Workshop on Quality of Experience (QoE) 18th September 2009, Telecom ParisTech, Paris 13, France Euro-NF Members can use their Euro-NF budget (mobility WP.IA.4.1) to attend. Please check at Euro-NF sponsored events. New! The workshop has been granted with the Euro-NF label. The workshop is also an activity of the Euro-NF Workpackage SEA 7.1 Collaboration with industry and SMEs. Introduction to the QoE Workshop In recent years, research efforts have been carried out in order to bring Quality of Service (QoS) closer to the actual experience of the user of the service. As such, both the normalization bodies and the academic community have worked on evolved models and metrics to try delivering a measure of the Quality of Experience (QoE). However, QoE is an elusive notion, since its subjective nature highly depends on human factors, which are unfortunately often individual and complex. As QoE is a multidimensional concept, specialists coming from heterogeneous domains such as ergonomics, behavioural psychology, marketing, network among others, are needed to answer the following questions: what is QoE? What is its precise area? How to measure it? We aim at obtaining models incorporating the subjective aspects of user experience as well as a precise definition of the different quality notions. Although ongoing work has produced well evolved metrics for user perception on the multimedia service range, they mainly address the quality associated to the "signal restitution" to the user more than the actual perception in a particular usage context (content, environment, etc.). Diverse efforts around the three main identified topics are being carried out by collaborative projects and within academia and industry labs. We believe that an increased coordination between the different domains might get us closer to a better understanding and modelling of the user experience leading to improved metrics and methods. Scope Organized around the ITC 21 which gathers performance experts, the QoE workshop is intended to serve as a forum to present the latest work and interests by researchers from both academia and industry and to produce a basis for future collaboration on the domain. The three main subjects identified around QoE modelling and estimation are the following: QoE Framework o Quality Notions o Communications ecosystem o Interfaces, actors and roles o Service level agreements o etc Service Modeling and QoE estimation o Estimation of QoE for audio/video services o Translating QoS to QoE o Extending estimation methods to other services (Web, etc.) o Human factors and their place in service models. o etc Subjective Test Methodologies o State of the art on subjective test methodologies o Defining systematic/reusable test methodologies to create economies of scale around QoE estimation o etc Workshop coordinators and main contacts Sergio Beker (Orange Labs): Frederic Guyard (Orange Labs): Jean-Laurent Costeux (Orange Labs): Registration is free of charge. Registration is open to all Euro-NF members and other invited attendants. However, as the venue has a limited number of places, we kindly ask you to register with us ( so we can adequately plan logistics in advance. Also, as the number of presentations is limited due to time constraints, we kindly ask you to: Confirm that you will be willing to present. Limit your presentation to current work and interests on the subject. What your contribution would be to a collaborative proposal. Group your presentations as much as possible by lab/institution. Please send us an abstract of your presentation as soon as possible. We will propose a preliminary program and agree on the final program with all registered participants. We expect your final presentation by August 31st. Registrations will be accepted until the day before the workshop (no on-site registration will be available). Registration for presentations is closed. Workshop venue The workshop will be held at Telecom ParisTech, Paris 13, France. Telecom ParisTech is easily reachable by metro and bus lines. To get there, please follow this link. Workshop Preliminar Program (to be completed) The program will be completed as confirmation and content arrive. QoE 8:30 - 9:00 On-site registration and welcoming 9:00 – 09:30 Workshop Objectives and subject overview S. Beker (Orange Labs) – Introduction to the workshop F. Guyard (Orange Labs) – Towards a QoE Framework 09:30 - 11:00 Presentations (Part 1) Markus Fiedler (BTH) – QoE quantification and feedback Jari Korhonen (NTNU) - Research Activities for Quality of Experience in Networked Multimedia within Q2S Kurt Tutschku (University of Vienna) – Overview of the QoE research activities at the University of Vienna Peter Reichl, Raimund Schatz, Sebastien Egger (FTW) – The human factor in telecommunications: user centered research at FTW, QoE and the ACE Project Hendrik Knoche (UCL/EPFL) – A user-centered push towards QoE 11:00 – 11:15 Coffe Break 11:15 – 12:45 Presentations (Part 2) Sebastien Moeller, Alexander Raake (TU-Berlin/T-Labs) – QoE models and subjective test methodologies Vincent Barriac (Orange Labs) – A state of the art on voice quality measurement techniques and of associated standards Gerardo Rubino (INRIA/IRISA) – From QoS to QoE with PSQA Tobias Hossfeld, Thomas Zinner (Wurzburg University) - Controlling QoE of Scalable Video Codecs for Future Video Streaming Systems Andreas Kassler (Karlstad University) – Cross-Layer QoE management and scheduling in mesh networks Oliver Hohfeld (TU-Berlin/T-Labs) – Viewing impaired video transmissions from a modelling perspective 12:45 - 13:45 Lunch Break 13:45 - 15:00 Discussion Identifying potential collaborations (building up a research cartography) 15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break 15:15 - 17:00 Wrap up and Conclusion Ground for a collaborative project proposal Future actions