Math supplies for grades 6, 7, & 8

General Supplies for all Middle School Students
Homeroom supplies: [To be collected on the first day of school]
 2 boxes of tissues
 2 rolls paper towels
 2 containers of wipes (antibacterial)
 1 package loose leaf paper (NOT college rule) to be kept in classroom.
Student Supplies:
 6 - 12 pens (blue or black) (NO click pens or gel pens)
 12 pencils w/erasers
 1 plastic container for art supplies 9 ½ ” or smaller (should fit on top shelf of locker)
 1 pair of scissors (kept in art box)
 4 glue sticks (kept in art box)
 2 highlighter marker( 1kept in art box)
 1 box 24 crayons (kept in art box)
 1 package color markers (kept in art box)
 1 package color pencils (kept in art box)
 1 zipper pouch for pens and pencils
 1 smock or old shirt (Art)
 All students need a working Jump Drive (data storage for computer lab)
 School Issued Assignment Pad $ 6.00 [Check to St. Bridget School]
 All text books must be covered. Cloth covers must be size LARGE.
Subject Area Supplies: For students entering Grade 6
 2 marble bound journal
 1 one subject notebook for notes
Language Arts/ Literature supplies
 Grade 6 Grammar- 2-marble bound journals for notes.
 Grade 6 Literature - 2- marble bound journals for notes
 2 packs of 2”X2” post it notes
Math supplies
 1- Calculator (Casio fx 300 ES or TI 30xa)
 1 - graphing pad/notebook
 2 – 3 subject notebook with pocket dividers or 1 ½” 3 – ring binder with pocket dividers
 1 - hand held pencil sharpener that collects shavings
 2 - packages loose leaf paper (NOT college rule)
 1 - 3 holed zippered pencil pouch (for Math only) to be clipped into math binder
 12 - Pencils for math only, kept in the math zipper pouch.
 1- Red correcting pen/pencil kept in math zipper pouch.
Science supplies
1- ear buds or head phones for use with iPads
1- packet of ¼” graph paper
 1 – Marble bound journal [To be replaced When full] No spiral or binders please. To be turned in to science teacher on first day of school.
 1 - package 3x5 lined note cards
 1 – package of loose leaf paper [Wide Ruled]
 1 – package of pencils # 2
Spanish supplies
 1 - 3-ring binder, 1” size for workbook, paper and folder
 1 - package loose leaf paper (NOT college rule) or 3 hole punch journal kept in binder.
Social Studies
 1 - three subject notebook with pockets
 1 - 3x5 spiral bound index cards
 1 - highlighter
 1 -3x5 spiral bound index car
Subject Area Supplies: For students entering Grade 7
 2 - marble bound journals
 1 - one subject notebook with pockets
 1 one subject notebook for notes
Language Arts/ Literature supplies
 1 marble bound composition books
 1” three-ring binder,
 2 packs of 2”X2” post-it notes
 Grammar: one 1” three-ring binder
Math supplies
 1 – Calculator ( Casio fx 300 ES or TI 30 xa)
 1 - graphing pad/notebook
 2 – 3 subject notebook with pocket dividers or 1 ½” 3 – ring binder with pocket dividers
 1 - hand held pencil sharpener that collects shavings
 2 - packages loose leaf paper (NOT college rule)
 1 - 3 holed zippered pencil pouch (for Math only) to be clipped into math binder
 12 - Pencils for math only, kept in the math zipper pouch.
 1- Red correcting pen/pencil kept in math zipper pouch.
Science supplies
1- ear buds or head phones for use with iPads
1- packet of ¼” graph paper
1 – Marble bound journal [To be replaced When full] No spiral or binders please. To be turned in to science teacher on first day of school.
1 - package 3x5 lined note cards
1 – package of loose leaf paper [Wide Ruled]
1 – package of pencils # 2
 1 - three subject notebook with pockets
Spanish supplies
 1 - 3-ring binder, 1” size for workbook, paper and folder
 1 - package loose leaf paper (NOT college rule) or 3 hole punch journal kept in binder.
Subject Area Supplies: For students entering
Grade 8
 2 marble bound journal
 1 one subject notebook for notes
 1 one subject notebook for notes
Language Arts
 One 1” three- ring binder
 1 marble bound composition books
 2 packs of 2” X2” post-it notes
 1” three-ring binder
Math supplies
 1- graphing calculator TI83 or TI84
 1 - graphing pad/notebook
 2 – 3 subject notebook with pocket dividers or 1 ½” 3 – ring binder with pocket dividers
 1 - hand held pencil sharpener that collects shavings
 2 - packages loose leaf paper (NOT college rule)
 1 - holed zippered pencil pouch (for Math only) to be clipped into math binder
 12 - Pencils for math only, kept in the math zipper pouch.
 1- Red correcting pen/pencil kept in math zipper pouch.
Science supplies
1- ear buds or head phones for use with iPads
1- packet of ¼” graph paper
 1 – Marble bound journal [To be replaced When full] No spiral or binders please. To be turned in to science teacher on first day of school.
 1 - Package 3x5 lined note cards
 1 – package of loose leaf paper [Wide Ruled]
 1 – package of pencils # 2
 1 - three subject notebook with pockets
Spanish supplies
 1 - 3-ring binder, 1” size for workbook, paper and folder
1 - Package loose leaf paper (NOT college rule) or 3 hole punched journal kept in binder.