NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EXCHANGE PROGRAM REQUEST FOR COURSE APPROVAL FORM Determining Courses taken/taking at host university and their equivalents in FBA a) Check the pre-determined Equivalent Modules Master List. b) If the courses are not on the list, submit the following form to Dean’s Office for approval using the below form. As part of your submission, enclose the comprehensive course description for the module/s that you intend to take. We would appreciate it if you do not refer us to a particular web site as that will be less efficient. Give us the full descriptions attached to the form. c) Include the proposed equivalent course/s. This will give us an idea what you want to transfer the course back as. d) This process is best done before you leave for your PU. However, if you are already overseas and new courses are being offered, you may email back to Dean’s Office in the given format, as a WORD file, for approval. e) Allow a week for approval. The Dean’s Office is not obliged to approve any modules. Aim: To find equivalent modules, not identical ones, as there are almost no identical modules. Generally, contents must be similar and the contact hours about the same. Name: _____________________________ Matric No.: ________________________________ Contact no./Email: ___________________ Host University/Semester: _____________________ S/No. PU Course Code PU Course Title (Attach separate sheet for PU course description) Total No of Contact Hours Remarks: For Dean’s Office Use: ____ Student informed ____ Updated into Transferable course Master List Credits NUS Course Code Proposed Equivalent NUS Course Title Dean’s Office’s Decision (Yes/No)