Medway Jubilee Bus Day Thursday 27 December 2012 Rochester Coach Park Gas House Lane, Rochester, Kent. Location map: Owners of all preserved buses are invited to bring along their vehicle to display. Operators with interesting buses and those with a Kent & Medway connection are also invited to take part. The event will commence at 1000, so all vehicles will need to be in place before 0945. The event is due to finish at around 1600. PSV Operators license holders with appropriate insurance with PCV licence holder drivers are also invited to take part in the running day. Services will include a Chatham Shuttle service, and special journeys over routes 192 and some former Nu-Venture routes in the Medway area. Vehicle Entry Form Vehicle Registration Number: Livery the vehicle is painted in: Chassis: Body: Seating Capacity: Year Built: Any other notes: PSV Operators Licence Holders with appropriate insurance are invited to take part in the running day and operate on some journeys. Times available between: Insurance Company: Policy Number: Contact Phone Number: Please can you also e-mail a scan of your insurance certificate. Please e-mail your completed form to Thank you for your interest in this event