SCT Banner ODS Team Meeting Notes MEETING LOGISTICS Item Date Time Location Description March 22, 2006 2:30 a.m. MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference Room ATTENDEES Facilitator(s) Note Taker Participants Guests Not Present Carol Chen Carol Chen Mary Noble, James Stanger, Donna Wainio, Becky Geltz, Nancy Davidson, , Doug Sewell, Sandy Stanhope, Jane Caputo, Jim Hanek, Pam Balent, Sue Lewis, Theresa Orwell Rick Marsico, Troy Cross, Tom Masters, Dennis Konik, Catherine Cala, Mike Hrishenko Sal Rashid, Mary Bodnovich, AGENDA ITEMS CORRECTIONS Notes REVIEW PRIOR ACTION ITEMS UPDATES 1. WHY - Project Goals and Objectives 2. WHO - ODS Team Members 3. WHAT -ODS Overview 4. WHEN - ODS MS Project Plan 5. HOW - ODS Technical & Functional Training 6. Roles and Responsibilities of ODS Team Members To successfully implement Operational Data Store to transform valuable Banner data to knowledge in a timely and effective manner. (see attached SCT Operational Data Store document) Mary Noble, James Stanger, Donna Wainio, Becky Geltz, Nancy Davidson, Sal Rashid, Doug Sewell, Sandy Stanhope, Jane Caputo, Jim Hanek, Mary Bodnovich, Pam Balent, Sue Lewis, Theresa Orwell. Carol will keep YES Imp and YES Tech team informed about project status. Contact YES team leaders and Carol if any colleague likes to join the ODS team. ODS is a set of integrated data without history or summarization provided for tactical decision support. Our end users will be empowered to use WebFocus as a reporting tool and ODS that extracts data from Banner production to make it easier to access and generate consistent reports. An ODS produces standard and custom reports without the overhead associated with a transactional system (See more on the ODS’s manual, chapter one from Banner Bookshelf). Carol encouraged team members to see a 15 minutes ODS demo at A special thank goes to Doug and Troy who updated SCT Banner bookshelf at ODS MS Project Plan containing the milestones and detailed tasks list was distributed. The ODS install date is tentative as the Computer Services management will finalize the date (either the week of April 11, 2006 or May 22, 2006) by Friday, March 24, 2006. ODS Tech Training – May or June, 2006 ODS Functional Training for Advancement, Finance, Student, HR and F/A. ODS functional consultant, Joanne Key, has experience on ODS and WebFocus. Tom Masters suggested that we move ODS F/A functional training from the week of Feb. 20 to the month of October 2006. Carol will follow up this with SCT Project Manager, Keith Miles. WebFocus training on Dev Studio has been scheduled for the week of April 24, 2006. The IBI trainer has over 20 years of Focus/WebFocus experience, plus Banner knowledge. About 20 colleagues are invited to the first run of WebFocus training. We will evaluate the WebFocus training workshop after April 28, 2006 and decide when we need a second run of training. Develop an ODS usage strategy and implementation plan. Utilize WebFocus tool against ODS’ views for standard or ad hoc reporting. Build a report matrix to track all external and major internal reporting by due date. Define a list of pre-defined reports for each functional area. Design, build and test reports, i.e. build a standard student enrollment headcount by full OTHER UPDATES Miscellaneous HEI reporting time, part time or half time for all department chairs and dean office; can be accessed via MyYSU portal or WebFocus web site. Develop a policy and procedure for report’s request . Mary mentioned that HEI Finance annual report is due in Feb. 2007. Our Finance users run various Banner reports and compile the data to meet quarterly reporting requirements. Some of HEI’s Crosswalk tables would be helpful for the Finance users if we can install NEOUCOM’s HEI software. We need to decide which instance to install HEI’s software and make sure it will not be replaced by the nightly refresh if we install it in REPT instance. Doug and Kirk will follow up on this. Becky will provide a list of Ohio Banner schools using HEI reporting developed by NEOUCOM. Further researches about how other OHIO Banner schools produce HEI reports are needed due to the infrastructure of NEOUCOM’s HEI design. They use the Banner PROD database for HEI reporting. The student population is about 450 at NEOUCOM. We will consider freezing census data using ODS’s technology. NEW BUSINESS ACTION ITEMS New Action Items / Issues Owner Due Date Status 1. Review YSU’s Strategic Reporting All team members 5/1/06 Assessment Document dated on December 5, 2004 2. Review Banner Standard Reports (see Banner Bookshelf) and a list of existing M204 Reports for Student, F/A and HR/Payroll YSU’s Strategic Reporting Assessment docu was published on the YES restricted area for reference. All team members Ongoing A list of M204 reports were distributed to James Stanger, Sue Lewis and Jane Caputo Next Meeting’s Agenda 1. HEI Reporting 2. Feedback on WebFocus Training scheduled for the week of April 24, 2006 3. Identify Your Reporting Needs in addition to Banner Delivered Reports 4. Identify All External (and/or Internal) Reporting by Due Date (IPEDs, NSC Degree Verification, etc.) Prior Items / Issues Owner Due Date Current Status Next Meeting –10am, May 1, 2006, Meshel Hall, 4th floor conference room. YES Implementation Team Meeting Notes Page 2