E040-0520 REVENUE ENHANCEMENT: NON-FOSTER CARE ELIGIBILITY FAMILY PRESERVATION PROGRAM/CALWORKS REVIEW UNIT ISSUE DATE: 07/24/02 APPLICABLE TO: Eligibility Workers responsible for the identification of all CalWORKs eligible families referred for the Family Preservation Program LEGAL BASIS: None RELATED POLICY RELEASE(S): None NON-CWS/CMS FORM(S): DCFS 800 (Rev. 1/99), Family Preservation Program Referral/Service Authorization Family Preservation Activity Report System (GEARS) printout(s) Single Index (SI) printout(s) CWS/CMS FORM(S): None SUPERSEDES AND CANCELS: Procedural Guide E040-0520, Family Preservation Program/CalWORKS review Unit, dated 08/00 The Department of Public Social Services’ regulations state that Family Preservation Program activities may be counted toward meeting a CalWORKs Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) participant’s Welfare To Work requirement. In addition, while participating in acceptable Welfare To Work Family Preservation Program activities, a GAIN participant may be eligible to receive supportive services (e.g., child care, transportation, and ancillary expenses). On March 31, 1998, the Board of Supervisors instructed the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) to work with the Departments of Mental Health, Health Services and Children and Family Services to link services for our clients and to determine what funding streams will be used. As part of the Community Family Preservation Network, our Department’s Family Preservation Program is ideally suited to help clients overcome barriers to achieve and sustain employment (e.g., substance abuse, domestic violence and mental health problems). The use of CalWORKs funding for Family Preservation Program services will contribute toward preserving and strengthening a greater number of families. ELIGIBILITY E040-0520 (07/02) PAGE 1 OF 3 A. WHEN: A FAMILY PRESERVATION REFERRAL IS INITIATED WHO Family Preservation Program Review Unit Eligibility Worker HOW 1. Receive a faxed DCFS 800 from the Community Development Coordinator. 2. Review the DCFS 800 to determine if the case/child’s information, action, start, extension, termination, lead agency, and preliminary assessment of services needed sections are complete. a) If the sections are complete, proceed to step 3. b) If the sections are not complete, obtain the information from the CSW or SCSW, CWS/CMS, Single Index, the Bureau of Finance and Administration and/or the Community Development Coordinator. Annotate the information on the DCFS 800. 3. Access the Single Index database. Review the screens to determine the family’s eligibility status to CalWORKs. a) If the family is CalWORKs eligible, obtain the identification of all family members and separate family numbers and annotate them in the appropriate box on the DCFS 800. b) If the family is CalWORKs ineligible, annotate the information in the appropriate box on the DCFS 800. 4. Access the GEARS database. Review the screens to determine if the family/client is a GAIN participant. a) If the client is a GAIN participant, obtain the GAIN case manager’s name, and telephone number. Annotate the name, telephone number and the GAIN participant’s social security number if it is available in the appropriate box on the DCFS 800. b) If the client is not a GAIN participant, annotate this information in the appropriate box on the DCFS 800. ELIGIBILITY E040-0520 (07/02) PAGE 2 OF 3 WHO Family Preservation Program Review Unit Eligibility Worker HOW NOTE: The Lead Agency will notify the GAIN case manager of the date and location of the MCPC meeting. The Lead Agency will also request that Family Preservation Program services be incorporated into the Welfare To Work plan. 5. Within two business days, obtain the GAIN and CalWORKs information, annotate the information on the DCFS 800 and fax it to the following: a) Bureau of Finance and Administration - Finance Section b) Lead Agency c) Community Development Coordinator 6. Access the CWS/CMS application. Search, retrieve and open the client/case. Data enter the Family Preservation Program start, extension, termination date, special project name, lead agency name and CalWORKs eligibility status and GAIN participant in the case information notebook, special project page. 7. Enter the case/client identifying information and status onto the Family Preservation Program Review Unit Active Referral Log. 8. Submit the updated Family Preservation Program Review Unit Active Referral and give a copy of the listing to the Eligibility Supervisor on a weekly basis for review ELIGIBILITY E040-0520 (07/02) PAGE 3 OF 3