Exploration of Engineering Design – EngE 1114 Summer II 2010 - All CRNS Date: January 28, 2011 Instructors: John Janeski janja710@vt.edu Prof. Tamara Knott knott@vt.edu 321 Femoyer 622 McBryde 231-9543 Office Hours: See Scholar for Office Hours. Course Meetings and Attendance: This course meets every day (M-F) for 50 minutes (1010:50 am) AND for 110 minutes every Tuesday from 3pm-4:50pm. It counts for two credit hours. You are expected to attend and participate in all class meetings. Participation is a necessary component in this course due to most activities requiring teamwork. Your attendance will be recorded and less than 2 absences will allow me to increase your semester grade if it is near the next grade above it. Course Objectives: Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the engineering design process by being able to: o Design an artifact to solve an engineering problem o Apply the engineering design process to the problem o Use project management methods to improve project efficiency. Communicate engineering information in formal written and oral reports Participate in the successful completion of a major group design project Produce and interpret drawings appropriate to various engineering disciplines Analyze and create 2D and 3D sketches to communicate graphically Demonstrate facility with 2D and 3D computer aided engineering software Create algorithms to solve engineering problems Evaluate the logic used in algorithms and determine if the logic is correct Apply loop and decision structures to problems needing complex algorithms Supplies and Equipment: Please bring the following supplies to class daily 1) Tablet PC with appropriate software installed 2) Several sheets of engineering paper or blank printer paper 3) Scientific calculator 4) Mini stapler with staples 5) Mechanical pencil(s): 0.5 mm and/or 0.7 mm (we suggest HB lead) 6) A red pen 7) Handouts printed from Scholar (as instructed) 8) Textbooks (as instructed) Expectations: You should come to class prepared! You should complete assigned reading and problems BEFORE class. Be considerate of your classmates and instructors. Turn off your cell phone while in class. Come to class on time and be considerate of your classmate’s desire to learn. EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 1 of 8 Be professional: Focus on the course material during class. Unless it is part of a class exercise, you should not surf the web, use IM or email, or play games during class. Screen savers and desktop backgrounds must be appropriate for an engineering professional. Submitted work must be appropriate to the course. Teamwork: Be able to work cooperatively with other students and contribute to team activities. Know your team members’ names and spell them correctly on all submitted work. Visit your Instructor during office hours (or make an appointment), especially if you are having difficulties. Embrace the VT Principles of Community (located at the end of the syllabus). Structure of Course Faculty: I will be responsible for posting/developing all course materials and instructions, teaching the course and grading all tests and the design project assignments. Graders will be assigned to grade your homework assignments and some quizzes. You should address all concerns about grades, course organization, class materials and missed work to me. Prof. Knott is responsible for coordinating the Teaching Assistants. You should address any concerns about my effectiveness as a teacher to Prof. Knott. Required Software: Inventor® 2010, MATLAB® 2009b, Microsoft Visio 2007 Required Equipment: COE approved Tablet Computer Texts: 1. D&L: Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction (3rd Ed) by C. Dym and P. Little, 2009 2. Shih: Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor® 2010 by Randy H. Shih, 2009 3. Matlab text (this text may not be available at the beginning of the course) Website: The website for this course (ENGE_1114_70612_Su10) is available through SCHOLAR at http://learn.vt.edu. All course documents will be posted on the site. Additionally, most homework assignments will be submitted electronically through this site. You are expected to check the site daily for announcements. VT Honor Code: Unless otherwise indicated, homework, quizzes, and tests are to be completed on an individual basis. Submitting solutions copied from any source is a violation, as is the unauthorized sharing or re-use of any full or partial computer file. It is your responsibility to seek clarification if you are unsure about the applicability of the honor code to any assignment. Suspected violations of the Honor Code will be processed and dealt with as recommended by the Honor Court. Plagiarism: The University Honor Code applies to all work for this course; with the exception of the group project, all work you submit must be your own. Plagiarism is defined as "the copying of the language, structure, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing same off as one's own, original work, or attempts thereof." It is academically dishonest, and often illegal, to present someone else's ideas or writing as EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 2 of 8 your own. You cannot use even short phrases or parts of sentences obtained from other sources unless you properly document those sources. This documentation includes quotations, when appropriate, as well as notes, citations, and a reference list. It is also academically dishonest to submit your own previously written work for a current assignment or to submit an assignment in more than one class without the previous knowledge and consent of all instructors involved. Suspected cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Virginia Tech Honor System Review Board. You will be held accountable for furnishing upon request all sources and preliminary work (notes, rough drafts, etc.) that you use in preparing written assignments. If you cannot produce these materials upon request, you cannot receive a satisfactory evaluation on the assignment. (This description of plagiarism was provided by Dr. Lisa McNair on the syllabus for ENGE 5504: Practicum for Engineering Education.) Grade Composition: Midterm Exam Final Exam Project Class work/Quizzes/Homework Inventor Exam Programming Exam 20% 20% 30% 20% 5% 5% Grading Scale: 93-100% 90-92.99% 87-89.99% 83-86.99% 80-82.99% A AB+ B B- 77-79.99% 73-76.99% 70-72.99% 63-69.99% 60-62.99% <60% C+ C CD DF Teamwork: Industries that employ engineers cite the ability to work in teams as a high priority in their hiring process. Thus, you are required to participate as a member of a team. Team activities will take place both in and outside of class meetings. You will be required to evaluate your teammates; individual members of a team may receive different scores on graded teamwork as a result of these team member evaluations. Homework, Quizzes and Class work: Homework will be collected electronically by me. I will post the details of each assignment in the Assignments tab on Scholar. You will submit homework assignments through the assignment link provided prior to the beginning of the class in which it is due. I will provide formatting details with the first assignment. Neatness and format may be evaluated in determining your assignment score. To encourage you to develop a habit of prompt submission of coursework, I will accept work after the assignment link closes only with suitable proof of extenuating circumstances, such as illness. You must obtain documentation for family/personal EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 3 of 8 crises from the Residence Life Office (109 East Eggleston for on campus students only) or the Dean of Students Office (201 W. Roanoke St); you must obtain health related documentation from Health Services (Schiffert). You must arrange for submitting late homework with me within 48 hours of the missed deadline. Homework will not be accepted via email unless I instruct you to submit it in this form. Quizzes may be given in class or on Scholar and may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes will cover homework problems, reading assignments, and/or class material. In-class exercises and activities may also be graded. If you do not complete a quiz or in-class exercise, you will not receive credit for the activity. If you have documentation from the Residence Life Office (Student Life Office if you live off campus) or Health Services, you will either be excused from a missed quiz or in-class work or be asked to complete a make-up assignment. All requests for excused absences must be submitted to me within 48 hours of the absence. If you have not installed the software needed for an in-class exercise, you will receive a zero on that exercise. You should complete quizzes individually unless otherwise stated. I will drop the two lowest grades in this category when determining your semester homework/quiz/class-work average. In-class Tests: There will be two in-class tests in workshop, one on Inventor/Sketching (July 22nd) and one on MATLAB/flowcharting (August 12th). You will need your tablet (with the appropriate software) for each test. Midterm Exam: The midterm exam will be administered on July 23rd. Make-up/alternate tests/exams: A make-up/alternate test will be given under reasonable (not “social”) circumstances when arrangements are made in advance or with documentation from the Dean of Students or for medical reasons documented through Health Services. If you miss a test/exam due to an unexpected situation you must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the missed test. Final Exam: The final exam is Friday August 14th from 1pm to 3pm. Grades on Scholar: Although scores on individual assignments will be recorded on your workshop Scholar site, please note the point totals and averages calculated by Scholar do not accurately reflect the weighting that will be used to determine your semester grade. Protesting Grades during the semester: If you disagree with the grading on any coursework (test, project assignment, homework, quiz, etc.), you should me within 2 days of receiving the graded work. EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 4 of 8 Electronic submissions: Any electronic submission found to have a virus will receive an automatic ZERO. Keep your virus protection and other security software up to date! Notes: This syllabus is provided as a guide and is subject to revision. Students are expected to attend class as well as to consult the lesson slides and the table of contents of the textbooks to clarify assignments and to assist them in class preparation. A “C- “ or higher final grade is required for successful completion of this course, to take subsequent EngE classes, and to transfer to an engineering department. Only two attempts of this course at Virginia Tech are allowed. This course requires a significant amount of teamwork. Your design project team will also work together on in-class exercises. Because of the team nature of this class, attendance is expected! Each student will evaluate the contribution of his/her teammates to the team effort. These team member evaluations will be used in the determination of individual design project grades and individual grades on in-class work requiring teamwork. Thus, not all team members will necessarily receive the same project/in-class exercise grade. Course Outline: The schedule below is subject to adjustment. Check your EngE1114 Exploration of Engineering Design Scholar site for reading and homework assignments. Design Lesson Date Topic Assignments Due 1 Tuesday 7/6 Course Introduction 1A Tuesday 7/6 Ping Pong Ball Launcher 2 Wednesday 7/7 Algorithms/Flowcharts/MATLAB 3 Thursday 7/8 MATLAB I/O 4 Friday 7/9 Decisions Weekly Report 1 5 Monday 7/12 Loops 6 Tuesday 7/13 Problem Definition, objective trees Tuesday 7/13 Requirements – objectives, constraints, functions, implementations – See and Say Activity 7 Wednesday 7/14 Visualizations/Sketching 8 Thursday 7/15 Sketching/Multiview, Line Types 9 Friday 7/16 Working Drawings/Dimensioning 10 Monday 7/19 Conceptual Design/Programming 11 Tuesday 7/20 Decision (Metrics and Comp. Chart) 6A EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Literature Review Weekly Report 2 Proposal Page 5 of 8 Design Assignments Due Lesson Date Topic 11A Tuesday 7/20 Airplanes R Us Activity 12 Wednesday 7/21 Drawing Workshop 13 Thursday 7/22 Inventor Test (tablets required) 14 Friday 7/23 Midterm Exam (Multiple Choice) 15 Monday 7/26 Section views/Aux Views 16 Tuesday 7/27 Assembly Drawings 16A Tuesday 7/27 Assembly/Print Reading & Design Fair 17 Wednesday 7/28 MATLAB Vectors 18 Thursday 7/29 Nested/Sorting 19 Friday 7/30 MATLAB Functions 20 Monday 8/2 MATLAB Functions 21 Tuesday 8/3 Write Decision Making Program 21A Tuesday 8/3 Programming Practice 22 Wednesday 8/4 Guidelines for Reports and Presentations 23 Thursday 8/5 In-class Design Time/Consulting (Attendance Mandatory) 24 Friday 8/6 In-class Design Time/Consulting (Attendance Mandatory) Weekly Report 3 & Midterm TME Weekly Report 4 Midterm Report Weekly Report 5 25 Monday 8/9 In-class Design Time/Consulting (Attendance Mandatory) 26 Tuesday 8/10 Design Project Presentations 26A Tuesday 8/10 Design Project Presentations 27 Wednesday 8/11 Design/Course Review Final TME 28 Thursday 8/12 MATLAB Test . 29 Friday 8/13 Final Exam 1pm-3pm Final Exam Final Report and Presentation Evaluations Computer Problems: Successful completion of this course requires significant computer use. You are expected to own computer equipment and software as specified by the EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 6 of 8 College of Engineering Computer Requirements for 2009-2010. No accommodations will be made for a student not owning appropriate computer equipment or not having the appropriate software installed. Unfortunately, some of you will experience problems with your computer during the semester. If you experience problems with your computer that prevent you from completing your homework or bringing your computer to workshop, you must provide documentation that you are addressing the problem (from SWAT, the bookstore, vendor, or other computer repair facility) in order to be allowed to make up any work missed. You must submit the documentation to your instructor during the class or workshop in which the assignment is due or the work is missed. The following resources are available should you have computer difficulties (or run out of ink): SWAT (2080 Torgersen Hall, http://swat.eng.vt.edu) Can provide help with software installation Can provide confirmation of a computer problem (hardware or software) May be able to provide a loaner tablet for a student who experience problems with a computer that meets the 2009-10 COE Computer Requirements. Newman Library (4th floor) Printing: from Microsoft Office, and PDF (documents cannot be edited), $0.10/page Torgersen Bridge Software: Microsoft Office, VISIO Printing: from Microsoft Product or PDF, $0.10/page Math Emporium Software: Microsoft Office, MATLAB Printing: $0.10/page VT CAD Lab (114 E Randolph Hall, http://www.cadlab.vt.edu) Software: Office, MATLAB, Inventor Printing: $0.10/page VT Principles of Community: Virginia Tech is a public land-grant university, committed to teaching and learning, research, and outreach to the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the world community. Learning from the experiences that shape Virginia Tech as an institution, we acknowledge those aspects of our legacy that reflected bias and exclusion. Therefore, we adopt and practice the following principles as fundamental to our on-going efforts to increase access and inclusion and to create a community that nurtures learning and growth for all of its members: We affirm the inherent dignity and value of every person and strive to maintain a climate for work and learning based on mutual respect and understanding. We affirm the right of each person to express thoughts and opinions freely. We encourage open expression within a climate of civility, sensitivity, and mutual respect. We affirm the value of human diversity because it enriches our lives and the University. We acknowledge and respect our differences while affirming our common humanity. EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 7 of 8 We reject all forms of prejudice and discrimination, including those based on age, color, disability, gender, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran status. We take individual and collective responsibility for helping to eliminate bias and discrimination and for increasing our own understanding of these issues through education, training, and interaction with others. We pledge our collective commitment to these principles in the spirit of the Virginia Tech motto of Ut Prosim (That I May Serve). Special Accommodations: If you require any auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations for this class, please identify your needs to the instructor by Monday July 12, or as soon as you have the required documentation. If you desire special accommodations for religious holidays, please request the accommodations by Monday July 12. Request made after July 12 may not be possible to honor. EngE 1114 Summer 2010 3/7/2016 Page 8 of 8