In continuation of the monthly World Press Conference Series, which was introduced recently by
the Federal Ministry of Information, we will look at developments in some of the key sectors of the
political economy in the last one month.
We will review the significance of the recent Positive Sovereign Credit Rating of Nigeria by some
global rating agencies.
The recent election of Nigeria into the non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council
will also form part of our presentation.
We will also highlight the achievements recorded in the Power Sector, especially the
commissioning of two power plants in Ondo and Kogi states by President Goodluck Jonathan, as well as
the successful privatisation of the successor companies of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria
The successes recorded recently by Nigeria in the field of sports, particularly football where the
Super Eagles defeated the Antelope of Ethiopia by two goals to one in the crucial first leg of the final
play offs for a ticket to the 2014 World Cup, and the 6-1victory of the Nigerian Golden Eaglets over their
Mexican counterparts in the ongoing Under 17 World Cup will form part of our briefing.
We will also inform you about the steps the Federal Government is taking to bring to an end the
prolonged strike of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).
Positive Sovereign Credit Ratings matter and related issues
Over the last week, two global credit ratings agencies – Fitch and Standard and Poor’s, have both
affirmed Nigeria’s sovereign credit ratings at BB minus, with a stable outlook. A Sovereign Credit Rating
is an evaluation of the creditworthiness of a sovereign state or nation, and is a key determinant of the
interest rate at which such a country (and its private sector) can borrow on international financial
markets. It also indicates the level of risk of investing in a country and, is therefore monitored closely by
foreign investors.
So in spite of a challenging global economic environment in which several countries (including
very-recently, Ghana) have seen their creditworthiness downgraded, that of Nigeria remains steady and
unchanged. The ratings agencies are citing the solid macroeconomic performance – including low fiscal
and external debt positions, lower inflation, ample foreign reserves, and strong non-oil GDP growth, as
major contributory factors to this recent rating, while also recognizing challenges like oil theft and
infrastructure shortfalls.
What this ratings affirmation implies for Nigeria, is that the private sector can continue to raise
finance at cheap rates on international credit markets. More specifically, Nigerian banks can borrow
money at cheaper rates abroad in order to “unlend” to local private enterprises. In addition, the ratings
should uphold Nigeria’s attractiveness for foreign investment, especially since the country has been the
number one investment destination in Africa over the last two years.
A number of Nigerian banks have gone to raise funds abroad e.g. Access Bank ($350 million Euro
Bond), GTB ($350 million Euro Bond), Fidelity Bank ($300 million Euro Bond)
International Investors are now more interested in Nigeria. About $7 Billion invested in Nigeria by
foreign investors in 2012.
Domestic bonds included in JP Morgan and Barclays emerging market Index.
Government’s efforts at diversifying the economy and creating jobs continue to pay off. In the
Agriculture sector, over 2.7 million jobs have been created across 9 crop value chains, including rice and
cassava. Housing sector reforms are also at an advanced stage with the establishment of the Nigerian
Mortgage Refinance Corporation (NMRC), which will help unleash the sector and provide affordable
mortgages to Nigerians, starting from the first quarter of 2014. The Job creation interventions are also
doing well. About 19,000 jobs have so far been created by the 1,200 beneficiaries of the first phase of
the YouWin program; 120,000 jobs have also been created on the Community Services Scheme (CSS),
while the Graduate Internship Scheme has so far deployed over 2,000 graduates across the nation.
* On structural reforms, the Federal Government’s commitment to improve service delivery to every
class of customers in the Nigerian electricity sector, has recorded another major milestone. As of today,
the administration has successfully sold the 15 successor generation and distribution companies and has
realized a total of $2.07 billion. An initial payment of 25% was made earlier in the year and the balance
of 75% completed during the third quarter of 2013. The formal handover of share certificates and
licenses to the purchasers was held on September 30, 2013, while the Physical handover of the assets is
slated for December 2013 on the completion of labour payments.
Dollar exchange rate has been between ₦155 and ₦160 over the last two years.
Inflation dropped to 8% in September, 2013 from 12.4% in May 2011.
External Reserve increased from $32.08 billion in May 2011 to $48.4 billion as of May 2013
Excess Crude Account rose from about $4 Billion in May 2011 to about $6 billion in May 2013
Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF): US$1 billion earmarked for investment in the 3 arms i.e. Stability
Fund, Infrastructure Fund and Future Generation Fund; The Board of the Nigeria Sovereign Investment
Authority was Inaugurated on 9th October, 2012 and now commenced core investing activities.
Reducing Cost of Governance: The Federal Government has adopted a policy to reduce recurrent
expenditure and complete unfinished capital projects; Recurrent expenditure has dropped from 74.4%
of total budget in 2011 to 68.7% in 2013; Envelop system developed to enable Ministers prioritize
uncompleted capital projects.
Waiver and Tariff Policy: Government is focusing on sectoral waivers rather than individual. e.g.
agricultural, power, aircraft spare parts, solid minerals at zero duty.
Trade: Imports are down (textiles, plastic & rubber, paper & paper making material), and exports
are up (plastic & rubber, vegetable products, prepared food stuff and beverages); Non-oil exports have
increased from 9% of total exports in 2008 to 31% in 2012; Oil exports are now 69% of total exports,
compared to 91% in 2008.
Measures taken to increase non-oil revenue: Recovery of tax arrears in the sum on ₦704.8 million;
Tax investigation and enforcement activities led to the recovery of over ₦10.65 billion;
Commenced implementation of the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) project;
Registered 227,140 new taxpayers in 2012
Implemented full taxpayer segmentation
Full restructuring of Tax offices nationwide
Roll-out nationwide Tax Identification Number;
Integration of Customs Operation (Platform) through a portal named
Nigeria Integrated Customs Information Systems (NICIS) thus eliminating multiple submission of cargo
and goods documentation to several stakeholders e.g. Bank, CBN, Freight Companies, etc;
Online real-time processing of Custom’s documents/manifest by shipping/airlines
Simplification and harmonization of Customs clearance procedures, in line with international best
Electronic tracking and auditing of Customs operations and transaction
Increased efficiency in public financing: The Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System
Enhances efficient personnel cost planning and budgeting as personnel cost will be based on
actual verified numbers and not estimates
215 MDAs (153,019 staff) are on IPPIS as at Jan 2013
Savings on Payroll cost to date is ₦118.9 billion
Work ongoing to bring in other 321 MDAs not yet on IPPIS
About 46,821 ghost workers identified
Introduction of the Government Integrated Financial Management and Information System
(GIFMIS) in April 2012.
GIFMIS is aimed at improving the acquisition, allocation, utilization and conservation of public
financial resources using automated and integrated, effective, efficient and economic information
58% of the budget now executed through GIFMIS. Will rise to 79% by end of third quarter 2013.
Treasury Single Account (TSA) is a unified structure of government bank accounts that gives a
consolidated view of the cash position.
93 MDAs are currently on TSA
Government’s overdrawn position has dropped from ₦102 billion in 2011 to ₦19 billion in 2012
A New Petroleum Subsidy Payment Regime Is In Place
To Help Stem Leakages:
Audited ₦1 trillion in subsidy and found ₦232 billion questionable. So far, about ₦14 billion was
recovered. The payment process has now been tightened.
PPPRA reduced the number of oil marketers from 143 to 32.
SURE-P Expenditure: Of the FG’s ₦180 billion budgeted for the 2012 SURE-P, ₦86.5 billion was
spent. The remaining balance of ₦93.5 billion was carried over into the 2013 SURE-P budget bringing its
sum to about ₦273.5 billion in projected expenditure.
Classification of projects under SURE-P: SOCIAL SAFETY NETS (e.g. Maternal & Child Health, Mass
Transit, Community Services, Graduate Internship Scheme); Niger-Delta Augmentation for East-West;
WORKS (ROADS & BRIDGES) (e.g. Abuja-Lokoja Road, Kano-Maiduguri, Oweto Bridge); TRANSPORT
(RAIL) (e.g. Lagos-Kano, Port-Harcourt - Maiduguri)
Cleaning up of the Banking Sector: All 22 banks are now fully stable and capitalized; NonPerforming Loans have fallen to about 5%; But not enough lending is going on at affordable interest
rates so the government is: Restructuring existing DFIs to get in private sector capital and Creating a new
wholesale DFI for 10-15 year money at affordable rates
Capital Market: The Capital Market has now rebounded; Stock market index has risen by 71%
since May 2012; Stock market capitalization (value of listed companies) has increase by 66.2% since May
2012 to ₦11.8 trillion.
State of the Nigerian Economy: Robust average GDP growth of 7.01% was recorded in 2011 and
- Despite the continued slow down in the global economy
Market capitalization rose to 8.98 trillion in 2012 from N6.55 trillion in 2011 (37.3% increase).
- Stood at N12.07 trillion as at end May 2013.
- Bond market expanded significantly by 55.61 percent to N5.82 trillion in 2012 from N3.74
trillion in 2011.
- All-Share Index rose by 35% from 20,773.98 in 2011 to 28,078.81 in 2012. Over 37,794 as at end
May 20
GDP growth rate stood at 6.56 percent at the end of the Q1 2013;
Eight out of the fourteen broad sectors surpassed their growth targets in the Transformation
Solid minerals
Financial Institution & Insurance
Building & Construction
Roads, Estate
Public Administration
Other Services
Growth driven largely by the non-oil sector of the economy
Agriculture - 27.64%
Wholesale and retail trade – 28.4%
Telecommunications - 24.38%
FDI averaged US$7.97 billion par annual in 2011 and 2012 from US
$6.10 billion in 2010. Still the highest in Africa;
Home remittances increased from US$19.20 billion in 2009 to US$20.61 billion in 2011 and
US$21.89 billion in 2012;
Gross external reserves improved from US$32.34 billion in 2010, to US$48.8 billion as at April 26,
The Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YouWin) programme has created over 12,000
new entrepreneurs and over 50,000 jobs.
A successful Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS).
The scheme has so far placed over 2,000 unemployed graduates in private sector organisations
where they can receive mentoring and acquire work experience. The plan is to place 50,000 graduates in
establishments every year till 2015.
Privatisation Update and Successes
The privatization of the Nigerian power sector has been internationally recognized as one of the
most ambitious and transparent reform program ever embarked by any nation
On August 21, 2013, 5 Generation companies and 10 Distribution companies successfully
completed payments for the purchase of the assets.
The 10 NIPP power plants are going through the bidding process.
We have put in place all other support institutions to ensure the efficient functioning of the
electricity market. These include, amongst others, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC),
Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Electricity Management Services (EMS) and Nigeria Bulk
Electricity Trading Company (NBET).
The payment of severance package to PHCN staff is to be concluded by the end of October and
physical handover to the new owners thereafter.
The Ministry has repositioned itself towards providing effective overall leadership for the sector
and facilitating investments with special attention to the National Grid, greenfield IPPs, renewables and
rural access
The Condition Precedents that are essential to the declaration of the Transition Electricity Market
(TEM) are therefore substantially in place and are currently being subjected to a quality and assurance
testing by NERC, prior to the declaration of TEM
Fifty-five (55) IPPs have applied to Nigeria Bulk Electricity Trading Company (NBET) for PPAs.
Including three (3) renewable energy IPPs, one coal generating IPP, and the rest gas based IPPs
Several reputable international companies have indicated interest in investing in the sector
through our various investment forums – we have signed MOUs with Power China (20,000MW)
generation + transmission infrastructure, General Electric (10,000MW), Siemens, Electrobras etc.
Update on Transmission
The Management contract with Manitoba Hydro of Canada is in place to bring best practices. The
Schedule of Delegated Authority (SODA) duly signed by the Honourable Minister of Power has also been
issued to Manitoba Hydro.
Inauguration of TCN Board, Management & Advisory Team
§ The enlarged technical board of TCN has also been inaugurated by the Honourable Minister of Power
to add more experience and fresh impetus into the supervision of TCN
§ The shadow team (Directors) is to aid the transfer of best practices while bring the local knowledge to
§ The Management team is therefore charged to work as a unit in the delivery of a robust and stable
transmission grid.
Transmission Expansion Plan
§ With the full payment for the GenCos and DisCos comes the urgent need to reposition TCN to meet its
obligation in the post privatization era.
§ TCN Network Expansion Blueprint was presented to the PACP on Monday 26 August 2013
§ The blue print commits TCN to a transmission capacity of 16,000MW by 2017
§ The FGN is committed to the funding of this blueprint through a variety of sources which include:
World Bank
Eurobond Issue $150m
China Exim Bank
Proceeds for the sale of NIPP gen. assets - $1.6b
Agence FDB
NIPP Update
§ A total capacity addition of 4775MW expected when all the NIPP generation units are commissioned.
§ So far 1,350MW capacity has been commissioned and taken over.
§ Recently commissioned Geregu Power Plant has a total capacity of 434MW.
§ The Omotosho Power Plant which was commissioned on Saturday 19th October, 2013 has a total
capacity of 450MW
§ Other NIPP Power Plants include:
o Calabar 562.5MW
o Egbema 337.5MW
o Gbarain 225MW
o Omoku 225MW
o Alaoji
o Sapele 450MW
o Ihovbor 450MW
o Olorunsogun 450MW
Niger Delta Power Holding Company has promised to commission others in quick succession between
now and end of the year.
790MW will also be added to the National grid through the African Finance Corporation (AFC)
N226 billion to finance critical electricity infrastructure.