Washington County Health System, Inc. Audit and Business Integrity Committee Charter I. Purpose The Audit and Business Integrity Committee (the “Committee”) of the Washington County Health System, Inc. (the “Health System”) shall assist the Board of Directors (the “Board”) in fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to the Health System’s: A. quality and integrity of the financial statements, B. financial reporting process, C. systems of internal accounting and financial controls, D. legal and ethical compliance programs, E. independent auditor’s qualifications and independence, and, F. performance of the internal audit function and that of the independent auditors II. Authority The Committee has authority to conduct or authorize investigations into any matters within its scope of responsibility. It is empowered to: A. Appoint and oversee the work of any registered public accounting firm employed by the organization. B. Pre-approve all auditing and non-audit services. C. Investigate any matter brought to its attention with full access to all books, records, facilities and personnel of the Health System. D. Retain outside experts to advise the committee or assist in the conduct of an investigation. E. Meet with company officers, external auditors, or outside counsel, as necessary. III. Composition and Qualifications A. The Committee will be appointed by the Board and will consist of at least three active directors, each of whom is independent of management and the Health System. B. All Committee members will be financially literate, and at least one member of the Committee will have accounting or financial management expertise. The members of the Committee will have an understanding of (a) generally accepted accounting principles and financial statements; (b) the application of such principles in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals, and reserves; (c) and, experience with internal accounting controls; and (d) an understanding of audit committee functions. C. Members of the Committee will serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Board will appoint the Chairperson of the Committee. 9/11/2003 1 IV. Meetings A. The Committee will meet at least four times a year, with authority to convene additional meetings, as circumstances require. The meetings shall be held prior to the regularly scheduled Health System Board meeting and on the same day as that meeting is scheduled to be held. B. The Committee may invite to its meetings any director, any manager of the Health System, and any other person whom it deems appropriate to consult in order to carry out its responsibilities. V. Responsibility and Process The primary responsibilities of the Committee is to oversee the Health System’s financial reporting and compliance processes on behalf of the Board and report the results of its activities to the Board. The Committee’s procedures should remain flexible in order to best react to changing conditions and circumstances. The following are the principal recurring processes of the Committee in carrying out its oversight responsibility. These processes are set forth as a guide with the understanding that the Committee may supplement them as appropriate. A. Financial Reporting Process 1) Obtain a clear understanding of the Health System’s financial reporting process. 2) Review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Health System’s internal accounting and financial controls with the independent auditors, the internal auditor, and management, and elicit any recommendations for the improvement of the system of internal controls or particular areas where new or more detailed controls or procedures are desirable. 3) Consider and approve, if appropriate, any significant changes to the Health System’s auditing and accounting principles and practices, as suggested by the independent auditors, the internal auditor, and management. 4) Insure any compliance, corrective actions and changes or improvements in financial or accounting practices, as approved by the Committee, have been implemented. 5) Review and discuss with the independent auditor significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in connection with the preparation of the Health System’s financial statements, including any significant changes in management’s selection or application of accounting principles, any major issues related to the adequacy of the System’s internal controls and any special steps adopted in light of material control deficiencies. 6) Discuss with management the Health System’s major financial risk exposures and the steps management has taken to monitor and control such exposures, including the Health System’s risk assessment and risk management policies. 9/11/2003 2 B. Independent Auditors 1) On an annual basis, the Committee will review and recommend to the Board the selection of the Health System’s independent auditors. 2) The Committee will have the authority and responsibility to evaluate and, where appropriate, recommend the replacement of the independent auditors. 3) At least annually, the Committee will obtain and review a report by the independent auditor describing: (a) the independent audit firm’s internal quality-control procedures; (b) any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review; and (c) all relationships between the independent auditor and the Health System. 4) The Committee will discuss with the independent auditors the overall scope of the proposed audit for the current year and the procedures to be utilized, including the adequacy of the independent auditor’s compensation. 5) At the conclusion of the audit, the Committee will meet with the independent auditors, with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examination, review any significant difficulties encountered during the course of the audit (including any restrictions on the scope of work or access to required information), and determine that the independent auditors are satisfied with the disclosure and content of the financial statements. 6) The Committee will determine with management and the independent auditors the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and financial controls, including the Health System’s systems to monitor and manage business risk, and legal and ethical compliance programs. 7) The Committee will review annually with management, the internal audit function and independent auditors, their plans for the scope of the activities to be undertaken by the independent auditor, including the performance by the independent auditor of any non-audit services and the fees anticipated to be incurred therefore. 8) The Committee will report the results of the annual audit to the Board. The independent auditors will be invited to attend a Board meeting to assist in reporting the results of the annual audit or to answer questions. C. Internal Audit The Committee shall: 1) See that the Health System maintains an active internal audit function. 2) Review and approve the activities of the internal audit function, their reports of findings resulting from examination of the records, operations, and systems of internal account controls, and matters affecting their performance of the internal audit, including the cooperation received from management during the course of any audit, and the extent of any restrictions that may have affected their examination. 9/11/2003 3 3) Review and approve the Internal Audit Charter. 4) Review and approve the Internal Audit budget and staffing. 5) Review and approve the appointment, performance and, if applicable, replacement of the director or manager of the internal audit function. 6) Review and approve all material consulting relationships and agreements relating to internal controls and finance for the Health System. D. External Reporting On an annual basis, the Committee will review with management and the independent auditors the annual financial statements and any other information publicly disclosed by the Health System under any continuing disclosure obligation applicable to the Health System. E. Compliance Programs The Committee shall: 1) Oversee the Health System’s legal and ethical compliance programs, including the Health System’s Business Integrity program and its HIPAA Compliance program. 2) Review and approve the Business Integrity Plan and additions and significant changes thereto. 3) Review the results of the Department of Business Integrity activities and related recommendations for improvements to the underlying Health System compliance structures. 4) Ensure that the Health System’s management gives adequate consideration to and implements the recommendations made by the Director of Business Integrity and the Business Integrity Oversight Committee. 5) Review and approve the appointment, performance and, if applicable, replacement of the Director of Business Integrity. 6) Review reports received from regulatory bodies and other legal and regulatory matters that may have a significant effect on Health System’s Business Integrity Program. 7) The Committee periodically will review adherence to the Health System’s Core Values, Code of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest Policies. 9/11/2003 4 F. General The Committee shall: 1) Review with the director of internal audit and the independent auditors, their annual audit plans, including the degree of coordination required for their respective plans and the scope of their plans. 2) Establish procedures for: (a) the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints received by the Health System regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters; and (b) the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of the Health System of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters. VI. Separation of Responsibilities While the Committee has the responsibilities and duties set forth in the Charter, it relies on the expertise and knowledge of management, the internal auditor, and the independent accounting firm in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. Management of the company is responsible for determining the company’s financial statements are complete, accurate, and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The independent accounting firm is responsible for auditing the company’s financial statements. It is not the duty of the Committee to plan or conduct audits or to determine whether the Health System’s financial statements are complete and accurate and are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, to conduct investigations, to resolve disputes or disagreements, if any, between management and the independent auditor, or to assure compliance with laws and regulations and the Health System’s internal policies, procedures, and controls. 9/11/2003 5