MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. SUMMARY Section Includes: 1. Provide mortar for installing unit masonry specified under Section 04 20 00. 2. Provide mortar for installing precast architectural concrete units specified under Section 03 45 00. 3. Provide mortar for installing date stone, specified under Section 04. 4. Provide setting and pointing mortar for the following: a. b. c. 5. Provide pre-mixed (pre-blended) colored mortar for installation of masonry at the following locations: a. b. c. 6. B. A. Provide masonry grout related to unit masonry construction where noted and specified under Section 04 20 00. Section 03 30 00: Section 03 41 13: Section 04 20 00: Section 04 43 00: Section 04 72 00: Section 05 50 00: Cast In Place Concrete. Precast Concrete Hollow Core Planks. Unit Masonry. Stone Masonry. Cast Stone Masonry. Metal Fabrications. Related Work: 1. 1.02 Exterior Face Brick Related Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. Exterior Face Brick Interior Face Brick Interior Ground Concrete Masonry Units Provide mortar with integral water-repellent admixture for the following: a. 7. Glazed Concrete Masonry Units Glazed Tile Cast Stone Testing: Owner’s testing agency will perform pre-construction testing of mortar and masonry grout mixes as specified within this Section and testing during construction as specified under Section 04 20 00. REFERENCES American Concrete Institute (ACI) 04 05 15 - 1 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 B. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM) C. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) D. The Masonry Society (TMS) 1.03 A. SUBMITTALS Submittals Related To Pre-Construction Testing: 1. 2. 3. General Requirements: a. Owner will contract with an independent testing agency to perform quality control testing of mortar mixes and masonry grout mixes. b. Testing agency shall submit reports documenting results of testing performed. c. Do not begin construction which requires use of mortar and masonry grout until after submittal and approval of test reports. d. Owner’s testing laboratory shall verify mortar and grout proportions during construction sampling when mixes are field blended. e. Test mix design prior to beginning construction of masonry. Mortar Mixes: a. Test mortars, pre-batched by weight, in accordance with ASTM C780 recommendations for pre-construction testing. b. Test results will be used to establish optimum mortar proportions and establish quality control values for construction testing. Masonry Grout Mixes: a. Test grout batches in accordance with ASTM C1019 procedures. b. Test results will be used to establish optimum grout proportions and establish quality control values for construction testing. c. Seven-day strength test and a 28-day strength test will be required for every 30 or less cubic yards of each type of grout placed each day. Seven-day compressive strength test of laboratory mix design must exceed specified 28-day design compressive strength. d. A strength test shall be taken as the average of the strengths of (2) 3-inch by 3-inch by 6-inch rectangular grout specimens made from same sample of grout that will be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM C1019. **** ARCHITECT - SELECT FROM ALL PARAGRAPHS BELOW (or delete if no colored mortar) **** B. Colored Mortar Samples: 04 05 15 - 2 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 1. Submit for selection, colored mortar samples showing full extent of colors available. 2. After mortar color has been selected by Architect, submit (3) samples of each mortar color selected for use by Architect in verifying that proper mortar color(s) are used on Project. ***** WHEN MORTAR COLOR(S) ARE TO MATCH EXISTING MORTAR COLOR(S), DELETE PARAGRAPH AND SUBSEQUENT SUBPARAGRAPHS ABOVE AND USE PARAGRAPH AND SUBSEQUENT SUBPARAGRAPHS BELOW ***** C. Colored Mortar Samples: 1. Submit for approval, samples of colored mortar intended to match existing mortar color. 2. Submit for approval, samples of each color of mortar to use with various masonry units to match color of mortar used at each similar existing condition. 3. After mortar color(s) have been approved as matching existing mortar color(s), submit 3 approved samples of each color for use by Architect in verifying that proper mortar color(s) are used on Project. ***** END ***** 1.04 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Regulatory Requirements: 1. Mortar: In accordance with ASTM C270, property method. 2. Masonry Grout: In accordance with ASTM C476. B. Single Source Responsibility For Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of uniform quality, including color for mortar joints of exposed masonry, from one manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source and producer for each aggregate. C. Qualifications of Persons who will be Batching and Mixing Mortar and Masonry Grout: 1. D. 1.05 A. Only persons trained and experienced in the accurate and consistent batching of ingredients and their mixing are to prepare mortar and masonry grout. Mortar and Grout Mix Designs: 1. Contractor shall have mix designs designed and signed by a professional engineer employed by a qualified independent laboratory which is other than the Owner’s testing laboratory. 2. Architect/Engineer’s Structural Engineer shall approve mix designs after consideration of pre-construction test results. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Storage and Protection: 1. Deliver and store packaged materials in original, unopened containers and store in dry weathertight enclosure. 04 05 15 - 3 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 B. 1.06 A. 2. Protect products against dampness, freezing, and foreign matter. 3. Store cementitious materials and aggregates in such a manner to prevent deterioration and intrusion of foreign materials. 4. Stockpile and handle aggregates to prevent segregation and contamination. 5. Maintain sand for volume preparation of mortar and grout in a damp loose condition. Delivery and Storage of Pre-Blended Mortar Mix: 1. Deliver pre-blended, dry mortar mix in moisture resistant containers designed for use with dispensing silos. 2. Store pre-blended, dry mortar mix in delivery containers on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location or in covered weatherproof dispensing slots. SITE CONDITIONS Cold Water Requirements: 1. B. Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. 2. Meet cold weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1, ASCE 6, and TMS 602. Hot Weather Requirements: 1. Meet hot weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1, ASCE 6, and TMS 602. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. MORTAR AND MASONRY GROUT MATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction. Portland cement used in mortar for installing date stone shall comply with staining requirements of ASTM C90 for not more than 0.03 percent water soluble alkali. ***** ARCHITECT - SELECT FROM SUBPARAGRAPHS BELOW ***** 1. Color: Manufacturer’s standard gray. 2. Color: White. 3. Color: Manufacturer’s standard gray, except provide cement color as required to obtain mortar colors to match adjacent existing non-coated mortar colors. ***** END ***** B. Masonry Cement: Do not use. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S. D. Aggregate For Mortar: ASTM C144, except for joints less than 1/4 inch, use aggregate graded 04 05 15 - 4 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 with 100 percent passing a No. 16 sieve. E. Aggregate For Masonry Grout: ASTM C404. F. Water: Clean and potable quality. G. Admixtures: 1. Air-Entraining Admixtures: Do not use air-entraining admixtures or cementitious materials containing air-entraining in mortar or masonry grout. 2. Antifreeze Compounds: Do not use antifreeze compounds or other substances which lower freezing point of mixing water in mortar or masonry grout. 3. Calcium Chloride Admixtures: Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride in mortar or masonry grout. 4. Integral Liquid Water-Repellent Admixture: a. Acceptable Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal: 1) 2) b. Description: Integral liquid polymeric admixture to be mixed into mortar mix. c. Applicable Standards: 1) 2) d. H. W. R. Grace & Co.-Conn., Construction Products Division, “DRY-BLOCK Mortar Admixture” BASF Admixtures, RHEOPEL7 Mortar Admixture Class E rating when evaluated using ASTM E514 with test extended to 72 hours, using rating criteria found in ASTM E514. No decrease in concrete masonry bond strength or compressive strength of prisms when compared to a control test when tested in accordance with ASTM C1314 and ASTM C1357 respectively. Compatibility: Water repellent, used in mortar intended for use with concrete masonry units containing water repellent, must be by same manufacturer; verify and coordinate. Pigment For Integrally Colored Mortar: 1. Acceptable Manufacturers of Mortar Pigments: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal: a. b. c. Davis Colors, subsidiary of Rockwood Industries, Beltsville, MD Mix Manufacturing, Prism Pigments Division of Spec Materials, Inc., Vadnais Heights, MN Solomon Grind-Chem Service, Inc., Springfield, IL 2. Applicable Standards: In accordance with ASTM C979. 3. Colored Mortar Mix and Proportions: a. Colored mortar to be a pre-mixed, pre-bagged, pigmented Portland cement-lime mortar 04 05 15 - 5 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 formulated to produce required mortar color and meeting requirements for mortar type specified for installation location where colored mortar is to be provided. b. 4. 2.02 A. Mortar Colors: As selected by Architect from mortar pigment manufacturer’s full range of colors. PRE-BLENDED MORTAR MIXES Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal: 1. SPEC MIX, Inc., Mendota Heights, MN, 888/773-2649 or 651/688-8966 (phone), 888/329-7732 (fax) a. b. c. d. B. C. D. E. Pigments are not to exceed 10 percent of Portland cement by weight for mineral oxide pigments nor 2 percent of Portland cement by weight for carbon black pigments. Pre-Blended Mortar Mix: Spec Mix “PCL Sand”, Pre-Blended Portland and Lime Mortar Mix Pre-Blended Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent: Spec Mix “IWR”, Pre-Blended Portland and Lime Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent Pre-Blended Colored Mortar Mix: Spec Mix “PCL Sand Color”, Pre-Blended Colored Mortar Mix Pre-Blended Colored Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent: Spec Mix “PCL Sand Color With IWR”, Pre-Blended Colored Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent Pre-Blended Mortar Mix: 1. Description: Pre-blended factory mix of Portland cement, hydrated lime, and sand aggregate. 2. Materials and Standards: As specified. Pre-Blended Portland and Lime Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent: 1. Description: Pre-blended factory mix of Portland cement, hydrated lime, sand aggregate, and dry integral water repellent admixture. 2. Materials and Standards: As specified. 3. Requirements For Integral Water Repellent: As specified. Pre-Blended Portland and Lime Colored Mortar Mix: 1. Description: Pre-blended factory mix of Portland cement, hydrated lime, sand aggregate, and color pigments. 2. Materials and Standards: As required. 3. Mortar Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer’s full range of colors. Pre-Blended Portland and Lime Colored Mortar Mix With Integral Water Repellent: 1. Description: Pre-blended factory mix of Portland cement, hydrated lime, sand aggregate, color 04 05 15 - 6 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 pigments, and dry integral water repellent admixture. 2.03 A. 2. Materials and Standards: As specified. 3. Requirements For Colored Pigment: As specified. 4. Requirements For Integral Water Repellent: As specified. PORTLAND CEMENT AND LIME MORTAR General Requirements: 1. Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, anti-freeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless specifically specified. a. 2. B. C. D. Provide integral liquid water-repellent admixture only in mortar mix used for mortar joints exposed to exterior environmental conditions. Provide admixture and mix uniformly in accordance with admixture manufacturer’s instructions. Do not use calcium chloride admixtures, or any admixture containing calcium chloride, in mortar. Measuring Materials: 1. Method of measuring materials for mortar shall be by dry volume and carried out in such a manner to ensure that specified proportions of mortar materials shall be controlled and accurately maintained. 2. Measurement of sand by shovel is not permitted. Mixing Mortars: 1. Thoroughly mix mortar ingredients in quantities needed for immediate use in accordance with ASTM C270. 2. Mix mortar materials not less than 3 minutes and not more than 5 minutes, in a mechanical batch mixer, consistent from batch to batch. 3. Use only water amount required to produce a workable consistency. Retempering: 1. Retempering mortars will alter water-to-cement ratio, which may affect compressive strength and color consistency. Avoid as much as possible, and add additional water only to replace water lost due to evaporation. 2. Re-temper mortars only twice within 2 hours after introducing water; do not re-temper after 2 hours. 3. Place mortar in its final position within 2 1/2 hours after initial mixing. 4. If applicable to Project, do not retemper colored mortars. 04 05 15 - 7 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 E. F. Brand of Portland Cement: 1. Use same brand of Portland cement for entire Project for each type of masonry unit where mortar joints will remain exposed. 2. If brand of cement must be changed, adjust mix, if necessary, to compensate for color differences. Portland Cement Mortar Mix - Property Method: In accordance with ASTM C270. ***** MODIFY SUBPARAGRAPHS BELOW AS REQUIRED AND ADD NEW FOR OTHER MORTAR TYPES WHEN REQUIRED ***** 1. Type S Mortar: Use at following locations: a. b. c. 2. Type N Mortar: Use at following locations: a. b. c. d. e. f. 3. 2.04 Face Brick Interior Concrete Masonry Unit Non-Load-Bearing Walls Pointing Mortar With Maximum 2 Percent Ammonium Stearate or Calcium Stearate per Cement Weight Architectural Precast Concrete Date Stone Masonry Supported Stone Cladding Minimum Compressive Strength at 28 Days: a. b. G. Concrete Masonry Units In Exterior Walls Above Grade Interior Concrete Masonry Unit Load-Bearing Walls Cast Stone Products Type S: 1,800 psi Type N: 750 psi Refractory Mortar: Mortar for fire brick shall be best grade of fire clay mortar of a consistency for dipping in accordance with ASTM C199. POINTING MORTAR ***** DELETE PORTLAND CEMENT POINTING MORTAR BELOW IF ONLY EPOXY TYPE POINTING MORTAR IS REQUIRED ***** A. Portland Cement Pointing Mortar: 1. Use Locations: For repair of mortar joint at concrete masonry units and brick. 2. Use Locations: For Glazed Concrete Masonry Units (GLCMU) and Glazed Structural Tile (GST). 3. Mix: 1-part Portland cement and 3-parts sand. 4. Color: [Architect has option to use gray or white pointing mortar.] [Provide white cement, if 04 05 15 - 8 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 required, so cured mortar joints will match color of mortar joints at existing GLCMU] [GST]. [Match color of mortar being repaired]. 5. Mixing For Colored Mortar: a. Pre-mix Portland cement, lime, and color pigment. Site mixing/blending of materials is not acceptable. b. Deliver pre-mixed materials to Project site in bags. c. Cured color of mortar shall match color of mortar used for existing [GLCMU] [GST]. 1) B. C. 2.05 A. Wherever glazed structural tile GST abuts brick on the same plane, color of pointing mortar for glazed structural tile shall match mortar color used for brick. Epoxy Pointing Mortar: 1. Use with [glazed concrete masonry units (GLCMU)] [glazed structural tile (GST)] [installed as a base course of walls above floors] [and] [installed for walls]. 2. Epoxy pointing mortar shall be substantially based on an epoxy resin. 3. Mix: Epoxy pointing mortar shall be a 2- and 3-component mix consisting of a resin, hardener, and powder, containing less than 0.1 percent free water and non-polymerizable organic solvents. 4. Epoxy pointing mortar mix shall have a working life of not less than 45 minutes at 75 degrees F. 5. Epoxy pointing mortar shall set and harden within 16 hours. 6. Powder used in epoxy pointing mortar shall be free of coarse filler materials that may scratch surface finish of products during installation. 7. When completely set and hardened, epoxy pointing mortar shall be free of odor. 8. Epoxy pointing mortar must meet or exceed American National Standards Institute A118.3-1969; General Service Administration PBS4-0931; U.S. Department of Agriculture; Veteran’s Administration Master Construction Specification; and U.S. Army CE243.01. 9. Epoxy Pointing Mortar Color: To be as selected by Architect. Pointing Mortar For Cast Stone: 1-part non-staining cement (ASTM C91), 1-part hydrated lime (ASTM C207. Type S) and 4-parts of clean, washed sand (ASTM C144). Coloring pigments may be added if required. Architect shall approve color of pointing mortar before proceeding with pointing. MASONRY GROUT Masonry Grout: 1. 3,000 psi strength at 28 days with 8 to10 inches of slump. 04 05 15 - 9 Mortar and Masonry Grout MPS Master SECTION 04 05 15 2. B. C. Provide 3/8-inch maximum size aggregate in masonry grout used for masonry unit core fill and bond beam fill. Mixing Grout: 1. Thoroughly mix ingredients in quantities needed for immediate use in accordance with ASTM C476 for Project site mixed masonry grout and in accordance with ASTM C94 for ready mixed (truck-transported) masonry grout. 2. Do not use anti-freeze compounds to lower the freezing point of masonry grout. Placing: Place grout within 1 1/2 hours after initial mixing. PART 3 - EXECUTION Not Used END OF SECTION 04 05 15 - 10 Mortar and Masonry Grout