Lesson 2: “Learning to Farm and Raise Animals” pp.59-62 Key Terms & People: 1. domesticate 2. agriculture 3. slash-and-burn 4. irrigation I Beginnings of Agriculture A. By 9,000 B.C. humans domesticated sheep, goats, etc… 1. Used meat & milk for food 2. Used skins and furs for clothing & shelter 3. Used bones for tools a. Harpoons, needles, etc… B. By 8,000 B.C. Agricultural revolution 1. Humans learned to change their environment a. Hunter-gatherers to farming i. Plant seeds to raise crops ii. Created many tools for farming d. Slash-and-burn agriculture i Cut and burn to clear land to farm ii When soil was ruined farmers moved to new land C. New tools Better farming Permanent settlements 1. Farming villages developed in river valleys w/ rich soil a. Fertile soil = better crops b. Villages grew to several thousand people c. Advantages & disadvantages to big villages i. Food was plentiful ii. Better protection against invaders iii Risks of fire, disease, & floods II Farming around the world A. Farming in river valleys w/ available water B. African farmers 1st to use irrigation systems to water crops C. Farming in Americas later than around the world D. Farming Settlements Population growth