
Back to the Basics
Barbara J. Reed
Chief probation Officer
Municipal Court of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
– How one probation officer uses nutrition to improve the health and maintain the attention of clients
referred by the court.
I have worked as an adult probation officer with the Municipal Courts (misdemeanors) for almost 15
years. During those years I have personally worked with around 3,000 individuals. During those
years I have also watched Judges struggle to know what to do with people before them who were
obviously ill, alcoholic, drug dependent, or otherwise caught in the "revolving door".
As early as 1965, I began to be aware that women picked up for shoplifting for the first time at an
age of 30 or over, seemed to be ill with anemia, thyroid problems, menopause, etc.
Since my own health had been very poor at age 33 (after undergoing a very stressful tragedy), and I
had corrected it through improved nutrition, my suspicions were aroused as to whether this was the
underlying problem with the shoplifters. From this natural beginning, I began to read everything
available on the subject of nutrition. I attended lectures and viewed videotapes on schizophrenia and
In 1973, I discovered the enclosed pamphlet on Low Blood Sugar, which listed symptoms as well as
the diet to correct the health. Once I began to use the list of symptoms of low blood sugar to help the
people through my office identify how they really felt, rapid progress began.
In the following pages you will find a list of suggested reading material, guidelines on using our
same method, referral suggestions, etc. Response to recent publicity has been tremendous throughout
the nation. Please know that this handbook has been prepared hastily in order to try to answer the
many questions.
Barbara J. Reed
Roger J. Williams, University of Texas and Dwight K. Kalita 1977, 250 pp., Pergamon Press Inc.,
NUTRITION ALMANAC, Nutrition Search, Inc., 1975, 263 pp., McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, $5.95
(University of Texas Press, Austin, 1959, 118 pages, $3.95)
PSYCHODIETETICS, Dr. E. Cheraskin, Dr. W.M. Ringsdorf, Jr. and Arline Brecher, 1974, Bantam
Books, $1.95
LOW BLOOD SUGAR AND YOU, Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. and Herman Goodman, M.D.
(Constellation International, 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y., 1969, 190 pages. $5.95)
444 Madison Ave., N. Y., N. Y. 10022, 1968, 189 pages, 95 cents.)
BODY, MIND AND SUGAR, by E.M. Abrahamson, M.D. and A. W. Pezet, (Holt, Rinehart,
Winston, 383 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017, 1951,1967, 206 pages, $3.95)
THE STRESS OF LIFE, Hans Selye, M.D. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42 St., N.Y., N.Y.
10036, 1956, 324 pp, $2.75)
WHY YOUR CHILD IS HYPERACTIVE, Benjamin Feingold, M.D., (Random Rouse, 1975)
GOODBYE ALLERGIES, Tom R. Blaine, (The Citadel Press, 222 Park Ave. South, N.Y., N.Y.
10003, 1965, 159 pp, $4.95 & $2.00)
HOW TO LIVE WITH HYPOGLYCEMIA, Charles Weller, M.D., and Brian R. Boylan (Doubleday
and Co., Inc., Garden City, N.Y. 1968, 130 pages, $4.50)
MENTAL HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION, T. R. Blaine (The Citadel Press, 1969, 203 pp,
Martin, M.D. (ARC Books, Inc., 219 Park Ave., South, New York, N.Y. 10003, 1970, 185 pages,
paperback, $1.65)
M.D. (parker, West Nyack, N.Y., 1970, $6.95)
... is to promote the awareness of the connection between anti-social or criminal behavior and an
imbalance in the body chemistry often caused by low blood sugar and/or allergies. Over the past six
years, it has become very obvious that many persons referred through the Probation Department
have been ill.
Since 1973, we have been using a list of symptoms of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) printed in a
pamphlet developed by an Orthomolecular physician in Cleveland, Ohio. {A copy of that pamphlet
and the list of symptoms are enclosed in this Manual.}
We have also found a quiz of 24 questions developed by the Schizophrenic's Anonymous to be most
helpful in determining if things have gotten out of perspective for the individual. When there are
more than 5 "Yes" answers, we look for the source of the problem. {A copy of this list is enclosed.}
Simply put, many people caught in the Court System have been loaded down with stress. Stress can
create havoc whether it comes from lack of proper diet, emotional turmoil, alcohol, etc.
... in pinpointing the source of stress consists of the following steps taken during the pre-sentence
investigation or period of probation:
1. When a person is referred to the department, he/she is given both lists of symptoms and asked to
candidly complete all three pages. The individual is not told what the quiz is all about until after
completing. They usually think it is a psychological test. We have found that just about everybody
is honest with the answers. Many have stated that nobody had ever been that interested in how they
really felt.
2. On the first appointment and interview, the person is asked to write down his/her version of what
had happened to cause the arrest.
3. Also, during the first interview, a complete social history is taken, including the health
background of the individual and that of each member of the family, including parents and
grandparents. It is astonishing as to how many of the parents and/or grandparents are diabetics. We
have not yet done a statistical work-up as to the percentage of people we see with a diabetic or
hypoglycemic background but we are aware that it is very high.
4. The symptoms indicated on the lists are carefully reviewed with the person. Daily eating and
drinking habits are also carefully gone over and discussed.
5. If 12-15 symptoms are indicated, they are encouraged to take a good look at their eating habits
and it is suggested they try to eliminate refined sugar and flour from their diet.
6. If 15-25 symptoms are indicated, the person is strongly urged to follow the enclosed nutritional
diet and suggested supplements. When this is done, the person reports a very fine change in how he
or she feels within a very few days.
7. When symptoms number more than 25, many have obtained a glucose tolerance test which has
been positive and reflected hypoglycemia in almost every instance. Even when the test proved
negative in the two or three cases, the people reported they felt much better with the improved diet
and supplements.
8. Those who indicated 40, 50, or more symptoms have usually already experienced confinement in
a mental hospital or the psychiatric ward of another hospital, or jail. When possible, these people
have been referred to Dr. Baron, Baron Clinic, in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Baron is an Orthomolecular
psychiatrist who specializes in nutrition and preventive medicine. (During the initial 6-hour visit,
several tests are administered, which include: urinalysis, hair analysis, 5-6 hour glucose tolerance
test, blood chemistry, thyroid test, etc. Once the diagnosis is made, the body chemistry is corrected
and good health is restored. Through the hair analysis, heavy metals have been detected in the bodies
of quite a number of males referred to this Probation Department for the offense of Public
9. Along with the improved diet, the person is urged to begin an exercise program, which includes
walking, swimming, running, tennis, etc. Refreshing, sound sleep is a bonus that follows the
combination of the above, and stress is reduced or eliminated.
AS THE PERSON FEELS BETTER – counseling is easier and is retained. Depression is relieved,
judgment improves, and self-discipline improves. My work is more effective and lasting. At the end
of probation, they are again given the three-page quiz and this is compared with how they felt in the
beginning. Each person is encouraged to continue the program.
PSYCHODIETETICS – Pages 44 through 46
What kind of an ailment is alcoholism? A great many researchers who have lifted the alcoholic off
the couch and placed him under the microscope are convinced that uncontrolled drinking is a
metabolic disorder that can be treated by nutritional therapy.
Dr. Roger Williams pulls no punches when he categorically states that no one who follows good
nutritional practices ever becomes an alcoholic. In Nutrition Against Disease, he backs up his
contention: "The fact that some individuals become alcoholics ... and others, under similar
circumstances, do not, is inescapable and is of the utmost importance in understanding the disease."
Doctors are, of course, aware of the fact that alcoholics frequently suffer from malnutrition. But, as
Dr. Williams points out, they assume the malnutrition to be the result of the alcoholism, not a
contributing factor. Malnutrition of the brain cells is simply not considered as a cause of alcoholism.
Dr. Williams has moved beyond theory: he has proved that the wrong diet can create an alcoholic.
Using the rat for testing, Williams and his colleagues have shown that diets deficient in essential
nutrients encourage alcoholic consumption in animals, and that adding the missing nutrients to their
food can reverse their drinking habits.
This research was duplicated at Loma Linda University in California by investigators who induced a
craving for alcohol in rats by feeding them a diet high in refined carbohydrates, low in vitamins,
minerals, and proteins. The rats were not psychologically stressed: they were not raised by "mean
parents," but they turned eagerly to drink when deprived of proper diet.
Thirty rats were divided into three groups for a sixteen-week study. One group remained on the
high-carbohydrate diet: another group ate the same diet supplemented with vitamins and minerals:
and a third group consumed a balanced human diet.
The result? Given a choice between plain drinking water and a 10 percent solution of ethyl alcohol,
the rats on the high-carbohydrate diet drank, on an average, fifty millimeters – the equivalent of what
would be a quart of 100-proof whiskey a day for an adult man. The rats on the fortified high
carbohydrate diet drank only one third as much alcohol, while those on the well-balanced human diet
generally preferred plain water.
Dietary manipulation can turn teetotalers into alcoholics. Twenty percent of a group of rats
maintained on the high-carbohydrate diet for five weeks did not develop the taste for alcohol until
sugar was added to the solution. These rats then turned into the heaviest drinkers of all. When
switched onto a balanced diet, they gradually became ex-alcoholics.
A Lorna Linda University group headed by Dr. U. D. Register conducted a study to determine
whether a typical "teen-age diet," known to be nutritionally marginal rather than totally deficient
could also cause a craving for alcohol in rats.
Each rat was allowed the choice of drinking a solution composed of 10 percent alcohol and 90
percent water or simply plain water. Their basic diet consisted of glazed doughnuts, sweetened soft
rolls, hot dogs, carbonated beverages, spaghetti and meatballs, apple pie and chocolate cake, white
bread, green beans, tossed salad, candy and cookies.
This diet, which might sound disturbingly familiar to many a parent, is marginally deficient in
protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, iron and calcium vitally needed trace
minerals and lesser-known nutrients are also substandard.
The control diet contained adequate levels of all nutrients as compared with recommended intakes
for adolescents. It was composed of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole-wheat flour, cottonseed
oil, sugar, and whole-milk powder.
Rats fed the control diet maintained a low intake level of alcohol. Those fed the marginal teen-age
diet tippled freely. They drank even more when coffee or caffeine was added to the teen-age diet.
Adding a vitamin supplement greatly reduced alcohol intake.
The heaviest drinkers among the rats could be switched in and out of their alcoholic behavior by a
change in diet.
Experiments like these reinforce the idea of a metabolic control mechanism, sensitive to dietary
factors, that creates a biologic thirst for alcohol. They also offer some rationale for the ever-risingalcohol problem that educators have decried among high school and college students.
The diets described in these experiments might seem quite normal to those who are not aware that
heavy consumption of refined carbohydrates creates a dramatic fluctuation in blood-sugar levels.
Such disturbances in sugar metabolism cause a condition known as functional hypoglycemia, or low
blood sugar. It exists in 70 to 90 percent of alcoholics, seriously impairing their physical and
emotional stability and hampering their recovery.
Please answer the following questions with YES or NO.
1. Do you feel sick all the time?
2. Are you tired all the time?
3. Are you always alone?
4. Are you shy?
5. Are you a school dropout?
6. Did your grades drop when you reached junior high?
7. Would you rather stay inside than meet people?
8. Are you often depressed and unhappy?
9. Are you afraid of heights, bridges, etc.?
10. Do you sometimes have blurred vision?
11. Do you have frequent mood changes?
12. Do you find it difficult to concentrate?
13. Do you have trouble holding a job?
14. Do you often find people are against you?
15. Does your family call you stupid and lazy?
16. Do you use drugs or alcohol to escape from misery?
17. Have you had thoughts of suicide?
18. Do you have, a quick temper?
19. Are you often fidgety and nervous?
20. Are you a chain smoker?
21. Do you have trouble sleeping?
22. Do you feel, tense or depressed for no apparent reason?
23. Have you ever had a so-called nervous breakdown?
24. Would you prefer to separate from your friends or family rather than face reality?
25. At times does your mind go blank?
26. Are you easily confused?
27. Are you forgetful?
28. Occasionally do you have difficulty with concentration?
29. Are you an underachiever now in school or in work?
30. Do you lose your temper easily?
31. Do you have difficulty in controlling your emotions?
32. Do you have excessive sexual desires?
33. Males: Are you impotent?
Females: Are you frigid?
34. Do you neglect cleanliness and appearance?
35. Do you have difficulty in keeping your jobs?
36. Are you impatient?
37. Do you have trouble getting along with others easily?
38. Do certain thing irritate you very much?
39. Are you depressed, blue?
40. Have you lost interest in your work?
41. Are you tired of living?
42. Are you very nervous?
43. Has your life become aimless?
44. Are you anxious and afraid but do not know why?
45. Do you have a feeling of impeding danger?
46. Do you feel very tense?
47. Do you have groundless fears, phobias?
48. Do you have crying spells?
49. Do you feel very restless?
50. Do you have suicidal tendencies?
51. Do you easily become violent?
52. Do you have a desire to cause damage to others?
53. Do you want revenge on society?
54. Does your vision occasionally become blurred or double?
55. Does sunlight hurt your eyes?
56. Do you feel dizzy or black out, especially when you suddenly stand up?
57. Are you dizzy, stagger or weave in the morning or before meals?
58. Do you have fainting spells?
59. Are you very exhausted, especially in the morning?
60. Do you generally feel very tired and weak?
61. Are you very weak both in the morning and mid-afternoon?
62. Do you feel best after a good meal?
63. Are you stuffy or sleepy after eating sweets or other starchy foods?
64. Are you very sleepy during the daytime?
65. Can you sleep well during the night?
66. Do you wake up and cannot go back to sleep?
67. Is your sleep deep but not refreshing?
68. Do you have cold sweats during the night?
69. Do you have no muscular strength upon awakening?
70. Do you need the stimulation of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, or drugs?
71. Do you feel well after eating candy, cakes, or drinking soft/drinks?
72. Does alcohol, sweets and coffee make you feel very bad?
73. Do you have constipation?
74. Do you have alternating constipation and diarrhea?
75. Do you have abdominal distress?
76. Do you suffer from motion sickness?
77. Sometimes have you lost your appetite entirely?
78. Are you occasionally ravenously hungry?
79. Are you overweight?
80. Do you suffer from continuous indigestion?
81. Do you have frequent bloating?
82. Does a little alcohol make you drunk?
83. Do you crave salt?
84. Do you have terrible headaches?
85. Do you sometimes feel a pain across your left shoulder in the direction of your
collarbone, or in the back of your neck?
86. Do you suffer from heat exhaustion?
87. Do you have swelling in your hands and feet?
88. Is your mouth very dry?
89. Do you have a skin disease?
90. Do your hands and legs feel cold?
91. Do you sweat exceedingly?
92. Do your hands perspire when you are excited?
93. Is your skin dry and scaly?
94. Do you perspire little except underarms and the palms during stress?
95. Do your limbs feel numb?
96. Do you get a tingling feeling in your lips or fingers?
97. Do you sometimes wake up in a sweat at night?
98. Do you have allergies, asthma?
99. Does your heart occasionally beat very fast?
100. Do you sometimes tremble inside?
101. Do you catch a cold easily?
102. Are you very susceptible to infectious diseases?
103. Do you have aching joints?
104. Do your muscles twitch occasionally?
105. Do you sometimes have cramps?
106. Have you had occasional convulsions?
107. Women: Were you depressed after childbirth?
108. Women: Did you have miscarriages, or premature births?
109. Do you crave sweets and cakes, or pastry?
110. Do you drink very little water?
111. Do you drink much coffee or tea every day?
112. Do you like Cola and other soft drinks?
113. Do you drink alcoholic beverages daily?
114. Are you a chain smoker?
(About ____ cups)
(Drink about ____ bottles day)
( ____ bottles of beer)
We have found that questions, rather than statements, are easier for the clients to
PROTEIN: (fresh or frozen)
All unprocessed lean meats – beef, pork, lamb, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, cheese,
VEGETABLES: (fresh or frozen)
(Eat many raw or lightly cooked) Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Beet greens, Blackeyed peas, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Celery, Collards,
Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Kale, Lentils, Lettuce, Lima Beans, Mustard greens,
Mushrooms, Okra, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkin, Pumpkin seeds, Radishes,
sauerkraut, Soy Beans, Spinach, Squash, String beans, Sunflower seeds, Swiss Chard,
Tomatoes, Turnips, Turnip greens, Water Cress (Home-made soups).
FRUITS: (fresh or frozen) Apples, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Fresh Coconut,
Grapefruit, Kumquats, Lemons, Limes, Mango, Melon, Papaya, Peaches, Pears,
Pineapple and Tangerines. (You may eat with cream but no sugar.)
JUICES: (fresh or frozen)
Apple, Cranapple, Grapefruit, Orange, Pineapple, Tomato, Vegetable, Vegemato, V–8.
Beverages: Any of the above juices, plain buttermilk, herb teas, fresca, vichy, kefir,
carob – no sweetener. (You may also drink milk moderately unless you have a bad
reaction to milk.)
Raw sunflower seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds
Banana chips
Hard-boiled egg
Dried Pineapple rings
Sprouts (sunflower, soy, alfalfa)
Cottage cheese
Cheese slices.
Cold roast beef
Cold chicken
Yogurt (plain or with blueberries, nuts, or other fresh fruit.)
Nut mix – raw
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Pretzels
Pepperidge Farm Mixed Suits: Pretzel cheese or Green Onion
NOTE: Use cold pressed oil for cooking or salad dressings.
Also its best to use apple cider vinegar. (At Health Stores)
Eat only whole grain breads. (Wheat, soy, rye, corn, or oatmeal – no preservatives.).
THIRST UENCHER: Squeeze juice of 1 lime or lemon in gallon of bottled water. Keep
in refrigerator and drink often.
When a food causes irritability, depression, or other bad reaction, you should eliminate it
from your diet.
VARY YOUR FOODS. You should not eat the same food more than once every four
days if possible.
Avoid ALL refined sugar and flour – or products made with them.
Avoid foods with artificial additives, coloring, preservatives, or sweeteners. (Read labels)
Do NOT consume: Bakery products such as pastries, cakes, pie, puddings, sweet custard,
sweet jelly or marmalade, Jello, ice cream, chocolate (candy or otherwise).
Avoid coffee, coffee substitutes, tea and other beverages containing caffeine such as:
Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola and other pop (diet or otherwise), Ovaltine, Postum or hot
{Substitute instead: the listed juices, herb teas, etc.}
Avoid grapes, prunes, dates, raisins, figs, bananas, plums. (At least for 4 to 6 months, due
to high natural sugar content.)
Avoid pre-packaged instant foods.
Avoid starches such as: Macaroni, spaghetti, rice, noodles (except soy noodles) potatoes,
ravioli, pizza, navy and kidney beans.
Avoid medications containing caffeine.
Avoid Beer, Cocktails, Cordials, Wines.
Upon arising – 4 oz. vegetable, fruit, or tomato juice.
Good protein breakfast within 20 minutes of juice.
Mid-morning (or two hours later) snack from snack list.
Lunch – protein with raw salad.
Mid-afternoon snack – Yogurt, buttermilk or vegetable juice.
1/2 hour before dinner – 4 oz. juice
Dinner – protein with lightly cooked vegetables from list + raw salad. (Fresh fruit for
Light evening snacks – each 2-hours until bed – from snack list.
When following this eating pattern with the foods recommended, a positive change
should be noted within four to six days. Continue the pattern for 2 to 6 months. As your
body becomes balanced an "avoided" food may sometimes be eaten with no ill effects. If
it causes you problems, eliminate it from your diet completely.
About Supplements
We have found that people who indicate 15 or more symptoms on the enclosed quiz
improve their health and attitude much more rapidly if they also take supplements along
with their more nutritional diet.
We have found the following to be the most effective and recommend highly that they be
given a try:
B-Complex-50 – 1 or 2 with each meal, according to body weight.
Vitamin C – (1,000 mg.) – 1 or 2 with each meal
[Smokers require more Vitamin C than non-smokers]
Vitamin E – (100 IU) – 1 with each meal Multi-Mineral Supplement – take as directed.
Papaya Enzymes – take as directed (aids digestion)
Vitamin A – 7,500 to 10,000 units daily.
(Chromium has been found to be most helpful to those with alcohol problems.)
== Vitamins and minerals should be obtained from Health Food Stores ==
Research shows that eating a good high-protein breakfast helps prevent decreased
physical and mental efficiency in the late morning hours. This applies to everyone
regardless of sex or age. (A poor attitude toward schoolwork and decreased scholastic
attainments have often been noted in youngsters who skip breakfast.) Those who claim
they do not have time for breakfast would do well to try the following:
6 ounces of unsweetened juice
(Start blender on low)
Add: 2 tablespoons Protein powder (or liquid protein)
1 teaspoon powdered Brewer's yeast*.
1 teaspoon cold pressed Safflower oil.
1 teaspoon RAW honey (optional)
(Raw egg yolk (not the white) may be added if desired)
Blend for about 30 seconds – drink slowly – take supplements.
Suggested juices: Cranapple, apple, grapefruit, pineapple, etc.
*Brewer's yeast will taste "strange" to most people, however it is one of nature's finest
foods and high in B-Complex. The drink will give steady, calm energy that more than
makes up for the taste. As a matter-of-fact, the taste buds soon change and the drink gets
better. Health food stores also have tasty, ready mixed protein drinks that can act as a
breakfast substitute.
Barbara J. Reed, Chief probation Officer
During 1975 a total of 106 persons were given a 2-page written *test which listed a total
of 89 possible symptoms of low-blood sugar. Affirmative checks of a high number of
symptoms would indicate the probable presence of Hypoglycemia (low-blood sugar).
Out of the 106 persons, 82% checked 15 or more symptoms and 33% checked more than
25 symptoms, with some going as high as 50 to 70 symptoms. The more out of touch
with reality the person seemed to be, the higher number of symptoms would be checked.
Those reflecting a high number of symptoms were abusers of alcohol, drugs, and/or
sweets, coffee, tobacco and pop. Almost all of the people with 40 or more symptoms
were already under the care of a physician. Others were urged to see their doctor, and a
large number were also referred for psychological evaluation and/or therapy.
The higher the number of symptoms, the more time was spent with each individual on
correcting their diet and eliminating the source of the problem. Many cooperated fully
and the change in attitude and appearance was often quite dramatic, as the Courts have
A copy of the 2-page list of symptoms is attached. We have indicated the number of
common symptoms felt by the various persons tested. From that list we also gained
helpful information that would never have been obtained by general interview. For
instance, 20 stated they easily became violent, 14 admitted to suicidal tendencies, 6 felt a
desire to cause damage to others and 7 would like to get revenge on society. We have
found the information so valuable in working with people that the quiz will now be a part
of every pre-sentence and probation file.
*Taken directly from "Low Blood Sugar", a pamphlet printed by Karpat Publishing
Company, Inc., P.O. Box 5348, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 ($1.00).
Other reference material:
Low Blood Sugar and You, by Carlton Fredricks, Ph.D. and Herman Goodman,
Alcoholism – The Nutritional Approach, by Roger J. Williams (University of
Low Blood Sugar – The Hidden Menace of Hypoglycemia by Clement G. Martin,
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
** 45 – At times my mind goes blank.
* 29 – I become easily confused.
** 54 – I am forgetful.
** 59 – Occasionally I have difficulty with concentration.
* 23 – I am an underachiever now in school or in work.
** 41 – I lose my temper easily.
** 45 – I have difficulty in controlling my emotions.
19 – I have excessive sexual desires.
{Male (5)} I am impotent. {Females (2)}I am frigid.
10 – I neglect cleanliness and appearance.
23 – I have difficulty in keeping my jobs.
** 57 – I am very impatient.
15 – I cannot get along with others easily.
** 65 – Certain things irritate me very much.
* 41 – I am depressed, blue.
18 – I lost my interest in my work.
11 – I am tired of living.
** 51 – I am very nervous.
* 25 – My life has become aimless.
* 31 – I am anxious and afraid but I do not know why.
19 – I have a feeling of impeding danger.
** 45 – I feel very tense.
11 – I have groundless fears (Phobias).
17 – I have crying spells.
** 55 – I feel very restless.
-- 14 – I have suicidal tendencies.
-- 20 – I easily become violent.
-- 6 – I have a desire to cause damage to others.
-- 2 – I want revenge on society.
* 32 – My vision occasionally becomes blurred or double.
* 38 – Sunlight hurts my eyes.
* 33 – I feel dizzy, stagger, or weave especially in the AM, or before meals.
* 37 – I feel dizzy or blackout, especially when I stand up suddenly.
* 33 – I am very exhausted, especially in the morning.
* 29 – I generally feel very tired and weak.
15 – I am very weak both in the morning and mid-afternoon.
** 43 – I feel best after a good meal.
16 – I feel very stuffy or sleepy after eating sweets & other starchy food.
* 24 – I am very sleepy during daytime.
* 36 – I cannot sleep well during the night.
* 26 – I wake up and cannot go back to sleep.
* 28 – My sleep is deep but not refreshing.
19 – I have cold sweat during night.
14 – I have no muscular strength upon awakening.
** 40 – I need the stimulation of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, or drugs.
19 – I feel well after eating candy, cakes, or drinking soft drinks.
3 – Alcohol, sweets and coffee makes me feel very bad.
8 – I have constipation.
14 – I have alternating constipation and diarrhea.
12 – I have abdominal distress.
12 – I suffer from motion sickness.
11 – I lost my appetite entirely.
** 51 – Occasionally I am ravenously hungry.
* 24 – I am overweight.
6 – I suffer from continuous indigestion.
7 – I have frequent bloating.
* 23 – A little alcohol makes me drunk.
15 – I crave salt.
* 26 – I have terrible headaches.
* 24 – Occasionally I feel a pain across my left shoulder in the direction of my
or in the back of my neck.
15 – I suffer from heat exhaustion.
15 – I have swelling in my hands and feet.
* 25 – My mouth is very dry.
6 – I have a skin disease.
16 – My hands and legs feel cold.
19 – I sweat exceedingly.
** 47 – My hands perspire when I am excited. 2 - My skin is dry and scaly.
* 37 – I perspire very little, except underarms, and the palms during stress.
10 – My limbs feel numb.
14 – I have a tingling feeling of my lips or fingers.
* 25 – Sometimes I wake up in a sweat at night.
19 – I have allergies, asthma.
* 37 – My heart occasionally beats very fast.
* 31 – Sometimes I tremble inside.
* 26 – I catch a cold easily.
11 – I am very susceptible to infectious diseases.
* 29 – I have aching joints.
** 47 – My muscles twitch occasionally.
* 36 – Sometimes I have cramps.
17 –I crave sweets and cakes, or pastry.
* 33 – I do not drink much water.
** 41 – I drink much coffee or tea every day.
** 55 – I drink cola and other soft drinks daily.
* 33 – I drink alcoholic beverages every day.
* 28 – I am a chain-smoker.
* 20 to 40 people checked symptom
** 40 or more checked symptom
During 1975, written tests given to 106 persons referred to the Probation Department
revealed that 82% were suffering from 15 or more symptoms of Hypoglycemia. We also
discovered that there was a definite change in attitude and appearance when the person
cooperated in changing to a highly nutritional diet, together with suggested supplements.
We stepped up our concentration in this area and feel 1976 was down right dramatic in a
number of instances. In April 1976, the Huxley Institute promoted and held Ohio's first
conference on Crime and the Orthomolecular Approach. This was a two-day conference
at Bowling Green University and we listened to esteemed speakers such as:
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. – "Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Crime"
William Philpott, M.D. – "Physiology of Violence: The Role of Cerebral Hypersensitive
Reaction in Aggression"
And also: "Organic Continuum Between Hyperactive Children with Learning Disabilities
and Adults with Psychosis as Demonstrated by Food and Chemical Symptom Induction
Testing. (Allergies)."
Oscar Rasmussen, Ph.D. (Chemist) – "Nutrition, Biochemistry and You"
George Prastka, M.D. – "An Orthomolecular Approach to the Theory and Treatment of
Drug and Alcohol Abuse"
Dwight K. Kilita, Ph.D. – "Hypoglycemia – The End of Your Sweet Life"
John Baron, D.O., Orthomolecular Psychiatrist and Nutritionist
"Hypoglycemia." (Dr. Baron owns and operates
Baron Clinic, 3101 Euclid Avenue, Suite 201,
Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. (216) – 432–2277).
[Tapes of the above lectures were purchased]
As a result of this conference, our own work with probationers has improved
considerably. We referred seven persons to the Baron Clinic in Cleveland. All seven had
been previously committed to mental hospitals several times, spanning periods of 4 to 10
years. Six of these people are now healthy, productive citizens. (One improved
dramatically, but returned to alcohol after his son committed suicide.) Dozens of others
have simply followed the directions of the Probation Officer and also have become
healthy and in control of their lives. None of these persons who cooperated with the
program, have had further problems with the Court. Entire families have been affected.
The children's schoolwork improved. Husbands, parents, wives, etc. have called the
office to say how much happier they are.
During 1976, a total of 152 persons were given a written test* to determine how that
person felt. We offer the following breakdown:
1 – 10
10 – 20
20 – 30
30 – 40
40 – 50
50 – 60
Total – 152
**5 were not counted at all, as it was evident they had not been honest on the test....
Of the 29 referred for acts of violence i.e.: Assault, Criminal Damaging, etc., 17 (60%)
indicated 10–20 symptoms of Hypoglycemia; 9–indicated 20–30 symptoms and 3indicated 37, 39, and 39 symptoms.
It would appear from these statistics that even though the number of symptoms are too
low on 60% of the aggressive people to be picked up on a 5-hour glucose tolerance test,
many people become aggressive in an allergic reaction to something they are putting
in their system.
Most of those referred for aggressive acts were 18–25 year old males, whose parents
became very much aware of a change in attitude along with a change of diet. The
impairment of judgment is not unlike that of someone high on alcohol (Bltz. .1–.15).
Of the three marking 37, 39, and 39 symptoms, one man, age 44, was not only
intoxicated, but in a blackout at the time of his arrest. The other two are age 18 and
neither of them drink alcohol, but they both consumed enormous amounts of sugar daily.
Both had been in and out of mental hospitals and both were classified as hyperactive.
The following is a breakdown on the seven people referred to Baron Clinic:
N.S. – age 51 – (Female) – Referred for Petit Theft. 40 symptoms indicated on the
written test. Diagnosed by Dr. Baron on 5/5/76 as Hypoglycemic. When referred to
probation, Mrs. S. was tense, argumentative, confused, tranquilized (with 7-8
hospitalizations for overdose), depressed, exhausted, poor vision and loss of equilibrium.
She had not driven or been able to work for a number of months. After one week of
treatment for Low Blood Sugar, Mrs. S. returned to driving and returned to work two
weeks later. By the time she returned to Court on 7/23/76, she was vibrant, energetic,
decisive and stated she felt better than she had for 10 years.
C.C. – Age 30 – (Female) – Referred for Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (prescribed). 42
symptoms on written test. Eyes dull, hair dull, depressed, exhausted, tense, etc. History of 8 years in
and out of psychiatric Ward. Placed on 7 different drugs when she became depressed over the death
of her father in 1968, and given over 50 shock treatments from 1968-1972. Released from hospital
6/5/76. Diagnosed by Dr. Baron as Hypoglycemic on 7/24/76. As of January 1977, she is taking
typing classes at Falls High and exudes good health.
W.N. – age 19 – (Male) – psychiatric treatment from age 15. Repeated arrests for Public Indecency.
58 symptoms indicated on written test.
Diagnosed by Dr. Baron as having Low Blood Sugar on 8/2/76. (Suffering from severe headaches,
night sweats, depressed, unable to concentrate and masturbating constantly in full view of others). A
hair analysis revealed his system was loaded with lead and his liver was not functioning properly.
After diet and supplements to correct the chemical imbalance in his body, there has been a dramatic
change in his personality. He was retested 1/20/77 and indicated a total of only 8 symptoms of
Hypoglycemia, compared to 58 in July 1976.
J.M. – Age 51 – (Male) – Referred to Probation for his 4th DWI. Indicated 42 symptoms on the
written test. Had been in and out of hospitals for years and overdosed on drugs three times prior to
referral. Suffering from active T.B., ulcer, gastritis, and taking 7 medications. Diagnosed as
Hypoglycemic by Dr. Baron on 5/21/76. Within two days, he was rational, but still very ill. He was
given a special diet, plus high potency vitamin injections for 14 days. His improvement was
dramatic, but he then got off the diet and returned to alcohol and sweets after his son committed
suicide. Hopefully he will again return to the care of Dr. Baron.
M.G. – Age 36 – (Female) – Indicated 46 symptoms of written test in June 1976. Tested by Dr.
Baron on 6/24/76 and found to be severely Hypoglycemic and on the Psychotic Curve. {She had
been told at Fallsview Mental Health Center that another commitment would be permanent.} She
had lost custody of her three children and her husband was in jail for DWI. As of December 1976,
both she and her husband are working regularly and have regained custody of the children. As a
result of treatment for Low Blood Sugar, five people are now off the Welfare rolls and back in
control of their lives. The entire family is on a special, high protein diet.
R.K. – Age 31 – (Male) – Referred for Telephone Harassment. Problems with police from age 15,
and indicated 49 symptoms on the written test. He had Psychiatric Counseling from 1972 with no
change. Diagnosed as Hypoglycemic by Dr, Baron on 9/8/76. Within one week the severe headaches
and sweating had stopped. He has changed in appearance and attitude and by December 1976 had
received a promotion on his job, which he had formerly been close to losing. He is now making
plans to return to the University of Akron to obtain a degree in civil Engineering (I.Q. – 130).
J.M. – age 20 – (Female) – Referred for Criminal Damaging – trying to force" Fallsview Mental
Health Center to re-admit her for the 5th time. She only indicated 21 symptoms on the written test,
but due to her medical background, she was referred to Baron Clinic. Diagnosed as Hypoglycemic
on 9/2/76. Due, to being hospitalized again on 9/3/76, she was unable to get on the diet and
supplements until 11/22/76. Her mother reported a decided improvement within one week's time. As
of January 1977, she reports that she feels better than she has in several years.
Never before has the Court had such a tool for working with the many ill people who find
themselves in Court. We wonder what the results would be if this method of treatment could also be
applied to all of those sentenced to jail.
*Written test taken directly from "Low Blood Sugar", a booklet co-authored by Dr. John Baron of
Baron Health Clinic, and available through: Karpat Publishing Company, Inc., P.O. Box. 5348,
Cleveland, Ohio 44101 ($1.00).
Other reference material:
PSYCHODIETETICS – by Dr. E. Cheraskin, Dr. W. M., Ringsdorf, Jr. and Arline Brecher.
LOW BLOOD SUGAR AND YOU, by Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. and Herman Goodman
ALCOHOLISM – THE NUTRITIONAL APPROACH, by Roger J. Williams (University of. Texas)
LOW BLOOD SUGAR – The Hidden Menace of Hypoglycemia, by Clement G. Martin, M.D.
NUTRITION ALMANAC – Nutrition Search, Inc. (McGraw-Hill)
The Tortoise Shell Life Science Puzzle Box's "Science of Health Newsletter"