entire newsletter

Fall 2007
Table of Contents:
Report From our
Division Chair
Report from our Division Chair
Report from our
Division Awards 3
News from our
Announcements 5
2007 PNP
Awards Recap
Welcome to
New Members
of Officers
Focus of PNP
Call for
to the Spring
Greetings fellow PNPers. 2007 has
been another successful year for our
division. The program at this year’s
conference in Philadelphia was one of
our best yet! I want to thank everyone
for their submissions and reviewing
efforts. I especially want to thank our
program chair, Gordon Kingsley, and
PDW chair, Neil Boyd, whose hard work
and diligence made it all possible. This
is also an appropriate time to welcome
Joy Smith as the new division treasurer.
No less important, Joy’s work begins in
earnest after the conference to make
sure we are in a good position for its
A second indicator of our success is the
continued steady growth in our division’s
membership. The division now has 842
members, up from 802 in 2006. I
suspect that much of this growth is
driven by the quality of our scholarship,
well attended doctoral consortiums (a
tradition continued this year thanks to
Karl Rethmeyer!), and the efforts of
previous division leaders. I look forward
to continuing the initiatives begun by my
immediate predecessors, Kirsten
Gronbjerg and Matthew Liao-Troth. Of
particular interest to me is increasing the
visibility of the Public and Nonprofit
Division, both within the Academy of
Management as well as among public
management/policy scholars and
practitioners. To this end, I want to call
your attention to two on going initiatives
and solicit your help with two others.
Ongoing Initiatives:
First, the executive board (with the
assistance of our international liaison
Emanuele Vendramini) is continuing to
develop relationships with the European
Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and
the International Research Society on Public
Management (IRSPM) to create greater
recognition of our members abroad. This
year’s PDW workshop on public
administration teaching and programs jointly
sponsored by the European Association for
Public Administration Accreditation was a
good step in that direction.
Second, the executive board is currently
working with several academic journals
regarding ways to simultaneously increase
the visibility of our division and benefits for
our members. In addition to the continued
financial support for division awards/events
and the participation in professional
development workshops often provided by
Journals/Publishers, we are in discussions
about the possibility of providing our
members with reduced subscription rate
offers or even opportunities to publish in
one-time special issues sponsored by the
Public and Nonprofit Division.
Where you can help:
First, I ask that you assist this year’s PDW
chair Neil Boyd (volunteering for a second
tour of duty) and program co-chairs Dean
Eitel and Stephen Teo. In addition to
submitting and reviewing papers, please
help identify and create high visibility
symposia that will engage high profile
scholars from across the Academy. One
possible model for this was provided this
year by the Public Service Motivation
(continued on Page 2)
Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
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Report from our Division Chair Continued
This symposium not only highlighted our division’s relevance to the 2007 conference theme (“Doing well by doing
good”) but also was cosponsored by the OB Division and included prominent (Boas Shamir) and successful young
(Adam M. Grant) scholars from outside our division.
Second, as you publish your conference papers from Philadelphia, I encourage you to note in your publication that a
previous version was presented at the Academy of Management. This is an excellent way to highlight the high quality
of our division’s scholarship while also providing some recognition of the benefits provided by the Academy’s full
paper submission and review process.
With such an active executive board and the help of our members, I am looking forward to what the next year will
bring. Let’s build on our success in the last year to make 2007-2008 our best year yet! See you all in Anaheim!
Bradley E. Wright
Anaheim Convention Center
Report from our Program Chairs
We encourage individuals -- members, fellow colleagues, students, practitioners and academics -- to submit a paper or
symposium for our Public and Non-Profit Division's program at the Anaheim meeting. In applying the theme, you should
consider panels and symposia that include both academics and practitioners as presenters. We suggest that proposals
focus on the following areas of the theme
- what is the most significant question PNP scholars need to ask?
- what questions should we be asking in our teaching, research, and community service?
- what are the most meaningful questions to ask in a changing international environment?
- what are the practitioners in our domain asking today?
- on the opposite side of the ledger, what questions are we NOT asking and why not?
- how do we best demonstrate the strengths of our Division while developing a better linkage to
the Academy at large?
- regarding our emerging scholars, which questions should be ask as we mentor them?
(continued on the following page)
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Report from our Program Chairs continued
(continued from the prior page)
The proposals, papers, panels and symposia can be sent as early as November 1 to
http://submissions.aomonline.org/2008. The site will open on November 1 and close on January 15, 2008, but please submit
early! Guidelines for submissions are found on the submission website at http://submissions.aomonline.org/2008.
We also need REVIEWERS on the 2008 Program Committee. We are still using the Centralized Reviewer System so
reviewers should register at the Academy website again this year as a PNP reviewer (and for another other Divisions you
wish to review for also). As a Reviewer, you will receive the papers by January 15 and have until February 13, 2008 to
complete your reviews. The Reviewer signup website is http://review.aomonline.org (it opens November 1).
This year we have Co-Program Committee Chairs - Dean Eitel (DePaul University) and Stephen Teo (University of
Technology, Sydney). We thank you for your continued involvement with the annual conference and our Division and look
forward to hearing from you.
Marriott at Anaheim – One of the Conference Hotels
Best Book Award
The Best Book Award selection committee for the Public and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management
requests nominations for the division's 2007 Best Book award. Nominations are due to me, by December 15, 2007.
Books nominated should have publications dates of 2005, 2006 or 2007. The winner will be announced during the Public
and Nonprofit Division's business meeting at the 2008 Academy of Management meeting in Anaheim. Members of the
Public and Nonprofit Division pay special attention to how distinctive qualities of the public and nonprofit sectors
influence management and organizational processes. Books nominated for the Award should significantly contribute to
modern management theory and/or practice and address issues within the Public and Nonprofit Division's domain of
interest. Author membership in the Division or the Academy of Management is not a criterion in the award process.
Nominations for the award should include the author's name, book title, publisher and date of publication. The winning
author (s) will receive a plaque recognizing the award.
Nominations are due December 15, 2007 and should be sent via e-mail to: MartinE@EasternCT.edu
Thank you,
Eric Martin
Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
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Best Article Award
What was the best public or nonprofit management article in 2007 (i.e. published between
January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007)? If you would like to make a suggestion for the division's
Best Article Award, send the selection committee a brief statement nominating the article and
stating why it is worthy of the award. Nominations should be placed by February 1, 2008. The
winner will be announced during the Academy Meeting in Anaheim in August, 2008, and will
receive a plaque recognizing the award. Nominations, with a copy of the nominated article,
should be sent to: ekong@csu.edu.au
Eric Kong
Best Dissertation Award
The division's Best Dissertation Award Selection Committee invites nominations for its 2007 Best
Dissertation Award, sponsored generously by Jossey-Bass. Dissertations defended January 1,
2007-December 31, 2007 are eligible for this award. Nominators should send the committee three
copies of nominated dissertations, and a letter of nomination by a faculty member outlining the
distinctive strengths of the work. Nominations should be sent by February 1, 2008. At the National
Meetings, the winner will receive a plaque recognizing the award, as well as awards of $250 in
books from Jossey-Bass and a $100 check from the Division. Nominations can be sent to:
Joseph J. Galaskiewicz
House of Blues Anaheim
News From our Liaisons
Between October 25-27, 2007 the 9th National Public Management Research Conference was
hosted by the Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, at Tucson. The Public
Management Research Conference is held every two years and brings together the foremost
scholars in public and non-profit research. The conference began as a relatively small group of
scholars, but has grown dramatically in recent years. This year's conference saw both an
unprecedented number of paper submissions (246, compared to 155 for the previous conference)
and registered participants (170). The next PMRA meeting will be held in the fall of 2009, and will
be hosted by the Glenn School at Ohio State University.
(continued on the following page)
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News From our Liaisons continued
(continued from the previous page)
A number of significant awards were presented at the conference. The Frederickson award for
lifetime achievement was presented to Professor Christopher Hood of Oxford. The Radin award
for best article published in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) was
presented to Young Han Chun and Hal G. Rainey for their article "Goal Ambiguity in Federal
Agencies" (January, 2005) for 2005 and to Carolyn Hill for her article "Casework Job Design and
Client Outcomes in Welfare to Work Offices" (April 2006) for 2006. Stu Bretschneider of
Syracuse University and Beryl Radin of American University both won awards recognizing their
exemplary work in editing the journal in its formative years. The conference also saw the official
transfer of ownership of JPART to the Public Management Research Association.
Downtown Disney District
Academy of Management Mentoring Committee
Call for Nominations
Mentoring Legacy Award
In alternating years, the Academy of Management Mentoring Committee honors individuals with
the Mentoring Legacy Award and the Mentoring Best Practices Award. The Mentoring Legacy
Award is given in even years to recognize scholars whose work has been germinal to the
research and study of mentoring. We were very pleased to honor David Thomas with the
Mentoring Legacy Award at the 2006 Academy of Management meeting in Atlanta.
The Mentoring Committee is currently inviting applicants for the 2008 Mentoring Legacy Award.
We seek to honor those individuals whose work has influenced and shaped the mentoring
discourse, both inside and outside of the Academy. While we believe that one-to-one mentoring
is very important, we are not seeking nominations for individuals who have acted as mentors.
Several divisions offer “Best Mentor” awards for that type of activity.
Criteria for selection include: an enduring contribution to research on mentoring with important
and innovative ideas; advancement of knowledge about mentoring, including conceptual,
empirical, or theoretical developments; collaboration with junior scholars in the field; and/or
evidenced influence on direction for future research in the field of mentoring. Nominations are
made by submitting a 1-2 page letter of support outlining the contributions of the candidate
accompanied by the candidate’s cv.
(continued on the following page)
Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
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Announcements continued
Submissions must be received by March 31, 2008. The nominations will be evaluated by a
committee composed of members of the Academy of Management Mentoring Committee. The
recipient of the award will be notified by May 31, 2008. Please send nominations to:
C. Douglas Johnson, Ph.D.
Academy of Management Mentoring Awards Chair
Georgia Gwinnett College
School of Business
1000 University Center Lane
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
678-407-5771 phone
For further details, please contact Douglas by phone or email.
Disney Grand Hotel
Disney Paradise Pier Hotel
Disney Resort Hotel
7th Annual Nonprofit Conference
Friday, February 1, 2008
8:30am - 6:00 pm
At the UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management
9907 Universal Blvd
Orlando, Florida 32819
Presented by the
University of Central Florida’s
Nonprofit Management Advisory Board
For more information visit: www.ce.ucf.edu/nonprofitconf
Make plans now to join us for our seventh annual Nonprofit Conference in Orlando Florida,
Friday, February 1st, 2008. Designed in collaboration with the University of Central Florida’s
nonprofit program and leading Central Florida nonprofit professionals. This conference will
address current issues facing nonprofit organizations and explore research important to the field.
This full day conference will feature sessions focusing on both academic research topics and
practitioner based presentations. Participants will have the opportunity to gain insight, ideas, and
an understanding on how to succeed in an ever-changing nonprofit field. Guest speakers will
include top professionals in the field who will share their expertise and experience with
conference attendees; featuring Keynote Speaker, Dr. Susan Eagan, Executive Director of the
Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations.
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Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
Announcements continued
TransAtlantic Dialogue on
‘The status of Inter-Governmental Relations and Multi-Level Governance
in Europe and the US’
June 12-14, 2008 Milan, Italy
Hosted by the Institute of Public Administration and Healthcare Management (IPAS),
Bocconi University
The fourth TransAtlantic Dialogue (4TAD)
Call for papers
Conference website: www.4TAD.org
Introduction to the conference
The investigation of intergovernmental relations (IGR) and multi-level governance (MLG) issues is
a growing field of research as well as policy concern.
There seem to be significant differences in the approaches and the "cognitive maps" employed
for the study of this field in the US and the European academic communities. The rationale for the
initiative of promoting a Trans-Atlantic Dialogue Conference is the assumption that there is a
need for a major scientific conference on "the status of intergovernmental relations and multi-level
governance", intended to explore both the status of theories for explaining/interpreting the
dynamics of IGR-MLG and the developments of IGR-MLG in the public sectors on both sides of
the Atlantic.
Though there are important differences in the meanings and contents of the topics ("EU "multilevel governance vs. "USA federal system IGR"), it seems there is room for advancing the
research on the topic by creating a major opportunity for scholars investigating the theme on both
sides of the Atlantic to discuss theoretical and empirical works. The dialogue is "Transatlantic"
both in the sense that background of scholars is from both the US and Europe, and as regards
the empirical evidence of papers. Works that are comparative (comparable) in nature, especially
US-EU/Europe comparisons, are most welcome.
The initiative is promoted by the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA), and
specifically the Permanent Study Group on InterGovernmental Relations (PSG on IGR), with the
support of Bocconi University, and The American Society of Public Administration (ASPA), and
specifically the section on intergovernmental relations, with the support of The School of Public
Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University - Newark.
Hilton Towers – A conference Hotel
(continued on the following page)
Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
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Announcements continued
(continued from the previous page)
- Deadline for presenting an Abstract: 1 February 2008
- Notification of acceptance by 15 February
- Full papers must be delivered by 31 March 2008 (all the contacts will
be dealt with by the co-chairs of the individual workshops)
- Papers must be sent by email to the workshop’s co-chairs as well as
to ALL the following addresses
2007 PNP Awards Recap
Richard Clerkin of North Carolina State
University receiving the William H.
Newman Award
Ken Meier on behalf of he and his
co-author receiving the first Accenture Award
Wolfgang Bielefeld of
receiving the Best Article Award on behalf
of co-authors
Shirish Srivastava of National
University of Singapore receiving
the Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee
(continued on the next page)
Flight Deck Air Command Center
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Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
2007 PNP Awards Recap continued
(continued from the previous page)
Rebecca Sager receiving the Best
Dissertation Award
Andrew Noblet of Deakin University
receiving the Charles H. Levine Award
Sage Publications Best
Conference Paper by a
Doctoral Student presented to Geoff Kistruck
Prior to the PNP Business Meeting on the terrace
Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
Welcome New Members!!!
A. M. Achterberg-Geerdink
Harmen Alkema
Punit Arora
Matt Aubry
Delia Baldassarri
Emily Barman
Kay Barnes
Sandra Beach
Amadou Bocoum
Theodore Brown
Mike Bruggeman
Tara Bryan
Anthony Buffone
Diana Burley
Sandro Cabral
Crystal Calarusse
Richard Cali
Douglas Campbell
Angie Chaplin
Bin Chen
Li-hung Cheng
Bill Clinton
Jeanette Colyvas
Barbara Crosby
William Damon
Nicholas Darko
Linda Dayler
Neil De Haan
Leisha DeHart-Davis
MariaLaura Di Domenico
Suzanne Discenza
Elenna Dugundji
Jonathan Edwards
Sophie Ersson
Roisin Farrelly
Giovanni Fattore
Donna Fleming
Reyes Gonzalez
Jillian Gordon
Josephine Gray
Marco Grumo
Martin Hall
V. Hamilton
Jim Haussener
Hennie Heesmans
Jessica Heineman-Pieper
Rebekah Heppner
Richard Herko
Terron Hillsman
Magdalena Hipp
Maja Holmes
Frank Hoogenboom
Christina Hoon
Marilyn Hosea
Amna Imam
John Ireland
Ross Jackson
Benoy Jacob
Janelle Jalbert
Bert Jarreau
Edward Jennings
Miliani Jimenez
Joan Kappert
Patrick Kelsey
Younhee Kim
Jeff Klein
Michael Koehler
Laura Angela Kopczak
Karin Kreutzer
Gary LaBranche
Robert Laessig
Steen Larsen
Susan Law
Jung Wook Lee
Ran Hui Lee
Federico Lega
Laura Lemaster
Lothar Liehmann
Feng Lu
Wenjue Lu
Mary Ann Lyon
Jun Ma
Geoff Marietta
David Marsden
Jose Martins
Nancy Masselink
Alina McCandless
Stacy McCracken
Jill McCrory
Mary Eileen McLaughlin
Denis McSweeney
Lars Moratis
William Morley
Ana Moscoso
Jeryl Mumpower
Shelley Murphy
Greta Nasi
Brian Nielsen
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Public Non-Profit: Serving Public Benefit
Welcome New Members continued!!!
David Norman
Wiliam Nowlin
Delissa Nuno
Vladimir Obradovic
Kevin Orr
Sarah Otner
Laurence O'Toole
Liza Owens
Hyun Hee Park
Valerie Pattyn
Nicholas Pearce
Sandra Pereira
Benoit Pige
Debra Price Jackson
Christoph Reichard
Charlene Reiss
Carolina Rivera-Minaya
Fady Sahhar
Rikke Pia Saltoft
Karen Samuel
Nicole Sapio
Jody Schmid
Eckhard Schroeter
Jueqian Shi
Dongchul Shim
John Sorensen
Barbara Sporn
Disney Pier Hotel
Michael Stadlober
Edmund Stazyk
Wim Stienen
Grace Chi-ting Su
Steven Swafford
Rebecca Tekula
Alex Turrini
Daniel Uiterwijk
Sigmund Valaker
Antonio Vera
Frank Vermeulen
Alfred Vernis
Anders Villadsen
Arild Wæraas
Feng Wang
Rev. Ruby Washington
Mirjam Werges
Christopher West
Jana Wilhelm
Timothy Wilhelm
Melissa Williams
Jill Wolf
Margot Wood
Daryl Wright
Disney Resort Hotel
PNP Division Chair
Bradley Wright
University of North
Carolina at Charlotte
Department of Political
9201 University City
Charlotte, NC 28223-001
(O) (704) 687-4530
PNP Division ChairElect
Gordon Kingsley
Georgia Tech University
School of Public Policy
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345
(O) (404) 894-0454
(F) (404) 385-0504
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
PNP Focus
Research on public and
nonprofit organizations
such as government
agencies, the military,
social services, cultural
and educational
membership and
associations, advocacy
organizations, and
religious and other
charitable organizations
generated, and
continue to shape, a
large share of modern
management thought.
The Public and
Nonprofit Division of the
Academy of
organizational networks
involving public and
nonprofit organizations;
public policy; and the
social and ethical
dimensions of public
and nonprofit activity.
The members pay
special attention to how
distinctive qualities of
the public and nonprofit
sectors influence
management and
We would like to hear from you in the Spring and we look forward to seeing
you in Anaheim!
We would like to hear
from you prior to our
Spring Newsletter that
will be released after
the division knows more
about the academy
If your university is
hiring, consider posting
the position
announcement in our
PNP Division Program
Dean Eitel
DePaul University
231 Greens View Dr
Algonquin, IL 60102
(O) (312)362-5574
Stephen Teo
Univ of Technology,
Sydney, Australia
School of Management
P.O. Box 123 Broadway,
NSW 2007 Australia
(O) +61 2 9514 3678
Management brings
together scholars,
managers, and
students who continue
this tradition by
studying the public and
nonprofit sectors, and
the relationships among
public, nonprofit, and
private sector
organizations. The
Division's members
study decision making,
strategy, organizational
behavior and human
resource management,
and political behavior;
collaborations among
public, nonprofit, and
private organizations;
PNP Division PDW
Neil Boyd
Lycoming College
Department of Business
700 College Place
Williamsport, PA 17701
(O) (501) 321-4167
If you know of a call for
papers that may be of
interest to our
members, let us know.
If you have had a
wonderful year and
would like to share your
accomplishments or
those of others, let us
PNP Past Division Chair
Kirsten Gronbjerg
Indiana University
The School of Public and
Environmental Affairs, 1315
East Tenth Street,
Bloomington, IN 47405
(O) (812) 855-5971
We have tried to
illustrate some of the
pictures of places to
see and adventures to
be had while visiting
Newsletter Editor and
Division Secretary
Kira Reed
Syracuse University
Whitman School of
Management Dept
721 University Avenue
Syracuse, NY 132442450
(O) (315) 443-3391