another man, andalways would. He told her whenthe marriage was arranged.They had no secrets from eachother, none. EVELYN (CONT'D) And that's right, don't you see?That must be right. Because whatis the point of a marriage inwhich nothing is shared? Evelyn 激動落淚,覺得自己的婚姻非常的失 敗,沒有分享與幸福。 There was talk of sending thebody home, but Manoj felt heshould have a Hindu burial. Atthe place they had visitedtogether. Not a holy place.Although for them perhaps it was. EVELYN (V.0.) A body takes a long time to beconsumed. Many hours for themourners to remember their dead.The fire must be lit at dawn, and by sunset, there must be nothingleft but ash. EVELYN (V.0.) Part 22: Mother is selling the hotel SONNY Mummyji, what is going on here? MRS KAPOOR I have spoken to your brothers.They want to sell the hotel.These men are here to value the building. SONNY They are valuing the land. Mybrothers do not Where do our souls go? is thatall of us that is left behind?Perhaps the most we can ask is that when we do shuffle off, wedo so knowing that we were loved.Manoj pours Graham onto the water. The ashes shimmer anddance, caught in the gentle currents. A Hindu burial 印度葬禮 To be consumed 燒盡 The mourners 悼念者 care about thebuilding. They will knock itdown. MRS KAPOOR They could just wait a month forit to fall down of its ownaccord. SONNY You joke, Mummyji, but inside Iknow you are not laughing. Youdo not want to see this dreamdestroyed. Send these peopleaway. Part 21: Evelyn is upset about her marriage EVELYN I went to see Gaurika. Manoj'swife. I wanted to ask her whatshe knew. And the answer was MRS KAPOOR No, my son. It is too late.These figures do not 緊張。 support yourargument. SONNY There is still time to turnthings around. With a smallinjection of funds, we can – Sonny 的夢想就是經營老人渡假飯店,而媽 媽卻請人來估價打算賣了它。Sonny 苦苦哀 求母親,只有再給他一個月的時間,只要有 一些些資金投注進來飯店就能營運下去 Part 24: Sonny and Sunaina SONNY And for myself the news is evenbetter. I shall be moving toDelhi to live with my mother, and furthermore I shall be wed to amost suitable person of herchoice, whom I look forward verymuch to meeting before I spendthe rest of my life with her. EVELYN Part 23: Sonny is closing the hotel SONNY MrsGreenslade. Where are theothers? EVELYN They're on their way to thehotel. EVELYN (CONT'D) What's the matter? SONNY I wanted to warn you before yousee for yourself of the mostmomentous changes that But what about your girlfriend? SONNY She is no longer my girlfriend. EVELYN This is a disaster. SONNY Then we must treat it just thesame as we would treat a triumph,is that not what your Mr Kiplingtells us? Although of course,here we have a problem. Because I, Sunil IndrajitKapoor, areoccurring, absolutely all of themwithout question for the verypositive. EVELYN What are you talking about? SONNY I am delighted to announce theclosing of the Best ExoticMarigold Hotel, and the joyful return of all of its inhabitantsto their home country. EVELYN havenever had a triumph, so of course I do not know how to treat one.No, all I have had is a constantseries of disasters interspersedwith the occasional catastrophe, an unending stream of total EVELYN Sonny, do you love her? Sunaina? SONNY Most deeply. EVELYN What? MRS KAPOOR Please relax in the knowledgethat your journey home is beingarranged, and paid for by thehotel. 飯店要關門的消息從 Sonny 口中傳出,他接 近歇斯底里地對 Evelyn 訴說原由,所有的房 客都需馬上退房,而母親在一旁安慰大家, 回程的旅費當然由飯店安排支付,要大家別 Have you told her you love her? SONNY It is because I love her that Imust not tell her. She can do somuch better than me……. EVELYN No, of course not.Go and findher right now, before you lose her forever. Her future is hers to choose, and so is yours. Youcan have anything you want,Sonny. You just need to stopwaiting for someone to tell youyou deserve it. Or you can justkeep failing yourself, tookind and too loyal to admit it. Jean and Douglas 終於要前往機場回英國, andhurting the ones you love SONNY MrsGreenslade, stop drilling!You have struck oil! Triumph 勝利 Disaster 災難,壞運氣 Catastrophe 超大災難 Drilling 演練,教訓 Sonny 苦中作樂,因無法說服母親力挽狂瀾 而說反話,說酸話,說自己是人生失敗組, 但是擁擠的車況迫使黃包車只能載一位客人 和行李,Jean 也想開了,她覺得這是上天(命 運)最好的安排了,揮手和 Douglas 道別,展 開各別的人生吧! Part 26: Muriel is helping the hotel NORMAN So I'm not clear now. Am Istaying or going? MURIEL Part 25: Jean is saying goodbye JEAN He can do one person, and cases. DOUGLAS Yes, but Depends how you read theaccounts. SONNY The accounts? MURIEL Turns out the original plan isgood, it works. Just not in thehands of an imbecile. SONNY I knew that plan was good! MURIEL What the place needs is moremoney. JEAN Could fate find a better way totell us what we need to hear? DOUGLAS Which is what? JEAN That it's over. It was over along long time ago. DOUGLAS This is not the time to talkabout this. Let's wait till we SONNY Unfortunately my investor, MrMaruthi has decided that while he greatly admires my endeavors, heCANNOT MURIEL He's reconsidered. SONNY You spoke to him? MURIEL So long as there is someone tohelp the JEAN I have to go, Douglas. DOUGLAS I won't let you. JEAN No, you'll want to come after me.Chase me to the airport and tellme everything will be fine. But please don't. Because thetruth is we both deserve morethan we've had. You're just manager. Muriel 看著飯店的帳本,老神在在地說飯店 經營應該是沒問題的,也規勸金主重新考 慮,言下之意,只要她留下來幫忙 Sonny 一 切就搞定。 生命是一連串的大大小小的災難所組成!還 好,Evelyn 一席話當頭棒喝,要 Sonny 珍惜 所愛,別放棄。 Part 27: Evelyn’s blog EVELYN (V.0.) And the measure of successis howwe cope with disappointment. Aswe always must. We came here, and we tried. Allof us, in our different ways.Some achieved more than others.but we did our best. Nothingelse matters. EVELYN (V.0.) Perhaps it's true: we don't stopplaying because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.All we really know about thefuture is that it will bedifferent.So we must celebrate the changes.Let them come. Bring them on.Because as someone once said,everything will be alright in theend ... Evelyn 日誌裡的一席話成為這些老人家生命 裡的最佳註腳,每個人不都是用自己的方式 面對失望與挫折嗎?只要試著去做,每個人都 應算是人生勝利組啊!最後,印度格言再度於 耳中響起: Everything will be alright in the end; if it is not alright, it is yet not the end.是 樂觀,但並不是消極推諉。