Curriculum Vitae RACHEL JANE HUNDLEY July 2011 Office Address: Division of Developmental Medicine 2200 Children’s Way 11204 Doctor’s Office Tower Nashville, TN 37232-9003 Office: 615-875-5495 Email: Personal Address: 1113 Shelby Avenue Nashville, TN 37206 Mobile: 617-416-9424 Email: Education: Bachelor of Arts: Harding University, December 1996 (Psychology, summa cum laude) Master of Science: The University of Memphis, August 1999 (Psychology) Thesis: Friendship Reciprocity as a Determinant of Relationship Quality Doctor of Philosophy: The University of Memphis, August 2003 (Clinical Psychology) Dissertation: Becoming, Keeping, and Losing Friends: Change in Children’s Peer Relationships APA Accredited Internship: Franciscan Hospital for Children and Kennedy Day School, Boston, MA, September 2002-August 2003 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Psychology: Children's Hospital Boston & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, September 2003-August 2004; Continued position until hospital credentialing completed in September 2005. License: Tennessee, July 14, 2010, Psychologist-Health Service Provider, # 2966 - Active Massachusetts, April 2005, Psychologist-Health Service Provider, #8433 - Inactive Academic Appointments: Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University, July 2010-present Instructor in Psychology, Harvard Medical School, September 2005-April 2010 Hospital Appointment: Psychologist, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, June 2010-present Psychologist, Children's Hospital Boston, September 2005-April 2010 Co-Director, Autism Care Program in the Developmental Medicine Center, Children's Hospital Boston, July 2007- April 2010 Specialized Professional Training: Completed clinical and research reliability with Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) at Children's Hospital Boston, Trainer: Ellen Hanson, Ph.D., August 2004 Completed research training with Family History Interview through private workshop with Anthony Bailey, Ph.D. at Children's Hospital, Boston, October 2004 Completed clinical and research reliability with Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R), through Abt Associates, Trainer: Natasha Akshoomoff, Ph.D., January 2005 Became independent ADOS trainer through completing requirements at University of Michigan Autism and Communication Disorders Center (UMACC), June 2005 Completed research training with Broader Phenotype Autism Symptom Scale (BPASS) though private workshop with Annette Estes, Ph.D., Cure Autism Now (CAN) offices, Los Angeles, CA, July 2008 Hypnosis – Level I Training completed through workshop at Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics meeting in Portland, October 2009 Professional Organizations: Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics International Society For Autism Research Professional Activities: Scientific Review Committee for Division of Developmental Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, January 2008-October 2009 Professional Teaching Activities: Instructor for Child Development, 15 lectures per semester, The University of Memphis, Department of Psychology, September 2001-May 2002 Invited Foreign Expert, Guest lecturer, 20 lectures, Research Mentorship, Psychology Department, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China; Contact: Zhao, Zong Kui, Ph.D., May 2002-August 2002 Clinical Teaching: Undergraduate field placement supervisor, over 50 students from various Boston colleges and universities completing externships in Developmental Medicine at Children's Hospital Boston, September 2004-April 2010 Clinical Teaching and Supervision: 3 lectures per semester for psychology fellows; weekly clinical supervision of postdoctoral fellows in psychology, two fellows per year, in Developmental Medicine at Children's Hospital Boston, September 2004-April 2010 Independent Trainer for Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), Over 50 twoday clinical and research workshops presented (Sites including: Intermediate Unit, Downingtown, PA; Casenheiser lab, York University, Toronto Ontario; Intermediate Unit, Wilkes, Barre, PA; Public Schools, Greensboro, NC; The Groden Center, Providence, RI; Andrus Children's Center, Yonkers, NY; WPS training, Philadelphia, PA; DMC, Boston, MA; NESCA, Newton, MA; UMACC, Ann Arbor, MI; Public Schools, Conway, AR; Autism Community Network, San Antonio, TX; Public Schools, Little Rock, AR; Public Schools, Rogers, AR; Public Schools, Somerville, SC; Children's Treatment Center, Ottowa, Ontario; Public Schools, Portland, OR; Public Schools, Vanderbilt University Medical Center/ Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Nashville, TN, Conway, AR; Public Schools, Monroe, LA;, Public Schools, Gulfport, MS, Baltimore, MD, Mother of Faisal Autism Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia); February 2006- Present Recent Community Teaching Activities: "Autism Spectrum Disorders" Line One radio show with Thad Woodard, M.D. - One hour radio show for NPR affiliate in Anchorage Alaska, October 2006 "Autism Assessment: Clinical Considerations Across the Lifespan" Keynote Speaker at the Regional Conference on Autism and Asperger Syndrome (RCAAS), Syracuse, NY, October 2006 "A Clinical Primer on Autism Spectrum Disorders" with Elizabeth Caronna, M.D., Autism Consortium retreat at the Broad Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, October 2006 "Intellectual and Developmental Disorders," Grand Rounds at St. Elizabeth's Hospital Boston, MA, March 2007 "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Tools for Parents" - Developmental Medicine Center Forum. Newton, MA, November 2007 "Anxiety and Stress" for Parents of Children with Challenges meeting at RJ Grey Middle School, Acton MA, January 2008 "Psychological Assessment: Tests and Measures" Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research at Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, March 2008 "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Tools for Teachers" Abbot Public School, Westford, MA, December 2008 "Autism Spectrum Disorders" Braintree Autism Network for our Daughters and Sons, Braintree, MA, January 2009 "Autism Spectrum Disorders" Asperger's Association of New England (AANE) parents support meeting, Andover, MA, March 2009 "Surviving and Thriving in Adolescence: Helping Your Child with Special Needs" Concord ARC, Concord, MA, May 2009 "Autism Spectrum Disorders: Tools for Teachers" Kingsley Elementary School, Boston, MA, May 2009 Participation in Research Funded Studies: Study: Environmental Exposures and Autism Study Role: Clinical Assessor, January 2005-December 2005 Agency: Abt Associates Principal Investigator: Cristofer Price, Ph.D. Study Goals: The goal of the study was to detect an association of exposure to Thimerosal with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. A secondary set of research questions involving subgroups of cases and possible modifiers of the effect of Thimerosal also were addressed. Study: Phenotypic and Genetic Factors in Autism Spectrum Disorders Principal Investigators: Charles Nelson, Ph.D., Louis Kunkel, Ph.D., Isaac Kohane, Ph.D. Agency: Children's Hospital Boston Developmental Medicine Center Philanthropic Leadership Council Role: Co-Investigator, Phenotyping, September 2005-April 2008 Study Goals; 1. Phenotyping children with ASD (using ADI-R and ADOS), their parents, and any sibling affected with an ASD 2. Use a case-control study design to collect data on environmental factors that may influence the development of ASD, or the expression of the disorder; 3. Use transmission disequilibrium testing (TDT), which utilizes data from trios (affected children with autism and their parents), and affected sib pair (ASP) analysis (if there are affected siblings), to perform studies to look for association of ASD with candidate genes; 4. Study differences in gene expression in the peripheral white blood cells of children with autism compared to typical children, using functional genomics and microarray analysis. Study: Angelman Syndrome Natural History and Therapeutic Trial Role: Autism Assessment, October 2006-April 2010 Principal Investigators at CHB: Virginia Kimonis, M.D. and Wen-Hann Tan, M.D. Study Goals: Examine development of individuals with Angelman syndrome. Investigate response to study medications Study: Simons Simplex Collection Role: Phenotyping Site Supervisor for 8 Research Assistants, April 2008 – April 2010 Principal Investigator for CHB site: Christopher Walsh, M.D. Agency: Simons Foundation Study Goals: The Simons Simplex Collection aims to establish a permanent repository of genetic samples from 2000 families, each of which has one child affected with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and parents unaffected with ASD. Each genetic sample will have an associated collection of data that provides a precise characterization of the individual (phenotype). Rigorous phenotyping of the affected child (ADOS, ADI, cognitive, adaptive and behavioral testing), as well as their parents and unaffected siblings are performed. Study: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Study of RAD001 in the Treatment of Patients with Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytomas (SEGA) associated with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Role: Co-Investigator, Phenotyping, January 2010-April 2010 Principal Investigator: Mustafa Sahin, M.D. Sponsor & Study Number: Novartis CRAD001M2301 Study Goals: This research is evaluating a drug called RAD001 (Everolimus) as a possible treatment for SEGA associated with TSC. Study: Simons Simplex Collection Role: Psychologist, July 2010-April 2011 Principal Investigator: Vanderbilt - Sutcliff Agency: Simons Foundation Study Goals: The major goal of this project is to collect samples for the Simons Foundation repository for research into the phenotype and genotype of autism. Study: Autism Treatment Network Role: Clinician, 6/21/2010-present Principal Investigator: Vanderbilt - Malow Agency: Autism Speaks Foundation Study Goals: The goal of this multi-site Autism Treatment Network is to improve medical treatment of children and adolescents with autism by establishing standards of clinical care based on shared clinical practice and evidence-based outcomes. Study: Angelman Syndrome Natural History and Therapeutic Trial Role: Psychologist, September 2010Principal Investigators: Elisabeth Dykens Agency: NIH Study Goals: Examine development of individuals with Angelman syndrome. Investigate response to study medications Study: AS and RTT as genetic models of Autism Spectrum Disorders Role: Co-Investigator, October 2010Principal Investigators: Peters Agency: Vanderbilt University (Hobbs Grant) Study Goals: Use psychophysiological measures including eye tracking and event-related potentials (ERP) to study AS, RTT, and MECP2 duplications as genetic models of autism spectrum disorders. Publications: Hundley, R. J., & Cohen, R. (1999). Children's relationships with classmates: A comprehensive analysis of friendship nominations and liking. Child Study Journal, 29, 233-246. Zhou, Z., Zhao, D., Chen, J., Jiang, J., Hundley, R. (2003). Loneliness as a function of sociometric status and self-perceived social competence in middle childhood. Psychological Development and Education (Chinese Journal), 19 (4). Hsueh, Y., Zhou, Z., Cohen, R., Hundley, R.J., & Deptula, D. (2005). Knowing and Showing Respect by Chinese and U.S. Children: Relating Children’s Understanding of Respect to Friendships. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 6, 229-260. Miller, D.T., Shen, Y., Weiss, L. A., Korn, J., Anselm, I., Bridgemohan, C., Cox, G. F., Dickinson, H., Gentile, J., Harris, D. J., Hegde, V., Hundley, R., Khwaja, O., Kothare, S., Luedke, C., Nasir, R., Poduri, A., Prasad, K., Raffalli, P., Reinhard, A., Smith, S.E., Sobeih, M.M., Soul, J.S., Stoler, J., Takeoka, M., Tan, W.H., Thakuria, J., Wolff, R., Yusupov, R., Gusella, J.F., Daly, M.J., Wu, B.L. (2008). Microdeletion/ duplication at 15q13.2q13.3 among individuals with features of autism and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Journal of Medical Genetics, 46, 242-248. Miller D.T., Nasir R., Sobeih M.M., Shen Y., Wu B-L, Hundley R., Hanson E. (September 2009) 16p11.2 Deletion Syndrome in: GeneReviews at GeneTests: Medical Genetics Information Resource [database online]. Copyright, University of Washington, Seattle, 1997-2009. Ching, M.S.L., Shen Y., Tan, W-H, Jeste, S.S., Morrow, E.M.., Chen, X., Mukaddess, N.M., Yoo, S-Y, Hanson, E., Hundley, R, Austin, C., Becker, R.E., Berry, G.T., Driscoll, K., Engle, E.C., Friedman, S., Gusella, J.F., Hisama, F.M., Irons, M.B., Laļ¬osca, T., LeClair, E., Miller, D.T., Neessen, M., Picker, J.D., Rappaport, L., Rooney, C.M., Sarco, D.P., Stoler, J.M., Walsh, C.A., Wolff, R.R., Zhang, T., Nasir, R.H., Wu, BL, on behalf of the Children’s Hospital Boston Genotype Phenotype Study Group. (2010) Deletions of NRXN1 (Neurexin-1) Predispose to a Wide Spectrum of Developmental Disorders. American Journal of Medical Genetics: Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 153B(4), 937-947. Hanson, E., Nasir, R., Fong, A., Lian, A., Hundley, R., Shen, Y., Wu, B. L., Holm, I. & Miller, D. T. (2011). Cognitive and behavioral characterization of 16p11.2 deletion syndrome. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 31(8), 649-657. Davit, C., Hundley, R., Bacic, J., & Hanson, E. Increasing compliance to venipuncture procedures in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (accepted for publication, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics). Peters, S., Horowitz, L., Barbieri-Welge, R., Taylor, R., Hundley, R. Longitudinal follow-up of autism spectrum features and sensory behaviors in angelman syndrome by deletion class (in press). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Lord, C., Petkova, E., Hus, V., Gan, W., Lu, F., Martin, D.M., Ousley, O., Guy, L., Bernier, R., Gerdts, J., Algermissen, M., Whitaker, A., Sutcliffe, J.S., Warren, Z., Klin, A., Saulnier, C., Hanson, E., Hundley, R., Piggot, J., Fombonne, E., Steiman, M., Miles, J., Kanne, S., Goin-Kochel, R., Peters, S.U., Cook, E., Guter, S., Tjernagel, J., Green-Snyder, L., Bishop, S., Esler, A., Gotham, K., Luyster, R., Miller, F., Olson, O., Richler, J., Risi, S. A multi-site study of the clinical diagnosis of different autism spectrum disorders (manuscript under review). Crittendon, J., Hundley, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Warren, Z, & Peters, S. Expression of the broad autism phenotype in simplex autism families from the simons simplex collection (manuscript under review). Conference Presentations: Hundley, R. J. & Cohen, R. (1998, April). Children’s Peer Relationships: A Comprehensive Analysis of Friendships and Liking. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Human Development. Mobile, AL. Hundley, R. J. & Cohen, R. (1999, April). Relating children’s affiliative networks to children’s social competence. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development. Albuquerque, NM. Hundley, R. J. & Cohen, R. (2000, April). Friendship reciprocity as a determinant of relationship quality. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Memphis, TN. Hundley, R. J., Avant, A. C., & Cohen, R. (2001, April). The influence of race on children’s friendship quality with mutual friends. In A.C. Fletcher & A. Rollins (Chairs), ethnic diversity in children’s friendships: Parental support, relationship stability and friendship quality. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hundley, R. (2002, April). Children’s perceptions of a classmate with a disability: A longitudinal case study. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, NC. Hundley, R. (2002, April). The influence of race and similarity on children’s friendship stability. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, NC. Hundley, R., & Cohen, R. (2003, April). Becoming, keeping, and losing friends: Change in children's peer relationships. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL. Hundley, R.J., Cohen, R., Hsueh, Y., Zhou, Z. (2004, April). Chinese and United States children's friendship selection and relationship quality. In D. Deptula's (Chair), All friends are not created equal: Friendship variations as a function of behavior, interaction, group, and society factors. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the meeting of the Conference on Human Development, Washington, D.C. Hsueh, Y., Zhou, Z., Cohen, R., Hundley, R., & Hancock, M. (2004, August). Knowing and showing respect: Chinese & U.S. children's understanding of respect in relation to friendships. In Z. Zhou (Chair), Peer interaction in childhood: US-China Comparative Studies. Symposium presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China. Cohen, R., Hsueh, Y., Zhou, Z., & Hundley, R. (2004, August). The cultural context of peer social competence. Paper presented at the fourteenth annual meeting of the International Cross Cultural Psychology Conference, Xi'an, China. Galdzicki, M., Eran, A., Eisenberg-Loebl, I., Kho, A., Peters, H., Graham, K., Brewster, S., Hundley, R., Hanson, E., Ware, J., Rappaport, L., Holm, E., Kunkel, L., Kohane, I., (2006, June). Expression profiling of white blood cells in autism. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, Canada. Galdzicki, M., Eran, A., Eisenberg-Loebl, I., Kho, A., Peters, H., Graham, K., Brewster, S., Hundley, R., Hanson, E., Ware, J., Rappaport, L., Holm, E., Kunkel, L., Kohane, I., (2006). Expression profiling of blood in Autism. Poster presented at ASHG. Hundley, R., Jackson, L., Baroni, E., Hanson, E., & Ware, J. (2006, June). Parental substance use, mood concerns, and autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, Canada. Hanson, E., Jackson, L., Baroni, E., Hundley, R., & Ware, J. (2006, June). Behavior and stereotyped interests questionnaire. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Montreal, Canada. Galdzicki, M., Peters, H., Eran, A., Eisenberg-Loebl, I., Vatalaro, K., Graham, R., Pinedo, D., Lavoie, P., Han, M., Hundley, R., Hanson, E., Kho, A., Nelson, C., Rappaport, L., Brewster, S., Holm, I., Kunkel, L., Kohane, I. (2006, October) Clustering of genome wide expression profiles in autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the Boston Autism Consortium, Cambridge, MA. Pinedo, D., Lavoie, P., Han, M., Hundley, R., Hanson, E., Kho, A., Nelson, C., Rappaport, L., Brewster, S., Holm, I., Kunkel, L., Kohane, I. (2006, October). Large scale microarray study of autism spectrum disorders in pediatric cohorts. Poster presented at the Boston Autism Consortium, Cambridge, MA. Peters, S.U., Bird, L.M., Barbieri-Welge, R., Tan, W.H., Hundley, R., Skinner, S.A., Bauer-Carlin, A., Sahoo, T., & Bacino, C.A. (2008, April) The relationship between molecular subtype and autism symptom severity in angelman syndrome. Poster presented at International Meeting for Autism Research, London, England, U.K. Collins, C.D., Kong, S.W., Gladzicki, M., Stephen, D., Peters, H., Brewster, S.J., Altolm, I., Hundley, R.J., Hanson, E.M., Rappaport, L., Kunkel, L.M, Kohane, I.S. (2008, April) Peripheral blood gene expression profiling of autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at International Meeting for Autism Research, London, England, U.K. Miller, D., Hundley, R., Nasir, R., Shen, Y., Fong, A., Shahab, M., Doerr, J., Greenberg, K., Davit, C., Tam, C., Lian, A., Johnston, A., Peters, H., Brewster, S., Lowe, K., Hisama, F., Irons, M., Picker, J., Stoler, J.M., Tan, W.H., Wu, B.L., Sobeih, M., Hanson, E. (2009, March). 16p11.2 Microdeletion: Expanding the phenotype. Paper presented at annual meeting of the American College of Medical Genetics, Tampa, FL. Peters, S.U., Goin-Kochel, R., Hundley, R., Warren, Z., Constantino, J. (2009, April) Expression of the broad autism phenotype in simplex autism families from the simons simplex collection. Poster presented at International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Hanson, E., Davit, C., Hundley, R. (2009, April) Increasing blood draw compliance in children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Hanson, E., Hundley, R., Fong, A., Shahab, M., Doerr, J., Greenberg, K., Davit, C., Johnston, A., Tam, C., Peters, H., Lowe, K., Brewster, S., Sobeih, M., Nasir, R., Gragas, M., & Miller, D. T. (2009, April) The phenotype of 16p11.2 microdeletion. Poster presented at Mysell and Folkman Lectures, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA. Hanson, E., Hundley, R., Fong, A., Shahab, M., Doerr, J., Lian, A., Greenberg, K., Davit, C., Johnston, A., Tam, C., Peters, H., Lowe, K., Brewster, S. J., Sobeih, M.M., Nasir, R., Gregas, M., & Miller, D. (2009, May). The phenotype of 16p11.2 microdeletion and microduplication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Luster, R., Hanson, E., Coggins, N., Le, M., Lomibao, L., Travolta, R., Winklosly, B., Baroni, E., Cangialose, A., Davit, C., Doerr, J., Fong, A., Greenberg, K., Hundley, R., Iturralde, R., Johnston, A., Lian, A., Shahab, M., Tam, C., & Santangelo, S. L. (2009, May) Correlation of autism traits in families of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Davit, C., Hundley, R., & Hanson, E. (2009, October) Increasing compliance to venipuncture procedures in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Portland, OR. Greenberg, K., Lian, A., Hundley, R., & Hanson, E. (2010, May) Examining the relationship between varying symptom presentation in children with autism spectrum disorder and the adjustment of their typically developing siblings. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA. Crittendon, J.A., Warren, Z., Hundley, R., Goin-Kochel, R., & Peters, S.U. (2011, May) Expression of the broad autism phenotype in simplex autism families from the simons simplex collection. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA. Peters, S.U. & Hundley, R. (2011, May) Developmental trajectories of autism spectrum features and sensory behaviors in angelman syndrome. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA.