Film Review Planning Sheet

Film review planning sheet
Introduction: When and where is the film set? What did the director want to achieve?
Paragraph 1: Summarise the film
Details: Names of characters and actors
Paragraph 2: Describe a memorable scene
Details: What are the quotes or film techniques
that made it memorable?
Paragraph 3: Describe a main character. Why is Details: Describe some specific scenes to support
the character important?
your view.
Who is the actor? Does he/she do a good job?
What other films has this actor been in? How do
they compare to this film?
Paragraph 4: What do we learn from this film?
Details: what scenes, techniques or quotes help us
to understand this idea?
Why is this an important idea?
What examples from real life show us this idea is
Conclusion: What is your overall opinion of the film? Who would enjoy it?