IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH YAHOO MESSENGER AT UNIVERSITY OF IQRA BURU MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA SISWA MELALUI YAHOO MESSENGER DI UNIVERSITAS IQRA BURU SAIDNA ZULFIQAR AZWAR BIN TAHIR GRADUATE PROGRAM STATE UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2012 IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH YAHOO MESSENGER AT UNIVERSITY OF IQRA BURU A Thesis As a Part of the Requirements for Master Degree Department of Language Education Written and Submitted by SAIDNA ZULFIQAR AZWAR BIN TAHIR to GRADUATE PROGRAM STATE UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2012 THESIS IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH YAHOO MESSENGER AT UNIVERSITY OF IQRA BURU Written and submitted by SAIDNA ZULFIQAR AZWAR BIN TAHIR ID Number: 10B01033 Approved by Consultant Commissions Prof. Dr. H. Haryanto, M.Pd Chairman Dr. Syarifuddin Dollah, M.Pd Member Cognisent of Head English Language Education Program Graduate Program State University of Makassar Prof. Dr. H. Haryanto, M.Pd NIP. 19591029 198601 1 001 Prof. Dr. Jasruddin, M.Si NIP. 19641222 199103 1 002 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, the researcher would like to express gratefulness Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT for His mercy, blessing, and great opportunity so that the researcher was able to finish writing this research report as a part of the requirement for attaining master degree at Graduate Program at State University of Makassar. In conducting this research and writing its report, the researcher got invaluable assistance and support from a great number of people. Therefore, the researcher is very pleased to thank to my supervisors: Prof. Dr. H. Haryanto, M.Pd, the chairman, and Dr. Syarifuddin Dollah., M.Pd, member, for spending a long time in guiding, giving helpful comments and correction, giving suggestions and facilitating the researcher in cultivating and sharpening the focus of this research. The researcher would like to address deepest thanks to Rector of State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Arismunandar, M.Pd and his staff, Director of Graduate Program at State University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Jasruddin, M.Si and his staff. The researcher also would like to say thanks to Prof. Dr. Arifuddin Hamra, MS.Ed, and Dr. Sukardi Weda, S.S., M.Hum., M.Pd., M.Si for their comments to complete this thesis. The researcher is heavily indebted to Rector of Iqra Buru University Dr. Hamid Abbas, M.Pd, The Dean of English and Literature Department of UNIQBU Alimahsudin, S.Pd, M.Pd, and also the samples of the research, especially the second semester students of English and Literature Department of University of Iqra Buru academic year 2011/2012, and all lecturers and all staff at University of Iqra Buru for their participation and help in the research. Thank you very much for my lovely brother Burhanuddin, S.E., M.M., and his family who always supported me. Thanks to my friends: Yusran Kapludin, S.Pd, Nur Laila, S.Pd, Nur Aliya Nur, S.Pd, Irawati, S.Pd, Ramli Asnanda, S.S, Darius, S.Pd and all my classmates TENSCA in Class A for their help, motivating and spirit to complete this thesis. Profoundly, the researcher would like to thank my beloved parents, S. Fadil Bin Tahir and Hartini Rays and my brothers and sisters for their love, understanding and sincere prayers for my safety and success. Last but not least, the researcher is grateful to acknowledge to my beloved wife, Syarifa Lulu Assagaf, S.Psi and my beloved daughters, Gadysa Saidna Bin Tahir and Gelbina Saidna Bin Tahir for their endless love, care and support in completing this theses. Finally, researcher strongly hopes that all support, encouragement, and facility from all people and parties that make easy for completing this thesis are noted as act of devotion by Allah SWT. May the Almighty Allah SWT always with us, Amien. Makassar, April 2012 Saidna Zulfiqar Azwar Bin Tahir SURAT PERNYATAAN KEORISINILAN THESIS Saya, Saidna Zulfiqar Azwar Bin Tahir, Nomor Pokok: 10B01033, menyatakan bahwa tesis yang berjudul Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Yahoo Messenger at University of Iqra Buru merupakan karya asli. Seluruh ide yang ada dalam thesis ini, kecuali yang saya nyatakan sebagai kutipan, merupakan ide yang saya susun sendiri. Selain itu, tidak ada bagian dari thesis ini yang telah saya gunakan sebelumnya untuk memperoleh gelar atau sertifikat akademik. Jika pernyataan di atas terbukti sebaliknya, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi yang ditetapkan oleh PPs Universitas Negeri Makassar. Tanda tangan ................ Tanggal 11 April 2012 ABSTRACT SAIDNA ZULFIQAR AZWAR BIN TAHIR, Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Yahoo Messenger at University of Iqra Buru (supervised by H. Haryanto and Syarifuddin Dollah). The objectives of this research were: (1) to find out whether or not the use of Yahoo Messenger improves the students’ speaking skill and (2) to find out whether or not the students are interested in joining the speaking class through Yahoo Messenger. This research employed Quasi Experimental Time Seri design. The sample consisted of 15 students of second semester of English and Literature Department of University of Iqra Buru, in academic year 2011/2012. The data were collected through three kinds of instruments: speaking test for the students’ speaking skill, questionnaire for students’ interest and observation to observe the students’ activeness in joining speaking class through Yahoo Messenger. Data on the students’ speaking skill were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, data on the students’ interest were analyzed using Likert scale, and data from observation were analyzed descriptively. The results of the research were: (1) the use of Yahoo Messenger in teaching speaking improved the students speaking skills; (2) the use of Yahoo Messenger increased the students’ interest in joining the speaking class. It can be concluded that the use of Yahoo Messenger is effective to be implemented in improving the students’ speaking skills in terms of accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility and the students have very high interest and active toward teaching speaking through Yahoo Messenger. Key words: Speaking skill, Yahoo Messenger, interest ABSTRAK SAIDNA ZULFIQAR AZWAR BIN TAHIR. Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Melalui Yahoo Messenger Pada Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Iqra Buri (dibimbing oleh H. Haryanto dan Syarifuddin Dollah.). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan Yahoo Messenger meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa, dan (2) untuk mengetahui ketertarikan siswa dalam mengikuti kelas speaking dengan menggunakan Yahoo Messenger. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Quasi Eksperimental Time Series Design. Sample penelitian terdiri dari 15 siswa semester dua, Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Universitas Iqra Buru tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Data penelitian telah dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tiga jenis instrument: tes berbicara untuk data kemampuan berbicara siswa, angket untuk data ketertarikan siswa dan observasi untuk keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Data kemampuan bericara siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial, data ketertarikan siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan skala Likert dan observasi dianalisis secara diskriptif dengan melihat persentase. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) Penggunaan Yahoo Messenger meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara, dan (2) Siswa memiliki ketertarikan dan keaktifan yang sangat tinggi terhadap penggunaan Yahoo Messenger. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Yahoo Messenger efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam keakuratan, kefasihan, dan pemahaman, dan siswa sangat tertarik dan aktif terhadap pengajaran speaking melalui Yahoo Messenger. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan berbicara, Yahoo Messenger, minat TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVEMENT SHIT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv SURAT PERNYATAAN vi ABSTRACT vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xvi LIST OF APENDIXES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION xvii 1 A. Background 1 B. Problem Statement 9 C. Objective of the Research 10 D. Significance of the Research 11 E. Scope of the Research 11 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 13 A. Previous Related Findings 13 B. Some Pertinent Ideas 15 1. The Concept of Speaking a. Definition of Speaking 15 15 b. Components of Speaking 17 c. Principles of Teaching Speaking 22 d. Problem on Speaking 23 e. Characteristic of Successful Speaking activities 26 f. Strategies for Developing Speaking Skill 27 g. The Assessment of Speaking 28 2. The Concept of ICT as a Media 29 a. Definition of Media 29 b. What is ICT? 32 c. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) 34 d. Yahoo Messenger (YM) 37 1) What is Yahoo Messenger 37 2) Features and Facilities of Yahoo Messenger 40 3) Steps to Register and Join YM Chat 43 4) Advantages and Disadvantages of YM in Teaching 47 3. Interest 53 a. What is Interest 53 b. Types of Interest 53 c. Factors Influencing Students’ Interest 54 d. How to Measure the Interest 55 C. Resume 59 D. Conceptual Framework 61 E. Research Hypotheses CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH 62 65 A. Research Design 65 B. Research Variable 68 C. Population and Sample 69 D. Research Instrument 70 E. The Procedure of Collection Data 71 F. Technique of Data Analysis 76 G. Time Schedule 85 H. Research Financing 86 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings B. Discussion CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 87 87 132 156 A. Conclusion 157 B. Suggestion 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY 160 APPENDIXES 168 LIST OF TABLES Number Page 3.1 Implementing Time Seri Design 67 3.2 Speaking Marking Scheme by Heaton 77 3.3 The Score Criteria of Speaking Accuracy 78 3.4 The Score Criteria of Speaking Fluency 79 3.5 The Score Criteria of Speaking Comprehensibility 80 3.6 The Scoring Classification of the Students Speaking Skills 81 3.7 Likert Scale 83 3.8 Frequency Respondents' Answers 83 3.9 The Rating Score of the Students’ Interest 84 3.10 Time Schedule 85 3.11 Research Financing 86 4.1 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Accuracy in Pretest and Posttest Seri 1 88 4.2 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Accuracy in Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 89 4.3 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Accuracy in Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 90 4.4 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Accuracy in Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 91 4.5 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Fluency in Pretest and Posttest Seri 1. 92 4.6 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Fluency in Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 93 4.7 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Fluency in Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 94 4.8 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Fluency in Pretest and Posttest Seri 4. 95 4.9 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Comprehensibility in Pretest and Posttest Seri 1. 96 4.10 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Comprehensibility in Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 97 4.11 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Comprehensibility in Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 98 4.12 The Frequency and Percentage of the Students’ Achievement in Term of Comprehensibility in Pretest and Posttest Seri 4. 99 4.13 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1 in term of Accuracy. 101 4.14 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1. 102 4.15 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2 in term of Accuracy. 102 4.16 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 103 417 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3 in term of Accuracy. 104 4.18 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 105 4.19 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4 in term of Accuracy. 105 4.20 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4. 106 4.21 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1 Fluency. 107 4.22 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1. 108 4.23 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2 in term of Fluency. 109 4.24 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 110 4.25 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3 in term of Fluency. 110 4.26 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 111 4.27 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4 in term of Fluency. 112 4.28 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4. 113 4.29 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1 in Term of Comprehensibility. 113 4.30 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 1. 115 4.31 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2 in term of Comprehensibility. 116 4.32 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 2. 116 4.33 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3 in Term of Comprehensibility. 117 4.34 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 3. 118 4.35 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4 in term of Comprehensibility. 118 4.36 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Seri 4. 119 4.37 The Mean Score of T-Test of the Students’ Achievement on Pretests and Posttests 120 4.38 The Correlation of the Students’ Pretests and Posttests in all Series. 121 4.39 The Probability Value of T-Test of the Students’ Achievement on all Series of Pretests and Posttests 121 4.40 The Percentage of the Students’ Interest Toward Yahoo Messenger voice chat 124 4.41 The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the Students’ Interest 125 4.42 The Percentage of the Students’ Activeness in Joining the Class 126 4.43 The Percentage of the Students’ Activeness in Using Computer/internet 128 4.44 The Percentage of the Students’ Activeness to Communicate 129 4.45 The Percentage of the Students’ Activeness to Use the Time was given 130 LIST OF FIGURES Number Page 2.1 Yahoo Messenger Chat Window 40 2.2 YM Window of Registration 46 2.3 Sign in to Yahoo Messenger 47 2.4 Joining Yahoo Messenger chat room 48 2.5 Yahoo Messenger voice chat 67 3.1 Conceptual Framework 63 3.2 Research Design 65 4.1 Mean Score in Pretest 1 and Posttest 1 in Term of Accuracy 101 4.2 Mean Score in Pretest 2 and Posttest 2 in Term of Accuracy 103 4.3 Mean Score in Pretest 3 and Posttest 3 in Term of Accuracy 105 4.4 Mean Score in Pretest 4 and Posttest 4 in Term of Accuracy 106 4.5 Mean Score in Pretest 1 and Posttest 1 in Term of Fluency 108 4.6 Mean Score in Pretest 2 and Posttest 2 in Term of Fluency 110 4.7 Mean Score in Pretest 3 and Posttest 3 in Term of Fluency 111 4.8 Mean Score in Pretest 4 and Posttest 4 in Term of Fluency 113 4.9 Mean Score in Pretest 1 and Posttest 1 in Term of Comprehensibility 115 4.10 Mean Score in Pretest 2 and Posttest 2 in Term of Comprehensibility 116 4.11 Mean Score in Pretest 3 and Posttest 3 in Term of Comprehensibility 118 4.12 Mean Score in Pretest 4 and Posttest 4 in Term of Comprehensibility 119 4.13 Students’ Achievement in Pretests and Posttests Seri 1, 2, 3, and 4 in term of Accuracy, Fluency, and comprehensibility 123 4.14 Students’ Speaking Achievement in Pretests and Posttests 123 4.14 Time Seri Design Graphic 124 4.15 Percentage of Students’ Interest toward Yahoo Messenger 126 LIST OF APPENDIXES Number 1. Speaking Test Page 169 2. Questionnaire 171 3. 175 Observation Sheet 4. Lesson Plans and Course Material 177 5. Individual Students’ Test Scoring Pretests and Posttests 199 6. Distribution Score on Students’ Achievement 207 7. The Score of Students’ Interest 208 8. Data of Observation 210 9. The Data Analysis of Accuracy (Pre & Posttest Seri 1, 2, 3, 4) 212 10. The Data Analysis of Fluency (Pre & Posttest Seri 1, 2, 3, 4) 221 11. The Data Analysis of Comprehensibility (Pre & Post Seri 1, 2, 3, 4) 230 12. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Pretests & Posttests 239 13. The Data Analysis Mean Score on Pretests and Posttests 242 14. Speaking Text Script 243 15. Teaching and Learning Process Pictures 276 16. Recommendation Letter from PPS UNM 278 17. Permission Letter from University of Iqra Buru 279 18. Evidence of Correction Signature from Examination Committee 280 19. Curriculum Vitae 281