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Studying African camels is key to learning more about the
MERS virus
Animal Diseases Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2015/10 - The conversation
This March: ‘One Health for the Real World: Zoonoses,
Ecosystems and Wellbeing’ symposium
Clippings - Jan/2016
Ethiopian girl and her calf in Ghibe Valley (photo credit: ILRI/Apollo Habtamu).
One Health for the Real World: zoonoses, ecosystems and wellbeing
17–18 Mar 2016
This symposium will bring together leading experts from different fields to discuss the topic
‘Healthy ecosystems, healthy people’.
This symposium announcement comes from the Institue of Zoology website.
Ecosystems provide services that maintain and improve human wellbeing, such as food provisioning and
disease regulation however, they can also generate ‘disservices’, such as reservoirs for new, ‘emerging’
infectious disease from wildlife.
Health is a critical aspect of human wellbeing, interacting with material and social relations to contribute
to people’s freedoms and choices, especially in sub-Saharan Africa where clusters of health and disease
problems disproportionately affect poor people and contribute further to their poverty.
Healthy ecosystems and healthy people go together, yet the precise relationships between these remain
poorly understood.
Understanding the interactions between ecosystem change, disease regulation and human well being is an
interdisciplinary challenge which the scientific community is only beginning to address. In policy terms,
One Health and Ecohealth are converging approaches resting on the shared principle that the health of
humans, animals and ecosystems are interdependent.
There is, however, little integration in understanding the relationships between these sectors. Too often
research is divided between those who focus on environmental change and ecosystem services; those
who address socio-economic, poverty and wellbeing issues; and those who consider health and disease.
This leads to fragmented understandings and inadequate responses.
This symposium will bring together leading experts from different fields to:
Present new interdisciplinary frameworks for a real-world One Health approach.
Highlight evidence from field-based settings in Africa and beyond.
Debate implications for policy and practice.
Download full programme: One Health symposium programme (670.93 KB)
Panel sessions:
Integrating modelling for understanding zoonses impacts
One Health dimensions
Ecosystem change and zoonoses dynamics
Human behaviour and social difference
Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium case studies
Engaging research with policy and action
Speakers and chairs include:
Professor Pete Atkinson, Lancaster University
Dr Katinka de Balogh, Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO)
Dr Kevin Bardosh, University of Edinburgh
Dr Bernard Bett, International Livestock Research Institute
Professor Bassirou Bonfoh, Director General, Swiss Centre for Scientific Research (CSRS), Côte d’Ivoire
Professor Sarah Cleaveland, University of Glasgow
Professor Andrew Cunningham, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London
Dr Peter Daszak, President, EcoHealth Alliance
Professor Chris Dye, World Health Organization
Professor Vupenyu Dzingirai, University of Zimbabwe
Dr Jonathan Epstein, EcoHealth Alliance
Professor Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust
Professor Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London
Professor Victor Galaz, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Dr Delia Grace, International Livestock Research Institute
Professor David Heymann, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Professor Kate Jones, University College London
Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Conservation Through Public Health
Dr Ann Kelly, University of Exeter/Kings College London
Professor Melissa Leach, Director, Institute of Development Studies
Dr Gianni Lo Iacono, Public Health England
Dr Hayley MacGregor, Institute of Development Studies
Dr Noreen Machila, University of Zambia
Dr Lina Moses, Director, Tulane University Lassa Fever Program
Professor Amon Murwira, University of Zimbabwe
Professor Yaa Ntiamoa-Baidu, University of Ghana
Dr Steve Osofsky, Wildlife Conservation Society
Dr David Pigott, University of Oxford
Dr David Redding, UCL
Professor Jonathan Rushton, Royal Veterinary College
Professor Ian Scoones, Institute of Development Studies
Professor Jo Sharp, University of Glasgow
Dr Jan Slingenbergh, Independent One Health policy advisor
Dr Linda Waldman, Institute of Development Studies
Professor David Waltner-Toews, Veterinarians without Borders-Canada
Professor Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Advisor, Department for International Development
Professor Susan Welburn, University of Edinburgh
Dr Tom Winnebah, Njala University
Professor James Wood, University of Cambridge
Professor Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Symposium organisers
The One Health for the Real World symposium is being organised by the Dynamic Drivers of Disease
in Africa Consortium in partnership with the Royal Society. The Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa
Consortium is a multidisciplinary research programme designed to deliver much-needed, cutting-edge
science on the relationships between ecosystems, zoonoses, health and wellbeing, with the objective of
moving people out of poverty and promoting social justice. It is funded by Ecosystem Services for
Poverty Alleviation.
Members of the organising committee include Professor Andrew Cunningham (Institute of Zoology),
Professor James Wood (University of Cambridge), Professor Melissa Leach (Institute of Development
Studies) and Professor Ian Scoones (Institute of Development Studies).
Held in partnership with the Royal Society
Present a poster at this symposium
Delegates are invited to present a poster at this symposium. Posters will be displayed during tea and
coffee breaks and presented by flash talks.
To submit a poster, please email the poster proposal form below to jennifer.howes@zsl.org
before Friday 12 February 2016.
Poster proposal form Symposium 17-18 March 2016 (15.84 KB)
A small number of waivers for the symposium registration fee are available to those from low -income
countries who want to present a poster. To apply for this, contact jennifer.howes@zsl.org
Filed under: Agri-Health, CRP4, Disease Control, Emerging Diseases, Epidemiology, Event, FSZ,
Health (human), ILRI, RVF, Zoonotic Diseases Tagged: Bernard Bett, DDDAC, Delia Grace,
One Health
Nutrition in Kenya: Why Community Action to Improve
Nutrition Includes a Side Order of Termites
CRP 1.2: news - Jan/2016
This is a follow-up story on a series of special reports published in 2015 from Vihiga County, Kenya,
where Humidtropics researchers are empowering the community to better use available agricultural
biodiversity to improve nutrition all the year round. In this report, the author describes a series of events
organized by the communities to start the interventions that […]
Nutrition in Kenya: Why Community Action to Improve
Nutrition Includes a Side Order of Termites
CRP1.2Program news - Jan/2016
This is a follow-up story on a series of special reports published in 2015 from Vihiga County, Kenya,
where Humidtropics researchers are empowering the community to better use available agricultural
biodiversity to improve nutrition all the year round. In this report, the author describes a series of events
organized by the communities to start the interventions that […]
The diseases we share with animals
CRP 4 bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
Livestock news - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
Animal Diseases Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
Emerging Diseases Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
CRP 4 bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
Livestock news - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
The diseases we share with animals
Animal Diseases Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - BBC World Service
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Africa Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Livestock news - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Southern Africa: bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Tanzania Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Africa Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Livestock keepers to be assisted under AU pastoralism policy
Livestock news - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Daily News (Tanzania)
Cargill looking to generate data on animal production in
Turkey, Middle East and Africa
Animal feeding Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Feednavigator
Cargill looking to generate data on animal production in
Turkey, Middle East and Africa
Livestock news - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Feednavigator
Cargill looking to generate data on animal production in
Turkey, Middle East and Africa
Animal feeding Bookmarks - Jan/2016
2016/01 - Feednavigator
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