Engine research progress 1/10/02 Near term goals: 1. Get engine running again, test out new ventilation system. See if the temperature remains within sane limits and the gas (CO and hydrocarbon) alarm doesn't go off. You'll probably need to contact Changwei Ji chwji@yahoo.com about some of the nuances of running the engine. 2. Finish up the AQMD work – this should be relatively straightforward (after all, nothing is impossible to he who does not have to do it himself). Consult the AQMD proposal and statement of work (hard copy) and our last progress report (which I just emailed to Nathan) to see where we are relative to what needs to be done. Basically we need to start doing methanol/ethanol testing. 3. When AQMD is done, proceed to corona discharge work. It will probably be useful to build a test jig that mimics the geometry of the cylinder so we can evaluate the electrical discharge performance of various electrode designs so we don't waste a lot of time and engines doing in-situ discharge testing to find out what electrode designs really work. We probably either need (1) a window to see where the streamers are or (2) a combustion test fixture to see what gives us the highest "pressure rise time" (see the corona paper for definition. 4. Contact "Roberto Ortiz-Soto" robertoo@usc.edu about working in the engine lab. 1/22/02 Organizing engine lab – need a few parts, will buy. Contacted HongTao Zhu, helped out a lot. Roberto is helping out on emissions analyzer. Knows C programming also. 1/29/02 Leaks in cooling system – able to fix copper tubing system, may need to get new radiator Re-working wiring, figured out what everything does Dyno – checked water flow system Load cell – need to check calibration Horiba seems to be working – Roberto is handling it Fan switch box needs a weatherproof cover Use procurement cards for purchases - see Cathy Ballard cballard@busaff.usc.edu to schedule workshop. 2/5/02 Facilties people fixed holes in radiator. Got engine started, ran well but hard to start on natural gas. Added pneumatic shutoff valve to gas line. Working on RPM measurement. Cylinder #4 has only 1/2 compression. Will have to pull head off. Battery charger not keeping up. Bought tools also. 2/12/02 Hardware ready to run on gasoline. RPM working now. Working on grounding and shielding Stepper motor for natural gas valve seems to have no torque now. Need new motor? 2/19/02 Running reliably on gasoline now. Facility temperature stays ok. S/N issues resolved with routing and shielding. Dyno filter clogged, fixed, runs cool now. Emissions works ok. Couple of problems – flow rate on Nox analyzer is low, seems to be clogged. CO reads 3x low and UHC high by 3x. Need to check… Sample line from engine is Teflon(!), need to replace with stainless steel. Other issues: equivalence ratio reads 11(!) Don't trust flow meters, especially air flow meter. 2/26/02 Channel checking – all ok. Problems are coding related. Nox flow problem fixed. Clogged valve. Need to check CO and UHC also. Re-tubed emissions line. Need to check on air flow meter. Should be able to run on methanol and ethanol – current output to fuel pressure regulator provides a wide range. Will put fuel tank inside cabinet once vent line is installed. Diverter/preheater valve system seems to work. Will need new stepper motor when we go to natural gas. 3/5/02 New air flow meter $1050, linearizer $750. $575 to recalibrate old unit. Fuel flow meters – close to previous calibrations Working on code – fixed errors in phi, saving data without crashing, etc. 3/14/02 Nathan: Will go to Chicago (hooray!) Worked for Advanced Control Engineering Services (small company, went belly-up, did control systems), then Mustang Engineering (mostly offshore engines) (in NG engine area). Total experience about 2.5 years. Program is saving data finally. Started running engine on methanol. Problem: PC has 0 – 10V output, converted by a circuit to 0 – 80 mA output. Need about 140 mA. Working on circuit. 3/19/02 Have rough draft of METRANS poster. Have circuit for >150 mA on fuel/air ratio control. Will test this afternoon. Will send air flow meter back after tomorrow. Need to fix Horiba and ignition also. Should be ready for testing in 2-3 weeks. 4/4/02 Horiba working ok – had to get new parts, gas bottles etc. Need to know Nox, CO, UHC in ppm – PDR will get info. Air flow meter – not yet. Ignition timing adjustment from PC: needs work. Stepper motor for NG flow control is ok, just wiring problem. 4/9/02 Working on spark timing circuit – can add electronic system for that, cost about $200. May or may not have enough range of timing, may still have to move distributor manually. Have been running engine on methanol, runs ok. Air flow meter: doing bearings and re-calibrating. Horiba – will order new span gases for lower Nox, CO, UHC ranges. 4/30/02 Flow meter back – calibrated. Will install soon. Roberto will stay over summer. 5/6/02 Air flow meter installed, calibrated, working fine. But one fuel flow meter seems bad now. 5/14/02 Testing now! Working on test matrix. Should add manual transmission flywheel…. Built dyno calibration bar… previous results had lower torque than actual (typically 20%). 5/22/02 Installed flywheel, runs much better at low speeds. Built gas cylinder rack. Made longer throttle cable, no longer trip hazard. Want to bolt shelves to wall – Mike Wallo is working on it. Calibration gases in – was 40 days vs. 14 days promised. 1st map done without correction for HCs. Map of 1600 RPM, full throttle, varying phi and intake temperature. How to go from ppm to brake specific emissions? PPM = 10^6*(Moles Nox)/(moles total exhaust) Grams per kW-hr = [10^6*(Moles N))/(moles total exhaust)] / 10^6 * (30 grams NO/mole NO) * (mole total exhaust / grams total exhaust) * (mass flow in grams total / hr) / (kW brake power) Operate engine at 1600 and 2400 RPM, for several fixed intake temperatures (Tmax ≈ 300C, 250C, 200C, 150C, 100C, Tmin ≈ 50C.) At each T, go from phi = 1 to lean limit, in steps of nominally 0.1, but close to limit go in smaller steps, not more than 0.05. Leanest case with methanol is about 0.6 compared to 0.45 for methane. Maybe can go leaner at higher RPM. In each case optimize spark timing, then record torque, fuel and air flows, emissions. Generate plots as per JAE paper. Also need to do 6 transient tests per fuel. It would be nice to re-check natural gas, plus we will need NG capability for the DOE project, so in the not too distant future we need to get natural gas capability again. 5/28/02 Reducing methanol data – ppm to bs emissions seems to have a problem (with GASEQ). Data on efficiency looks good – 25% to 32%. Working on natural gas flow valve and meter. 6/3/02 Engine running on NG – works fine. Adjustment not as fine as with liquids – NG 1 click per .05 equivalence ratio vs. about 20 for liquid fuel. Calibrated NG flow meter – previous calibration way off. Check flow meter manual to find calibration factor for NG. One issue: in NG mode temperature control buttons don't work – some programming issue. Still haven't received cal gases for hydrocarbons and CO at low ranges. Once gases in hand, will verify previous throttleless methanol emissions data and do throttled conditions for 1:1 comparison. Will only take 2 days or so. Will become official full time employee June 11; Roberto's situation still hazy. Need to check on transient data. Drop dead date is August 3, 2002 for AQMD. Look at contract to see what needs to go into the final report. See if we are obviously deficient anywhere. 6/11/02 Tried some NG results – HC increase with decreasing phi in old data, decreases with phi in new data. Problem with water trap in Horiba, may affect results. New filters also. Clean dry water line needed for good data. Nox and CO look similar in old and new data. NG working, temperature controller working in NG mode, program working… Still working on dynamic data taking…. 6/17/02 Progress Worked on dynamic test capability of program and have it working stably with good data being taken Had some problems with program crashing, got some assistance from Kevin and have program functional. Kevin has looked over code some more and will help us clean it up. Began testing on Methanol. Ran into problem of not being able to go lean enough. Seems pressure regulator is not reducing pressure enough and possibly damaged some internal parts in fuel injection distributor (possibly due to methanol corrosion?). Remanufactured fuel distributors run between $400 to $800 and take 3 to 5 days to get. We made a run to junkyard and purchased two used units that we are installing on engine now. Will test new fuel distributor and pressure regulator today and resume testing. Received donation of 30 gal of Ethanol from Wyoming Ethanol Near Term Goals Complete Methanol testing by end of week Host Bogdanoff on Weds. Run engine on Ethanol and make sure program is fully functional on ethanol Complete ethanol testing by middle of next week Make data plots and compose first draft of report by end of next week. 6/25/02 Progress: Completed testing with methanol!! Begun reducing data and making plots and everything looks good so far Engine is set up for Ethanol and will begin testing on ethanol today using existing supply of fuel (~7 gal) Ethanol donation had shipping delay and won’t arrive until end of week Ordered some Ethanol from campus chemical store that will arrive tomorrow (Wed) to allow testing to continue Had a bolt break on dyno load cell, didn’t cause any other damage. Temporarily fixed with another bolt and ordered rod ends to mount load cell properly. Near-term goals: Install rod ends on dyno load cell Complete Ethanol testing by end of week Work on reducing data from Ethanol and Methanol testing and prepare draft of report by Monday 7/1/02 Finished both methanol and ethanol testing. Results look good in terms of efficiency improvements, although some odd results: 1. Nox decreases with increasing intake temperature for both methanol and ethanol (spot check of NG data showed the more traditional trend). Should try NG at one phi, whole range of temperatures, also with methanol and ethanol. 2. Lean limit was less lean for ethanol (about 0.78) than methanol (about 0.55). 3. HC emission for ethanol show very different trends with temperature for 1600 vs. 2400 RPM 4. HC emission trends with temperature are similar for methanol and ethanol at 1600 RPM, but opposite at 2400 RPM CO emission increase as phi decrease, generally not very sensitive to temperature UHC about 10x lower for methanol than ethanol. NG data is closer to methanol. Check to see if methane is included in UHC measurements. Have also done dynamic data. Need to increase data taking rate, looks to be about 1 second or so. Morse test (FMEP) should be repeated for constant RPM (1600 and 2400), also generate new theoretical curves for our FMEPs and max BMEP’s. Meet Weds to see if we really have the final data sets we need. 7/8/02 Morse test - engine gets hot due to unburned fuel! Exhaust manifold glowing red hot! Need to shut off fuel to each cylinder as you pull spark plugs Welded heat exchanger back together, getting ethanol data. Compression ratio now low 120, 120, 120, 100 psi (spec 140). Bought new (junkyard) engine. 30 gal ethanol arrived. Problems with ethanol – horiba – droplets in flow meters even with water traps. 7/30/02 AQMD – need feedback from Mike, need to work on synopsis. Also, should we try to (independent of the AQMD report) clean up the data (with regard to spark timing, water in the traps, air flow measurement, fuel measuring system …) (maybe use 4 flow meters, one on each cylinder (can they take the pressure?) (how much do they cost?) Question: how much effort would be required to clean up these data to where we were “confident” in the results for the purposes of a journal paper? Corona project: should discuss needs with Liu. Probably we should build a test chamber that can take high T (up to 600K) and high P (up to 10 atm non-combustion, or 50 atm with combustion) to study at least electrical properties of the corona discharges under these conditions. Maybe to start, just make a 3-piece chamber with about the same dimensions as the cylinder when the piston is at TDC, and see what happens. Try to decide which better, using a 3-plate design (possibly with top & bottom plates milled out to approximate combustion chamber shape) or just use a real piston/block/head. If using 3-plate design, might want to consider adding quartz window at a later time. 8/15/02 Progress: Have sent out final AQMD report, synopsis and quarterly reports Invoice is being prepared Need you to read and sign letter stating that we didn’t test hydrogen We have been researching different dynos and emissions machines for possible upgrade Horiba will visit on Mon 8/19 to assess emissions machine and determine if it is serviceable and discuss other options Have drawings of test chamber for DOE project and have acquired materials to make it Have info and pricing on fuel meters for individual cylinder installation Ordered new bearings for air flow meter Near-term goals: Make decision on dyno and emissions machine upgrade Order fuel meters and modify software if that is best alternative Machine test chamber for Corona project Meet with Dr Lou to discuss Corona project Near term conclusion: try cheap upgrade on dyno with water valve (computer controlled), upgrade data acquistion with LabView. 8/20/02 Progress: Checked with McMillan on precision flow meter pricing 1. 101-3 (standard +/- 3%) $169.00 2. 101-3P (precision +/- 1%) $269.00 3. 101-3G (gold +/- .5%) $359.00 They recommend calibrating with each type of fuel separately in which case we aren’t using their calibration curve, so there is no sense in paying for the more accurate calibration Labview price for version 6.1 with real-time module for multiple PID loop control is $3995.00. Motion Control package will also be needed to control stepper motor control. Upgrade is possible from version 5.1 that is used in other lab but their website is locking up so we need to call for upgrade price. Also need hardware – data acquisition card and motion controller. Found company called Digalog that makes water brake dyno control valves that look like would work on our dyno, we have requested more info and pricing We met with Dr Liu yesterday and determined the pressure port, spark plug port, and window configuration for the test chamber. We have part numbers for valves, fittings and pressure transducers that we will need Near-Term Goals: Order Lab view or upgrade Spec out data acquisition cards and Computer Order fuel flow meters Order valves, fittings and pressure transducers for corona test chamber Find suitable glass window and screen for test chamber Get more info on water brake dyno control valve 8/26/02 Progress: Did research on inspection glass for combustion chamber. Found possible vendor, LJ Star Inc. They sell mechanically pre-stressed sight windows. Continued research on LabVIEW components needed for Engine Lab and possibly for all CPL projects. Searched DAQ prices to compare to National Instruments’s DAQ. Seems they are about the same price. One definite advantage that NI has is their guaranteed compatibility with LabVIEW. Contacted Digalog once again but received no call back. Will try again. Searched for valves, fittings, etc. to adapt four new fuel flow meters. Will have to decide once Nathan gets back. Found window screen for test chamber. Will have to decide where we buy it. Near-Term Goals: Finalize Lab view requirements and order it. Spec out new Computer Order fuel flow meters Order valves, fittings and pressure transducers for corona test chamber Buy suitable glass window and screen for test chamber Contact Digalog once more. 9/3/02 Progress: * Ordered McMillan flow meters for individual cylinder fuel flow measurement * Received screen in 3 different mesh sizes for corona test chamber * Found sight glass manufacturer that makes window for the corona test chamber called LJ Star, waiting for reply on specs and pricing * Attended a LabView user seminar last Thursday and learned some of the programming basics and had some of our questions answered on hardware and got a 30 day software demo cd. * We have the full National Instruments catalog and price sheet so we are determining what DAQ cards and motion control components we need * National Instruments is checking on pricing for research lab license pricing for LabView * Have done some research on what it would take to convert the existing Clayton dyno into a standard continuous flow with analog control setup.Ê This would involve removing the heat exchanger portion of the dyno and replacing it with a manifold that would allow a supply line to be attached and drain port that would have the control valve.Ê The manifold could be machined out of aluminum and shouldnât be terribly expensive to make. ÊDyno has been disassembled and drawing made of manifold. ÊFinding a good analog control valve with a servo motor is the difficult part.Ê Digalog sells a control valve for $2500 and the amplifier for $2900, we are looking for less expensive alternative * Horiba called to let us know that they are still working on our quote and should have it to us early this week Near-Term Goals: * Order LabView * Complete data acquisition card selection Êand spec computer and purchase * Order valves, fittings and pressure transducer for corona test chamber * Get more info on water brake dyno control valve and make decision on dyno * Order sight glass and complete machining on test chamber * Schedule Horiba service visit after we receive quote Engine Lab Progress Report 9/16/02 Progress: Received dyno manifold part from machine shop, looks and fits great We have cleaned out all of the rust and scale from the inside of dyno and repainted the outside, will reassemble and install this week Have info on different site glass options; can get borosilicate glass 1 ¼” thick that will withstand pressures up to 400psi. Prices range from $40 to $90 Have priced out computer components with 3 different companies, should we purchase w/ procurement card? Price is ~$700. Use PDR credit card, please give me all receipts and packing slips!!!! Attended LabView seminar on motion control last week and learned more details on stepper vs servo motors and how to use them. Determined that stepper motor will work for our needs with use of microstepping which can be done with NI hardware Have received quote with discounted prices for NI hardware $7006.50. Selected a stepper motor that will work for dyno control valve, we have already purchased a valve to couple it to. Talked to Elsie about purchasing process for NI equipment and got a copy of the source justification form that needs to be filled out for major purchases Scheduled to meet with Lisa Schilken today to show her the lab and see if she is interested in working with us. Near-Term Goals: Assemble new manifold to dyno and install control valve w/ stepper motor Order LabView software and data acquisition cards (Have you spoken with Chris Bainter about software yet) Purchase computer and stepper motor Order valves, fittings and pressure transducer for corona test chamber Order sight glass and complete machining on test chamber 9/26/02 Progress: Received new computer parts. Assembled it and installed OS and software including trial version of LabView. Got good deal on 17” monitor and keyboard from surplus. Moving new computer to primary position and old computer to other desk Built new rack for dyno stand for mounting fuel system to, much sturdier and prettier than old design, won’t vibrate like old one did Copied MSDS sheets and gave copy to Allison Assembled manifold to dyno and pressure tested, no leaks! Received stepper motor and working on mounting bracket and coupling Met with Mohammed to discuss new control system and he wants to help us with the LabView programming. 10/8/02 Near-Term Goals: Assemble new manifold to dyno and install control valve w/ stepper motor Order LabView software and data acquisition cards (Have you spoken with Chris Bainter about software yet) Continue to work on wiring schematics and order electrical enclosures Complete machining on test chamber Add water trap in exhaust line – may reduce amount of water going into Horiba. Progress: Almost finished with electrical schematics for new control system- these drawings should make installation go much quicker Have relays, terminal blocks, enclosures and conduit picked out- need to order Emailed Brandon Jones (merit research student), will meet later this week about working in the lab Received updated quote from NI for hardware and software Checked on status of window for test chamber and it should arrive by next Monday Near-Term Goals: Complete electrical schematics and order relays, terminals etc. Order LabView and data acquisition cards Complete machining on test chamber after window arrives Design and build mounting bracket for mounting stepper motor to dyno 10/15/02 Progress: Completed electrical schematics, just need some pin-out info from Chris Ordered relays, terminal blocks, enclosures and conduit, should be delivered today so we can start installing Met with Brad and Brandon about working in lab- both seem like they will work out well Went over details of control system with Brad yesterday, he’s using trial version to familiarize himself with LabView until full version arrives Near-Term Goals: Order LabView and data acquisition cards (status on site license?) (Let’s go with 3 base versions) (and let’s get one final quote that shows no unit-by-unit line item costs, label it “data acquisition equipment” or something like that. Compose I/O list with all I/O devices with ranges, alarm setpoints, and other pertinent info to assist with programming Complete machining on test chamber after window arrives Design and build mounting bracket for mounting stepper motor to dyno Begin installation of electrical enclosures and conduit 10/21/02 Progress: Have received electrical enclosures, relays, terminal blocks and conduit, working on mounting enclosures, running conduit etc. Ordered NI equipment and LabView Window for Corona test chamber has arrived Designed and started on fabrication of dyno control valve stepper motor mount Ordered and received electronics components for timing circuit, air fuel output amplifier and relay amplifier for digital outputs Near-Term Goals: Complete installation of enclosures and conduit Install and wire up to NI equipment when it arrives (end of this week or next week) Work with Brad on developing LabView VI for engine Build circuits for timing control, air fuel output amplifier and relay amplifier and mount in enclosures Work with Brandon on completing Corona test chamber 10/29/02 Brandon – made nice 3D drawings of mini corona chamber. Try quick and dirty test of corona in air (no sealing) using chamber as is before cutting holes for feedthru. Completed dyno mods. Re-assembling everything, just waiting on NI shipment. Electrical boxes and conduit work done. Circuits for Interface between TTL and relays for starter, fan, fuel pump, NG shutoff, ignition, emissions bypass mode, 5th injector Amp for air/fuel ratio control 0-10V -> 0 – 140 mA Ignition timing 0-10V -> 0-10K using TI chip 11/4/02 Progress: Completed installation of Conduit, beginning to pull wires. Completed assembly of circuit for TTL –relay interface. Working on circuits for timing control and A/F ratio control Have submitted request to DOE for permission to purchase equipment on Corona contract- I was told that it would only take a day or two to get the permission if they decide to grant it. Should hear back from them today. Near-Term Goals: Straighten out equipment purchase problem and get NI PO issued ASAP Complete assembly of circuits Complete pulling wire and terminate all field devices on terminal blocks Work with Brad on developing LabView VI for engine Work with Brandon on machining spark plug hole for Corona chamber and do preliminary tests with help of Dr Liu. 11/12/02 Progress: Completed pulling wires for engine control system Had meeting with Dr Liu about simple flat-plate Corona test fixture and constructed it Modified two spark plugs with extended stainless steel electrodes that can be bent into various shapes Have received DOE’s permission to purchase NI equipment on Corona contract. Sylvana has submitted the PO for approval. Order should be placed within a couple of days. Formula SAE project has purchased new mill and lathe. Maybe our lab could purchase band saw and drill press and share the tools? Near-Term Goals: Test flat-plate Corona fixture with help of Dr Liu Complete assembly of circuits Terminate all field device wires on terminal blocks Run new fuel lines and mount filter and pump to test stand Work with Brad on developing LabView VI for engine 11/18/02 Progress: Met with Dr Liu and discussed Corona flat plate fixture and electrode Determined that spark plug resistance (8 k-ohm) was too high Could not locate low resistance spark plugs, so modified a spark plug body so continuous electrode can be inserted through it. Will test fixture with Dr Liu this week. Still working on mounting and hooking up devices on engine test stand. Found a pressure transducer in storage that will work for oil pressure, calibrated it and installed on engine Built mounting bracket for magnetic pickup on engine Hooked up drain piping for dyno USC equipment is being very slow to approve NI order, they have had the papers for over a week and still haven’t given approval, checking with Sylvana daily to make sure purchase is made as soon as we have approval. Near-Term Goals: Test flat-plate Corona fixture with help of Dr Liu this week Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Run new fuel lines and mount filter and pump to test stand 12/3/02 Progress: Ran some initial tests with the Corona fixture and took some video Tested straight and circular electrodes. Both tended to arc at first so we had to make adjustments to position, distance between plates and add some insulation to get corona discharge. Once optimal geometries were found, arcing was no longer a problem Fig 1. photograph of Corona discharge with circular electrode (side view) All tests were done with .065” electrodes. Dr Liu recommended trying smaller diameter electrodes to make the arcing less of a problem Built ducting for air flow meter and installed Designed, machined and assembled stronger mount for NG control valve and stepper motor Machined coupling for temperature control valve Ordered and received 30 amp battery charger to keep up with electrical load of accessories USC equipment has finally approved NI order, now we are just waiting for an equipment account to be added to the project budget which is supposed to be done today. Once the equipment account is set up then purchasing will issue PO and the order can be placed, only two months after requisition was submitted. Near-Term Goals: Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Determine what top view looks like and see how well screen works. Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Run new fuel lines and mount filter and pump to test stand Hook up water supply line and hand valve to dyno Send stills and/or video to Tom George Slightly longer term: Cylinder pressure measurement system (need to do with 2 cylinders, one corona ignited and one spark ignited) (unless we can ignite with spark or corona in same cylinder) (or get an engine with two plugs per cylinder) 12/9/02 Progress: Working on acquiring more still photos of corona test to send to Tom George. Having some difficulty with Tracker program, trying other program to capture still photos from video file. PO finally issued for NI purchase and order has been placed! Brad is in the lab today and tomorrow helping with Engine lab web page and getting started with LabView Met with Chris Bainter from NI today over some remaining connection issues with data acquisition cards Twin spark plug engines – Nissan 82-84 – will check into it… Near-Term Goals: Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Determine what top view looks like and see how well screen works. Get I-V vs. t for corona and spark in current setup Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Work on LabView VI’s Work out issues with capturing still images and send photos to DOE 12/19/02 Progress: Captured still photos of Corona video, found software much easier to use than Tracker (Adobe Premier -> Photoshop) LabView and some of the NI hardware has arrived Brad and I are familiarizing with LabView, going through tutorials Got Engine Lab website back up and running and updated Found that barbed fuel line fittings can be salvaged from old crimped hoses by grinding off crimping (since I can’t locate new fittings) Wired up 110V supply power and switch to engine junction box Looked in to dual plug Nissan engines. It came in Nissan Silvia, 200sx, and Homer truck but it seems that few were imported to the US, still working on this Near-Term Goals: Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Determine what top view looks like and see how well screen works. Get some IV plots for comparison to previous plots with coaxial geometry. Also include video showing a corona and an arc under the same conditions (include sound) Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Work on LabView VI’s 12/20/02 Progress: Found domestic Nissan engine with dual plugs (87-88 pickup, 200sx and Stanza) Engine is non-turbo and readily available at junkyards for ~$350. in running used condition Porsche 911 ’89 and newer have twin plugs but are very expensive engines (5-7k) Heads from an older and cheaper (1-3k) Porsche engine can be machined to have second plug for about $350 Porsche engines have individual heads for each cylinder but they have an over head cam that has to be removed Disadvantage is that it’s air cooled so we may have problems with heat removal from engine room Can machine a Volkswagen bug engine for dual plugs and it’s a pushrod engine so no overhead cam to remove. The head on the Volkswagen engine covers two cylinders but I was told it’s much easier to work on than the Porsche engine. If we can dissipate the heat the Volkswagen sounds like the best choice. Added photo of ring electrode to powerpoint slides and emailed to Tom George Installed NI DAQ card and driver in PC Near-Term Goals: Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Determine what top view looks like and see how well screen works. Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Continue work on LabView VI’s 1/8/03 Progress: Replaced broken fan belt in engine room ventilation system Built stand for computer so DAQ cables can reach junction box in engine room Completed LabView tutorials and installed motion software and PID toolkit Installed Motion control card in PC and hooked up stepper motor drive on bench One cable for control system was too short, returned to NI for longer one Have received all new control system components from NI except new cable and one terminal block Wired all TC connections in junction box Near-Term Goals: Mount control system components in main enclosure once terminal block is received Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Complete installation and wiring of engine test stand Continue work on LabView VI’s 1/13/03 Progress: Received longer cable and terminal block from NI, so we have all of our parts Mounted stepper motor driver, thermocouple board and terminal block to backplane in main panel Drilled holes in panel and wall to connect control cables to computer Terminated all thermocouple wires on both ends Terminated all stepper motors Terminated all analog signals on junction box end Near-Term Goals: Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Complete termination of analog wires in main panel, wire up digital output relays Continue work on LabView VI’s Get dual-plug Nissan engine Note: I will be out week of Feb 10-14 for ski trip to Canada. 1/28/03 Progress: Completed wiring terminations in relay box (relays, speed sensor, load cell amplifier) Tested TTL/ Relay interface circuit with 5v power supply Made ribbon cable to hook up analog outputs from AMUX to terminal block and tested signals Completed wiring all analog signals on to the main terminal block Installed new battery and cables Designed front panel LabView VI, have all thermocouples and pressures reading successfully on screen Near-Term Goals: Install Terminal block and cable for digital outputs once it arrives Continue work on LabView VI’s, next step is to get the rest of the analog inputs working Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. 2/4/03 Progress: Installed digital i/o terminal block and terminated digital outputs Making good progress with LabView, have all digital outputs working, have RPM, torque horsepower and emissions readings working When terminating signals to Horiba, I discovered that there is an analog output signal for the CO low range which has a more appropriate scale for our CO levels. I will either add an additional analog input for this or install a switch to select between the two ranges. Talked to Brandon and he said he isn’t going to have time to work on the Corona project this semester, Brad is still working and helping out with LabView Near-Term Goals: Continue work on LabView VI’s, next step is to program all of the air/ fuel ratio calculations and set it up for various fuel types and then start working on the stepper motor control Conduct second round of Corona tests with screen and narrower electrode. Try to step up corona effort for DOE meeting in early April. Contact other undergrad who seemed quite interested in the project. 2/21/03 Progress: Completed the fuel selection portion of labview so fuel type can be selected from a dropdown menu and AFR, Phi, BSFC and thermal efficiency are all calculated accordingly. Working on testing stepper motors and setting up configuration for each channel Machined new top plate for corona test fixture with hole in the top for testing screen and checking visibility from top Working on Horiba to determine best way to interface with wiring Near-Term Goals: Corona Project: Meeting with Dr Liu next Tuesday to run some corona tests Find stainless or copper electrode material thinner than the previous electrode (.065”) Develop better method for securing electrode to top of test plate. Get video clip with sound of corona discharge vs a spark Take still photo’s of corona and arc and record voltage and current data Once it is determined if mesh works or not, determine best way to fit window to top of pressurized test chamber and conduct test at elevated pressures. Once pressure tests are done conduct test where mixture is combusted 3/4/03 Progress: Working on getting engine running by the end of this week Drew up sketch of exhaust pipe and took it to muffler shop to get bent today Searched for ’98-2002 Ford ranger 2.5 liter engine, located one used for $700, confirmed that this engine does have 2 plugs per cylinder. (source for engine Team Trucks 310-549-4443 Rick) Ran corona tests in test fixture with hole cut in top plate and wire screen, .025” electrode. Corona worked well with screen, above photo is a side view, when viewed from top the corona can not be seen very clearly, but you can distinguish between an arc and a corona and tell where an arc is occurring. Collected voltage and current data from corona and arc (first example is corona, second example is corona plus arc) Also have video tape of corona and arc with sound Installed fire wire card in engine lab computer so video can be unloaded from camera Working with Brad on interfacing the stepper motors with LabView Mo is working on decoding the communication signal from Horiba computer to the analyzers to see if we can interface there for our range selection instead of hard wiring to each analyzer switch. Near-Term Goals: Get engine ready to run by end of this week (complete exhaust, install dyno supply line and valve, plumb fuel system, wire up radiator fan, bolt driveshaft to dyno and install trigger for tach) Machine spark plug hole and corona electrode hole in top of pressurized test chamber(Gary Norris - ME Junior has expressed interest in working on this project, do we have budget to hire part time help) Continue working on stepper motors and set up PID loops 3/24/03 Progress: Corona: Completed machining of ports on chamber Received fittings for Corona test chamber Made 3 different high-pressure electrodes filling tube with various types of epoxy Hydro tested chamber to 300 psi. Tested various electrodes and none of the epoxies provided enough insulation for Corona Machined electrode out of nylon that works well Conducted initial 1atm combustion tests last Friday, combustion pressures were very low. Poor mixing was thought to be the problem. Conducting tests today using pre-mixing chamber. We’re having some problems with the pressure transducer that we’re working on now It seems that corona alone does not want to ignite mixture, but corona with arc will- need to do more experiments (80 mJ with corona only, extra 20 mJ with arc) Acquired numerical data from corona and corona + arc experiments Engine: Ran stainless steel fuel lines from tank to engine Brad and Gary took off for spring break, but will be back working in the lab this week Near-Term Goals: Solve problem with pressure transducer and complete combustion tests with corona and spark – buy more transducers if necessary – keep spares in stock… Complete fuel system and test run engine Continue LabView Programming 3/31/03 Progress: Corona: Running Corona and spark plug tests in combustion chamber Gathered spark plug baseline data at 2.5, 3,3.5 and 4 atm Will test corona at these pressures on 4/1/03 Using Kistler pressure transducer with good results (compared pressures with Omega at lower test pressures) Discovered small calculation error in partial pressures used for mixing on Fri, mixture was slightly lean Near-Term Goals: Complete Corona combustion tests at 2.5 through 4 atm and plot data to compare rise time and peak pressures with spark plug data 4/7/03 Progress: Corona: Gathered corona combustion data at 3, 3.5 and 4 atm Corona has significantly faster rise times than spark plug (factor of ~2) Gathered discharge efficiency data for spark plug, corona, and corona + arc Corona has significantly higher discharge efficiency than spark plug Testing corona ring electrode today with 6 equally spaced pieces of insulation on ring Initial combustion test showed corona did ignite mixture at a lower energy than non-insulated ring (power supply voltage of 7kV vs 9kV with noninsulated ring) Near-Term Goals: 4/14/03 Gather data from combustion tests at 3.5 atm with insulated ring Any other last minute data you want us to get?? I vs. V for 3.5 atm cases – corona, spark, corona + arc; higher pressure corona if possible Re-work electrode configuration to make the electrode more easily removable for future tests Progress: Completed corona data for DOE presentation Successfully ignited mixtures up to 9.5 atm with corona in chamber Tested partially insulated ring corona to get fewer, higher energy coronas, rise times were slower Working on design of electrode that can be used in engine; several challenges: 1. Must withstand high temps ~1000C 2. Must withstand high press ~800psi 3. Cannot use conventional spark plug because of high resistance 4. Possibly use a machinable ceramic (thermal stress issue?) Near-Term Goals: Continue design work on engine corona electrode Continue work on stepper motors 4/22/03 Progress: Corona: Researching machinable ceramics for use in corona electrode Have found two companies that offer machinable ceramics: http://www.aremco.com/p_index.html http://www.precision-ceramics.co.uk/frm/index.htm Check also “Macor” Want to talk to Ewald about his experience with machining ceramics Have initial design of electrode that could be used in engine Design uses steps that would assemble from the right, using ceramic cement and the pressure to help seal the electrode and keep it from falling apart. Steel outer body could be machined from steel hex stock fairly easily, threads can be cut on lathe (with help of Francisco) Probably need to purchase Ford twin plug engine soon so we can look at the geometry of head and determine configuration of electrode Working on design of test chamber with window that can handle higher combustion pressures Probably need to try point to plane configuration – will that ignite and give good rise and delay times? Near-Term Goals: Acquire materials needed to produce prototype electrode and make one. Purchase Ford twin plug engine Continue work on high pressure test chamber, including point to plane configuration. At some point in the not too distant future, set aside corona work, do throttleless engine testing for a few weeks, then swap engines but keep old GM engine intact – make new mounts as needed for Ford 2-plug engine. Gone May 12th – 21st for Formula race. May 5th will be testing at Irwindale. 5/9/03 Progress: Corona: Built a new electrode to use in “point to plane” configuration Began testing electrode in test chamber and had to add silicone for insulation around electrode Tested electrode before silicone was cured and arc would literally blow a hole in the wet silicone so we had to allow it to set up over night Initial tests show that the energy is much lower in a point to plane configuration which is to be expected since the corona (or arc) are much more concentrated Have not tested electrode since silicone has set up due to scheduling conflicts with Dr. Liu Practiced cutting external threads on lathe for spark plug thread on engine electrode, threads worked well and should not be a problem to thread an electrode body. Near-Term Goals: Continue combustion testing of point to plane electrode and compare rise time to data collected for ring electrode and spark plug Purchase Ford twin plug engine so dimensions can be measured for design of electrode geometry Once it is determined if the point to plane configuration has advantages over standard spark plug, design and fabricate electrode that will fit in engine and test chamber. Finish last few items that engine cell needs to run and test new software and dyno system Also: do throttleless tests with methanol and ethanol Note: Brad is available to work one day a week over the summer and Gary is also available to work part time over the summer. 6/2/03 Progress: Corona: Testing has been put off until Dr Liu finishes his high pressure experiments. Engine Lab: Remaining digital outputs have been wired up and tested (fuel pump, fan, NG cutoff valve) New battery charger mounted to frame and wired up Reinstalled manifold pressure sensor that was lent to Peter for Heli-shaw experiments Ordered 3/8” tubing bender and fittings to complete fuel lines Ordered gate valve for dyno supply water adjustment Ordered stainless clamps for exhaust pipe Gary: can work almost full time; Brad: can work 2 days per week Near Term Goals: Once McMaster order is received complete fuel line, dyno water line and clamp exhaust pipe Insulate exhaust pipe with fiberglass wrap Install new bearings in air flow meter Hook up throttle cable and emissions line Make mount for ambient temp thermocouple Build circuit for timing control and A/F control Stepper motor PID’s Interface to Horiba (need to talk to Mo and see if he wants to continue with his interface) Goal is to complete work on engine stand this week, calibrate, test and work out bugs next week and then begin retesting TPCE the following week 6/11/03 Progress: Completed installation of dyno water supply valve and line to dyno Completed fuel line Installed new bearings in air flow meter – seems to spin much better – should be back to factory calibration… Hooked up throttle cable Hooked up emissions sampling line to engine Working on insulating exhaust system Made mount for and installed ambient thermocouple and installed TC Figured out cleanest way to interface with Horiba to remotely change ranges, relay circuit for that interface is almost complete Working on circuit for AFR Control (0-10V input, 0-140mA output) Having trouble getting circuit that will take wider voltage range to get desired output (only uses from 2 to 3 volts to get 0-140 mA output) Still working on this. Working on PID control loops for stepper motors. Difficulty is making the PID output make the stepper motor move; it is set up to drive a 0-10v analog output. We ordered a book that should help us figure this out. Looked into ignition timing adjust circuit (0-10v input, 0-10 K ohm out) and the chip required more than just a 0-10 volt input, since this circuit may not be used on the Ford engine we’re just going to do the manual dial control for the TPCE testing. Near Term Goals: Complete Horiba digital control circuit (should finish this today) Write LabView code to complete Horiba control Find where to interface to put Horiba in Idle mode Continue experimenting with AFR Circuit to get desired results Continue work on stepper motor PID control Connect wire from control room for ignition timing control 6/16/03 Recently Accomplished Horiba control circuits completed, able to control from labview, need to implement dropdown menus to control circuit Wiring points located for putting Horiba into bypass mode Driveshaft and magneto sensor assembled Making progress with PID loop, able to get PID loop to control stepper motor output. Labview books have shipped, should arrive tomorrow Near Term Goals Complete drop down menus for Horiba control Continue to work with PID loops Have engine running this week 6/20/03 Progress: Emissions relay circuit completed and permanently mounted integral to the Horiba Added wire to allow remote control of channel 4 on Low CO analyzer (previously not hooked up) Fuel system pressurized and leak tested Timing control wiring run and installed Cleaned Engine Room and desk area to a suitable level for testing Spoke to Electrical Engineer regarding AFR circuit and possible pitfalls Near-Term Goals: Test and verify all analog input signals Do computer simulation of the AFR circuit to achieve desired resolution by changing resistor values Get fully functioning AFR circuit and fire up engine Installed all exhaust insulation available, must order more to complete insulation 6/30/03 Progress: Have a functioning voltage to current converter circuit for AFR control with control range of .75V to 10V input and 0-140 mA output Have PID control loop working with test setup (using a stepper motor moving a soldering iron under a TC) Started engine to make sure that everything still works Greatly simplified main VI by breaking it down into several sub VI’s Completed LabView programming for Horiba control with range selection from screen that changes the range on the Horiba as well as the scaling in the program Added emissions bypass button to screen that energizes bypass relay in Horiba Disassembled and dried out all filters on Horiba Near-Term Goals: Now that we have a functioning PID control program for the stepper motors, incorporate into main program for each of the three stepper motors (Dyno, air temp and NG flow) Run the engine and tune the PID loops and all analog signals are scaled correctly Add logger to VI for saving data points Program in safety features for engine (rev limit, oil press alarm, water temp alarm etc) Review TPCE data and develop test plan. 7/7/03 Progress: Added limit switch to Temp control stepper motor and working on adding limit switches on NG and Dyno steppers. This way the VI initializes its position each time it starts up so you don’t have to manually set the position and tell the program where it is. Added safety shutdown for overspeed. When engine exceeds 6500 rpm fuel pump, ignition and extra injector are forced off. Built sturdy guard around flywheel Verified and calibrated RPM and Torque inputs Setup radiator fan thermostat control VI The name of the guy who designed the Voltage to current converter is Henry Moore and he works for Alfred Mann Institute in DRB. Completed soldering AFR circuit onto permanent board and installed in control box Near-Term Goals: Add logger to VI for saving data points Add alarms (oil press alarm, water temp alarm etc) Complete limit switches on remaining stepper motors and add code to main program to initialize position We will run engine this afternoon and test Temp control VI Review TCPE data and develop test plan. 7/16/03 Progress: Completed mounting and wiring limit switches on all stepper motors Lowered setpoint for engine overspeed to 5000 rpm and tested to verify that it works. Built guard around pulleys and belts on front of engine Set up control loop for liquid fuel AFR and have tuned and controlling quite well Located VI for audible alarms and tested it on one input, working out logic for acknowledging alarms without disabling others Cleaned up display on main VI by grouping related items and creating boxes around them Today we are testing stepper motor PID on temperature control and home switch with engine running (previously tested with soldering iron mounted to stepper motor) Have basic data logger working, we need to add averaging features to it Bolted down aluminum plate to engine stand to keep from vibrating Near-Term Goals: Complete testing and tuning of Manifold temp PID loop and repeat for dyno and NG control loops Complete analog input alarm logic Add averaging functionality to data logger Test entire system together and take sample data points to verify that everything works Begin testing TCPE 7/22/03 Progress: Completed audible alarms VI on water temp, dyno temp, oil temp, exhaust temp and oil pressure and incorporated VI into main program. Tested each alarm by lowering alarm setpoint to verify proper functionality Received order of fiberglass insulation wrap and working on completing insulating exhaust system Set up data logger to create a folder with the date and save the data in a file named by the time to keep track of when the data was taken Incorporated the manifold temperature PID loop and the home switch find into the main program, have not had a chance to test yet (last thing that needs to be done before running the engine…) Received better computer desk from Lab on 2nd floor OHE to replace main computer desk Near-Term Goals: Complete testing and tuning of Manifold temp PID loop and repeat for dyno and NG control loops Add averaging functionality to data logger Test entire system together and take sample data points to verify that everything works Begin testing TCPE 7/31/03 Progress: Ran duct from fuel cabinet into ventilation duct to keep fuel vapors out of the room Completed insulating exhaust system Wired up engine knock sensor Have stepper motor PID loops working for manifold air temp and dyno control Successfully ran engine on gasoline with AFR, Dyno control, and manifold temp control PID’s all working simultaneously Setup and tested NG stepper motor home switch find VI Setup Natural gas AFR control PID, will test today Created Excel macro for averaging data points Ran full bottle of Nitrogen through sample port of Horiba to dry out moisture in system - removed all visible signs of moisture from flow meter tubes Ordered more N2 and Air for Horiba Near-Term Goals: Run engine on NG, test and tune natural gas air/fuel ratio PID Check exhaust TC that seems to be reading low when engine is running Calibrate Horiba and run engine to take sample data points We have Ethanol but need to order Methanol for TPCE testing Review what points we want to test and begin testing TCPE 8/11/03 Progress: Solved problem with NG AFR PID loop, where switching from manual control to PID control caused the valve to go full shut, and then begin to control. Now the PID reads the current manual position, and begins controlling from there. Set up NG safety valve to open only when the engine is running, and to shut off automatically when the engine stops. Have been successfully running engine on NG, and developed method for reliably starting engine on NG after warming engine up using gasoline. Solved issue of dyno stepper motor sticking shut at high load levels by using a small amount of spring tension to aide the valve back towards open. The stepper motor is rated for sufficient torque to drive the valve, however the stepper motor driver is unable to supply the motor with enough current. Found and fixed problem with exhaust thermocouple reading Calibrated HiCO, NOx, and HC analyzers on Horiba Near-Term Goals: Figure out reference gas needed for low CO range on Horiba, and calibrate. Solve problem of dyno control at high torques (speed up PID and take out hysteresis in stepper motor mount) Add RPM control instead of torque control on dyno PID loop. Begin testing TCPE (next week?) 8/19/03 Progress: Contacted Horiba and found that the LCO analyzer reference gas is supposed to be N2. Flowed span gas with N2 reference- getting readings on the analyzer, but seem to be highly dependent on flow rate Horiba was able to find a manual for this analyzer. They photocopied it and are sending us a copy. Will use the manual to help trouble shoot analyzer Installed a small bypass line in dyno to bleed off some pressure. This helped with control at higher loads, load can be fine tuned by constricting bypass flow with valve. Installed a pressure regulator on the inlet supply line to the dyno and that helped with stability of higher loads up to about 75ft-lb, still having difficulty controlling over 75 ft-lb. A larger regulator may resolve this as the regulator we had is only 1/4” NPT and it doesn’t build load fast enough when trying to slow engine down. Configured dyno PID loop to be selectable between Torque mode and RPM mode Modified mounting of dyno stepper motor to allow for some shaft misalignment without having any hysteresis allowing much faster response from the stepper motor when changing direction Near-Term Goals: Install new throttle cable to smooth out throttle action. Install larger regulator to help with dyno control at high loads Troubleshoot LCO analyzer once we receive manual Next week run experiments… 8/26/03 Progress: Installed 1/2 inch port pressure regulator on dyno inlet supply and tested Still had problems holding steady load at high torque Tried multiple pressure settings and various bypass valve settings without success Decided that the best thing to do to get testing under way ASAP is to install old dyno heat exchanger and solenoid valves Heat exchanger is now installed on dyno and cooling water lines are hooked up Solenoids are mounted and just need to be wired and plumbed We have two spare digital outputs in the relay box already wired up to relays so the wiring will be simple Received manual from Horiba on LCO analyzer yesterday. Need to read through setup and troubleshooting section to see if we can get analyzer to read properly Near-Term Goals: Complete wiring and plumbing on dyno solenoid valves Re-assemble components that had to be removed to access dyno Set up both manual control and PID control for dyno load control Work on LCO analyzer Install new throttle cable to smooth out throttle action (cable is on back order) Schedule: We have just over one month before Tom George arrives This leaves about 2 weeks for testing TPCE and 2 weeks to get the new Ford engine installed and running We can purchase engine within next week and have Gary work on fabricating engine mounts to speed up installation Need to work out details on how we want to run ignition and what to do about intake and exhaust manifolds 8/29/03 Progress: Installed 1/2 inch port pressure regulator on dyno inlet supply and tested Still had problems holding steady load at high torque Tried multiple pressure settings and various bypass valve settings without success Decided that the best thing to do to get testing under way ASAP is to install old dyno heat exchanger and solenoid valves Heat exchanger is now installed on dyno and cooling water lines are hooked up Solenoid valves are mounted and wired to existing spare digital output relays in relay box Tested solenoids and the load port on the dyno was clogged Had to remove and disassemble dyno and clean out load port Installed new magnesium sacrificial anode to prevent future corrosion and reassembled Dyno Set up manual momentary switches to load and unload dyno Working on putting aluminum plate back on dyno stand and hooking everything back up. Will run engine to test dyno today. Received manual from Horiba on LCO analyzer this week. Need to read through setup and troubleshooting section to see if we can get analyzer to read properly Near-Term Goals: Need to configure automatic load control for dyno, we’ll use Boolean and comparison logic to do this rather than a PID Work on LCO analyzer Install new throttle cable to smooth out throttle action (cable is on back order) Schedule: We have one month before Tom George arrives from DOE This leaves about 2 weeks for testing TPCE and 2 weeks to get the new Ford engine installed and running We can purchase engine within next week and have Gary work on fabricating engine mounts to speed up installation Need to work out details on how we want to run ignition and what to do about intake and exhaust manifolds. Exhaust and intake on new Ford engine are on opposite sides of our existing test engine. 9/15/03 Progress: Converted dyno system back to solenoid control and tested with Chevy engine Automatic control logic created in LabView for dyno control Dyno system worked fine, engine developed internal knocking noise that will have to be looked at before that engine is run again. Purchased 2000 Ford Ranger twin plug engine complete with manifolds, wiring harness, starter and ECU Removed Chevy engine from stand and set Ford engine on stand Designed driveshaft coupling adapter and have begun machining it Starter for new engine mounts to the bell housing which is integral to the transmission so a starter mounting plate has to be made. Dimensions for starter plate have been determined and material purchased Motor mount dimensions have been determined and materials purchased Manual was purchased for wiring details of engine but the detail is insufficient, trying to get detailed version from Ford Near-Term Goals: Fabricate engine mounts starter plate and finish driveshaft adapter and get everything bolted up. Acquire detailed wiring diagram for Ford engine and determine what wires we need to interface with to get engine running Determine exhaust routing and intake plumbing for engine Want to have engine running by next week 9/24/03 Progress: Fabricated engine mounts and installed Machined mounting plate for starter and installed Completed machining the dyno shaft coupler and installed, bolts for holding coupler to crankshaft were not available, so longer bolts were purchased, cut to length and threaded Engine cooling lines were extended and hoses hooked up Straight exhaust pipe purchased and flared to mate to manifold, ordered bent sections that will arrive today to fabricate exhaust. Ford wiring manual arrived and wiring hookups figured out Natural gas injection pipe fabricated, need to make orifice for mixing. (Goal is to run engine on NG for demo on Monday.) Adapter fabricated for mounting mass airflow sensor inline with the Ford air flow sensor Machined two test electrodes and set up bench test with Dr Liu and performed combustion test Installed belt for water pump Near-Term Goals: Complete wiring of engine Fabricate exhaust Complete NG injection pipe orifice and plumb up gas line Test run engine Perform a few more combustion tests in chamber to make sure we have repeatable conditions for demo Clean up lab before DOE tour 9/29/03 Progress: Fabricated and installed exhaust pipe for engine Completed wiring of Ford engine Completed NG injection pipe and venturi plate and plumbed up NG line Installed TC’s in exhaust, cooling water, intake manifold and oil systems Hooked up pressure transducers to intake manifold and oil system Sucessfully ran engine on natural gas Near-Term Goals: Begin work on corona electrode for use in engine Design interface between Corona generator and engine for discharge timing Test auto dyno load/unload system 10/8/03 Progress: Added a valve to the highest point of cooling water system on the front of engine to have a way to bleed out the air Tested the automatic dyno speed control system successfully – works “pretty well” Three new Merit research students have started, Bryan, Matt and Scott Familiarized them with the lab and explained the projects that are available to work on Digital tachometer stopped working totally after having some intermittent issues so I sent it to manufacturer for repairs Contacted Kistler to see about getting spark plug adapter for pressure transducer that will fit Ford engine, have not heard back with quote yet Set up tour with Dr Blackwelder for this Thursday Had to make some modifications in Labview to allow engine to be run without speed signal for demo tomorrow Class is ~25 people so Gary will take half of the class on a tour to SAE shop and then groups will switch Note scorecard: Nathan Theiss – El jefe Garry Norris - senior Matt Beck – soph, EE, Merit Scott Nowak – freshman, Merit Brian Johnston – freshman, Merit Crazy Jake Roeder – freshman, Merit Brad Tallon – soph, recalled Merit, trying to win re-election Near-Term Goals: Work on getting LCO into calibration on Horiba Have tach repaired or replaced and installed back on test stand Get plug adapter from Kistler installed and set up LabView to read pressure trace Work on trigger system for Corona on engine 10/13/03 Progress: Worked on Horiba with Bryan and have LCO cell into calibration Wired piezo-electric knock sensor directly into analog input channel. Worked with Matt on creating a VI to alarm at various levels of knock. Highest level has audible alarm. Shimpo has received digital tachometer that was sent in for repair, playing phone tag now, trying to get quote on repair cost. Rep from Kistler has replied that he is looking into pressure xducer plug adapter, has not given quote yet. Near-Term Goals: Work on trigger system for Corona on engine Continue to research best way to make ceramic corona electrode insulation 10/23/03 Progress: Old digital tachometer was deemed unrepairable by manufacturer so we had to order new unit Received new tach, installed, programmed and tested with running engine Reversed programming changes in LabView that allowed engine to be run without tach Routed new wiring through conduit that was temporarily run through front opening of junction boxes Pulled analog shield wire through conduit and secured to copper grounding rod near radiator Routed throttle cable so aluminum step plate can cover it Contacted several manufacturers of machinable ceramics for corona electrodes and received price quotes. Will order a small piece and try machining it. Pricing is fairly reasonable (~$50 for enough to make two electrodes) Received quote from Kistler on making spark plug adapter for pressure transducer for Ford engine. Cost is $225 and takes about 2 to 3 weeks to fill order. Discussed making one with Ewald and we may try it. Trying to locate spare cylinder head for Ford engine to have for test fitting corona electrodes Near-Term Goals: Going to meet with Dr Liu and Matt this afternoon to determine requirements for signal to trigger corona generator on engine Purchase a few spark plugs for new engine and try to make Kistler adapter, if unsuccessful order one from Kistler Order machinable ceramic and work on manufacturing high pressure electrodes 10/29/03 Progress: Ordered piece of machinable ceramic for corona electrode prototype Purchased spark plugs for Ford engine to make pressure transducer mounts with, did not have mill bit small enough to machine grove- had to order one Met with Dr Liu to discuss adapting corona generator to engine. Thyratron will likely not be able to fire at the frequency required for running engine continuously, but will work for single firing test. To run continuously will either need to make new corona generator or borrow the one that other research group in SSC 410 uses. Did some research on optical encoders and requested quote from a manufacturer for one that meets our requirements Working on fine tuning NG air/fuel ratio control loop, have it working reasonably well Insulated remaining portion of exposed exhaust pipe Near-Term Goals: Purchase encoder and mount to engine Make or purchase Kistler mount and work in integrating cylinder pressure monitoring system into Labview Work on prototype electrode after ceramic material is received Complete tuning of NG AFR loop 11/5/03 Progress: Received machinable ceramic for corona electrode prototype Working on detailed SolidWorks drawing of electrode Ordered pressure transducer/spark plug adapter from Kistler Received quote for optical encoder that meets our specs of $375 Looking on Ebay for encoder that will work, they typically are selling for less than $20 Fabricated 1/4” steel guard around flywheel Planning on integrating mount for optical encoder into a guard for pulleys and belt on front of engine Worked on tuning NG air fuel ratio loop. Near-Term Goals: Purchase encoder and mount to engine with belt guard Make or purchase Kistler mount and work in integrating cylinder pressure monitoring system into Labview Work on prototype electrode after ceramic material is received 11/10/03 Progress: Have Merit research guys working on disassembling the TPCE Chevy engine to determine what problems it has and get some engine experience Working on detailed SolidWorks drawing of electrode, need to determine how easy the ceramic is to machine and how thin it can be without breaking Still watching Ebay for encoder that will work, found a couple of possibilities that will work Near-Term Goals: Diagnose and repair problem with Chevy engine and repair it Purchase encoder Start machining ceramic for electrode to determine if our design is macninable 11/20/03 Progress: Fabricated first attempt at corona electrode Machined a fixture to pressure test electrodes Have some leaking between metal housing and ceramic on electrode Contacting spark plug manufacturers to see if we can get plug bodies that would allow us to crimp ceramic into body Purchased encoder for engine on ebay Hoisted engine up from beam out side of lab so we could work on it Discovered noise was coming from loose rotor inside distributor cap Registered for DOE poster session and working on poster Near-Term Goals: Complete poster Install encoder and set up LabView to read it Work on sealing solutions for corona electrode Work on design of electrode (and insulation, as needed) that produces good streamer patterns and can give good ignition properties (rise and delay times better than spark.) 11/24/03 Progress: Wired up optical encoder to motion control board Working on VI to read encoder position Designing mount for encoder that will double as a belt guard Hooked up vacuum pump to corona electrode to suck ceramic cement into gaps in electrode. Will pressure test once cement is dry Near-Term Goals: Complete any changes to DOE poster, send to Kinkos to get printed, send to DC for Distributed Energy Peer Review conference Continue working on encoder VI Pressure test corona electrode and continue development of electrodes Order flexible shaft coupler and mount encoder to engine 12/3/03 Progress: Created VI that can read encoder position in degrees Working on setting up index signal to reset to 0 degrees each time it comes around Fabricated plate for encoder that will double as belt guard, need to weld side guards on to it and make mounting brackets for it Mount is built such that the encoder can be rotated to adjust the index position Ordered and received flexible shaft coupling for mating encoder to crankshaft Sealed leaks in corona electrode with JB Weld and hydro tested up to 1000 psi Removed one spark plug in engine and replaced with ceramic electrode, ran engine for several minutes to test under heat and pressure. Electrode held up fine. Found manufacturer of ceramic cement that is not porous and would work better for sealing between ceramic and metal plug housing Printed poster and sent to DC for conference Near-Term Goals: Work on index function in encoder VI Welding up encoder mount and install on engine Set up time with Dr. Liu for conducting point-to-plane experiments in aluminum chamber Continue development of electrodes Need to build new corona generator with adequate power supply for 2400 RPM = 40 RPS = 20 CPS (coronas per second); each one at most 1 J = 20 W at 20kV. 12/11/03 Progress: Completed welding side plate onto aluminum belt guard and fabricated sturdy mounting brackets Modified bolt on front of engine pulley by drilling a hole into head and pressing in shaft for driving encoder Mounted belt guard and encoder to engine Talked to NI support about resetting encoder count using index signal o They suggested not trying to reset with index signal but using “quotient and remainder” function to keep count between 0 and 360 degrees o Implemented this into vi and tested it by running the engine for several minutes and checked position to make sure encoder kept accurate account of engine position Once encoder is set up correctly relative to crank angle position, it should not have to be reset as long as motion controller board remains powered up Tried combining encoder vi into main vi and had problem of resetting encoder counts to when vi is started (this doesn’t happen when running encoder vi by itself)- still working out this problem Received modified spark plug from Kistler for monitoring cylinder pressure in Ford test engine. Near-Term Goals: Solve encoder position reset problem in main VI Work on vi for high speed capture of crank angle position for cylinder pressure measurements Set up time with Dr. Liu for conducting point-to-plane experiments in aluminum chamber Continue development of corona electrodes 12/17/03 Progress: Solved problem with VI resetting encoder position to zero each time the VI was started o Caused by having encoder wired into same axis as stepper motor for NG valve o When “find home” vi ran for stepper motor it reset encoder count to zero o Wired encoder to different axis to solve problem Looked into maximum value encoder counter can handle before resetting o Will go to 2^32 before resetting to zero o This number is an even multiple of 8192 so won’t be a problem Motion controller board is plugged into UPS so crank angle position will not be lost in case of power failure Working on VI to capture crank angle and cylinder pressure measurement o Have basic VI working that will write cyl. pressure and crank angle to file but, only saving 20 points per second o Need to make it save a few thousand points per second to capture pressure trace that occurs in ~8ms Helped Yuji swap out micro fire computer, install OS and configure LabView. Can run microfire VI but Yuji’s VI not good to go yet. Near-Term Goals: Work on data capture rate for crank angle position/ cylinder pressure VI Set up time with Dr. Liu for conducting point-to-plane experiments in aluminum chamber Continue development of corona electrodes 1/12/04 Progress: Configured analog input channel for reading cylinder pressures Have VI that is capable of high speed data capture rates necessary for engine cylinder pressure measurements o Saves data in a binary file format o Requires another VI to read binary file and plot the data o Trying to find a way to export the data to spreadsheet format Cleaned up and organized lab Near-Term Goals: Work on exporting cylinder pressure and encoder data to a more usable format Run engine and test the cylinder pressure capture VI 1/21/04 Progress: Discovered that high speed binary data logger program will only work for E series DAQ cards and not on motion control card o The cylinder pressure data is on the 6031E card so this can be logged at a high rate (10,000 pts/sec) o The encoder is on the motion controller card so it can’t be logged at the 10,000 pt/sec rate Created VI that can convert binary data file into spreadsheet format Created separate VI that logs encoder data directly to spreadsheet file at a slower rate of 200 pts/sec (maximum rate possible according to NI website for this hardware) o This should be OK as it will give us at least 2 or three encoder position readings during each combustion event o These points can be interpolated/ extrapolated to get the position in between Both sets of data will be logged separately with a time column and then combined and plotted o Working on Matlab program to combine separate log files and create plots automatically Emailed National Instruments for tech support with high speed logging issues and learned that our free year of tech support has expired o They currently are giving us 30 days of free trial tech support but we will have to renew a contract to continue support after 30 days Motor burnt out on engine room ventilation fan, asked Sylvana to place a requisition with facilities to replace it Near-Term Goals: Hook up Kistler amplifier to analog input channel and install pressure transducer into engine Complete Matlab program to reduce data Run engine and test pressure/ crank angle logging and Matlab program Focus on corona electrode and generator after the pressure logging system is working 2/4/04 Progress: Tried reading encoder signal and encoder index signal in as analog inputs Ran engine and captured the following data at the maximum allowable capture rate Pressure Trace Test 4 3.5 3 Voltage 2.5 2 Index Encoder Press ure 1.5 1 0.5 0 2150 2170 2190 2210 2230 2250 2270 2290 2310 2330 2350 -0.5 scan# This captured ~150 samples during the combustion event. o If we were to use a 360 pulse/rev encoder this would still not pick up every pulse which would affect our accuracy since we would be relying on counting pulses to determine c/a position Found and example where a company used LabView to do what we are trying to do: http://www.ni.com/pdf/csma/us/361574a1.pdf o They read the encoder signal into their DAQ card and use the encoder signal to trigger the pressure reading like we discussed with Salih o Emailed this company to ask some questions about their setup and to see if they sell the VI or if they will share a copy of it. Reading up on using trigger input to capture the pressure as this seems like our best alternative. Near-Term Goals: Solve problem with C/A logging capture rates Focus on corona electrode and generator after the pressure logging system is working 2/19/04 Progress: Exploring different options for triggering pressure sample from encoder input: Can successfully read encoder pulses when wired into PFI (programmable function input) on 6031-E card Configured High speed data logger VI to trigger off of encoder pulse wired to PFI inputs o At first had problems with the changed values being overwritten with default values each time VI was executed. - Corrected this problem o After modifying several Sub-vi’s we have the high speed data logger successfully triggering from encoder pulses o The VI works great when spinning the encoder by hand but when hooked to electric drill an error message saying that “clock rate is faster than hardware can support or glitches may be present in external clock signal” -still working on solving this problem. Also tried using “Acquire N scans ext scan clock digital trigger.vi” This VI log’s data into a buffer and displays it on a chart on the screen. This vi works when hooked up to the electric drill spinning at 600 RPM o We haven’t figured out how to extract the data from the buffer yet so we don’t know what capture rate this vi is capable of. I have emailed NI tech support again asking what the maximum frequencies these VI’s are capable of capturing data and for suggestions with correcting the error we’re getting Near-Term Goals: Solve problem with error encountered when running High speed data logger and incorporate the encoder index pulse for TDC locating. Focus on installing corona electrode testing once the pressure logging system is working 2/25/04 Progress: Tried using trial version of RamDisk software to see if we could write to RAM more quickly rather than to the hdd. Still encountered error stating that we were exceeding the hardware speed. o Abandoned the High Speed data logger VI and focused on the “Acquire N scans” vi that writes all of the data to a buffer before writing to hdd We were successful with the Acquire N scans VI and have Cylinder pressure monitoring system working o Recording all data to buffer, storing it until recording is complete, then transferring to hard drive in spreadsheet format o No longer trying to write buffer to a file on the fly o This results in significant resolution increase and no errors o Tested engine up to 2600 rpm and recorded 10 revolutions without any problem or buffer over-run Near-Term Goals: Currently working on equations to calculate IMEP from pressure and crankshaft angle data. Have all required engine dimensions, went to Ford dealership to determine the connecting rod length (5.457”) Plan on putting all equations within matlab code to run in subVI This should allow us to get values in realtime Next we’ll focus on developing electrodes for use in engine 3/1/04 Progress: Performed motoring test to verify that pressure peak is occurring at TDC o Test showed that peak pressure occurs at exactly within TDC as measured by encoder during motoring test o Realized that we are missing some encoder pulses at the higher speeds. The motoring test was reading 4096 encoder pulses (two revolutions) between cylinder pressure events whereas the running test only measured ~1058 encoder counts between pressure events o I am assuming that the DAQ card is reading every encoder pulse up until a maximum scan rate is reached then it just reads as fast as it can. o Need to perform tests at slower rpm to determine what the fastest sample rate is and then find proper resolution encoder to stay just under that limit. Set up spreadsheet to calculate IMEP. Tested at low load and #’s seem reasonable, need to test at higher load. Near-Term Goals: Determine max scan rate and purchase appropriate encoder Check IMEP calcs at higher load Need to adjust bias and integration time of Kistler amplifier – need to read manual and see how to get proper pressure readings from it. 3/10/04 Progress: Solved problem of not being able to log data at full 100 kS/s rate o It turns out that when the AMUX is in the hardware configuration in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) it automatically multiplexes all analog channels. This was cutting the max logging rate down by a factor of four so we were only logging at 26 KS/s o The AMUX was turned off in the configuration and logging at rates of 110 KS/s were reached before any errors were encountered. This is not a permanent solution though as the main engine VI needs to be stopped and then the configuration changed in MAX and then the Cyl Press logging VI can be run. The cylinder pressure must be read on a separate card that does not have any multiplexing devices hooked up to it. A new card was ordered (6070E) that can sample at a rate of 1.25MS/s. An old ISA DAQ card was traded in to receive a 40% discount on the new card from NI. A cable and basic terminal block were also ordered. This card is capable of adding other cylinders and will also be capable of triggering the corona generator. The new card will be installed in the main computer and the terminal block will be mounted in a second enclosure that we just installed on the wall in the engine room. The Kistler amplifier will also be mounted in this enclosure so it won’t be exposed to the vibration of the engine and also will be enclosed to minimize the electrical noise. A new conduit was run from the engine mounted boxes to the new wall enclosure for routing of encoder and pressure x-ducer wiring. A longer coax cable was ordered from Kistler to reach to the new amplifier location. The new card, cables and terminal block should arrive by Friday. Adjusted the zero pressure offset on the Kistler amplifier up so we can see the exhaust event. Near-Term Goals: Install new card, cable and terminal block for cylinder pressure system and move on! Work on corona electrodes and adapting the corona generator for use on the engine. 3/16/04 Progress: Received new hardware from NI (6079E DAQ card, terminal block and cable), installed it and wired up encoder and Kistler amplifier Received new 8 meter cable from Kistler for pressure transducer and installed it through new conduit Ran tests with engine running at several different RPM to verify that we are capturing all encoder pulses and confirmed that we are. Created PV diagram with engine running at 2700 rpm and 40 ft/lb torque: Cylinder pressure VI can now be integrated into main VI or run by itself IMEP looks reasonable, indicated power is about 20 hp. … but exhaust pressure is lower by 12 psi than intake pressure. Exhaust pressure at beginning of exhaust stroke should be very close to 1 atm, and the pressure at the end of the intake stroke should be very close to the manifold pressure (about 7 psi in this case. So the exhaust pressure should be 7.7 psi above the intake pressure, but for this calculation it’s 12 psi BELOW the intake pressure, meaning an offset of 20 psi has been created. Need to try different integration times! Near-Term Goals: Scrutinize Kister measurements, determine best cap and time scale ranges for our measurements. Schedule VERY SOON meeting with Dr Liu to discuss electrodes and hooking corona generator up to engine control system. Make point electrode that can be used for static (or running) test on engine to determine what (if any) insulation will have to be added to prevent arcing. 3/26/04 Progress: Met with Dr Liu to discuss best plan for implementing corona electrode into engine: o We determined that the easiest way would be to have an actual cylinder and piston from the engine that we could test on the bench in Dr. Liu’s lab. o Tried to locate cylinder head and piston from local junk yards. Best price I could find on individual parts was a used cylinder head for $275 and a new piston from the dealer for $105. o Found a complete engine for $550. This way we have a complete set of spare parts for the engine. Also we have the cam in the head so we can open valves and check clearances between the valves and electrodes. Removed head and one piston from engine Machined a block of aluminum to accept the piston and drilled and tapped it for the head bolts Bolted the head to the block with the head gasket and pressure tested o Had some slow leaks past valves so we’re making block off plates that will seal the ports with o-rings Showed Dr. Liu the new cylinder apparatus to determine what shape electrode to try first. We’re working on dimensioning photographs for him so he can design the electrode. Ran engine with medium setting on Kistler amplifier (see data 27 spreadsheet). Looks pretty good now but should check valve timing to see if there is overlap at BDC and if the exhaust valve closes before TDC on the exhaust stroke. Near Term Goals: Complete the sealing caps for the intake and exhaust ports on new test chamber Determine electrode geometry to test (loop, nail head??) that will clear valves and piston, have large enough area so corona can ignite mixture, but not arc or cause knock. 4/2/04 Progress: Dimensioned drawings of combustion chamber for Dr Liu. He is working on determining what electrode geometries will fit in the chamber. Completed machining of block off plates that bolt over intake and exhaust ports and seal with O-rings. Pressure tested cylinder up to 100 psi to check for leaks. Everything is sealed except for head gasket has very slow leak. (Takes approx 20 minutes to bleed down from 100 psi to 20 psi) o A new head gasket could be used to solve this problem. Working on machining spark plug bodies and ceramic inserts to speed up construction of electrodes once designs are established. Near Term Goals: Continue to prepare 3 or 4 electrode bodies Check with Dr. Liu to see if electrode geometry has been determined 4/8/04 Progress: Continuing to manufacture electrode blanks from spark plug bodies and machinable ceramic o Ordered more machinable aluminum silicate ceramic from McMaster Talked to Dr. Liu about what steps to take next with the cylinder/piston test chamber o Since the clearance is so small between the piston and head and arcing will most definitely occur, he suggested that we use a ceramic cement to insulate the head and valve faces around the electrode as well as an area on the top of the piston around the electrode. o I borrowed some ceramic cement from Microcombustion that looks like it will do the job for bench testing but we may need to find something else if we need to insulate in running engine. o The plan is to not paint the valves shut with the cement and then drill and tap the valve port block-off plates to use as gas handling ports Will meet with Dr. Liu this afternoon and show him the ceramic coating and decide which electrode shape to start testing with Near Term Goals: Make decision on electrode geometry and test in ceramic-insulated chamber 4/14/04 Progress: Completed fabrication of electrode body with interchangeable electrode design o Core of electrode body has steel piece that is drilled on one end to accept electrodes of various geometries. This will prevent the need to fabricate a complete new electrode each time a different geometry is desired. o Going to use Ewald’s EDM machine to bore the electrode hole deeper since .045” drill bits tend to break off Fabricated spacers for valves out of brass sheet that have small slot in them to allow gas to flow into combustion chamber. o This way the edges of the valve can be insulated with the ceramic cement since they won’t have to be opened to fill with gas. Near Term Goals: EDM hole in electrode body Perform combustion tests in new chamber and determine which electrode to try in the engine. Look into more durable ceramic coatings that will hold up to the combustion chamber environment 4/29/04 Progress: Performed more testing with corona electrode in cylinder head o Realized that arcing was occurring through the machinable ceramic, not in ceramic paste that was painted over the top o Checked the electrical insulation for the alumina silicate ceramic we were using and found it to be only 100 V/mil o Ordered Macor that has 1000 V/mil Constructed new electrode with Macor, initial tests today show that it is not arcing through the machinable ceramic o Painting on ceramic paste over threads today, will let dry over night and test at elevated pressures tomorrow Requested some samples of ceramic engine coatings so we can determine their electrical resistance properties Completed draft copy of paper for ASME conference Brad and Scott are working on VI to trigger corona at proper time on engine Spoke with Bryan Willson at CSU about testing corona on large bore engine- they are willing to work with us Near Term Goals: Test with new electrode at elevated pressures Prepare one page summary of project for ARES review and submit by tomorrow Write up scope of work for CSU testing (We did install a water injection system on that engine when I was there) Run engine with electrode in one of the plug ports and monitor pressure traces for knock Complete triggering VI for Corona and order solid state relays 6/8/04 Progress: Presented Corona project progress at ARES Peer Review meeting in Chicago on 5/10 -5/11 o Meeting and presentation went well. Haven’t heard any feedback yet from review panel. o Several of the other universities had incomplete data so we weren’t the only ones with partial data to present o Ron Fiskum stressed that the universities need to spend the money in the grants or they will lose it. o Also requested periodic email updates to keep them posted on progress Contacted National Instruments tech support about 6031 DAQ card that has the saturated voltage inputs o Ran a self test program and the card passed all of tests in the program, yet still reads high voltages o Tried installing in a different PCI slot within the same computer with same results o Also tried installing in a different computer and still reading saturated voltages Will return card to NI for repair, they said that the cards are usually repairable Putting together order from Allied Electronics for chips used in relay circuit o Minimum order is $25 and I only need about $10 worth of parts so I’m determining what solid state relays we need for switching off the spark circuit and switching on the corona circuit and will add them to the order. Near Term Goals: Ship DAQ card to NI for repair Discuss where the optimal placement is for relay in switching on corona system and complete Allied Electronics order ASME – need corrections to paper. 6/14/04 Progress: Called National Instruments to return DAQ card for repair o They have a flat repair fee for that card of $799. (Card apparently retails for $1799) o I checked on Ebay and found one listed so I placed a bid on it and won it for $480 o Card arrived today. We installed and tested the card and it works fine. o Just need to set up configuration on card and it can be used to run engine. Completed revisions to ASME paper and re-submitted it o There were a few grammatical errors but mostly they wanted some more descriptions for clarification Have contacted Performance Coatings about ceramic coatings for insulation in combustion chamber o They are not sure what the electrical insulation properties are of their coatings o We were thinking we could send them an old junk piston to coat so we can test it before coating parts from the Ford engine Placed order from Allied Electronics for darlington chips and solid state relay for interrupting spark circuit Mentioned our idea of shielding the high voltage areas of corona system to Dr Liu o His response: “I agree that the problem comes from high voltage pulse. I believe that the way the high voltage pulse damaging the data acquisition card is via the ground line. Our high voltage could be as high as 50 KV. A small resistance in the ground line might create several volts voltage which is enough to damaging some precise circuit. I think we must very carefully re-arrange our ground lines. We must use two completely separate ground lines. One is for the trig (spark and corona). it should use the ground line of wall plug. Another for measurement and all other devices that need electric power. This one should connect to the ground outside your lab. Carefully check them to make sure that there is no unintentional connection between these two ground lines. Of cause these two line eventually will join together in some remote point.” Near Term Goals: Complete configuration on DAQ card and start up engine to make sure everything else still works Write program for at least single corona fires (with rest of discharges from conventional spark system) Send part(s) to get a sample ceramic coating Figure out ground and shielding plan for next corona test 6/21/04 Recent Progress: Configured new DAQ card and test ran engine to make sure everything is working – it is. Received new Darlington chips and installed in relay circuits Also received SS relay for switching ignition circuit Discussed with Dr Liu possibility of running corona on 2-stroke engine to eliminate problem with arcing to valve edges. o Looking into engine possibilities and how to trigger corona and measure cylinder pressure Piston sent off for ceramic coating Near Term Goals: Make decision if we want to run 2 stroke engine. If so, work out details 6/29/04 Progress: Working on updating schematics of control system: adding new drawings for cylinder pressure system, ESD circuit, and Horiba interface Installed ESD (emergency shutdown switch) on desk next to computers and pulled wire to relay box Ordered relay for ESD and one to replace ignition relay from McMaster (ignition relay was fried by corona) Called Performance Coatings today and they have completed the coating on the piston we sent them and they are sending it out today. Flushed cooling system on engine Did some machining for Salih and Amir (Egolfopolous’ lab) Near Term Goals: Complete wiring of ESD button once relay is received Complete Autocad drawing updates Test corona on coated piston to see if the electrical insulating properties are sufficient to insulate against corona 7/7/04 Progress: Received relay for ESD system and completed wiring up to switch. Circuit cuts all 12V DC and 110V AC power from engine. Received coated piston from Performance coatings and tested it’s electrical properties. It turns out it’s a great electrical conductor. Its resistance is only a few ohms. o Gary is looking into other possibilities for ceramic coatings Set up ignition coil and distributor for firing ignition on one cylinder o Could not easily adapt the distributor to trigger from the encoder to test with engine running o We did test it with both a spark plug wire and a low resistance wire and observed no interference with other electronics Helping Youngjin and George with machining on their aluminum chamber. Near Term Goals: Complete Autocad drawing updates Determine if there are any other coatings to try on the engine components Discuss test plan with or without ceramic insulation on engine components Do more testing to test for EMF problems before we fire corona on engine again 7/12/04 Progress: Tested coated piston with corona in Dr Liu’s lab o As we suspected it is a great conductor and it behaved just as aluminum and the arc would go right to the coating. o Discussed coating and EMF issues with Dr. Gundersen. He had some ideas to help solve both problems and he was going to get back to me. (aluminum oxide coatings, diamond coatings) We have contacted two other companies to inquire about electrical properties of their coatings. o CCI (Ceramic Coating Inc) looks promising. They can flame spray aluminum oxide coatings with a Dielectric strength of 2000 V/mil. We need to send them some drawings of what we want and then they will give us a quote. (He mentioned that Ford Motor Co. has called inquiring about the same thing.) Spent good portion of Thursday and Friday machining aluminum chamber with George Near Term Goals: Follow up with Dr. Gundersen about coatings and shielding for the corona generator. Send drawings to CCI and get quote. Complete AutoCAD drawing updates Complete machining on Youngjin’s & George’s chamber. 7/20/04 Progress: Completed ASME paper and submitted final draft for Long Beach IC Engines Conference Requested copy of material specs for aluminum oxide ceramic coating from Ceramic Coating Inc. (CCI) o Coating is called Rokide A and according to the spec sheet only has a dielectric strength of 160 V/mil, not 2000 volts per mil like I was told over the phone. The person that quoted me 2000 V/mil, John Hale is on vacation so he wasn’t available to answer questions about the discrepancy. o Requested a sample that we can test in Dr. Liu’s lab o CCI recommended looking into ceramic insert for insulating piston and spray coating on the intake valve. The electrical resistance decreases with increasing temperature. They recommended a company called Ceradyne in Costa Mesa for the insert. Removed painted-on ceramic coating from the spare cylinder head that we tested with o We should get a valve job on spare head so we can run it on the engine once we get the valve or head coated o Disassembled head (removed rocker arms and camshaft) so head can be taken to machine shop for valve job o Received a quote of $95 for the valve job from LA Crank and Engine Rebuilding Completed Machining on pressure chamber for George and Youngjin’s project Cleaned up lab Near Term Goals: Follow up with Dr. Gundersen about shielding for the corona generator. Test sample from CCI once it is received 8/2/04 Progress: Worked with Dr. Liu on designing, building and testing electrode for the company in Laguna Hills o Insulator is machined out of Teflon o Made two different electrode designs o Constructed a test platform out of aluminum that has the same dimensions as the actual test chamber o Tested the electrodes and both designs look like they will work for ignition Received sample of Aluminum Oxide from CCI and tested it with Corona discharge o Coating seems to be porous as the corona goes right through it o If voltage is turned up, we get an arc through it also. Took cylinder head in for valve job o After they disassembled the head they found two cracks in the valve seats so they didn’t do a valve job o I’m talking with the salvage yard where we purchased the head from to see if they will warrantee it. Near Term Goals: Look for other coatings that aren’t as porous as the aluminum oxide Try to get replacement cylinder head for engine Any further testing for Laguna electrode? 8/17/04 Progress: Completed machining of Teflon insulator and assembly of 3rd electrode for Laguna test on Sept 2. (I’m on call for jury duty that week) Working on Technical Progress Report and Federal Asst. Program/Project Status Report for DOE for period 4/1/03 – 3/31/04. These must be submitted by Aug 30th to prevent DOE from withholding any payments. I will have them ready to send this week. Did not have any luck with getting salvage yard to warrantee cracked cylinder head for spare engine since the 30 day warrantee period was long past. Made comprehensive backup of both computers onto DVD’s Reinstalled operating system on Secondary computer as it had been running very slow lately Have located and contacted more companies that do plasma spray of ceramic coatings and requested information and samples. (APS Materials Inc and Endura Coatings) Helping George with machining new window openings for chamber Gary is on vacation this week. Near Term Goals: Schedule meeting with Dr Gundersen, Dr Liu, Dr Ronney and Nathan to discuss corona generator for running on engine. Is best approach to shield current generator, use the other generator that has better shielding or to construct new generator to be used in the engine lab. o It would be ideal to have a dedicated generator for engine lab so Dr. Liu’s other tests aren’t put on hold when generator is hooked up to engine. Complete DOE reports and submit Help Gorge finish up machining window openings 8/27/04 Progress: Completed Technical Progress Report and Federal Asst. Program/Project Status Report for DOE for period 4/1/03 – 3/31/04. These reports will be sent out this afternoon. (report ended up being much longer than expected at 26 pages) Have been in contact with APS Materials about getting sample ceramic coating. They claim their aluminum oxide coatings have been tested to have Dielectric strengths of 500 to 1000 V/mil. If this is true it should work well for an engine coating. Helped George complete machining for chamber Spoken with Merit research students Brad Tallon and Matt Beck and both are returning to work in the lab this semester. Spoke with Dr. Liu about building a new generator and the costs and time seem to be prohibitive, so best option is to properly shield and ground existing generator Near Term Goals: Submit DOE reports Familiarize Jun Zhao with corona generator and discuss with Dr Liu best way to design shielding for system. Test new coating from APS when it arrives and show procedure to Merritt Johnson. 9/21/04 Progress: Built a fluid pressurization system for the fuel injector Tested with Dr. Liu’s corona generator and had two problems; the water line to the pressurization tank acted as a conductor grounding the injector, also the injector coil was not insulated well enough for high voltage and would break down. Re-designed the experiment with help of Dr. Gundersen. Now the injector is not acting as high voltage electrode. It is positioned to spray through a tube with an electrode running down the center. The electrical connections are all coaxial to minimize noise. Tested discharge today and had a good corona for several pulses but the Teflon insulator broke down and the discharge arced a hole in it. More Teflon rod was ordered and long drill bits so it can be machined out of one piece to prevent this problem. Have all materials to modify engine electrode for a coaxial connection to corona generator Sent aluminum pieces to CCI for samples of their aluminum oxide ceramic coating. Merritt is also contacting other companies for different types of ceramic coatings. Working on LabView code for firing corona from PC. Program will keep track of encoder position and trigger corona at desired time while disabling the primary side of the spark plug coil. Near Term Goals: Machine new Teflon insulator for coaxial corona tube for testing injector Assemble coaxial connector for engine electrode and test for arcing Complete and test LabView program\ for controlling timing of corona discharge on engine Test ceramic coatings once they arrive 9/29/04 Progress: Modified ceramic engine electrode to accept coaxial plug from pseudospark generator. Tested electrode on bench to check Teflon insulation for arc-through- works fine with no arcing through insulation. Also fired at 20 Hz on the bench to make sure it can keep up with the frequency that it will see on the engine. Created LabView program that counts encoder pulses and can trigger corona at desired timing o Program works when run independently, but when combined with cylinder pressure VI it pauses because all of the resources go to the cylinder pressure VI o Tried to adjust the priority level of the VI’s to get them to execute simultaneously o Still working on software fix, but Matt is also working on mounting an adjustable magnetic trigger switch to the camshaft pulley for a backup. (This method has one advantage in that the Near Term Goals: 10/11/04 Progress: Sent NG flow meter back to McMillan for repair, requested expedited repair. Drilled and tapped port in #1 exhaust manifold for emissions sample line Called Ford dealership and found that both coils are supposed to fire all of the time. We replaced the faulty coil with a spare and it fires now. o Now we can interrupt signal to one side of secondary coil to interrupt spark on #1 cylinder (#4 secondary spark will also be cut) o Wired spark cut and corona trigger up to same relay using separate shielded wires- need to test to make sure this works and won’t trigger the corona from engine noise. Checked on power supply in storage closet and it is only 2 KV so it won’t work for corona generator. Fei is checking on what power supplies are functional and available. It looks likely that we will borrow power supply from Dr Liu. Near Term Goals: Working on hooking up gasoline system to engine today (found that stock Ford setup has regulator in tank and fuel pressure is 72psi. Move old pseudospark generator to lab and test Collect data on gasoline until NG flow meter returns. 10/18/04 Progress: Plumbed up gasoline regulator and fuel lines and tested engine on gasoline Received repaired NG flowmeter from McMillan and installed it. Solved noise issue with switch that turns off spark plug coil and enables corona trigger. We used a second relay to switch both leads on the magnetic switch and grounded the shields to fix the problem Started up and calibrated Horiba Set up pseudospark generator and borrowed power supply from Dr Liu and tested it with Fei today without engine running. We are borrowing pseudospark generator, small o-scope, pulse generator from Fei and power supply from Dr Liu. Moved air compressor to closet to muffle noise. Near Term Goals: Check corona generator and make sure it works with engine running Perform engine testing and compile data for ASME presentation. 10/28/04 Progress: Tested engine with Pseudospark generator under varying A/F ratio, ignition timing and Load Had problem with breaking electrodes at higher loads, insulator material must be improved. o Ron Matthews from Univ of Texas Austin said he would send me the info on the insulator material they use on their rail plugs. Reviewed Horiba startup and calibration procedure with Jason & Brad Went over LabView code, control system wiring, layout and drawings with Jason Made corrections to Thermal Efficiency calculation in LabView Added Brake Specific emissions calculations to LabView to be saved with data point Near Term Goals: Clean up data from recent tests Machine plexiglass tubes for Dr Liu Continue to go over things with Jason Fix intake temperature thermocouple Check exhaust temperature thermocouple Fix oil pressure sensor 11/08/04 Progress: Machined plexiglass tubes for Dr. Liu Intake thermocouple sensor was replaced with a spare and currently works Aftermarket oil pressure sender from Summit Racing was installed, calibrated and added to Lab View Researched breaking insulator – possible alternatives o Higher temperature machinable ceramics from Cotronics – waiting for prices o New Macor geometry – less protrusion into combustion chamber o Custom machined Alumina from Atro Met – sent drawing and waiting for quote, similar material used in spark plugs Collected data for Jun’s heat loss calculations Near Term Goals: Check exhaust temperature thermocouple Order other machinable ceramics and fabricate electrodes Test electrodes on various high load conditions for failure Replace encoder wire with insulated wire 11/15/04 Progress: Exhaust thermocouple is not measuring accurately so a replacement has been ordered Machinable alumina was ordered – good to 1800 degC Quote on custom alumina insulator was received - $3,500.00, so this route has been abandoned Machining another Macor insulator, almost complete Replaced encored wire with shielded multi-conductor wire Ordered stainless tubing for all new electrodes Found a viable ECU alternative by Perfect Power – SMT6, o $450.00 and controls spark timing and fuel amount o Piggyback to OEM ECU o Real time tunable from any computer with installed software Near Term Goals: Replace exhaust thermocouple and test to make sure it works Complete Macor insulator and test electrode with pseudo-spark generator to check for arcing then run in engine to test for failure Begin machining alumina electrode and do the same above test Run engine under various conditions to make sure all sensors and systems check, prepare for more corona tests 11/22/04 Progress: Exhaust thermocouple has been replaced, been tested and is functioning correctly Macor insulator was completed and waiting to be welded and tested Engine was run under various RPMs for Jun’s heat loss calculations -- The last macor insulator that was machined (has arcing through insulator so the corona is not fired) was used in place of the second spark plug in cylinder 1, and held up to high RPMs and high loads. -- Its geometry is being copied for this next macor insulator as well as the alumina one All sensors and systems were verified during engine testing ECU piggyback has been ordered Scheduled use of pseudospark generator for the week of dec 12th Near Term Goals: Install and test ECU piggyback when it arrives Weld macor electrode and test for arcing and failing under load Machine alumina electrode and do the same above test 12/06/04 Progress: Completed machinable alumina electrode and tested on the pulse generator in SSC 410. There appeared to be internal arcing which could be due to the lower dielectric strength of the alumina as compared to Macor. PDR note: testing is inconclusive in my opinion. Need to have separate ground return paths for internal arcing and ‘proper’ discharge, then see what we have by measuring voltage across spark gap, and current through desired or undesired ground path. Streamer patterns are very difficult to see in ambient room light. Turn off room lights or enclose electrode assembly inside a small box to shield room light. Also remember that arc is bad, streamers are good. Began machining macor electrode which broke during the welding process Began installing piggyback ECU Note: never trust any instrument until it has earned your trust, including coworkers and faculty advisors. Near Term Goals: Machine another macor electrode and have completed by early in the week Test on pulse generator and run in engine to check for failure at load Complete the installation of the piggyback ECU 12/13/04 Progress: Machined macor electrode to the geometry of the previous electrode that did not fail under the load of the engine Retested the alumina electrode measuring voltage and current and determined that there was external arcing for a small electrode gap and internal arcing (no external streamers) for a larger electrode gap. This lead to the conclusion that the alumina dielectric strength is not enough to withstand the high voltage pulse, it has a strength 1/5 that of macor. Completed wiring of piggyback ECU and tested on engine, verified that timing adjustment works under various conditions Near Term Goals: Test that the newest Macor electrode does not have internal arcing (waiting for use of pulse generator) Run engine with new corona electrode and perform various tests (schedule use of pulse generator for early January) Begin construction on another macor electrode with similar geometry 1/18/05 Progress: Newest Macor electrode works correctly and does not have internal arcing Borrowed pulse generator and got it running correctly on engine, electrode broke shortly after beginning testing Redesigned electrode to be modular and easy to fix after failure Began machining newest electrode Near Term Goals: Finish machining modular electrode and test with pulse generator Continue engine testing (have the use of the pulse generator) 1/24/05 Progress: Finished modular electrode, pressure test and corona test were successful. Pressure test has slight problems around threads of two pieces, Teflon tape seems to work but a better solution should be looked into. Near Term Goals: Continue engine testing (have the use of the pulse generator until monday) 2/3/05 Progress: Milled out a lip on the modular electrode housing for the o-ring to seal against. The threads no longer have to seal and the electrode passed the pressure test. Ran the engine and collected about 50 pressure traces at various phi’s and high loads. Ceramic insulator broke while extracting from the engine. Made another ceramic insulator and continued engine testing at high loads and RPMs collecting 30 more pressure traces when JB weld failed and the ceramic broke. Part of ceramic fell into the cylinder. Returned pulse generator, will possibly have use again in early march Near Term Goals: Do pressure test and leakdown test on cylinder #1 to check for damage Possibly begin to fix engine Machine several ceramic electrodes so that rapid replacement in engine is possible during testing Look into having ceramic electrodes mass produced through CNC Look into better method of applying JB weld or possibly an alternative for higher pressures and temperatures 2/14/05 Progress: Pressure test and leakdown verify there is no damage to cylinder #1 Began to look at data which shows ~20% increase in IMEP, some data looks strange (end of expansion stroke pressure falls below ambient) Near Term Goals: Continue to analyze data Create same plots as before? Discussion with Jacob Rossi 6/5/06 We should have 3 control loops for the engine, because there are 3 main parameters to be controlled. Engine RPM – controlled by dynamometer load Intake manifold pressure – controlled by throttle valve position Fuel to air ratio – controlled by (gaseous fuel case) fuel flow valve position, or by the timing/duration of fuel injection for the liquid fuel case Of course these controls are not independent, but I’ve listed what I think are the primary control parameters. The other thing that we really need to do is to get the engine running on liquid fuels. We have the fuel flow meters, etc. but everything has to be connected and tested. We can also use Nathan Theiss (Nathan.Theiss@Honeywell.com) as a resource here, but sparingly of course since he has a full time job elsewhere. 6/09/06 Progress: Saro Memarzadeh started position as lead researcher Contacted previous project leader (Tsutomu) to explain important concepts Checked engine for any leaking lines and/or leaking fittings – found none Engine is running perfectly Researched previous material to understand laboratory setup o Outlined engine startup Tested engine and retrieved data to understand the process of data acquisition Checked and organized inventory; still no official listing on everything Started plans to control throttle valve through stepper motor Jacob did research on PID controllers and Stepper Motor Theory Long Term Goals: Prepare operating manuals for the instruments, prepare list of inventory Finish plans on stepper motor controled throttle valve o Figure out how LabVIEW program controls stepper motors o Write new control loop for throttle o Draw diagram for mounting stepper motor and give to respective party o Order (or find) necessary wiring for controls Near Term Goals: Take test data with Fuel and compare to previous groups (Natural Gas) Install liquid fuel metering system so we can measure actual fuel usage – either o 1 flow meter per cylinder (can our meters take the pressure?) o 1 flow meter total measuring flow before pump o 1 flow meter total measuring flow after pump (can our meters take the pressure?) o Check into how Detroit (and Tokyo, and Seoul) measure fuel flow for the purpose of computing gas mileage. Extract corona engine stuff from corona.ignition.progress.doc and put into this document. From now on, all engine stuff, corona or not, goes into this document. Fall 2006 Progress Report 09/26/06 Currently members are working on: Omar: Engine RPM (Controlled by Dyno Load) Jacob: Intake Manifold Pressure (Controlled by Throttle Valve Position Dane: Fuel Delivery System and Installation of Flow Meter Saro: Fuel to Air Ratio (Controlled by the duty cycle of the injectors) Rachel: Documenting the research Each member has their own weekly progress reports written and saved on the PC in the lab under a directory with the same name as the member on the desktop. These reports are reviewed by Saro and an overall report is written and submitted to Prof. Ronney. Held a one hour discussion on the theory of PID Controllers and how they can be tuned in LabView in our Lab with: Jacob, Omar and Rachel Part List for fuel delivery system is ready. Our old Dyno stepper motor valve which is not being used on the Dyno any more has been re-assigned for duty as the throttle valve control motor. This stepper motor is currently being installed on the throttle valve. Research has been done on the gearing system. In order to change the duty cycle of the injector it seems we have two options, one being to reprogram the ECU, the other being to use a “sub computer fuel control”. Apexi S-AFC seems to be a good option. It modifies the air flow meter signal/ Oxygen sensor signal voltage going to the ECU to change the amount of fuel injected. More research needs to be done on which model fits our requirements. We do have SMT6 from Perfect Power, which is a smart tuner Piggy-Back. I am not sure if it can control the injectors’ duty cycle cause could not find any catalogue in the Lab, so contacted them and asked if they have a .pdf so I can use or if they can send us one. They sent one and now need to study it. See what other groups doing engine research do. Every engine lab everywhere in the world has to control RPM, fuel flow, ignition timing, and manifold pressure. Let’s just start by seeing if it makes sense to copy their approaches. Near Term Goals: o Order the gearing system THEN install the new stepper motor and its gearing system (or is it just a simple two notched pulleys with a notched belt? Why not go with something simple like that? What torque multiplication factor do we need?) (Or does the “Dyno” stepper motor not need a gearing system at all? This question can be answered right away.) o Order the part list for fuel delivery system and install it o Finish the three main control loops and start working on combining them o Decide on the parts necessary to control the duty cycle of the injectors. Progress Report 10/04/06 Installed the stepper motor on the throttle valve and tested it. It works fine, rotates in both directions and has enough torque so we are going to use it (200 steps/rev). The motor size does not allow us to connect it directly to the valve so we need a timing belt and two pulleys. Found the EFI look up tables for Ford ECU. This is needed if we want to use the oxygen sensor signal to tune the injectors. Found and studied the Oxygen Sensor Catalogue from Bosch. In order to measure the signal, the engine needs to be running and warmed up. There are four wires on the sensor, the black one is the signal and the white one is the ground. Found contact numbers for some of other engine labs. Need to contact them and talk to them about methods they use. The solenoid valves (For Dyno) currently work properly on the engine and can be controlled by Lab View. The reason one of them was not working was a loose wire! Near Term Goals: o Finish installing the stepper motor. o Order the part list for fuel delivery system and install it o Finish the three main control loops and start working on combining them o Measure the signal on the oxygen sensor Progress Report 10/16/06 Stepper Motor: Mounted on top of the throttle valve. Need to order the belt and the pulleys. Having trouble on how to get to the shaft. Tried dismantling the plastic cover but could not find a way. There is nothing about it in the manual. Oxygen Sensor: Connected to Lab View through PCI-MIO-16E-1 Board channel 2. It is possible to see the oxygen sensor voltage anytime on DEV2/Channel 02 on Measurement and Automation Explorer. We had the engine running for about 5 minutes and tested it. The voltage on Lab View was a fluctuating from 0.7-0.9 but shows engine is running rich. Not sure if after 5 minutes the ECU was running in closed loop or still open loop. Will try running the engine for longer periods of time to make sure it goes into closed loop mode. The analog output of the Oxygen Sensor to ECU is wired. Briefly, we take the oxygen sensor voltage to the PC instead of ECU and then give an Analog Output to ECU from PC. The two can be connected so the voltage from O2 sensor goes straight to ECU or can be disconnected so we can manipulate the output signal before sending it to ECU. The wiring is finished, but has not been tested while running the engine yet. The solenoid valves (For Dyno) currently work properly on the engine and can be controlled by Lab View. The relays wires needs to be plugged into 110 AC before operation. Currently working on the PID controller. Need to figure out a way of knowing how much water is in the dyno ! A manual was prepared for ECU Socket Wiring which was added to the current manual that Rachel is preparing. We now have solenoid valves, O2 Sensor, Stepper Motor and ECU Wiring explained completely. Some photos of these need to be added. Near Term Goals: o Ordering stepper motor belt and pulleys o Test the oxygen sensor for : closed loop mode o Test ECU with manipulated output voltage from PC o Finish the three main control loops Progress Report 11/01/06 Ordered Parts arrived. The exhaust fan stopped working on Monday. I called facilities and they said it is because of a grounded motor which needs to be changed. I am not sure if we should operate the engine without the exhaust fan ! They haven’t changed the fan yet ! Stepper Motor: Installation on the throttle valve complete. The motor can be controlled through MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer). Oxygen Sensor: The vi for Oxygen Sensor was written and now is in the vi library. It is called O2sensor.vi. I am not sure if we can write a PID for the solenoid valves. The valves are on/off valves and therefore it seems impossible to me to have a PID controller on them. An option will be to have a valve which can be controlled by a stepper motor and we can gradually open and close it. This can be done by controlling the load/unload valves. The flow meter vi is written in Labview and fuel flow meter installation on the fuel line is in progress. It will be finalized today. Near Term Goals: o Clean up the lab for Friday demonstration ? o Write a PID for the throttle valve stepper motor. o Test ECU with manipulated output voltage from PC for the O2 Sensor o Finalize fuel flow meter installation and write a vi for air/fuel ratio Progress Report 11/09/06 The exhaust fan still not working ! Several people have come and gone but nothing so far. Stepper Motor: PID Control vi written and saved under “Throttle Valve PID Control”. The ratios need to be tuned and needs to be tested which will be done as soon as the fan goes back on. Manifold Pressure Sensor signal connection to LabView was tested and fixed. (Channel Conflict) Solenoid Valve: PID Control vi finished. Needs to be tested when operating the Engine. Fuel flow meter connection to LabView board completed. The flow meter will be installed on fuel line tomorrow (Waiting for epoxy to dry). Near Term Goals: o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor and Solenoid Valves o Test ECU with manipulated output voltage from PC for the O2 Sensor o Finalize fuel flow meter installation and write a vi for air/fuel ratio Progress Report 11/21/06 The exhaust fan still not working. They showed up yesterday (Monday) and said they will have the new motor installed if it arrives today but up until 12 AM today nothing was changed! Stepper Motor: Ready to be tested and fine tuned as soon as the fan starts working. Solenoid Valve: Ready to be tested and fine tuned as soon as the fan starts working. Fuel Flow Meter: Installed on the fuel line. While testing, fuel came out of the flow meter itself. We ran different tests: The amount of fuel consumed by the injectors is less than the amount of fuel in the line so the pressure builds up (since there is no return to fuel tank) and causes the flow meter to start leaking. I think for this we need to find a way of measuring exactly how much fuel is injected. Near Term Goals: o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor and Solenoid Valves o Test ECU with manipulated output voltage from PC for the O2 Sensor o Finalize fuel flow meter installation and write a vi for air/fuel ratio Progress Report 1/16/07 The graphic card on the PC stopped working. I tried everything (restart, reinstall drivers, … ) and didn’t work. We need to replace it. Ordered and Installed a new fuel pump. Fuel flow meter installation complete. It works well now that has been installed before the fuel pump. The abstract for the Combustion Meeting was accepted. Contacted Prof. Gundersen’s students and received the Pulse Generator and it’s cables. Also spent some time to learn how it works and operates. Jacob and Dane are busy and won’t be able to help in the Lab this semester. I contacted Omar but no response yet. We could use some help in the Lab for the experiments if there are any volunteers. Near Term Goals: o Change the graphic card on the PC o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor and Solenoid Valves Progress Report 1/30/07 Progress The graphic card on the PC changed. Fixed the PC power supply. Held an introductory session for Jennifer and Abhishek. Jennifer will work on solenoid valves control loop (RPM) and Abhishek on the stepper motor’s. Connected the fuel flow meter to Labview and wrote a new vi for it. It’s working. Set up the experiment for Discovery Channel. Near Term Goals: o Hold an introductory session for Jennifer and Abhishek on PID Control and how to do it in Labview. o Clean up the Lab o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor (throttle valve) and Solenoid Valves (RPM) and fuel to air ratio (input to the ECU). o Include the controller vi’s in the engine’s main vi (MEngine47.vi) o Research on the electrodes previously used for corona discharge o Discharge generator o Power supply (Gundersen owns it, but we can use it for the foreseeable future) o We have the generator and all components o We have access to a function generator in Gundersen’s lab when we need it o Oscilloscope – get the one from PCE 209; we also have a high voltage oscilloscope probe (Tektronics 6015) and a current transformer (Pearson coil). o How will we trigger the discharge generator from the engine? How did we do it before and can we do it the same way again? Progress Report 2/08/07 Progress Throttle Valve PID: 1- Rewired the pressure transducer on the intake manifold and asked for pressure-voltage mapping from the company. 2- Wrote a new vi for the intake manifold pressure since the old one was not working correctly. Fixed the fuel flow meter output. Although seemed to be working fine on the line, it would not give any output voltage. Rewired oil pressure sensor. One of the spark plugs on the engine broken. Need to buy some and replace it. Got the Oscillioscope and high voltage probe from PCE lab. Wrote new Labview codes to calculate F/A, Phi. Held an introductory session for Jennifer and Abhishek on PID Control and how to do it in Labview. Near Term Goals: o Buy and replace spark plugs o Test and renew the wiring of all the thermocouples used in MEngine47.vi o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor (throttle valve) and Solenoid Valves (RPM) and fuel to air ratio (input to the ECU). Progress Report 2/13/07 Progress Tested all the thermocouples in the system. They all work but the current labview code could only show 2 of the 6 thermocouples measurements, so fixed the labview Vi’s too. Replaced the spark plugs. One of the electronic boards in the relay panel burnt after the fan tripped. Ordered the ICs and the board, and remade the board. Installed it again but although the board is working fine now, the connection of engine to Labview seems to have trouble somewhere. Nothing on the engine can be controlled right now. So the interface between the NI board and our custom relay board seems to have a problem. Near Term Goals: o Check the wiring and troubleshoot the engine-Labview board connections. o Clean up the Lab – this Friday o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor (throttle valve) and Solenoid Valves (RPM) and fuel to air ratio (input to the ECU). o Include the controller vi’s in the engine’s main vi (MEngine47.vi) o Research on the electrodes previously used for corona discharge o Discharge generator o Power supply (Gundersen owns it, but we can use it for the foreseeable future) o We have the generator and all components o We have access to a function generator in Gundersen’s lab when we need it o Oscilloscope – get the one from PCE 209; we also have a high voltage oscilloscope probe (Tektronics 6015) and a current transformer (Pearson coil). o How will we trigger the discharge generator from the engine? How did we do it before and can we do it the same way again? Progress Report 2/13/07 Progress Found the problem and fixed the electronic board. Rachel took photos and will put a new section in the manual about the board, describing the wiring. Cleaned the Lab. Put a request for Hazardous Waste Disposal so they come and take all the waste. Edited the final version of the article for San Diego based on instructions and submitted. Included Stepper Motor and Solenoid Valve controls in the Main vi. (MEngine47.vi) The fuel pump stopped working again. Shipped it back to the company. They will send a new one free of charge since we had warranty. Near Term Goals: o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor (throttle valve) and Solenoid Valves (RPM) and fuel to air ratio (input to the ECU). o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer o Research on the electrodes previously used for corona discharge o How will we trigger the discharge generator from the engine? How did we do it before and can we do it the same way again? Progress Report 3/05/07 Progress Received the new fuel pump, installed it on the line, and the pump did not work ! Called the company and complained, shipped it back again and they will reship a new one. In the process of testing and tuning the RPM control loop with the fake signal to RPM sensor. Did research on the previous electrodes used for the experiment. Need to machine a new one since all the previous ones are broken. Tried to see the injector signal on oscilloscope, but couldn’t see it. Does the engine send a signal to the injectors while starting the engine ? Talked to Nathan about triggering pulse generator and Horiba emissions bench, but not enough to learn anything useful. He will come in this coming weekend, Sat or Sun, to spend the whole day learning everything. Near Term Goals: o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Make new electrode – find out about SAE or off-campus shops. We have all the materials needed. o Test and tune the PID controls for Stepper Motor (throttle valve) and Solenoid Valves (RPM) and fuel to air ratio (input to the ECU). o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer o Research on the electrodes previously used for corona discharge o How will we trigger the discharge generator from the engine? How did we do it before and can we do it the same way again? Progress Report 3/13/07 Progress Still haven’t met with Nathan Received the new fuel pump and installed it. It is working fine, but had to change the fuel line from tank to the pump. The battery is not working. I think it is because we started the engine many times to test the fuel pump in this period and the engine didn’t start to work so it never charged the battery. Shall we get a new one? Do we have a spare one so we can jump start? RPM and Throttle Valve PID controls are ready to be tested while running the engine. We have tested them with fake signals, and the vi’s seem to be properly working. I will test them with the new pump. Had to rewrite new vi’s for thermocouples. They were not showing the right values because the necessary jumpers on the AMUX-64T were not set. Set the jumpers and wrote new code for them based on new jumper settings. Details of the error and the corrections will be in the Engine Lab Manual under the Thermocouples section. Figured out how they triggered the pulse generator previously. A hall effect sensor is used as crank angle sensor, which on each revolution sends a signal to an electronic board. This signal combined with a signal coming from timing advance light through an electronic board goes to the pulse generator. Have to figure out what the board does and rework the wiring since there are many loose wires. The board seems to be an amplifier but have to test it. Near Term Goals: o Fix the battery o Figure out the triggering electronic board o Need to see if we can use the input from the O2 sensor, feed it into LabView, send it back out to the ECU, and control fuel to air ratio as determined by fuel and air mass flow meters. o Make new electrode – find out about SAE or off-campus shops. We have all the materials needed. o Test the vi’s while the engine is running o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer (Will meet up with Nathan about it on the weekend). Progress Report 3/19/07 Progress Still haven’t met with Nathan (Saro got sick over the weekend so couldn’t move out of bed) Found the battery charger, and recharged the battery. RPM and Throttle Valve PID control loops are finished and tested. They get the work done, but have two problems: 1- RPM Control with Solenoid Valves: The program keeps switching on/off the valve. (I think it is because the way Analog Input Scan function works in Labview) 2- The belt connecting the stepper motor shaft to the throttle valve slips because of the vibrations of the engine while running. We can fix it by drilling a hole in the pulley and put a needle through the belt into that hole to keep it from slipping. This will work for now, but the better option will be to have a timing belt. The ouput from O2 sensor to the ECU does not work. I think the ECU does not recognize an output in the shape of a DC fixed signal since the signal from O2 sensor going to the ECU is very different) In the process of monitoring the signal from ECU to the coil using the oscilloscope Figured out how the MSD Ignition Control kit works. It won’t let us see or monitor the signal coming from ECU to the coils, but it will let us adjust the timing by using a knob. Figure: The O2 output Signal Near Term Goals: o Figure out the triggering electronic board o Make new electrode – find out about SAE or off-campus shops. We have all the materials needed. o Fix the two problems mentioned with the control loops. o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer (Will meet up with Nathan about it on the weekend). Progress Report 3/30/07 Progress Still haven’t met with Nathan Fixed the zero output on the PID controllers for RPM and Throttle Found the signal going from ECU to the Ignition Coils The engine goes off when throttle valve opens. The RPM also changes from 1300 to 600 running at Idle. Checked the fuel pump, fuel filter and lines and everything seems to be working properly. Checked the Throttle Position Sensor and it doesn’t work. Near Term Goals: o Make new electrode – find out about SAE or off-campus shops. We have all the materials needed. o Replace the TPS o Check for other possible reasons of RPM problems at idle and throttle open o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer (Will meet up with Nathan about it on the weekend). Progress Report 04/09/07 Progress Still haven’t met with Nathan Fixed the engine problem by fixing the air flow sensor. Now the engine operates at different RPM with no problem. Finished preparing one electrode. Still trying to figure out how to get hold of more spark plug bodies. Prepared the electrode for testing with Corona Discharge, so the setup is ready and will do the test today. The Throttle Valve PID Control and the RPM (Dyno) PID Control both work fine. All the problems have been fixed. Near Term Goals: o Test the electrode with Corona Discharge o Machine more ceramic o Find Spark Plug bodies o Test the Horiba Emission Analyzer (Will meet up with Nathan about it on the weekend). o Give the output of the oxygen sensor to SMT6 and try to control the Air/Fuel ratio. Progress Report 04/16/07 Progress Met with Nathan, Calibrated the Horiba Analyzer, and learned how to operate it. Tested different geometries for the Corona Electrode, the best one is patterned plate geometry since it gives a control over the number of streamers. Research on SMT6 capabilities Figured out how to get spark plug bodies separated from the ceramic Near Term Goals: o Finalize the Corona Electrode Machining o Machine more ceramic o Give the output of the oxygen sensor to SMT6 and try to control the Air/Fuel ratio. Progress Report 04/16/07 Progress Fixed the Engine no start problem. The problem was caused by Crank Shaft Position Sensor. This sensor has to send a signal to ECU, and then ECU starts sending ignition signals to coils. The wire from the sensor had gone through SMT6 before going to ECU, and an internal problem in SMT6 caused no signal at ECU. Had to buy the ECU wiring diagrams for the ECU from Ebay for 15$. (A dealership we called asked for 158$ for the diagrams !!!) Removed SMT6 from ECU Circuit since it was the source of the no start problem, so the plan to use SMT6 for controlling Air/Fuel Ratio won’t work. Created a new vi which takes in O2 sensor signal, and changes it, and sends the new signal back to ECU, in the process of testing it. In order to control Air/Fuel ratio by controlling injector’s duty cycle, we can use Mega Squirt after market piggy back, which is designed specifically for this. It will cost about 250$ to buy the whole package. Near Term Goals: o Finalize the Corona Electrode Machining o Machine more ceramic Progress Report 04/30/07 Progress Finished feeding O2 sensor signal back to ECU to control the Air/Fuel ratio. The flow meters are not ready to test and see how this affects the Air/Fuel ratio in practice. Also, when we run the labview code to change and feed the signal to ECU, everything else become extremely slow. Made a flow meter out of pieces of the broken ones. Will install it on the line again today and calibrate it. Finished Machining the corona Electrode. We have one complete electrode ready for installing inside the cylinder. The guy working at the machine shop was very interested, and said he previously owned a machine shop for racing cars, and volunteered to help out in making a better electrode. Will meet with him today to talk the details. Near Term Goals: o Test the corona electrode inside the cylinder model and take the final measurements for the distances so that there is only corona and not any spark. o Install and calibrate the flow meter. If this does not work, we need to buy new flow meters. Progress Report 05/10/07 Progress Calibrated and Installed the flow meters. Works fine. Engine start problem again. Fuel is fine. Need to check the sparks. Ordered an electrode to KAP Machine shop. Fixed up the triggering signal for the Corona Discharge. Near Term Goals: o Fix the engine start problem o Test the corona electrode inside the cylinder Progress Report 05/14/07 Progress One of the flow meters started leaking, since we tried for a while to fix it and eventually it leaked again, called McMillan and ordered a new part for the flow meter. This is the inlet and outlet of the flow meter, and costs 80$. They shipped it today (Monday). Changed some of the recent vi’s so we can write the data to Excel spreadsheets. Tried the new electrode inside the Cylinder, but the ceramic cracked very quickly. I think it is because of the thickness of the ceramic. And probably we need more silicon O-rings. Fixed Engine no start problem. Gave Kasra a tour on the Engine Lab. He starts from today (Monday). Near Term Goals: o Change the thickness of the ceramic, and machine a new electrode. o Test the corona electrode inside the cylinder Progress Report 05/29/07 Progress The new electrode is ready. The triggering circuit is ready. Bought a new flow meter because the leaking problem with the old ones persisted. Near Term Goals: o Install the new flow meter. o Start getting data with the new electrode. o Make a timing circuit for Ignition Timing. Progress Report 06/11/07 Progress TPD had a problem and wouldn’t start, so got it fixed by Prof. Gundersen’s Lab. Tried to measure the Fuel Flow using the two flowmeters. It seems impossible to do so, since the results will be a subtraction of two big numbers to get a small number! With current fuel delivery system, it is impossible to find the Air Fuel Ratio with flow meters. The only option left will be a wide band O2 sensor (to be discussed with Prof. Ronney) Attempts were made to create the advance/retard delay on the Labview for the ignition signal. It needs more work. Worked on the triggering system. We were able to get a clean square wave signal with 5v magnitude from the pick up however, since the load is high, it wouldn’t trigger the TPD. Had to design a circuit for it in order to support the high load, which was done by using a push pull circuit. The details of the circuit will be in the Lab Manual and an identical circuit will be made. Near Term Goals: o Install wide band O2 sensor and get the Air/Fuel ratio. o Start getting data with the new electrode. o Finish making a timing circuit for Ignition Timing. Progress Report 07/05/07 Progress The engine was running very rich, so figured out that one of the coil packs is not working (4 plugs don’t fire!) Changed the faulty coil pack. Got a price range for very low flow liquid flow meters, range is from 1000$ to 1500$. Should we buy one? Installed and wrote a labview code, so we can read and measure A/F ratio on Labview from wideband O2 sensor. Tested to see if we can control the A/F ratio using manipulation of the narrow band O2 sensor signal, and it works! Now need to write controller for it so it automatically reaches a desired ratio given by the user. Installed a stepper motor on Dyno Load valve, so we can have a PID control. The code we wrote in Labview is working, so the dyno Load control is done by a stepper motor and its PID controller now. The magnetic pickup stopped working. Changed it with a new one. Still working on the triggering signal coming from magnetic pickup. We can get a good signal from Magnetic pickup, and it triggers the TPD on its own, but when the signal is given to Labview, a glitch appears that we are trying to remove. Is there anyway to do this without using Labview ? (Advance /Retard) Near Term Goals: o Buy a new flow meter ? o Finish making a controller for A/F ratio o Finish making a timing circuit for Ignition Timing. Progress Report 07/17/07 Progress Changes the Flywheel and Starter motor on the Engine, because the starter was not producing enough torque and also the flywheel teeth were worn. Finished working on Triggering Circuit and tested it. Working fine. Testing the intake manifold pressure controller. The problem is at high RPMs, where a very small change (one step), makes a huge difference in the manifold pressure. Also, the vibrations on the engine are transferred to the stepper motor, which in turn affects the throttle valve position. Working on the dyno control loop. What is an acceptable RPM fluctuation ? In our case, it fluctuates to about 100 up and down the target value in low RPM, at higher RPM, this becomes more, sometimes up to 300 up and down. Near Term Goals: o Do the tests on the flow meter to decide if we want to buy a new flow meter ? o Finish making a controller for A/F ratio o Solve the control loop problems for Dyno and Intake Manifold Progress Report 07/25/07 Progress In order to get a better accuracy on the manifold pressure control: - Welded the shaft which was previously glued to the throttle body to reduce errors. (In the process, we broke the throttle body, so found a new one in a junk yard for a good price and bought it.) - Bought a bigger pulley and belt - Changed the stepper motor mounting plates to get less vibration. Changed the Dyno Control code in LabView in order to get a better accuracy on the RPM. Didn’t had a chance to test it because of throttle body problems. The ceramic inside the machined electrode broke again while testing on the engine. We tried a new electrode, which is basically drilling through a normal spark plug, and then putting the electrode inside that. It will be ready sometime this week and we can get it tested. Near Term Goals: o Finish making a controller for A/F ratio o Solve the control loop problems for Dyno and Intake Manifold Progress Report 08/01/07 Progress Tested the Intake Manifold PID Controller and didn’t work. (It gets unstable). But here are a few problems that we face: - Even when we open the throttle valve to a certain degree and keep it fixed at that degree, the intake manifold pressure is fluctuating by an amount of about 1 psi. - As we open the throttle valve from idle, the intake manifold pressure increases, however, at some point, this trend stops, and the readings start fluctuating a lot (at about 2000RPM) The new electrode we ordered from machine shop still not ready. (The guys who works on it is on Jury duty this week !) The dyno PID Control works fine, the tests were all successful. Near Term Goals: o Finish making a controller for A/F ratio o Solve the control loop problems for Intake Manifold Progress Report 08/27/07 Progress The three control loops (Dyno, Intake Manifold Pressure, Air/Fuel Ratio) work fine and were tested successfully. Now we can keep RPM, Intake Manifold Pressure and Air/Fuel ratio in the desired range. The new electrode works perfectly on engine and is ready for experiment. Since this is actually made from a typical spark plug, no ceramic problems were faced during the experiments. Near Term Goals: o Start testing the engine with TPD. Progress Report 09/011/07 Progress Worked on LabVIEW vi’s to make them more user friendly and wrote descriptions for the codes. Set up current transformer and high voltage probe on the system to measure the voltage and current Calibrated Kistler pressure transducer. Worked on shielding the instruments to avoid EMI Near Term Goals: o Start testing the engine with TPD. We will have the first set of data this week. ] Progress Report 09/21/07 Progress Tested the whole setup with transient plasma ignition to see everything works together, everything worked on software and hardware, except the corona discharge device which stopped working after a couple of minutes. Contacted Prof. Gundersen’s students to solve the problem with Corona discharge. Near Term Goals: o Start testing the engine with TPD. Progress Report 10/01/07 Progress Fixed the problem with TPD. There was a grounding problem with one of the components inside the device. Tested the whole setup. Had some problems with the RPM sensor electronic board for plasma triggering, but managed to find and fix the problem. The setup is ready for experiments and acquiring data. Worked on labview setup for advance/retard of the ignition. Near Term Goals: Data acquisition and analysis Progress Report 10/08/07 Progress Saro had a midterm on Wednesday, so didn’t get a chance to work on Mon & Tuesday. Tried to run the experiments, but faced a couple of problems: 1- Corona triggering circuit failed again due to faulty transistors. Had to make a new board and it works fine now. 2- Engine no start problem due to faulty crankshaft position sensor. Changed the sensor and the engine starts fine now. Near Term Goals: Get some data today while everything seems to be working fine! Progress Report 10/31/07 Progress Shielded equipments and devices. Tried to get some data but after the trial round, an offset of 0.8V appeared on the NI data acquisition board. Now trying to work and get the board fixed by calibration. The calibration can’t be done through hardware (potentiometer), but has to be done by software. Contacted NI, and they sent us the software required. Installed it yesterday and today will go through calibration process. After the initial trials, the O2 sensor stopped working. Ordered a new one which should be here today. Plasma Device had arcing problems inside, got fixed. Near Term Goals: Get data. There is a February deadline for papers for IEEE plasma combustion journal, for which we will try to have something. Progress Report 11/27/07 Progress Temperature readings problem persisted, so contacted NI, ran a series of tests, and found out the problem is the board. Needs to be sent out to NI for repair. Meanwhile can’t do much on the engine since we need the board for sensor readings as well. Had to make some changes to some of the vi’s due to new setup of labview after PC crash. Will spend some time explaining things to freshmen and cleaning, organizing and also reading papers until we get the board back. Near Term Goals: Get data. There is a February deadline for papers for IEEE plasma combustion journal, for which we will try to have something. Progress Report 02/25/08 Progress Installed the new board. It works fine. Fixed Temperature readings, and now all of them working fine. Tested the control loops and cylinder pressure transducer, they all work fine. Will start running tests this week. Near Term Goals: Get data. Progress till September 29th Trying to tackle LabVIEW Error 70072. Suggestion: Execute clear power up status function on Virtual Instrument. Solution Found: Go to Measurements and Automation Explorer. Open Devices and Interfaces. Go to card PCI 7344 (I) and initialize. Basic Checks for engine done. Oil Level for engine low. Need to use 5W20 or 5W30 grade oil. Checking the quality of the fuel filter, oil filter, spark plug and injectors Called up Ford Company on for details of the engine consumables. Company suggested change of fuel filters, oil filters, spark plug and refill oil. Gasoline has to be bought. Will change this week and clean the spark plugs Device 2 on the PCI card failed the self test due to the resetting of the card earlier. Self Calibration done. Passed the self test. Will calibrate the instruments once the testing starts. Near Team Goals for this week Will purchase parts and gasoline this week. Had a conversation with Saro, will start engine this week. Progress 29th September to 6th October Problem with tool box in the laboratory as it did not open up properly. Trays were jammed. Finally solved it and managed to open it. Replaced engine oil fuel filter and oil filter Certain tools had to be bought as they did suit the engine. New spanners etc were bought. Oil, Oil Filter and fuel filter were bought and replaced. Old Engine oil was drained out and the safe disposal personnel have been contacted to dispose of it. Have started reading the new Lab manual. Vignesh and Adams have started getting themselves better acquainted with LabVIEW. Explained to Vignesh the basics of an IC Engine and the 4 stroke process. Short Term Goals Saro was supposed to help us start the engine on Friday but didn't turn up. Will try to contact him again this week. Start the engine this week in any case by reading up the lab manual Vignesh and Seth will finish LABVIEW tutorial and continue with the ICE basics. Progress from 6th October to October 13th Tried starting the engine by reconnecting wires but engine did not start. Realised that the lever connecting battery terminal was not connected. After connecting the lever arm, another attempt at starting the engine was made. Fuel pump worked and ignition was attempted but the engine did not actually start. We thought that one possible problem could be spark plugs. Cleaned the spark plugs and tried restarting the engine. Engine started but did not run smoothly. It ran in accordance to a sinusoidal wave with a high output followed by an immediate small output. Replaced 5 of the spark plugs. Engine output was much better but still not perfectly smooth. Short Term Goals Disconnect the engine intake manifold to replace the other 3 spark plugs. Consider other reasons why the engine may not be running other smoothly. Possible reason could be a vaccum leak in the intake manifold. Perform soapy water test to conclude about this possible reason. Get the engine to run smoothly Progress from 13th October to 27th October Replaced another spark plug. One spark plug could not be replaced due to the presence a pressure transducer. Engine ran smoothly but was stuttering a bit. Stepper motor throttle valve was adjusted slightly to increase air flow. Engine became smooth. Next day however, Engine could not be started and misfiring was taking place. 5 out of the 8 spark plug wires were replaced but could not solve the problem. Possible Reasons. 1) Vacuum leak in the intake manifold. 2) Possible but very unlikely gas shortage. LabView tutorials were covered on building arrays and acquiring data. Soapy water test was conducted by no vacuum leak in the intake manifold was detected. Short Term Goals Check for timing of sparks Analyse and solve possible problems with the engine Further cover more LabView tutorials to get acquainted with the program. Progress from 27th October to 3rd November Fuel pressure measuring apparatus was purchased. Reading was only 20 PSI and recommended is56 to 72 PSI. Diagnosis for the reason was started. Rubber tubing from the fuel filter found to be leaking during diagnostics. Tubing was cut and adjusted to stop the leak. Did NOT solve the engine problem and it still would not start. Further diagnostics was carried out. Fuel Filter was found leaking again. Fuel Filter was replaced. Fuel Pressure reading rose to 70 PSI. Normal fuel pressure. Engine still did not start. Possible problems: 1) Injectors faulty. 2) Throttle valve problem. 3) Software problem. ECU in engine receiving wrong data from the air flow sensor and hence implementing wrong corrective measures. The spark plugs were replaced last week, so that could not have been a probable problem. But then we noticed a very small amount of smoke coming out of the cylinder number 4. We opened the spark plug and an enormous amount of soot was deposited over them. We checked the rest of them and they were not good either. Diagnosis: Probably the fuel was burning too rich. We slightly adjusted the throttle position to increase the air to fuel ratio and the engine started. The problem of engine rocking and not supplying constant power to crank still persists. Diagnosis yet to be done. Short Term Goals Do the diagnosis for the problem. Diagnose the reason for pressure and temperature sensors giving faulty readings to LabVIEW. From 3rd November to 12th November The Study for the LabVIEW program being used is still going on progressively. No documentation has been recovered till date. The engine rocking problem still persists. Wanted to Open and check the injectors but the Auto zone guy suggested using a chemical reagent to remove clogging. Have tried the reagent. Typically shows results in “1 week” time. Working on that. The engine ceased to start once again. Still burning very rich. Started after cleaning the spark plugs. Contacted Saro regarding how to modify signals from ECU to control the air fuel ratio. Got a pretty well explained reply this time. Shall buy the OBD II scanner to test the ECU. Not able to locate the plug that connects it to ECU (Not even from the dealer) Fuel leaking problem still persists at the fuel filter. Probably need to change the pipes. Short Term Goals: Find the Plug for OBD II scanner. Investigate the fuel leak problem. Try to find the solution for the AFR problem. Check if the reagent works in cleaning the injectors. Progress from 12th November to 19th November Borrowed a cart from Trojan Hospitality and brought fuel for the project. Engine was run for 40 minutes to see if the injector clearing solution was showing results. No tangible difference in engine running was observed and it still produced a periodically changing RPM. Next route was to check for error codes stored in the ECU and hence an OBD scanner was required. Called Ford Dealer to ask for the availability of the connecting harness but were told that the harness to connect to the OBD scanner was part of the entire harness system in the car and would not be sold separately. After further observations and wire tracing, the OBD scanner harness was found to be existent in the engine, tucked below the intake manifold. Further research showed it was compatible with the OBD II scanner. OBD II scanner was purchased and the engine was tested. The following error codes were obtained. The error codes, their meaning and the implications to the engine were researched upon and are mentioned below. 1. PO 443 --- Evaporative emission control system failure. EVAP system not applicable to our engine as it is not present. Error was ignored 2. PO 453 -- EVAP emission control system, Fuel tank pressure and vacuum. Since our engine does not have a fuel tank with evaporative control mechanisms, error code does not apply. Error code ignored. 3. P0135. P0141 --- Oxygen sensor Bank 1 sensor 1 and bank 1 sensor 2 failure. Oxygen sensor has been unplugged from our engine, do error in not applicable. After researching all the codes, the oxygen sensor was focused upon for further experimentation as the engine is believed to be running rich (as observed by excessive soot deposits on spark plugs) Wide band Oxygen sensor connected to the exhaust pipe was calibrated and tested. It gave proper reading. However LabVIEW is giving erroneous readings of air/fuel ratio. Tried modifying the air/fuel ratio but did not work due to error in the LabVIEW device number. Error was corrected and problem was solved. We were able to modify the air/fuel ratio. The expected change in engine RPM was observed thought the LabVIEW readings was still wrong. OBSERVATION: When the MAF output was increased, engine ran at higher RPM, and gave a constant RPM without the periodic fluctuation. However at lower RPMs the periodic fluctuations continue to exist. Possible conclusion: Injectors are clogged. At higher RPMs the sufficient fuel pressure is able to cause steady RPM which is not possible at lower RPMs due to lower fuel pressure and clogging of injectors. An Experiment: When the MAF sensor was connected directly to the ECU without connecting it to the computer, (as in the case of normal car) the engine ran at very high RPM for approximately 3 seconds before shutting down. However when connected to the computer and then to the ECU, the engine ran at lower RPM even though the manual override was switched off. This could indicate a possible modulation of values at the LabVIEW console or a problem/modification with the MAF sensor circuit. A possible fault with the oxygen sensor or the entire sensor circuit was suspected. The wideband oxygen sensor was taken out of the exhaust manifold of the engine to be tested manually. The INNOVATE LM1 meter showed variations in oxygen reading but no such change was detected in the LabVIEW panel. CONCLUSION: Sensor working fine but problem with circuit connection from the meter to the National Instruments Panel Circuit wiring was checked and short circuiting was detected at the National Instruments Board. A small stray wire from the Ground connection was in contact with the positive terminal. Problem was immediately corrected. LabVIEW showed air/fuel ratio of about 7.55. Conclusion: Engine is burning too rich. Short term Goals Calibrate LabVIEW and relevant sensor to give proper readings and manual control of air/fuel ratio. Correct the problem of the engine burning too rich Move on to other sensors for calibration and rectification: Temperature sensor is next on the list. Explore ways of cleaning injectors or probably change them. Spring 2009 Progress from 5th February to 9th February Conducted several experiments: Tried calibrating oxygen sensor. Different methodologies were tried. The O2 % was being sensed properly, but absurd AFR value every time. The graph showed an AFR of over 50 (totally inappropriate) Measuring MAF output voltage from wire which is used to send signals to PC and fake signals back. A large variation in the input V to the PC (varies from 2.5 V to 3.7V approx.) However MAF V to ECU is constant at idle 0.77V (as should be) even when Manual override is off. MAF sensor disconnected Manual override on/off. Engine runs wildly for 2 seconds and relays go off and system shutdown. MAF directly connected to MAF output wire, Engine runs wildly for 2 seconds and relays go off and system shutdown. MAF sensor connected but PC input wire disconnected, engine runs as it is running, no change. O2 sensor off, Manual override off, No change Conclusions for these set of experiments: O2 feedback is not being sent to the ECU in any form. O2 sensor though not working properly can not be the reason for the engine problem. Will contact Innovate company to fix O2 sensor anyways. MAF output is being sent to the ECU through some other connection due to observation number 4 Trace this connection down and see what input V is this sending to the ECU Experiments: Measured the V at MAF sensor and tried to find which other wire is going to the ECU that could be sending the varying signals. The wire was traced down; V varies (somewhat in the same fashion as the engine running) from 0.053V to 0.090 V at ECU terminal 36. Created a new LabVIEW VI to send fake constant signal of approximately same range to test if there was any change in the working of the engine. The possibility of this was 50% as it could be possible that this engine problem is causing this varying signals at MAF instead of vice versa. We wanted to confirm this as the ECU takes the signal from MAF and uses it as a feedback to control the fuel flow. The VI was created and constant fake signal was sent. No change in the running of the engine. Conclusions: Two possibilities: There is some other feedback from MAF that is controlling the engine. 2nd, there is another sensor that could be doing or causing this problem. Might want to focus on “Idle RPM, Air bypass control”. Read this term in ECU manual. Shall gain more knowledge about it. Also started working on temperature sensors. Traced all the temperature sensors down. No Voltage being received at the board. We will try to use the other board to test if the problem is with the connections before reaching the DAQ board or after reaching it. Short Term Goals: Trace down other connections to ECU controlling the fuel flow. Get the O2 sensor fixed so we can get accurate AFR readings. Start working on the Temperature sensors. Trace down other possible mechanical failures causing this problem. (Crank position sensor). Progress from 9th February to 18th February 2009 Found some excellent Manuals specifically for “Ford Ranger 2000” on eBay which are actual Blue-Prints of the car. It is a set of 3 books. The Thermocouples keep on giving inappropriate readings. It always gives a value which is out of range no matter how small or large the range is. Connected thermocouple to the PCI-MI0-16E board. Channel gave approximate voltage of 0.5 V and responded to change in temperature. Though this is a very high voltage but it can at least be calibrated. Therefore the thermocouples may not be faulty. The voltage input to the multiplexer is not getting transmitted to the PCI card. Called National Instruments and performed several tests. There were two possibilities: either PCI card is not working fine or multiplexer AMUX 64T is not working fine. The PCI Card passed the self test after the NI Startup services were initialized for administrative tools (services) in the control panel. This meant something was wrong with the multiplexer. Checked all jumper settings and board configuration as advised by NI. Everything was as it should be. NI also asked us to try using referenced single mode by grounding the negative terminal with a resistor of 10k to 100k ohms as test. No improvement. After a couple of other small diagnostic tests, the NI people suggested that the board was faulty. We can either get it repaired or we can buy a new one. ??? Is there any other multiplexer in other labs that we could borrow to test before buying/repairing this one as one final test. In the last entry that Saro made in this Log, he mentions the same problem, but he also says that he installed a new board which was working fine. (Entry date 11/27/07). Called Innovate Motor Sports to trouble shoot the oxygen sensor problem. The technician suggested a butane test. Put a lighter under the sensor and see the AFR reading. If it gives a reading of 9 to 10 AFR, the instrument is working fine. We did the test and it gave the correct readings. This confirmed that the oxygen sensor is working fine. The problem is somewhere else. Contacted Innovate again. They said the only possibility could be a leak in the Exhaust system. Trying to find the possible leak, but the soap water test can’t be performed due to the high temperatures. Kindly suggest alternatives. Also while running at around 2500 and above RPMs, heard a whistling sound. Another clue for a possible leak in the exhaust system. Also it could be an air inversion, which means that the leak or the gap could be after the oxygen sensor location. We created a VI that stepped down the signal from MAF (as suggested by PDR) by 3 times approx and send it back to the MAF terminal (MAF out) on the ECU. No effect as far as the rhythmic RPM output of the engine was concerned. We noticed that the oxygen sensor reading though directly wasn’t influencing the MAF reading, but in a back calculation of Phi, the Phi was the reading that was being sent to the ECU’s MAF terminal. This value was very small, hence the min Voltage (constant 0.77 V) was being sent. Tried to change the program, but this had so many back connections that a lot of errors popped up and the main VI won’t run. Also the back calculation of Phi is done from the values of lambda with the formula Phi = (lambda * .20) + 0.4. Have to verify this. Thus the wrong readings from O2 sensor had an effect (Lambda is derectly taken from O2 sensor LM1). Could not figure out the basis for sending the value of Phi to the MAF terminal. In the mean time we received the ordered manuals and checked all MAF connections and supply voltage to the MAF sensor. No data about expected output voltage from the sensor in the manual. Also the sensor is exposed to dust as we do not have a proper air filter. It is just protected by wire gauze. Changed the MAF output by first disconnecting it from Phi values, then connecting it to MAF IN, stepping it down and using a PID to control it. The performance seemed to improve a bit, but the engine was running at higher RPMs (2000 approx, but the variation reduced noticeably). The values of PID constants made a difference. Tried different templates from standard constant values. Still working on this. The MAF sensor is stock but when directly connected give erroneous response. Either it is damaged or needs some cleaning (suggested at a Ford Forum). Also tried to see if the Coil Packs are causing any ignition timing delays by disconnecting one at a time. No change recorded. Short Term Goals: Get 2 stock oxygen sensors and get the things back to stock. Multiplexer? Propane test for any Vacuum leak on intake as suggested by the new manual. Test the ignition timing. Stepper Motor. Last entry from Saro says that it might possibly be damaged. Start working on it. Replace MAF sensor, but try cleaning it first. Progress Report from 19th Feb to 23rd Feb 2009 All thermocouples tested, working fine. Repair initiated and board shipped on Saturday ( 02/21/09) There was a short circuiting in the lab on Saturday night near the NI DAQ Board. Took 1 day to find the fault and fix it. All the precautions have been taken to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Purchased the stock oxygen sensor and replaced the old one. The throttle position was manually adjusted. The throttle control wing/fly found broken. The engine is very sensitive to a small deviation in throttle position. After various experiments with throttle and MAF output. THE ENGINEIS WORKING AT CONSTANT RPM at idle condition. The VI has been modified to send MAF output directly to ECU in regular mode (non manual override mode) without any PID. The engine ran great and was tested for about 30 minutes. The cooling system was dry so the valve to put water inside the system was opened. The water circulation system was connected to a wrong channel previously along with all the regular connections. On Sunday evening when we returned, the 2nd cylinder was flooded. Water has been removed as much as possible from exhaust and cylinder. The VI system is down due to this and is responding very slowly. Have left the system to dry. Short Term Goals: Restore the system Work on better Stepper control over Throttle. Replace the Throttle body Report from 24th Feb to 2nd March: Cleared all the water from the system and got it restored. Engine working at constant RPM. No damage due to the cylinder flooding. Engine overheating. Not enough pump pressure. Changed the coolant pump, observed a significant difference in time taken to overheat, but still problem persists. The pump design suggests it’s a reverse flow type flow system. The radiator is from Chevrolet Celebrity 2.8 L V6 which was regular flow. Currently it is connected in regular flow type. Possibility of putting an additional fuel pump. Discuss these with PDR. Received the throttle body. Will change it tomorrow. NI is shipping back the repaired multiplexer today. Should be here by this weekend. Short Term Goals: Fix the throttle body Try to get the Servo control Install Multiplexer back again Work on over heating problem. Report from 3rd March to 11th March Engine has a regular flow cooling system. Took out the Thermostat and tested it in hot water, the valve didn’t open. Got a new Thermostat. The stock thermostat was ‘close when broken’ type design, the new one will remain open if it goes bad so that the cooling system does not get affected. Leak in radiator. Signs of a possible leak of water into the 2nd cylinder, probably at the cooling capillaries at head and block packing. Have to find a way to diagnose and if tests positive, will have to open the cylinder head down to the block. Report from 12th March to April 1, 2009 Vignesh, Seth, Cody and Lee could not work much during this period due to the spring break and mid terms. Cracked head confirmed. Tried getting a new head from local junk yards but could not find anything. The condition of this engine does not look good after opening the part either. Bought a new engine (same make, model and year) and replaced the engine. Have kept the old wiring harness so we do not have to make rest of the connections again. The new engine has the oil pan leaking. Will replace it with the one from the previous engine. Setting up Multiplexer is still giving a problem. Have been in touch with NI for last 1.5 month. Working on this. Started working on the pressure Transducers. Got the Control over the throttle control servo and have reduced its motion speed. Also integrated this program in the main VI “engine47.vi” Report from April 2 to April 14, 2009 Oil pan for the engine changed. Cooling system restored after repairing the radiator and changing the thermostat. After a few problems in running the new engine like, wire short circuits in Box 3, excessive backfiring, engine stalling etc. the engine is now running fine after putting new fuel injectors and repairing the wiring system. Engine still has a cold start problem. Will look into this next. The equipment for the oil replacement sender has been ordered. Shall be delivered by this weekend. There is no way to acquire data from the currently installed model of the sender. The wires at the throttle control stepper motor got pulled by mistake during this whole engine changing process and it stopped responding. Trying to contact the company for repairing it. The AMUX 64T is still not working after it was repaired by NI, company has requested to send this back. The oxygen sensor was probably damaged due to the water logging in the exhaust pipe. Will test the senor and take required action. The intake manifold pressure has been restored. The pressure.vi has been modified. The exhaust fan in the lab stopped working. It was due to a broken belt. System has been repaired. Short Term Goals: Repair the engine for the cold start problem. Get all the three pressure sensors working and updating the data acquisition system for them. Send the AMUX 64T back to NI for re repair. Repair the Throttle control Stepper Motor. Report from 15th April to 23rd April 2009 The multiplexer sent back for repair. RMA # 1345503. The wide band oxygen sensor sent back for repair. The water logging had caused damage to the equipment. Will cost around $50 The stepper Motor was working fine. The problem is in the stepper drive. Changed the axis and the motor started working. The program has been modified according to the new settings. Also the motion of the motor was very fast. We need gradual motion for our application. The LabVIEW program was modified to accomplish this. Did the wiring for the pressure sensors. The intake manifold pressure sensor works perfectly after rewiring and recalibration. The battery fuse went out during the rewiring. Have ordered a new one. The oil pressure sensor needs 5V power supply. Have ordered an inexpensive small chip that can accomplish this. Will arrive tomorrow. The SCB 68 has arrived today. Tried replacing it with the multiplexer. We get the readings, but they are offset (in a non linear fashion). Called the NI representative, Ben. He suggested we get the PCI 6031 E recalibrated as the card is old and was not used for 1 whole year. This can be done locally at the address below: Northrop Grumman Space Technology Contact: John Billingsley One Space Park, S2746 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Tel: (310) 812-4679 Fax: (310) 814-8797 E-mail: john.billingsley@ngc.com Web: www.st.northropgrumman.com/emc The spark plug setup for cylinder pressure is very simple but Kistler charges $250 for that. Should we try building it ourselves? 24th April to 29th April 29, 2009 Got the fuse and the LM7805 for the oil pressure sensor circuit. Made the connections and modified the pressure.vi After putting in the fuse the engine gave starting problems. It was the same relay in box 4 that keeps ticking with movement of wires. Adjusted the wires and the engine started working. Have faced the same problem earlier also. Its probably a loose connection. Will try to fix it permanently soon. Check the following readings for pressure with PDR. Idle at 900 rpm, oil pressure 45 to 55 psi and intake manifold pressure at 2.5 to 2.8 psi at idle. Another PCI card was giving slight calibration issues (PCI MIO-16E-1). An output of 4 V is giving an offset of about 0.3 V and this is a linear offset. Contacted NI and they suggested getting this one also calibrated. Tried an old repair method for PCI cards. Removed it from the PC and cleaned the card and the slot. The results are fine now so we do not have to send it for calibration. Did the same for PCI 6031E. Have not tested the results yet. Shall do that tomorrow. Northrop Grumman gave a quote of $218 for the recalibration but NI gave a quote of $159. If we have to get the PCI 6031E calibrated, will send it to NI on 05/01 as almost 2 weeks after that would be quite inactive as all of us have final exams. Tried integrating Airtofuelratio.vi to the main program but could not do so as the MAF control for natural gas program interferes and thus MAF output channel gets 2 different values. Have to run both the programs separately. Started working on dyno control. Have to configure all the motors and connections for that. Also tried to find a few fuel volumetric flow rate sensors. Ask PDR what all has been tried earlier and present the findings. (SF45-A-1) May 1st to May 13, 2009 There was hardly any work done from 1st till 11th due to the final examinations. Started working on 11th May. The sparkplugs with the attachment for cylinder pressure are ready. Will be shipped by Kistler in a day or two. The oxygen sensor LM1 has been repaired and the sensor has been replaced. Have installed it and is giving good readings now. The vi has been modified but is still giving a slight error in readings although the LM1 display is giving the right reading. Will look into the details. Have got the PCI 6031E repaired. There was a problem in analog input channels but the problem has been rectified. Able to get temperature readings from the card with the new SCB 68 connected. Will also see if AMUX 64T also gives the right readings (just to test it and document it). The engine somehow is not very happy after the repair of the PCI card. The dyno is probably putting a back torque on the engine all the time. Even without the engine running there was a torque of 20 ft-lb recorded (Is this normal?). When the dyno was unloaded, the engine ran perfectly for about 20 minutes at idle (the torque of same magnitude was still there), but then again the same problem started. Have to look into this matter. The fuel flow meter: Had a discussion with an engineer at instrumart regarding our problem and he suggested that we should use 2 flow meters and not 1. Discuss the details with PDR. May 14th to May 27, 2009 Have done a lot of research on fuel flow sensors. Either we get too small range or too high range. Discuss with PDR. For most of this period, the engine was tested. The circuit in Box 4 was giving a lot of trouble and used to shut down engine suddenly most of the time (within 15 to 20 mins. The soldered circuit that was causing this problem has been completely removed and has been replaced by a solder less breadboard. This also facilitates easy modifications in the circuit in future. Engine idles at 950 to 1000 rpm now which is fine for this engine. The engine fan circuit had an error and the fan was not working so I had to modify the VI. The exhaust thermocouple was bad and also had a molten wire. Got an extra thermocouple from Chen and replaced it. Also changed the wiring of this thermocouple and made it simple (It was unnecessarily passing through various pipes). There was a minor problem detected with the throttle control stepper motor that it used to go to 4000 steps as soon as the program started. Have modified the VI and the problem has been rectified. The program that Saro has made had unnecessary automatic PID control in most of his programs, have removed them from throttle control. Will do the same wherever it is not required. Another small problem with the throttle control stepper motor that it is macro stepping. According to the program it should not be behaving like this. Have to look into this. The AFR program designed by Saro is not running the engine properly. Again the automatic functions are interfering. Will design the circuit again. The Dyno control had bad wiring. The relays of dyno control should have a 110 VAC supply but there is no such supply going to that box. Have wired them up and the load unload controls for dyno are working. Have to look into the rest of the readings from Dyno. May 28 to June 3, 2009 Most of the time went in trying to configure the problem of the engine and the setup of the Dyno. It seems the Solenoid valves for Dyno are not working, will trouble shoot this with Honeywell. The Dyno load pipe is connected at the wrong place. Checked the fuel pressure before the injectors and it seems to be getting a continuous 60 psi. (Company recommends 50 to 70 psi). This leaves three possibilities for the reason the engine dies. Timing, Injectors and stock temperature sensor. The temperature sensor should not be a problem as some times the engine dies at 50 C water temp and sometimes it goes on till 80 C The timings recorded were: o With cold engine at 1000 rpm 4 to 6 Degree o After 5 minutes with hot engine, 950 rpm: 4 to 6 Degree o When RPM increased to 2000 rpm: 30 Degree o After 20 minutes engine came down to 1500 rpm: 6 to 8 Degree o Engine stopped after 15 minutes: Just before it stopped the angle was 0 to -5 Degree The injector V: o At 950 rpm 0.3 V o At 1200 rpm 0.4 V o At 2000 rpm 0.7 V o Before stalling like it does the V oscillated from 0 to 0.3V Got a quote for a fuel flow meter company. See attached details and discuss it with PDR. Report June 4 to June 10, 2009 Bought the fuel flow meter from Instrumart which will be delivered on 06/15. Discussed the problem of K factor with the company engineers. They claim that the K factor should remain constant with an error of 0.1% and the “@16 gallons” is just a way to give a standard value. But there might be some deviation and they suggest that if we need accurate readings and plan to use it for very low flow rates, we should find the K factor using the bucket test for that particular flow rate. Have done research for the VI that would best suit this application of counting pulses for flow meters. Regarding the adjustable timing module, the companies MSD, summit racing and JEGS all say that the timing cannot be controlled for this engine as it uses coil packs controlled by the ECU. Ask PDR if we ever used one such module? Which company? The one currently present in the lab cannot be used with this engine according to the company. The injector signal data was acquired using data at a sample rate of 1000 samples/sec. Look at the graphs and discuss them with PDR. Report from June 11 to June 18, 2009 The engine is running fine now. It miraculously started working properly without us changing anything. Have tested the engine 3 times on 2 hour run each. It ran perfectly fine at a constant rpm and 14.1 AFR (approx). The timing was 8 degree and all other parameters were normal. As we were discussing in the last meeting, the two wires going to the injector are not + and Ground but are + and signal. This means somehow the injector is grounded at the block (though it has a plastic body). Have acquired the data for the 2 hour runs. It was periodic oscillations and nothing significant was observed (because the engine was running perfectly smooth somehow) Have got the fuel flow sensor from instrumart. The sensor gives good reading at higher fuel flow rate but absurd readings at low fuel flow rate (assuming K is a constant 37000 pulses/gallon). We tested it at about 0.8 gallons/hour and we were getting an average frequency of 80 Hz whereas we were expecting more like 8Hz. The company says that the fittings need to be done as per company specifications. The fuel flow control valve that we have included is located just before the sensor which could cause a big pressure drop and can lead the rotor inside the sensor to spin very fast. We have started working on the fuel piping system and the pipe pieces are ready. We are waiting for a few fittings to be delivered from Swagelok (Tuesday). Don’t have much to do before that on fuel flow system. Report from June 26, 2009 to July 07, 2009 Backuped Vis from lab computer onto personal computer. Started testing new flow meter. Figured out with LabVIEW VI to use to see pulses per second (frequency). Used Measure Frequency (DAQ-STC). Ran a number of tests, with varying flow rates. 6 tests running from fuel tank to beaker. 1 test from beaker to engine running at idle. Tried second test with engine running at 2000-2500 RPM. Got 20 minutes of running until engine became erotic. Not able to find constant RPM, drops to 700 and jumps to 3200. Not able to find reason as of yet. Might try detaching engine from dyno incase dyno is catching while it is running. Graphed all results from successful tests, not real pattern found. See attached spreadsheet. Consider that flow rate is under meter’s flow level. As possible that having return line back to tank is necessary. Going to contact NI to make sure that the program is right and if the sensor is working. Continuing computer problems. Turns off for no apparent reason. Doesn’t want to turn back on. Have taken apart before and will try again. Computer is not working again. Corrected problem with Alarm.vi. Wrong values being monitored and not way to tell with value was out of range. Report from July 08, 2009 to July 20, 2009 Ordered new computer system. Details attached. Only difference between quote and real system is had a DVD+-RW drive added. Contacted Instrumart about flow meter. Needed to connect a 10k-15k ohm pull up resistor; connected between the power and the signal wires. Resulted in correct behavior of flow meter. Baseline voltage of 1 V with pulse voltage of 5V. Display on oscilloscope showed reasonable results at different flow rates. Computer still not giving good results. Contacted NI about flow meter signal. Had to create a new reference number. New number: 1399723. Engineer at NI very helpful. Determined that computer had multiple drivers for NI cards. NI DAQmx is newer driver that has some new features not useable by LabVIEW 6.1. Was creating ghost cards on NI system. Removed driver and removed ghost cards. Still wasn’t the problem. Technician decided to create virtual system to diagnose problem. Determined that problem was with sample vi that we were using. Measure Frequency (DAQ).vi works by sending out a pulse and monitoring a return and compares the difference. Not what we needed. Technician found a different vi Measure Frequency.vi that should work for our sensor. However, when we were searching for it, computer exploded. Computer exploded. Searching for new vi with fuel pump operating, audible snap, and computer and fuel pump turn off. Smoke expelled from back of computer. Smelled like dead electronics. Searched tower for hot spots most likely power supply went. Doesn’t appear to be any damage to NI cards. Will wait for new system to continue. Successfully backed up hard drive after the crash. Now have 5-8 GB of system on personal external. Also will be ordering external for lab along with backup software. Found several systems for backup. o Nero BackItUp & Burn o Roxio BackOnTrack™ 3 Suite Ordered new fittings for dyno. Noticed that load line into the dyno had a bad kink in it. Needed new fittings to remove the kink. Jonathan took a number of pictures of setup for presentation. Would like to have a camera on hand for continuous picture updates. Updating LabVIEW. Talked to technician about our version of LabVIEW, while there is less and less immediate support from NI, there is still support to be had. And if we were to update would require at least 2 versions to get to newest version. And complete compatibility is still uncertain. In terms of features there would not be anything significantly changed. However if new equipment was added to system that would benefit from the new versions. Report from July 21, 2009 to August 17, 2009 Created PowerPoint for group meeting. Before group meeting found that there was a fountain in lab coming from light fixture o Contacted Facilities about leak o Found that sprinkler pipe running over lab had a leak and was making its way down into lab o Facilities redid line so that it no longer ran over the lab o Also mentioned that door was out of square and has since been fixed o Also also still working on improving exhaust system, but so far there has been no change Presented PowerPoint at group meeting went well, just had one slide out of place Setup new computer o Username: EngineLab o Password: None Search for software o PCE lab had several versions of NIDAQ None of the versions were correct for our setup Never could find installer for LabVIEW 6.1 o Copied program file from old hard drive onto new computer So far works o Contacted NI for info on NI Motion Driver and Measurement and Automation Explorer Most advance versions that still work with LabVIEW 6.1 NI Motion: 6.1.2 Measurement and Automation: 3.0.2 Computer wouldn’t go onto the internet o When wired connected to new computer; limited or no connectivity o When wired connected to personal laptop; works just fine Contacted Dennis o Turns out new computer needed to be registered with USC o Now works Back to testing o Went back to email from NI before computer died o Found new VI to use Measure Frequency.vi found in VI pallet in program Also found Measure Period.vi For smaller frequency Also simpler setup o First using Measure Period.vi Seems to work, except when no signal When frequency goes to 0, period goes to infinity Causes the program to crash o Need to try other program o Now using Measure Frequency.vi Changed wiring; seems to work o Now taking test sampling Testing is giving similar results as before o Not what we expect Also now there is an unexplained error being generated that shuts LabVIEW down at random intervals o NI needs more data before they can indentify problem Also continued working on Dynamometer o Doubled checked the flow into the device o Relays and Actuator all operate properly o When removing tube into the dyno, noticeable back pressure Could be because of flow impediment inside dyno o Going to try to disassemble the unit and monitor the flow paths Report from August 18, 2009 to August 25, 2009 Retrieved working camera from PCE lab o Found and setup program to run camera and download pictures o Small memory card; only 8 mb Returned to testing with camera and numbers in corner of oscilloscope Still shows much slower frequency than that being recorder by computer Increased pull up resistor from 10k to 20k ohms o Shows decrease from 1V low to 0.6V low o Retains 5V high Display on oscilloscope unchanged Display on computer drastically reduced o Still not at same level as on scope Setup engine up for Professor Ronney’s demonstration o Engine still runs as before Purchased more resistors to test for configuration that provides accurate results between computer and scope o 10k ohm o 47k ohm Started making schedule for semester o Have not heard back from everyone with times Report from August 25, 2009 to September 2, 2009 Ran tests with different resistors for find configuration with lower normal voltage o 10k ohms o 20k ohms o 30k ohms o 47k ohms Also tried pull down resistors o 47k ohms Found that when attached to computer and having a pull down resistor, there is a voltage on the signal o Not sure why this is the case o Does not give accurate measurement anyway More contact with NI, recommend using measure pulse width with a condition that when pulse length goes to infinity that program outputs 0 Hz instead of inverse This with 47k ohm pull up seems to show proper results o Low voltage at 0.18V o High voltage at 5.2V o Have not had chance to test yet Before testing could be conducted, braided line in fuel system ruptured o Replaced line with extra rubber line Still working on schedule o Have had most people respond Charlie-Will be stopping by from time to time but no real time Gunsuk-Time is known Vignesh-Also known Varun-Known Seth-Not known Jonathan-Not known Report from September 03, 2009 to September 11, 2009 Continued flow meter testing o Different rates o Still no good results o Did 2 tests with engine running at idle Same flow rate 2 different frequencies recorded 20 Hz 37 Hz Have considered flow path and decided to change lines o Instead of having return go back into inlet, set it back to fuel tank o Seems to make significant difference Flow rates from meter more like what is expected Fuel pump sounds happier now No more bubbles in flow coming out of line o Have some initial tests showing linear correlation between results Order hardware to make re-plumbing permanent Ordered external hard drive and backup software for it o Roxio BackOnTrack o Seagate FreeAgent Found that not all channels had been reconfigured for new computer o AFR o Lambda Vignesh setup AFR meter as he had done it before Discovered that AFR channel (Ch14) was not recording proper voltage in o Tested to find discrepancy o Seems linear relationship exists between voltage value in and voltage value read by computer with R2=1 Will continue testing flow rate with different plumbing Going to test other channels for inherent error in system Report from September 12, 2009 to September 21, 2009 Redid fuel flow path o Ran line from pressure regulator back to fuel tank o New tools: Set of line wrenches Pipe Cutter De-burring Tool Have yet to retest the new plumbing Continued testing of PCI cards o 6031 Tested all channels that is being used Found systematic error All channels are 11% off o With R2=1 MIO-16E Also tested all used channels Found that Channel 14 (AFR) does not follow pattern of rest of channels Found new channel for AFR (Ch5) that does follow pattern With R2=1 Been looking for program to recalibrate cards o Vignesh has been in contact with NI about correcting the error o Appears that there is a VI for calibration Friday 18 Came in to lab, found all custom channels deleted o Vignesh contacted NI and found how to restore them o Backed up file needed to restore them Setup new hard drive and backup software to copy lab drive entirely Report from September 22, 2009 to September 28, 2009 Rechecked board readings with second Multi meter o Save values found Found VI needed to calibrate boards o Ran self calibration o Seems that boards still off Found way to do external calibration using DC converter o Not sure how this has gone o Vignesh in charge o Not taking notes Ran more tests on flow meter o 2 on Thursday o 9 on Sunday o Seems to be giving a predictable pattern Monday 28th Problem with fuel pump o Makes noise like not getting fuel in o Oscilloscope shows a frequency of 2-3 Hz with no flow o Also has a cycle where frequency increases and return line begins to pulse o Believe that fuel pump or regulator are going bad o Need to test Everyone in the lab needs to use the lab log so people can continue tasks Found that internet Explorer and LabVIEW cannot be open at the same time o Causes LabVIEW to crash Report from September 29, 2009 to October 5, 2009 September 30th Setup to demonstrate purpose and function to Freshmen Academy Students o Engine ran fine Computed needed capacitance for an RC low pass filter at 400~800 Hz o With current resistor 47k ohms o Capacitor between 8.5e-9 F to 4e-9F Went to PCE lab to find a suitable capacitor for RC Circuit o Large number of resistors o No capacitors that would work Went to Radio Shack to find proper capacitor o Found one: 0.0047 uF o Gives frequency of 720 Hz Ran a number of tests to test new configuration o Still has error with no flow o Done several tests with no flow Average Frequency of 15 Hz o Still not correct number for fixing flow rates o o Will continue testing Again suspect that fuel pump is dying Continues to make loud bad noises when operating Shows change in frequency error from flow meter o If flow meter cannot be fixed in next week, will take a break from it and switch over to working on the dynamometer. Vignesh continuing to work on card error o Corrected MIO card to error of 0.03V o Will continue to work on 6031 Report from October 6, 2009 to October 12, 2009 Replaced hard line between fuel pump and flow meter with 2 short hard lines, a long section of rubber hoses and a valve Ran to tests with end valve closed o Inline Valve Open: Flow meter shows pulses despite the end valve being closed 6 Hz on computer Oscilloscope display supports computer o Inline Valve Closed: Flow meter does not show any pulses 0 Hz on computer Same on Oscilloscope Noticed when rubber line is moved or compressed, flow meter shows a pulse o Need some kind of check valve o Several different kinds of Poppet valves from Swagelok; see attached page Have done several tests of different flow rates with longer run between pump and meter o Today, October 12, continued testing o Found that pump will not do full flow Flow rate slows and stops intermittently Vignesh still working of board recalibration o Problems with old software and finding right drivers that still work with LabVIEW 6.1 Report from October 13, 2009 to October 19, 2009 Ordered 2 check valves for fuel flow o Both 1 psi check valve for before and after flow meter o Only allow fuel to flow through not back and forth The smoke got out o While switching focus from fuel to dyno, removed cover over the dyno for easy access o Removed several plugs in dyno to see where water flows out from input; also to check if input is correct o When trying to activate solenoid valve, audible snap, release of smoke and activation of engine starter o Disconnected battery and turned off computer and all known external power to equipment o Smoke originated from set of circuits that convert dc voltage supplied from computer into a ground connection o Removed board from system; while checking in box found unconnected black wire with power; found the hard way o After several attempts finally found that wire is connected to, somehow, wall switch labeled ‘fuel switch’ Discussed problem with Vignesh o Decided that the wiring for the entire lab needs to be redone o Unused wires removed o Used wires labeled and noted on a system diagram o Also be able to close the doors on wiring boxes Want to take large conduit connecting boxes with NI boards to testing apparatus and cut tops off so that wires can be added and removed easily Meet with Chen about NI use in PCE lab o Use similar boards and cards; same version of LabVIEW o Use NI DAQmx drivers Vignesh connected NI again o Found version of Measurements and Automation that works with version of LabVIEW and has NI DAQmx drivers o As it turns out 6.1 does not support DAQmx, so Traditional Drivers is being used by LabVIEW o DAQmx can be used to calibrate boards Contacted Wayne Johnson o Came over to lab with pulse generator o Created 10 Hz pulse with 3.5 V amplitude and .5 V offset o Computer registered correct information o Visually verified with oscilloscope Report from October 20, 2009 to October 26, 2009 Received two 1 psi one way valves from Swagelok o Installed both valves o One before the flow meter o One after the flow meter o Will test once lab configuration is corrected Continued to undo wires for rewiring o Have noted and undone all wire connections for all 4 boxes o Need to determine whether to replace conduits with wire carriers or cut conduits Researched other options for wire carriers Report from October 27, 2009 to November 16, 2009 Continued to note and unwire boxes Succeeded in removing all wire from all boxes Ordered wire carriers from McMaster o As well as mounting hardware o 2”x2” wire frame carriers Removed 2x 2” conduits full of wire Carefully pulled wires inside of conduit Mounted new carriers o One over each main box o One bracket on wall for each o 2 bolts to fume hood Started reconnecting wires o Thermocouples first o Wiring up relays Found that main relay was damaged Replaced with different relay Next step: o Wire sensors to junction block in box 3 o Only connect these wires to computer o Continue wiring relays Report from January 04, 2010 to January 19, 2010 Made PowerPoint of project status Started lab back up o Computer check o Engine check Contacted NI about relay board o Got response; need more info o Sent more info o Response pending Re familiarized with lab setup and current state of wiring Continue with rewiring Ordered toner for lab printer Report from January 20, 2010 to February 2, 2010 Received response from NI o Do not have any kind of board or relay setup that would work for our setup Researched other solutions o PCI-7433 outputs 5.5VDC o Found relays that might work 5VDC activation voltage; 100mA Draw 12VDC/110VAC activated circuit 10A Activated circuit o Would have to make custom protoboard with relays attached o Would be able to handle all power requirements without second set of relays Other instrumentation research o Referenced vs. non-referenced o Thermocouple configuration Configuration of Digital output for relay control o NG Safety Valve: Port 1: Bit 0 o Dyno Load: Port 1: Bit 1 o Dyno Unload: Port 1: Bit 2 o Ignition: Port 1: Bit 3 o Fuel Pump: Port 1: Bit 4 o Extra Injector: Port 1: Bit 5 o Starter: Port 1: Bit 6 o Fan: Port 1: Bit 7 Report from February 3, 2010 to March 3, 2010 Ordered relay boards from Winford Electric o Part Number: RLY104-5v o 4 Relays on each board o Ordered 2 o Also order 2x 5V DC converters Necessary for TTL logic level input Began installation of boards o 8 relays Fan Starter Dyno Load Dyno Unload Ignition Master Power Fuel Pump Unused o Began running wires between boards Wired so only need 1 transformer for both boards Will continue wiring all of relays up to TTL and engine Have meet with Arvind o Handed over all manual for Horiba Noticed an error with MEngine47 and have been attempting to find cause, the program freezes after the initial running o Assume problem with a subVI o Will continue to look for it Report from March 4, 2010 to April 6, 2010 Continued wiring of relay boards o Slow work o Making wiring easy to understand o Routing wires so not in way o Using professional fittings so that connections remain good o Lost wire connected to ignition Believe to have found proper wire Have not tested yet o Will have 2 extra relays for future additions Need to add a 110V socket inside of wiring box o For Dyno load and Unload LabVIEW VI still no performing right o Freezes up o When it doesn’t, reading are all wrong o Especially the thermocouple readings o SubVI works fine on its own On April 1st came into lab and found the exhaust system to be making strange sound o No air flow o Called Facilities o Has been corrected o But still not really enough flow through system Report from April 7, 2010 to April 13, 2010 Continued wiring o Nearly finished o Need to determine how to wire last 2 To switch for ‘Ignition’ 2 wires not wired Power to ECU Power to Injectors Can wire one or both to final relay Can wire one to master relay Would recommend wring injectors to relay and ECU power to master relay Cleaned up lab o Removed more wires o Moved boxes into next door lab Second monitor not functioning o Will look into problem Report from April 14, 2010 to April 20, 2010 Finished wiring o Master Relay o Dyno Load o Dyno Unload o Ignition-really Injectors o Fuel Pump o Extra Injectors-Not wired to anything o Starter o Fan o ECU power wired to master relay o As well as dc power for sensors Added 2 110 sockets to relay box o 1st 5V DC Converter for relays o 2nd Power to solenoids for dyno control First testing power came and went o Found that a connection was faulty o Replaced with new connection After engine started up just like it should LabVIEW VI still not working o Will now switch over to fixing that Report from April 21, 2010 to April 26, 2010 Constructed Diagram for Relay Box LabVIEW program still not working o Tried removing problem VI o Removed all wires and unused parts o Still doesn’t run Before scrapping program will finish wiring all sensors back o And make diagram of that as well Report from April 27, 2010 to June 08,2010 Wired Engine Controls o Made Diagram Wiring of Sensors o Rewired Thermocouples so all numbering are consistent Ambient: Channel 1, Wire 1 Intake Manifold: Channel 2, Wire 2 Dyno: Channel 3, Wire 3 Coolant Water: Channel 4, Wire 4 Spare: Channel None, Wire 5 Oil: Channel 6, Wire 6 Exhaust: Channel 7, Wire 7 o Wiring of pressure sensors Through blocks in box, making diagram of all wires as going Organizing by channel to board Oil pressure sensor broken; needs replacement o Wiring of all others Load cell Also not working Not sure if problem is with load cell or interface Recommend new load cell and check for proper values o If yes; replace with new one o In no; get new interface and check with old load cell If yes; return new load cell If no; replace both Making list of all sensors, virtual channel, device and pins for sensor Finding all relevant info on sensors and saving in one file Dyno o Removed from frame o Started dismantling Found a number of parts floating around bottom Retaining nut, washers all marred Might be reason for not functioning. o Still don’t know why not loading o Needs further dismantling Required tools Brass drift pin Moderate sized ball peen Dead blow hammer Mutlimeter o Using second multimeter and computer found that Omega HHM93 is 12% off o Need replacement or have recalibrated LabVIEW program still not working o Recommend making new program with new labview Report from June 9, 2010 to June 29,2010 Fixed mutlimeter by replacing batteries Disassembled dyno o Inspected and cleaned inside o Plotted path of water inside o Enters dissipation chamber at bottom o Exits dissipation chamber in center o Unable to clear standard fill port o Found secondary port that will fill the chamber Assembled dyno o Cleaned all contact points and removed any loose rust o Using new o-rings and rtv to seal o On hold for bushing nut and washer to keep fan on o Received bushing nut and washer o Fully reassembled o Will Reinstall as soon as three people available LabVIEW o Upgraded to 2009 o Missing activation code Trying to acquire from university Have 30 day trail o Main VI will not work o Motion control VI does work o New measurement and automation is vastly superior to old version Setup new Virtual channels o Same as before o M&A now able to have virtual channel for fuel flow meter o Problem with fuel flow Fuel Flow o While testing virtual channel, meter shows frequency when flow blocked o Something is wrong with fuel pump or fuel pressure regulator o Tested pump Return line does not have steady flow; pulses Removed pressure regulator; steady flow With regulator; flow is unsteady o Problem is either pump bad and unable to handle the pressure needed by the injectors or regulator is broken and changing the pressure in the system o Tested Regulator Put pressure gauge on fuel rail 60 psi constant Note: Pressure needs to be 64 psi±8psi o Conclusion: pump needs to be replaced Room Exhaust o Contacted facilities Technician: Shane Exhaust Flow: 550 Ft^3/min Need 2,500+ ft^3/min From Shane Replace bearings on fan Maybe bigger motor Current Motor: o 110VAC o 6 Amp without load o 9 Amp with load Bigger motor o 220VAC? Has tried contacting facilities engineers o No response Says now is hard time for projects; money Report from June 30, 2010 to July 7, 2010 Reinstalled Dyno o Connected plumbing o Connected driveshaft o Loads/unloads properly o Cooling water flow properly Fuel System o Tested: Interference Some variation on 12VDC supply o ±0.5V Switched to 5VDC from computer o Less interference o ±0.1V Fuel Quality Gasoline old; varnished Tried new gasoline; big improvement Location of pump Pump too far from fuel tank Electric pumps prefer to push, not pull Pump Even with all temporary improvements, still problem with steady flow o Solution: New fuel pump Capable of steady flow Located next to tank More push less pull New tank Limit degradation of fuel Minimize rubber tubing Hard line does not expand New load cell o o o o o Bridge Amplifier the part broken Will return new load cell Calibrated with old load cell 0 lbs 1VDC 250 lbs 6VDC Connected to PCI-MIO-16E-1 Channel 7 Virtual Channel: Torque Lever arm of dyno: 14.5 inches Fan o o Facilities Contact: Shane Daywalt Has been helpful Manager: Gary Wood Seems to be the hold up Contact through facilities number #06833 Report from July 8, 2010 to August 08, 2010 Fuel System o New pump: Mallory Comp Fuel Pump Model Number: 5110FI 72 gph 100 psi max pressure -8 AN Fittings o New filter: Trick Flow In-line Filter Part number: 23004 -8 AN Fittings 300 psi max pressure o -8 AN fittings and braded stainless lines o -6 AN fittings and braded stainless lines o Tested flow rate and pump Steady flow Correct pressure o Had to rewire control board; increased load by new pump caused connection to heat and disconnected LabVIEW o Found serial number for LabVIEW Serial # S14E09091 o Activated Engine Starter o Ignition line into starter broke off o Soldered back on Report from August 9, 2010 to August 19, 2010 Oil Pressure Sensor o Old Sensor Male Pins on connector for sensor not lining up Also female pins expanded so no contact Solder job connecting wiring harness for sensor bad o New Sensor Replaced sensor and wiring harness Connected harness from sensor to connector block; no solder joint Auto meter Oil Sensor Part number: 2246 o Tested sensor with running engine Off, 0 psi; 0.5V Running, 60psi; 2.9V Have not done specific pressure test to find exact calibration of sensor Used only to make sure oil pressure is present Fuel Flow o Fuel Flow data was taken by adjusting the valve nozzle at various flow rates for a 2000 mL volume o A 2000 mL gradient cylinder was used to better justify the volumes measured o Flow rate frequency was found from a written text file from LabVIEW recording the frequency every second o The average flow rate was the total measured volume divided by the total time o The faster the flow of the fuel (the more open the nozzle) the less pulses recorded o There seemed to be a “sweet spot” for consistency at around 25 mL/sec average o There was still a drop in pulses past the 25 mL/sec mark but the change in pulses per volume relative to flow rate was not as drastic o This same behavior can be found in volume per pulse against frequency o The “sweet spot” was at 400 Hz o When measuring data in latter engine tests the recorded frequencies over a session can individually be calculated to their corresponding volume in order to give accurate fuel flow data Report from August 20, 2010 to August 24, 2010 Ordered graduated cylinder for more extensive fuel flow testing Started work on new control Vi o Main Vi: EngineMangament.vi found in My Documents/Engine Control Program o Numerous subVis for individual sensor and output types Work on subVis o Temperatures.vi Recieves and displays all thermocouples Capable of independent operation Clearly shows and states operation and processes Neat clean interface o More Vis Pressures Emissions Digital outputs Throttle Control Report from August 24, 2010 to October 18, 2010 Horiba o Created notebook with copies of all documentation available o Trace path of gas cylinders as well as content of each cylinder o Cylinders (From Door; if no pressure inside cylinder, no regulator attached) 1. 2% CO +N2 2. 2820 PPM NOx + Air 1600 PSI 3. 817 PPM NO + 817 PPM NOx + N2 4. 276 PPM Propane + N2 1000 PSI 5. 2578 PPM C3H8 + N2 6. 8521 PPM C0 + N2 1500 PSI 7. 9299 PPM CO + N2 8. 40% H2 + HE 1100 PSI 9. N2 1300 PSI 10. Air 1100 PSI LabVIEW o Started writing new LabVIEW files o Each different type of sensor segregated into subVI, then called into main VI o Each subVI capable of running separately Dyno o Built new bracket for dyno to load cell o Used 1x1x1/8 angle o Two points of contact on dyno; stops torshonal moment Report October 19, 2010 to November 9, 2010 Lab Wiring o Received sample work from Max and Jared of engine control relays o Good diagram; easy to follow; easy to transfer o Will have them create wiring diagram for entirety of lab LabVIEW o Continued creating new EngineManagement o Created subVI for every different type of sensor (Temperature, Pressure, etc) o When main VI run causes resource error o Recreated EngineManagement v2 with sensor split into input card (MIO 6033) o Solved issue o Meet with Jessica about creating PID controllers inside of LabVIEW Horriba o Have looked into the Horriba o It is properly wired and computer is receiving the outputs o System takes 2 hours to heat up before any testing can be done o Will continue checked the values provided by the system with the zero gases in lab Report from November 10, 2010 to November 17, 2010 Crank Position Sensor o Contacted Dynapar o Encoder E23 o 720 pulses per rotation o Shielded bearing o Single Ended Output o 5-15V Differentiable Input o 18” Cable o Configured part number E2307200460 o $409 LabVIEW o Created Throttle Control VI o Allows for immediate control of stepper o Limited so that throttle cannot be exceeded o Setting from 0 to 100% Procedure for Engine Startup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Startup computer Connect engine battery to system via lever on top of engine battery Open NI “Measurement & Automation” located on Desktop Extend tab “Devices and Interfaces” Extend tab “NI Motion Devices” Select “PCI-7344 (1)” 7. Initialize card by “Initialize” button a. This needs to be done before the stepper is used by NI, if this step is forgotten an error about activation of stepper will occur and the computer will need to be restarted to reset 8. Open EngineManagment v2.vi, found in My Documents>Engine Control Program 9. Run program using continuous run button located at on top left 10. Using mouse, flip switches on Control Panel (Dig Out) in following order a. Master Relay b. Ignition c. Fuel Pump 11. Hold Starter button down until engine starts Notes: To run dynamometer water must be turned on at ball valve as well as spigot. There will be water passing through dyno before any load is added to it. This is for cooling and very important. There originally was a diamond plate table top over dyno. It is located outside of lab on top of junk engine pile. It has a mounting point for air flow meter and NG flow meter. Would suggest reinstalling once dyno performance has been verified. Before using stepper motor, check that the motor is at the correct position, as the system does not have feedback loop and the system can only guess where the motor is actually positioned. The starting point should be 0 with the throttle closed and around 80 when wide open (verify this). Check every time. Horriba requires at least an hour of warm up before it gives accurate results. If any questions about this device, see John. Emergency Stop button on desk will shut off all power going to sensors and engine. Some sensors require power for accurate readings i.e. manifold pressure sensor. While the power is off, they will give false readings. The ventilation in engine room is inadequate. After running the engine for any length of time, the CO meter will go off. It has been brought to the attention of the university several times and will require that Prof. Ronney for anything to get done. For when they do do something about it, needs 10x the current ventilation. If any help is needed Cody is available to help via email, cody2888@hotmail.com and phone, (213)220-4059.