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By Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. Boston: G. K. Hall. THESES/DISSERTATIONS Barrick, Kelle. Being Labeled a Felon and Its Consequences for Recidivism: An Examination of Contingent Effects, 2007 Bausch, Susan Elaine. Crimes of Passing: The Criminalization of Blackness and Miscegenation in United States Passing Narratives, 2005 Bramlett, Stephanie. Media, Race, and Attitudes toward People on Welfare, 2006 Cassino, Peter P. A National and a Local Response to a Local Problem: How the Public, Media, Government, and Local Organizations Reacted To the Crime Wave of the Late 1980s and Early 1990s, 2008 Cassino, Peter P. A National And A Local Response To A Local Problem: How The Public, Media, Government, And Local Organizations Reacted To The Crime Wave Of The Late 1980s And Early 1990s. 2008 Estis, Jennifer Michelle. Racial Residential Segregation And Urban Black Homicide Arrest Rates: Does The Relationship Vary Over Time? 2002 Faulkner, Kathryn. Unemployment, Homicide and Race: A Pooled Cross-Sectional Analysis, 1988 Galbraith, Rayne. Raped By United States Customs: Strip Searches and the War on Black Women, 2003 Harer, Miles D. Relative Deprivation and Crime: The Effects of Income Inequality on Black And White Arrest Rates, 1987 Hassett-Walker, Constance Regina. Delinquency and the Black Middle Class. 2007 Hilton, Angela. Motherhood on Trial: Black Mothers with Incarcerated Sons Negotiating the Criminal Justice System in African American Literature, 2005 Hughes, Cynthia Caravelis A Study Of Social Control In Florida: The Impact Of Race And Ethnicity On The Designation Of Individuals As Habitual Or Career Offenders, 2008 Johnson, Devon Vail. Round Up the Usual Suspects: Race, Crime and Public Opinion, 2002 Johnson, James L. The Construction of Mass Incarceration as a Means Of Marginalizing Black Americans, 2008 Johnson, James L. The Construction Of Mass Incarceration As A Means Of Marginalizing Black Americans, 2008 Kamdar, Amee. Male Incarceration and Teen Fertility, 2008 Kanan, James W. Spatial Stratification and Black Violence: The Effects of Residential Segregation on Black Rates of Homicide and Robbery, 1990 Lavin, Kristin Opposition to Affirmative Action: Exploring the Effects Of Crime And Race, 2007 McEntire, Ranee. Race, Ethnicity, Threat, and Punitive Attitudes toward Criminals, 2007 McNeese, Rose Marie Freeman. Reducing Violent Behavior in the Classroom: A Comparison of Two Middle Schools, 1999 Menyweather-Woods, Larry Cameron Significance of the Influence of World View and Racial Socialization on Death Anxiety Beliefs of Black American Men, 2008 Mitchell, Koritha Ann. A Different Kind of "Strange Fruit": Lynching Drama, African American Identity, and United States Culture, 1890—1935, 2005 Nesson, Kelly L. The Relation of Perceived Racism and Involvement with the Criminal Justice System among African American Males, 2008 Powers, Tyrone. The Decline of Black Institutions and the Rise of Violent Crime In Urban Black America Post-Integration, 1998 Reid, Jerene L. Black-On-Black Crime: Race and Crime in the Black Community, 1987 Roettger, Michael Everett Three Essays On Social Inequality And The U.S. Criminal Justice System. Ph.D. Dissertation, 2008 Ruddell, Richard Kelly. The Influences of Social Disruption, Social Isolation and Political Disaffection on Adult Imprisonment Trends, 2003 Saleh-Hanna, Viviane. Lyrical Passages through Crime: An Afrobeat, Hip Hop and Reggae Production, Featuring Black Criminology, 2007 Schlesinger, Traci. Mass Racialized Incarceration: The Production and Maintenance of Racial Stratification in the Post-Civil Rights United States, 2006 Shihadeh, Edward S. Race, Family Structure, and Crime in the U.S., 1960-1990: Alternative Explanations of Race-Disaggregated Crime, 1992 Silver, Diana My Baby Takes the Morning Train: An Investigation of Metropolitan Interdependence, 2007 Striblen, Cassie Ann. Recognizing Collective Responsibilities, 2007 Summers, Garrett Scott () Essays On The Economics Of Crime And Criminal Justice, 2008 Tiggs, Kei Sharncy DeYarn. Exploring Philosophical Confusion as a Key Variable Regarding Violent Black-On-Black Crime: An Africentric Approach, 1995 Tripp, Bradley G. Fatherhood and Crime: Examining Life Course Transitions among Men In Harlem, 2007 Werring, Edward Joseph. The Effect of Consolidation of Employment Opportunity with Race on Violent Crime, 1996 Wildeman, Christopher James Parental Incarceration, the Prison Boom, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Stigma and Disadvantage, 2008