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Call for Proposals
For the next conference of the
International Society for Qualityof-Life Studies
The 2007 ISQOLS Conference
(From QOL Concepts to QOL Performance Measures)
December 6-9, 2007
San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego, California, USA
Conference co-chairs: Mariano Rojas (, Alex Michalos (, Don Rahtz (, and
Joe Sirgy (
Conference track chairs and co-chairs: Please submit your session proposals, workshops, and abstracts to the appropriate track chair (or co-chair)
as indicated below. If your topic is not covered by any of the tracks below, please send your proposal to any of the conference co-chairs (see
World Regions Issues
QOL in Latin America/Caribbean
Graciela Tonon
Eduardo Wills Herrera
QOL in Artic Circle
Birger Poppel
Jack Kruse
QOL in Asia
Krishna Mazumdar
QOL in the Middle East (Israel & Turkey)
Uriel Leviatan
QOL in North America
Ken Land
QOL in Western Europe
Wolfgang Glatzer
Heinz-Herbert Noll
QOL in Russia
Katja Uglanova
Population Segments Issues
The QOL of the Poor
The QOL of Migrants/Refugees
The QOL of Children
The QOL of the Elderly
The QOL of Women
The QOL of the Disabled
Life Domains Issues
Spiritual Well-Being
Family Well-Being
Social Well-Being
Joaquina Palomar
Maarten Berg
Lía de la Vega
Dieter Bucher
William O'Hare
Asher Ben-Arieh
Gloria Fernandez-Mayorlas
Fermina Rojo-Perez
Mary Joyce
Liz Eckermann
Ralph Kober
Alejandro Tapia
Dave Webb
Anke Zimmerman
Ferran Casas
Jan Ott
Community Well-Being
Consumption Well-Being
Health Well-Being
Well-Being: Employment & Work
Arts & Culture Well-Being
Environmental Well-Being
Financial Well-Being
Housing/Neighborhood as Dimension of QOL
Applied Disciplines Issues
QOL Issues in Political Science
QOL Issues in Urban Planning & Policies
QOL Issues in Rural Sociology
QOL Issues in Marketing
QOL Issues in Business Ethics & QWL
QOL Issues in Economic Development, Public
Administration, and Public Policy
QOL Issues in Education
QOL Issues in Travel/Tourism
QOL Issues in Social Work
QOL Issues in Pharmacology
QOL Issues in Psychology and Health Care
QOL Issues in Recreation/Use of Leisure Time
Basic Disciplines Issues
QOL Research in Personality-Social Psychology
QOL Research in Economics
José García
Mónica Guillén
Stephan Grzeskowiak
Juan Rafael Vargas
Gabriela Becerril
Andrew Clark
Attie Coester
Alex Michalos
Marsha Marsh
Esther Maddux
Fermina Rojo-Perez
Gloria Fernandez-Mayorlas
Benjamín Temkin
Giampaolo Nuvolati
Donald Lacy
Dong-Jin Lee
Anusorn Singhapakdi,
Chad Miller
Leon Garduño
Kyungmi Kim
Anne Dannerbeck
Rao Pippalla
Richard Gilman
Shannon Suldo
Walter Toscano
Beatriz Arita
Bill Pavot
Richard Easterlin
Mariano Rojas
Methodological Issues
Issues in Qualitative QOL Research
Issues in Composite QOL Indices
Psychometrics & Quantitative Methods
Other Tracks
Ph.D. Sessions
International Well-being Index
Best Dissertation Award
Laura Camfield
Andrew Sharpe
Filomena Maggino
Bruno Zumbo
Anne Gadermann
Peggy Schyns
Robert Cummins
Anna Lau
Filomena Maggino
Dave Webb
Best Dissertation Award: ISQOLS invites the submission of recent dissertations for consideration for the Best Dissertation Award. QOL topics from
all academic and professional disciplines area welcomed. The award will be presented at the Awards banquet at the conference. To be
eligible for the Best Dissertation Award you must have completed a doctoral dissertation at a recognized university within the last two
years. Application deadline is June 1, 2007. For information about submission details (length of manuscript, style, contact information, etc.),
please contact Prof. Filomena Maggino ( or Prof. Dave Webb (
Conference Dates: December 6-9, 2007
Conference Location: San Diego Marriott Mission Valley Hotel, San Diego, California, USA; hotel website:
Conference Website: and then click Conferences & Workshops
Conference Theme: From QOL Concepts to QOL Performance Measures
Conference Secretariat: ISQOLS Central Office, 1800 Kraft Drive, Suite 111, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-6370, USA; ph: 1- 540-231-5110; fx: 1-540961-4162; E-mail:; website:
Hotel Contact Information: 8757 Rio San Diego Drive; San Diego, California 92108, USA; ph: 1-619-692-3800; fx: 1-619-692-0769; toll free: 1-800842-5329; Web Site:; to qualify for ISQOLS special reduced room rate, reservations for the
Marriott Hotel must be made using the following registration code: isqisqa.
Hotel Reservation: To make hotel reservation, call Marriott Hotels toll free at 1-800-842-5329 in the U.S. and Canada or 1-619-692-3800.
Reservations also may be made using the internet by logging on Which ever method you use to make your hotel
reservations at the Marriott please be sure to use both our organizational name (International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies or ISQOLS)
and the following registration code to obtain the special reduced conference rate of USD$ 110.00 (single), USD$110.00 (double), USD$ 120.00
(triple), USD$ 130.00 (quad), and USD$ 389.00 (suite). The hotel is offering the above rates three days pre and post event dates, pending
room and rate availability. All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit, or guaranteed with a major credit card.
Hotel will not hold reservations unless secured by one of the above methods. Hotel reservations at the Marriott must be made by not later
than November 6, 2007 (the “Cut-Off Date”). At the Cut-Off Date, Hotel will review the reservation pick up for the Event, release the
unreserved rooms for general sale, and determine whether or not it can accept reservations based on a space- and rate-available basis for
ISQOLS group rate after this date.
Hotel Amenities and Transportation: The hotel is offering a reduced self-parking rate of USD$ 8.00/day. The hotel will discount “Wired for
Business” package by 50% to USD$ 5.00, which includes: high speed Internet access from any hotel room, unlimited local phone calls, and
unlimited long distance calls within the USA. The hotel is located at 8757 Rio San Diego Drive; San Diego, California 92108, USA (ph: 1-619692-3800). The hotel is easy accessible from all of San Diego’s major freeways and a convenient 10 minute shuttle drive from San Diego
International Airport. Transportation for ISQOLS Conference attendees is available through Express Shuttle at a discounted rate of
USD$11.00 per person, each way. The Express Shuttle operates 24 hours daily. The San Diego Trolley stops directly behind the hotel
providing easy access to all that Mission Valley has to offer including shopping and dining options. On the Trolley, conference attendees
can continue beyond the Valley into Old Town (authentic Mexican Village with restaurants and shopping). At Old Town, the Mission
Valley West Line connects with the Downtown trolley lines to open up direct access to San Diego’s lively downtown, the waterfront, San
Diego Seaport Village and beyond … all the way to the Mexican Border in Tijuana.
Conference Registration: There are many options for conference registration. The easiest method is to register on-line (go to ISQOLS’ homepage – - and click on Conferences and Workshops). You can download the registration form (from the conference web page) and
fax it in (if you are paying by credit card) at 1-540-961-4162. You also can mail the registration form with credit card information or
check/money order to the following address: ISQOLS, 1800 Kraft Drive, Suite 111, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-6370, USA. Electronic
payments may be wired to ISQOLS’ checking account – 0002173773 – Wachovia Bank in Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA. If you are doing
the latter you still need to print the registration form and mail (or fax) it in.
Conference Proceedings Editor: Don Rahtz (College of William and Mary;
Conference Main Sponsor:
 International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS:
Conference Co-Sponsors:
 Office of Quality-of-Life Measurement (OQOLM) at Virginia Tech:
 Management Institute for Quality-of-Life Studies (MIQOL:
 Institute for Social Research and Evaluation at University of Northern British Columbia
 Center for the Study of Quality of Life and Social Development at University of the Americas (
 Australian Centre on Quality of Life (
 Community Indicators Consortium (
 Centro de Estudios sobre el Bienestar’ at Universidad de Monterrey (
Financial Contributors to the Conference:
 Springer Publishers (
 ISQOLS Solidarity Fund
Additional Conference Highlights
 Special interest groups: Opportunities have been set aside in the conference program for various Special Interest Groups to meet on a daily
basis. In effect, special interest groups related to the work of ISQOLS can hold a “mini-conference,” undertake planning sessions, or engage
in other activities related to their interest area while participating in the ISQOLS conference. Requests for meeting space, etc. should be
directed to the Conference Secretariat well in advance of the December meeting. Space and other resources will be set aside for use by
Special Interest Groups only on a pre-arranged basis.
Call for Conference Proposals (proposed plenary sessions, panel sessions, workshops, individual presentations, etc.)
Conference proposals for presentation as part of the 2007 ISQOLS Conference may be submitted at any time until April 15, 2007. Proposals
should be submitted simultaneously to both the Conference Secretariat ( and, if appropriate, to a Track Chair or Co-Chair (as
indicated above—see pp. 2-3 of this document). Proposals may be submitted in either electronic or paper format and, in all cases, should
must be prepared using the Abstract Cover Page reprinted in this Call for Abstracts. The following deadlines will be adhered to as closely as
A. Call for Proposals circulated: January 30, 2007
B. Draft Abstracts due: May 30, 2007
C. Preliminary Review of Draft Abstracts: January 30, 2007 to May 30, 2007
Communications with submitters concerning the acceptability of their Abstract: January 30 to May 30, 2007
When indicated, deadline for submission of revised Abstracts: June 30, 2007
When possible, draft of paper/presentation due to Track Chair/Co-chairs: September 30, 2007
When indicated, draft of papers/presentations due to Session discussants (if appropriate): September 30, 2007
Preparation of Conference Abstracts publication: October 15, 2007
When possible, completed paper/presentations due to Session Chairs/Co-Chairs: November 1, 2007
Deadline for submission of revised papers for publication consideration in the ISQOLS “Best of Papers” series, i.e., Advances in QOL
Research (Springer Publishers): January 15, 2008
Presentation Formats
Conference participants are welcome to submit proposals that make use of any of the following types of presentation formats.
1. Workshops: Intense “hands on” opportunities for researchers and practitioners to enhance their skills in QOL assessment and
measurement. All workshops will be at least 3-hours in length and will be lead by experienced QOL researchers and practitioners. The
following workshops already have been planned:
WK 1: QOL Coaching/Therapy. The workshop will be conducted by Professor Michael Frisch of Baylor University (USA) and one
workshop will be held a day before the conference (time and place will be announced) and another during the conference (time and
place will be announced).
WK 2: Quality-of-Work-Life Programs. The workshop will be conducted by Professor Nora Reilly of Radford University (USA). Time and
place of this workshop will be announced.
WK 3: How to Become a Certified Community Indicator Project Specialist: The workshop will be conducted by Professor Joe Sirgy of
Virginia Tech (USA). Time and place of this workshop will be announced.
2. Individual Presentations in the Context of Concurrent Paper Sessions: Limited to 3-4 topically-focused presentations in a 1.5 hour time slot.
Most sessions will be limited to a maximum of 3 presentations and, depending on the track, a discussant. Hence, each presenter will be
restricted to 15 minutes + 10 minutes for the discussant + 20 minutes for questions, answers and other types of interaction with the
3. Panel Sessions: 1.5 hour time slot devoted to a session involving several experts discussing their own ideas of a particular topic. The
session should be interactive to allow questions and answers.
4. Plenary Session: There will be at least two plenary sessions that are attended by all conference attendees. Plenary sessions will involve
renowned key note speakers with a great deal of authority and experience in a particular area of QOL research.
5. Roundtables: One-hour long sessions following breakfast with 1-2 presenters and 6-8 participants.
6. Poster Sessions: Single presentations made during scheduled during coffee breaks. Time: 30 minutes with a rotating audience.
We look forward to you submitting your proposals and seeing you at the 2007 ISQOLS Conference in San Diego.