PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. First Name: Last Name: Date of birth: Marital status: József Káposzta 1968. Married, one daughter (Kiara) 5. Current workplace: Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Institute of Regional Economics and Rural Development 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1. (Hungary) Telefon: (+36/28) 522-000/2063 Mobil: (+36/30) 655-1536 Telefax: (+36/28) 410-802 E-mail: Web: 6. Position: 7. Scientific title: Candidate of economics (25 May 1998, No: 17105) PhD in economics (25 June 1999, No: 29/1999.) 8. Language skills: English – intermediate level state exam certificate (writing and speaking) Russian – beginner level state exam certificate (writing and speaking) 9. History of educational activity at: Department of Agricultural Economics (1992-1999) Department of Regional Economics (1999-2005) Institute of Regional Economics and Rural Development (2005-) associate professor, head of institute 10. Educational activities (BSc, BA/MSc, MA): Methodology of event organizing (2011-) Regional and city economics (2009-) Regional policy and spatial development (2008-) Integrated spatial economics (2008-) Regional economics I.-II. (1995-) Alternative farming (2008-2010) Regional and micro-regional policy (2006-2009) Regional policy I-II. (2000-2007) Agricultural and regional economics basics (2000-2007) Spatial economics (1995-2008) Economics environment of agricultural enterprises (1995-2003) Agricultural economics (1992-1995) Cooperative studies (1993-1995) Economics of agricultural sector (1993-1995) 11. Educational activities (PhD): Regional economics (SZIU Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (FESS), PhD School of Management and Business Administration, 2000-) Regional economics and regional processes (SZIU Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (FESS), PhD School of Regional Sciences, 2011-) Regional development strategies in the EU (SZIU Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (FESS), PhD School of Regional Sciences, 2011-) Institutional systems of spatial and rural development in the EU and in Hungary (SZIU Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (FESS), PhD School of Regional Sciences, 2011-) 12. Professional activities related to practice: Project manager, KMOP (2010-2012) ( Expert, reviewer of OTKA tenders (2010-) Lecturer, regional courses of ÚMVP (2009-) Expert, Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Board (2009-) Expert, reviewer, National Research and Technology Agency (2008-) Coordinator of agricultural extensionists of National Rural Development Network (2006-2007) Head of study farm, “Babat Valley” Spatial Development and Extension Service Study Farm, GAK Ltd. (2001-) Researcher, leader of spatial development researches (1992-) Researcher, leader of FKFP, OTKA, R+D, NKTH international tenders (1992-) Research fellow with scholarship from the Hungarian Academy of Science, Research and Information Institute in Agricultural Economics (1992-1995) 13. Activities related to education development and management: SZIU FESS, Agricultural and rural development engineer BSc course, leader of the course (2012-) SZIU, Study Farm Committee, chairman (2012-) SZIU FESS, Innovation and project generation cabinet, member (2012-) SZIU FESS, Education-management cabinet, member (2012-) SZIU, Strategic Committee, member (2012-) SZIU FESS, PhD School of Regional Sciences, member of the Doctoral Board (2011-) SZIU FESS, PhD School of Regional Sciences, founder, core member (MAB 2010. X. 01.) SZIU FESS, Accreditation Board, member (2010-) Hungarian Higher Educational Accreditation Board, expert (2009-) SZIU FESS, Dean’s Cabinet, member (2009-) SZIU FESS, Committee for investigating the educational and research loads of the faculty members, chairman (2009-) SZIU FESS, Curriculum and booklet development cabinet, member (2009-2012) SZIU FESS, Strategic cabinet, member (2008-) SZIU FESS, Regional and environmental economics MSc., spatial development specialization, head (2009-) SZIU FESS, Agricultural and rural development economics BSc., spatial development specialization, head (2006-) SZIU-Hungarian Academy of Science, Biomass Economics Research Group, founder (2006-) SZIU FESS, Committee of quality issues, member (2005-) SZIU FESS, Education-development cabinet, member (2005-2012) SZIU, Study Farm Committee, member (2001-) Association of former Gödöllő students, member of board (2000-) SZIU, PhD School of Management and Business Administration, supervisor (2000-) SZIU FESS, Agricultural economics course, agricultural and spatial development specialization, head (2005-2010) SZIU FESS, Agricultural economics course, regional economics specialization, head (2000-2009) SZIU, PhD School of Management and Business Administration, founder (2000) SZIU-Ministry of Rural Development, Internship organizing Committee, member (1999-) SZIU FESS, Faculty Council, member (1999-) 14. Awards: 2004. SZIU Laureate, golden-type (awarded by SZIU) 2006. Medal awarded for activities done for the development of Hungarian Higher Education (awarded by the Ministry of Education) 2007. Award from Chunka Devi Foundation, India 2007. SZIU-GTK Award for the “Best teacher” (awarded by SZIU-GTK students) 2009. Professor Honoris Causa (DSPSR, India) 15. Honours: 2011. OTDK Medallion (awarded by the National Board for the Scientific Development of students) 2011. Tessedik Sámuel Prize (ministerial prize) 2011. Hillsom Achievement Award (supporter award) 2010. SZIU Golden Medallion (awarded by the university) 2003. Széchenyi István scholarship 16. Public activities in scientific and professional fields: HAS (Hungarian Academy of Science), Regional Science Committee, member (1999-2005, 2008-) HAS, Regional Science Committee, secretary (2008-2011) HAS, Regional Science Committee, Subdivision for education, member (2010-) HAS, Regional Science Committee, Subdivision for education, secretary (2012-) HAS, Regional Science Committee, editor of the official newsletter (2009-2011) Agricultural Economics Books and Studies, member of the editorial board (2013-) Spatial Development Scientific Association, member of the supervisory board (2004-) Hungarian Regional Science Association, member of board (2003-) European Regional Science Association, member (2002-) Nonprofit Foundation for the Hungarian Regionalism, chairman of the curatorial (2002-) HAS, Regional Science Committee, Subdivision for education, secretary (1999-2005) European Association of Agricultural Economics, member (1999-) International Association of Agricultural Economics, member (1999-) Association of Hungarian Agricultural Economists, member (1995-) Nonprofit Foundation for the students of Petőfi Primary School, chairman of the supervisory board (2011-) 15 most significant publications of the past 5 years: 1. Káposzta, J. (ed.) (2009): New elements and research in spatial economy. Scientific Book. Research Institute of J. Selye University, Komarno, 2009. ISBN 978-80-89234-72-1. 181 p. 2. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H. (2009): Eligible regions of Structural and Cohesion Founds int he EU in 20002006 and 2007-2013 programming periods. In: Káposzta, J. (2009): New elements and research in spatial economy. Scientific Book. Research Institute of J. Selye University, Komarno, 2009. ISBN 97880-89234-72-1. pp. 9-29. 3. Nagy, H.-Káposzta, J. (2010): Social and regional aspects of the structural and Cohesion Founds int he new EU member states between 2007-2013. In: Bielik, P. et al. (2010): Economics, Social Policy and Citizenship int he European Union. Scientific Book. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 2010. ISBN 978-80-552-0448-2. pp. 148-167. 4. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H.-Villányi, L. (2008): Enlargement processes in the Europoean Union and the sustainability indicators of Bulgaria and Romania. In: Economics of sustainable agriculture. Scientific Book Series 2. SZIU Gödöllő, 2008. ISBN 978-963-269-016-2. pp. 79-103. 5. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H. (2010): The allocation and the planned utilization of the Structural and Cohesion Funds int he EU members between 2007-2013. In: Szűcs, I. (2010): Economics of sustainable agriculture. Scientific Book Series 3. SZIU Gödöllő, 2010. ISBN 978-963-269-145-9. pp. 27-62. 6. Káposzta, J.-Kollár, K.-Nagy, H. (2011): The examination of efficiency of funds in the 47 leastdeveloped micro-regions of Hungary between 2007 and 2009. In: Szűcs, I.-Zarnóczai J. S. (2011): Economics of sustainable agriculture. Scientific Book Series 4. SZIU Gödöllő, 2011. ISSN 2062-445X, p. 30-44 7. Tóth, T.-Villányi, J.-Péter, B.-Káposzta, J. (2008): Global enviroment change and food security: a socio-economics perspective. Cereal Research Communications, DOI: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.1. ISSN 0133-3720. pp. 1771-1774. 8. Singh, M. K.-Dobó, E.-Tóth, T.-Káposzta, J.-Villányi, J. (2008): Analysis of plant-soil interrelations and land use change: modelling aproach. Cereal Research Communications, DOI: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.1. ISSN 0133-3720. pp. 1287-1290. 9. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H. (2008): Gross domestic product as an indicator of regions’ competitiveness for plant-soil ineterelations. Cereal Research Communications, DOI: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.1. ISSN 0133-3720. pp. 2039-2042. 10. Dobó, E.- Singh, M. K-Tóth, T.-Káposzta, J.-Fekete-Farkas, M. (2008): Measuring agricultural crop vulnerability, sensitivity and adaptivity in CEECS. Cereal Research Communications, DOI: 10.1556/CRC.36.2008.Suppl.1. ISSN 0133-3720. pp. 1291-1294. 11. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H. (2009): The role of agriculture in the hungarian national economy and int he development of rural areas. Delhi Business Review, Vol 10., No. 2. India, 2009. ISSN 0972-222X. pp. 104-105. 12. Káposzta, J.-Nagy, H.-Ritter, K. (2010): Cross border cooperations to enhance economic development in the Visegrad countries, Delhi Business Review, Vol 11., No. 2. India, 2010. ISSN 0972-222X. pp. 11-24. 13. Nagy, H.-Káposzta, J.-Ritter, K. (2010): Countryside and globalization: threats and possibilities through the example of hungarian rural micro-regions. E-Studies 2010/2., J. Selye University, Komarno, 2010. ISSN 1338-1598. pp. 1-22. 14. Nagy, H.–Káposzta, J.–Kollár, K.–Nagy, A. (2011): The development prospects of rural areas in the least-developed regions of Hungary, 18th Congress of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agrobusiness Economists, „The politics and strategies of agribusiness and rural areas development”, nemzetközi konferencia 2011. szeptember 7-9, Wroclaw, Scientific Annals Vol. 13, No.6, pp. 152-157, ISSN 1508-3535 15. Egri, Z.-Káposzta, J.-Nagy, A. (2012): The Correlation Between Regional Economic Development and the HDI in the Central and Eastern European Regions. Acta regionalia et environmentalica (online), vol. 9, 2012, No. 1, pp. 8-11. ISSN 1336-9253