Applied Science University Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Dept. Course Syllabus Course Title: Structural Analysis II Section: 1 Credit Hours: 3 Course No.: 805324 Prerequisite: Structural Analysis I Year (semester): 2010-2011 (1) Lec./Lab. Credit: Lecture: 3 Lab.: 0 Lecturer: Dr. Ziad Taqieddin Room No.: No room number E-mail: Office Hours: TBA Course Objectives: Structural Analysis II presents the next step in the study of theory of structures following the first course in structural analysis. The main objective of this course is to introduce the students to the analysis of indeterminate structural systems that cannot be solved by simple statics, owing to redundant forces. It also provides the student with the basic knowledge necessary to use commercially available structural analysis softwares. Course Description: This course introduces fundamental concepts of the analysis of structures with different degrees of indeterminacy. It involves calculations of reactions, internal forces and deformations in beams, frames and trusses. Major topics are the Force Methods and Displacement Methods of indeterminate analysis. Intended Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of this course should lead to the following learning outcomes: A- Knowledge and Understanding: 1) Understand the basic concepts of indeterminate structural analysis as well as the advantages and disadvantages of introducing indeterminacy to a structural system/member. 2) Demonstrate knowledge of the Force Methods, such as the Consistent Deformation Method, the Least Work Method and the Three Moments Equations Method. 3) Demonstrate knowledge of the Displacement Methods such as the Slope Deflection Method and the Moment Distribution Method 4) Distinguish between the degree of Kinetic versus Kinematic Indeterminacy. 5) Understand how to apply specified displacement boundary conditions to a certain indeterminate analysis procedure. 6) Develop the ability to select the most appropriate method of analysis to a certain problem such that the hand solution is as fast and straightforward as possible. 7) Demonstrate ability to differentiate between sway and non-sway structural systems and develop the skill to solve the sway systems using the principle of superposition. B- Intellectual Skills: 1) Distinguish between different methods of analysis and determine the applicability of these methods to a certain problem. 2) Compare and comment on the robustness of methods applied to solve the same problem. 3) Draw conclusions as to which method is more applicable for computer implementation. C- Subject Specific Skills: Integrate and implement the basic knowledge of static force equilibrium, deformation calculation (Structural Analysis I) along with indeterminate analysis procedures to analyze real life engineering structures/components. D- Transferable skills: 1) Homeworks. 2) Quizzes and class drills. 3) Assignments. Course Content Week 1 2 Topics Introduction/ Basic Concepts Consistent HWs 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Deformation Method applied to Beams Consistent Deformation Method applied to Frames Consistent Deformation Method applied to Trusses Least Work Method applied to Beams and Frames Least Work Method applied to Trusses Three Moment Equations Method Three Moment Equations Method Slope Deflection Method applied to Beams Slope Deflection Method applied to Frames Slope Deflection Method applied to Frames with Sidsway Moment Distribution Method Applied to Beams Moment Distribution Method Applied to Frames Moment Distribution Method Applied to Frames with Sidesway Introduction to Matrix Structural Analysis Final Exams HW1 HW2 HW3 HW4 1st Exam HW5 HW6 HW7 Grading Distribution First Exam 20% Second Exam 20% Assignments, Quizzes, and 10% Attendance Final Exam 50% * Make-up Exams will be offered for valid reasons only. It may be different from regular exams in content and format. Reading List Textbook Structural Analysis by R.C. Hibbeler, 7th edition,, Prentice Hall, 2009. References Fundamentals of Structural Analysis by Kenneth Leet and Chia-Ming Uang, 3nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 2008. Structural Analysis – A classical and Matrix Approach by Jack C. McCormac and James K. Nelson, Jr., 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 1997. HW8 Exam Schedule: First Exam: Second Exam: Final Exam: 2nd Exam HW9 HW10 Final Exam Course Quality Improvement 1) Introduce the students to basic software packages. 2) Account for student feedback (evaluation). 28/11/2010 2/1/2011 According to university registrar