Dr. Xiaogang Deng - University of Massachusetts Boston

Dr. Xiaogang Deng
Contact Information:
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts –Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125
United States
Office Phone: 617-287-6259
Fax: 617-287-6288
Office Email: xiaogang.deng@umb.edu
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Assistant Professor at the UMB
Ph.D. in Sociology -SUNY at Buffalo
PhD Program in Sociology at University of Oklahoma
MA in Interdisciplinary Program at Baylor University
Graduate Statistics & Graduate Research Methods
Cyber Crime, Graduate Master Paper, Research Methods, Criminology,
Deviance and Social Control.
Research Methods, Recidivism, Comparative, Criminology and
Official Corruption in China.
Professional Publications
Hartwell, Stephanie W., William Fisher, Xiaogang Deng, Debra Pinals, and Julianne Siegfriedt.
2016. “Intensity of Offending Following State Prison Release Among Persons Treated for Mental Health
Problems While Incarcerated.” Psychiatric Services. Vol. 67 (#11): 49-54.
Fisher, William, Stephanie W. Hartwell, Xiaogang Deng, Carl Fulwiler, Debra A Pinals, Kristen
Roy-Bujnowski. 2014. “Recidivism among Released State Prison Inmates Who Received Mental
Health Treatment While Incarcerated.” Crime and Delinquency. Vol.60 (No. 6): 811-832.
Schutt, Russell K., Xiaogang Deng, and Taylor Stoehr. 2013. "Using Bibliotherapy to Enhance
Probation and Reduce Recidivism." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52:181-197.
Hartwell, Stephanie W., Xiaogang Deng, William Fisher, Julianne Siegfriedt, Kristen RoyBujnowski, Craig Johnson, and Carl Fulwiler. 2013. “Predictors of Accessing Substance Abuse Services
Among Individuals with Mental Disorders Released from Correctional Custody,” Journal of Dual
Diagnosis. Volume 9(1): 11-22.
Hartwell, Stephanie W., Xiaogang Deng, William Fisher, Carl Fulwiler, Usha Sambamoorthi,
Craig Johnson, Debra Pinals, Lisa Sampson, and Julianne Siegfriedt. 2012. “Harmonizing Databases?
Using a Quasi-Experimental Design to Evaluate a Public Mental Health Re-entry Program.” Evaluation
and Program Planning. Volume 35(1): 461-472.
Hartwell, Stephanie, Xiaogang Deng, William Fisher, Carl Fulwiler, Debra Pinals, and Usha
Sambamoorthi. 2011. “Harmonizing Databases: Research Notes on an Evaluation of a Public Mental
Health Re-entry Program in Massachusetts.” Corrections and Mental Health: An Update of the National
Institute of Corrections.
Deng, Xiaogang, and Lening Zhang and Andrea Leverentz. 2010. “Official Corruption During
China’s Economic Transition: Historical Patterns, Characteristics, and Government Reactions.” Journal
of Contemporary Criminal Justice vol. 26 (1): 72-88.
Deng, Xiaogang. 2009. “Using Network Analysis to Explore Patterns of Corruption.”
Sociological Focus. Vol. 42 (3): 276-84.
Deng, Xiaogang and Lening Zhang. 2009. "China's Cultural Export and Its Surging Cultural
Power in the World." Pp 106-121, in Mingjiang Li (Edit). China's Soft Power in the Contemporary
World. Lexington-Rowman & Littlefield.
Hartwell, Stephanie, William Fisher and Xiaogang Deng. 2009. "The Impact of Regionalization
on Reentry Service Outcomes for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness" Psychiatric Services. Vol. 60
Deng, Xiaogang, and Lening Zhang and Andrea Leverentz. 2009. “The Dual System of Land
Use Policy and Its Related Problems in Contemporary China.” Pp 79-102 In Jennifer Hsu and Reza
Hasmath (Edit). China in an Era of Transition: Understanding Contemporary State and Society Actors.
Palgrave Macmillan Press.
Deng, Xiaogang and Lening Zhang. 2008. “The Historical Patterns of Occupational Attainment
of Racial Minorities in Massachusetts: An Analysis of the 1974-2002 Current Population Survey Data.”
Social Science Journal Vol. 45 (No.3):476-96.
Deng, Xiaogang, and Susyan Jou. 2000. “Shame and Its Moral Educative Effects on Deviant
Behavior in Cross-Cultural Context,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Criminological Theory and Its
Application in 2000, p115-131. Taipei University, Taiwan.
Cao, Liqun, and Xiaogang Deng. 2000. "Impact of Citizen Review Board on Complaints against
Police Brutality," Policing Vol. 23: 356-373.
Zhang, Sheldon X., Theodore Benson, and Xiaogang Deng (2000. “A Test and Re-test of the
International Self-Report Delinquency Instrument.” Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 28: 283-295.
Deng, Xiaogang, and Ann Cordilia. 1999. "To Get Rich Is Glorious: Rising Expectations,
Declining Control and Escalating Crime in Contemporary China." International Journal of Offender
Therapy and Comparative Criminology Vol. 43:211-229.
Deng, Xiaogang, and Lening Zhang. 1998. "Correlates of Self-control: An Empirical Test of
Self-Control Theory." Journal of Crime and Justice Vol. 21: 89-110.
Deng, Xiaogang, Lening Zhang, and Ann Cordilia. 1998. "Social Control and Recidivism in
China." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Vol. 24:281-295.
Deng, Xiaogang, and Joe Bebo. 1998. "Theoretical Integration and Drug/Alcohol Use." The
Discourse of Sociological Practice Vol. 1:2-8.
Cao, Liqun, and Xiaogang Deng. 1998. "Shoplifting: A Test of an Integrated Model of Strain,
Differential Association, and Seduction Theories." Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance Vol.1: 65-84.
Zhang, Lening,and Xiaogang Deng. 1998. "The Effects of Structural Changes in Community and
Work Unit on Crime in China." In Li Xiaobing and Zhang Jie, Ed. The Social Transition in China, p133154. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Deng, Xiaogang. 1997. "The Deterrent Effects of Initial Sanction on First-time Apprehended
Shoplifters." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 41:284-97.
Zhang, Lening, Steven Messner, Zhou Lu, and Xiaogang Deng.
Punishment in China." Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 25: 289-302.
1997. "Gang Crime and Its
Deng, Xiaogang, and Susyan Jou. 1995. "The Deterrent Effects of Legal Punishment: Can the
Initial Arrest Reduce Recidivism for Shoplifters?" Journal of Criminology Vol.1:113-124.
Note: This paper is a partial reprint which is similar to my sole authored article in International Journal of Offender
Therapy and Comparative Criminology 41:284-97.
Singer, Simon and Xiaogang Deng.
Sociology Vol. 19: 134-35.
“Sociological Software Reviews.”
Deng, Xiaogang. 1988. "Social Context of Sociological Theories." In Lening Zhang, Xiaogang
Deng, Zong Li, and Mu Jianxin (trans.), Sociological Theory by Doyle P. Johnson. (the original work
published by John Wiley and Sons in 1981) Beijing, China: International Cultural Publishing Company:
Deng, Xiaogang. 1988. "Explicit Theoretical Construction and Implicit Social Reality." In
Lening Zhang, Xiaogang Deng, Zong Li, and Mu Jianxin (trans.), Sociological Theory by Doyle P.
Johnson (the original work published by John Wiley and Sons in 1981). Beijing, China: International
Cultural Publishing Company: p37-88.
Deng, Xiaogang. 1988. "Auguste Comte and Pitirim Sorokin: The Issue of Cultural Progression."
In Lening Zhang, Xiaogang Deng, Zong Li, and Mu Jianxin (trans.), Sociological Theory by Doyle P.
Johnson (the original work published by John Wiley and Sons in 1981). Beijing, China: International
Cultural Publishing Company: p89-146.
Deng, Xiaogang. 1988. "Economic Structure, Class Conflicts, and Social Change: Karl Marx's
Social Theory." In Lening Zhang, Xiaogang Deng, Zong Li, and Mu Jianxin (trans.), Sociological Theory
by Doyle P. Johnson (the original work published by John Wiley and Sons in 1981). Beijing, China:
International Cultural Publishing Company: p147-202.
GRANTS & Fellowships
2015 $3000 – Post-Tenure Internal Research Grant from the University of Massachusetts –
Boston. The title of the research grant, “Assess the Role of Guanxi Network in Corruption
Transactions in China.”
2014 $30,000 - Institutional Corruption Lab Fellowship at the Edmond J. Safra
Center for Ethics in Harvard University to study institutional corruption. The research project is entitled,
“Examining Effects of Guanxi Networks as an Informal institutional Factor on Corruption in China.”
2013 Received partial travel funding to present a paper entitled, “China’s Land Policy as an
Institutional Source of Official Corruption,” at the Association of Chinese Political Studies’ 26th Annual
Meeting & the International Symposium on China at the University of Costa Rica in San Jose, Costa
Received partial travel funding to present a paper entitled, “Effects of Inequality and
Corruption on Social Unrest in China’s Transitional Economy,” at the Association of Chinese Political
Studies’ 23rd Annual Meeting & the International Symposium on China at King’s College in London,
United Kingdom.
$7,500 – Healey Research Grant at the University of Massachusetts -Boston
Xiaogang Deng and Stephanie Hartwell. “Evaluating Parolees’ Needs and Identifying Risk Factors of
Recidivism in Massachusetts.”
2011 Collaborator. “Collaborative Data Mining Research Center (DMRC)
On Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation.” Funded by the University of Massachusetts President’s
Office. The total amount was $100,000.
$817,000 --Stephanie Hartwell, Bill Fisher, Xiaogang Deng, and Carl Fulwiler and Usha
Sambamoorthi. National Institute of Health’s Challenge Grant.
“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Statewide Public Mental Health Re-entry Program.”
$200,000. - Melissa Morabito, Xiaogang Deng, and Jacky Largeson.
“Reliably Predicting the Location, Time, and Likelihood of Future Criminal Activity in Boston.” Funded
by the National Institute of Justice, 2009-DE-BX-K219. .
Received travel funding to present a paper entitled, “What Lessons Can China Learn
from Taiwan Experiences? Exploring Land Policies in Taiwan and China,” at the International
Conference on on Peaceful Development and Deepening Integration in the Greater China Region at
National Chengchi University, Taipei on June 11-12, 2009. The conference was sponsored by National
Chengchi University and the Association of Chinese Political Studies.
Received $1500 research travel funding from S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to present a paper on China’s soft power.
2006 $699,422 -- Involvement in National Science Foundation’s Grant entitled, "Computer
Forensics Advanced Technology Education Project." It is a joint project of five community colleges, the
Boston Area Advanced Technological Education Connections and the University of Massachusetts –
Boston to develop a computer forensic program at UMB.
$5,000- Xiaogang Deng and Lening Zhang -- Research Grant from the Massachusetts
State Legislature to study “the Future Work of Massachusetts” Project entitled, “Historical Patterns of
Racial Occupational Attainment and Policy Implications.”
$30,000- Post-doctoral Research Grant from CCK Foundation (U.S.A.)
“Comparing Deviance and Shame in Cross-cultural Context.”
$2400 - Travel Funds to attend conferences in Taiwan and China sponsored by
the National Science Foundation of Taiwan and the University of Hong Kong
$1000 - Research Fellow for Data Resource Seminar on Integrating Qualitative Data
with Quantitative Studies sponsored by the National Institute of Justice at the University of Michigan
$2000 - National Institute of Justice’s Local Initiative Grant
Evaluation of a Stop Shoplifting Program in Westborough, Massachusetts
1998 $1,500 - Research Fellowship for the Institute for Asian American Studies at UniversityMassachusetts - Boston
$5,000 - Recipient of Junior Faculty Development Fund at the University of
Massachusetts - Boston
Sylvia Mignon, Gerald Garrett, Russell Schutt, Xiaogang Deng, and William Holmes
$3,500 for a pilot project which assesses the impact of Competency and Course Based Teaching
Environments in Criminal Justice Education (funded by the Ace-Kellogg Leadership and Institutional
Transformation Project) at the University of Massachusetts - Boston
Ford Teaching Fellowship – at the University of Massachusetts – Boston
Recipient of the Law and Society Annual Meeting Travel Fund at SUNY Buffalo
Recipient of the Mark Diamond Research Fund at SUNY Buffalo