1 FALL 2014 - 2015 Section 11A - Course Syllabus Part I – Course Outline School/Department Name: School of Psychology and Counseling Program: Graduate Division Course Number and Title: Research Design and Evaluation CCP518 Required for all CP Students; Recommended for new students first semester Instructor: Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. Course Dates: The course meets on five Saturdays: September 13, 20, 27; October 4, 11. Attendance at all sessions is required not only for licensing but also for passing the course. Course Time: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Course Location: Springfield Regional Center, 1500 Main St. Springfield, MA Course Catalog Description: This course provides students with a foundation in research and evaluation methodologies and strategies, program evaluation and needs assessment. Students will gain an understanding of different types of research and research design, procedures for data collection and analysis, analysis of both hard and soft data, and ethical and legal considerations associated with research. Students will leave the course prepared to conduct and be discriminating consumers of research. Course Outline Course Content and Design Active teaching methods form a significant part of this class. These may include student presentations, role plays, case studies, group discussions, demonstrations – live or videotaped, small group work, review of professional articles, discussions and lectures Purpose: CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 2 There is more than one way to learn about human behavior. This course on Research Design and Evaluation introduces students to thinking about and conducting research for mental health professionals. It takes students through the basic steps of a research project, from start to finish. This course has been developed to help students get the most from their studies. It focuses on formulating research questions, designing research activity, data gathering and analysis, and conducting ethical research. The goals are to teach students to develop the critical-thinking skills necessary for understanding and designing research, and to dispel preconceived fears and aversions towards research the students may be bringing with them. Course Requirements: Attendance: Regular class attendance and participation are expected for each class meeting. For all 3 (three) credit courses, students may not miss more than 4 (four) contact hours per course. The missed hours of classroom time must be made up according to the instructor’s guidelines. This includes time lost by arriving late or leaving class early. All assignments are expected to be submitted on time. Written papers should reflect graduate level critical thinking and writing, include correct reference citations and follow guidelines for academic integrity. Failure to complete written assignments in a timely manner and/or in a manner that is not consistent the stated standards may result in a lower grade or require compensatory work. Active participation: Students are expected to comply with the Guidelines for Professional Conduct. For a copy of these guidelines, go to: http://www.cambridgecollege.edu/download/CP-Prof'lConductGuidelines+Procedures-2007.pdf Use of electronics in the classroom: Recording devices, phones, computers, etc. are subject to the instructor’s approval and guidelines. Laptop computers should not distract from the classroom activity or interfere with the needs of other students. Violation of these standards may result in a lower grade. . CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 3 Required Readings: Research Methods (7th Edition; 5th and 6th editions are also acceptable) by Donald H. McBurney and Theresa L. White Hardcover: 464 pages Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing; 7 edition (June 23, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0495092088 ISBN-13: 978-0495092087 PS: In APA format: McBurney, D.H. and White, T.L. (2006). Research methods. (7th ed.). Wadsworth Publishers. Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Research-Methods-Edition-DonaldMcBurney/dp/0495092088/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1400250179&sr=82&keywords=research+methods+theresa+l+white I found older inexpensive editions at: http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/5704445/used/Research%20Methods Book Description Research Methodology is not an inherently interesting topic to everyone. This book counteracts the natural tendency to shy away from research with an understandable, palatable, useful, interesting, and above all, readable attempt to explain research methods. Knowing proper research methodology comes from an understanding of basic statistical principles, research design, measurement, descriptive studies, and scientific writing. This book addresses each subject section by section to enhance conceptual learning rather than regurgitation of calculations. This book is suitable for anyone who needs to learn proper research methodology in psychology, social work, teaching, or public relations. CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 4 Recommended Reading: American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American psychological association (6th ed.) Washington DC: APA. Cain, S. (2012). Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking. Broadway Books. Creswell, J.W (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). London: Sage Publishing. Issac, S.I. and Michael, S (1990). Handbook in research and evaluation (2nd ed.). San Diego: EdITS. Sommer, R. and Sommer, B. (2002). Behavioral research: Tools and Techniques. (5th ed.). NY: Oxford University Press. Resources: http://quizlet.com/2257117/research-methods-ap-psychology-flash-cards/ E-Book: Research Methods E-Book http://books.google.com/books?id=AUDoy-lSe_EC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA5#v=onepage&q&f=false Wadsworth’s Free Online Methods Workshops: www.thomsonedu.com/psychology/workshops -quizzes and workshops http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072494468/student_view0/chapter8/multiple_choice_quiz_ii.html APA Information: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/03/citing-an-edition-of-a-book-in-apa-style.html Outcomes of the Course: Upon completion of this course, students: Will be able to understand, evaluate and analyze the research methods, designs and data of various types of research Will feel comfortable in applying research tools in the designing and conducting of a research project Should have an understanding and appreciation for the ethics associated with institutional research CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 5 Licensure Standards Assessed: This course is required for the licensing tracks. Knowledge Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students: Will have a basic understanding of the major concepts and tools of behavioral and social science research Skill Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students: Will be able to understand, evaluate and analyze the research methods, designs and data of the research articles; Will be able to apply the research tools in designing and conducting a research project. Attitudinal Outcomes (if appropriate): Upon completion of this course, students will have an understanding and appreciation for the ethics associated with institutional research Grading Policy and Strategies for Assessing Student Performance Timely completion of assignments ………………………… 5% Active class participation ……………………………………… 15% Student presentations………………………………………… 5% Group projects (includes proportional effort) …………5% Written papers (including correct use of APA format) …………… Reflection papers: 10 % Article critiques: 10% Quizzes/Tests …………………………………… 25% CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 6 On-line assignments: 3 Discussion Questions: 15% Keeping a professional/personal journal …………………… 10% Total ……………………… 100% Letter Grade A AB+ B Grade Point Value Numerical Range 4.0 93 – 100 3.7 90 - 92 3.3 87 - 89 3.0 83 - 86 Note: Graduate and post-graduate programs require the equivalent to B or better. Summer 2014 Task Number 1 2 3 3a 4 5 6 7 8 9 Points Each Timely Completion Reflection Journal Including Resume Article Critique (Review) Text Quizzes Online On Line Discussion Questions Portfolio, including Key Terms 1 1 5 16 4 1 5 10 1 5 3 1 10 25 15 10 4 4 Student Presentations Alternate: Podcast Review Group Project (Case, in class) Number 5 Active Class Part. Possible Points ST 4 5 1 10 10 5 5 10 Total 100 Grade Equivalents A AB+ B 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 Passing Grade is 83 Failure to meet these expectations can result in a “no credit” for this course unless the student has a written agreement with the instructor. An “incomplete” may be given if the student has not completed all requirements; the student is responsible for completing the work according to the instructor’s guidelines in order for the incomplete to be changed to a grade. CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 7 SOPC expects students to use the APA reference and writing style correctly. The Writing Center is available to help students develop competency in this area. Academic Integrity Students are expected to maintain integrity in all academic work. They will not attempt to get grades by any means other than honest academic effort. All work must be completed by individual students except for group projects. It is not permissible to hand in the same work for different courses. Violations of Academic Integrity PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the use of another’s work, thoughts, or language without giving credit. Cambridge College students are expected to submit original work in courses and will not summarize, copy, or use the work of another person or source without proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism is dishonest and a serious academic offense. CHEATING Cheating appears in multiple forms, such as: 1. Unauthorized use of notes, texts, or other aids during an exam or in completing course assignments. 2. Copying the work of another student. 3. Submitting the same assignment for more than one course, subject to faculty discretion. 4. Sharing student work with a group when such sharing has not been authorized by the professor. Note: Any breach of academic integrity is grounds for a grade of F/No Credit in academic courses and/or dismissal. See full policy at https://mycc.cambridgecollege.edu/ICS/Resources. Disability Support Services Cambridge College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to provide equal access to educational programs at Cambridge College. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of learning, psychological, and/or CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 8 physical disabilities and has appropriate documentation may be eligible for accommodations. Students should contact the Coordinator of Academic and Support Services as soon as possible at 617-873-0191 or at disabilitysupport@cambridgecollege.edu. Requests for accommodations should be made within the first week of the term so that timely and appropriate arrangements can be made. All students are expected to fulfill essential course requirements in order to receive a passing grade in a class, with or without reasonable accommodations. Accommodations cannot be granted retroactively. All requests are confidential. Online Library Services: Cambridge College Online Library (CCOL) provides an extensive collection of full-text articles from thousands of scholarly journals and 36,000+ full-text books, live reference librarian support 24 hours every day, and instruction and resources for doing research in all of our subject areas. It’s free, it’s always available, and for information and instructions about Cambridge College library services and resources, go to http://www.cambridgecollege.edu/library/research.cfm and click the link How to Use CCOL Handbook. To enter the CCOL, you must have MyCC access (or contact maida.tilchen@cambridgecollege.edu for temporary access.) Log into your MyCC portal homepage Click the third tab, Academics In the right column, click Online Library link This should take you directly to the CCOL Home Page If you cannot get to the “CCOL Home Page, you may have a firewall or browser technical problem: contact Cambridge College Technical Support at 1-800-877-4723 x1159 or (617) 873-0159. Further info is at http://www.cambridgecollege.edu/it/. For information about traditional library arrangements for your campus site, see the “Traditional Library Skills” section http://www.cambridgecollege.edu/library/research.cfm CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 9 Faculty Contact Information: E-mail: richard.turner@go.cambridgecollege.edu Phone: 1-800-829-4723 ext 6618 ================================================== Section 11B - Course Syllabus CCP 518 Part II – Class Agenda CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 10 CLASS AGENDA CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation—Classes; Chapters and Topics. Fall 2014-15 Class Number & Date 1. Sept. 13, 2014 Chapter & Topic Key Words Activity Handouts Case 1. Psychology & Science Pre Test; Pre Test; Syllabus; Case: Mike p.26. 1. Sept. 13, 2014 2. Research Questions (RQs) Empirical; science; discoverability; law; theory; Ha; Ho; A>B; paradigm; URL; Proposal; RQs The Exit Portfolio 2. Sept. 20, 2014 3. Ethics APA; IRB; CITI; p. 35-evaluate research; evidence. tutorial My CC OL libe; Ex 2.4 APA references exercise: formatting, How To 2. Sept. 20, 2014 4. Writing in Psychology Argument; thesis; clarity; brevity; bias; Primary and secondary sources (evidence and hearsay). APA Checklist. Milgram Obedience Study Class Number & Date 3. Sept. 27, 2014 Chapter & Topic Key Words Activity 5. Variables 3. Sept. 27, 2014. 6. Graphs Variables: Independent; dependent; confounding; reliability; validity; test/re-test. Figure; table; graph; Freq. dist.; normal curve; scattergram; outliers (Gladwell); Stem & Leaf display; Histogram. Create a Chart (file) in Excel. Ex. 6.1 p. 166. The Exit Portfolio; Demo: My CC Online Libe; The Article Review Plagiarism tute; p. 82 Parts of a paper; p. 106, APA Check list. P 71, Case in Point: IRB Review (groups as IRB boards-fill out form). Ex 3.1 Handouts Case Tommac Algebra case CBT Algebra class case: confounding variables. Stem and Leaf display CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 11 Class Number & Date 4. Oct. 4, 2014 Chapter & Topic Key Words Activity Handouts Case 7. Validity p. 173 Review in light of CBT case; ex. 7.5. Podcast Review Form Dear Abby Case. [p. 207] 4. Oct. 4, 2014 8. Control Threats to Validity: maturation; experimental effect; Good Subject Tendency. Control; X group; control group; random assignment; nuisance value; replication. A vs. B Survey. Mini case: SRC downtown survey and random assignment. 5. Oct. 11, 2014 9. Qualitative Research p. 232 do smoking survey 1st then see text. 5. Oct. 11, 2014. 10. Surveys Examples of Qualitative Research: Observation; correlational; survey; physical trace; participant observer; recording methods; content analysis (NVivo); protocol; pilot study. Survey Types: Open and closed; mutually exclusive; exhaustive; sample of convenience; VAS (p.241); Likert (p. 242); F2F; response rates; “Dewey Defeats Truman” Empty Nest Case (p. 237). Interview Video? Presentations? EOT Evaluation Post Test (B4 break) What should I be doing? Get text. Read chapters 1 and 2 Buy 3 ring notebook (10"wide by 11.5" long and 2.25" deep). Visit Class Web Site on My CC Portal (My Courses: CCP 518.SP01). Post your picture (optional). By when? 9/13 CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D. 12 Be prepared to take notes. Read chapters 3 and4. Start a key terms list of 5 words. Begin reflection journal. Try a text quiz. 9/20 Read chapters 5 &6. Draft DQ1; Do quiz No. 2; 5 more words; 9/27 Read chapters 7 & 8. Draft DQ#2; Oct. 4 LAST CLASS ( Oct 11, 2014) Be ready to do 5 minute presentation (or opt for Podcast Review). Bring portfolio with all work to date, all handouts and resume. This will be returned the same day. Yes, it is a WIP! NOTE: all assignments must be emailed to the instructor; reviewed and returned to you with comments and points via email to count for credit. Complete 5 of 10 text quizzes (TQ) Oct. 11 Journal TQ4 and 5 key terms Oct. 18 Complete DQ 3 Complete Podcast Review if opted for TQ5 November 1, 2014 is Timely Completion Deadline Grades Close December 21, 2014 CCP 518 Research Design and Evaluation Course Syllabus Richard E. Turner, Ph.D.