Chemistry syllabus

Academy Park High School
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Credit Hour: 1
Marking Period: 1,2
Class Location: Room A113
Time: Block 1
Teacher Information
Name: Mrs. Michele Giangiulio
Phone: (610) 522-4330 ext. 6125
Office Location: Room A113
Office Hours: Mon – By appointment only
School Attributes
The manner in which we prepare students at Academy Park High School is informed by four attributes:
(1) Dedicated faculty who will hold themselves to, at minimum, to the same standards as the students we
teach; (2) Positive relationships developed and nurtured between and among adults and students; (3) A
high level of rigor included in instructional practices via standards aligned and contextually driven
instruction; and (4) Connecting positive relationships with effective instruction for positive academy
Course Description:
This course will focus on the major theories and concepts in Chemistry. The science of matter and how it
interacts will be explored though lecture, demonstrations, readings, and laboratory work. By the end of
this course, you will have an understanding of the composition of matter, how matter is categorized, how
matter interacts, the Atomic Theory throughout history, the signs and causes of chemical reactions, and
the properties and structure of matter. Furthermore, this course will allow you to improve upon your
problem-solving skills and to begin to connect your schoolwork with the real world.
Course Competencies/ Learning Objectives
Students who successfully complete Chemistry will be competent in the following areas:
 Explain the structure of matter.
 Explain how changes in matter are accompanied by changes in energy.
 Describe the relationship between temperature, pressure, volume, and the amount of gas.
 Predict products of simple reactions and balance chemical equations.
 Identify signs that indicate a chemical reaction has taken place.
 Apply the mole concept in stoichiometric calculations including those involving limiting
reactants and percent yield.
Student Evaluation
The grading system for the Chemistry Department at Academy Park High School is as follows:
Tests, Projects, & Major Papers
Quizzes, Classwork, & Minor Assignments
Attendance & Class Participation
20% (school wide)
10% (school wide)
The above areas will be used as the basis for 80% of your grade per semester. The midterm and/or final
exam will constitute the remaining 20% of your grade per semester.
Attendance Policy
Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Academy Park
High School expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences. Students will
accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All students are
expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness and valid
Classroom Expectations
1. Give every task your best effort!
2. RESPECT others’ work, ideas, belongings, and space. Anything that is not yours should either not be
touched or, only with permission, handled with care.
3. Cooperate with others.
4. Keep your cell phones, iPods, and other electronics and distractions at home or in your locker. – They
will be confiscated!
5. No food, drinks, or gum in this classroom.
6. Enter and leave the room in a respectful manner. If you come late with a pass, please hand me the
pass and quietly take your seat.
7. Be safe! This is a science class…
Class Requirements
In order to be a member of this class, you and your parent/guardian will be asked to read and sign a safety
contract. This is a science classroom and you will be surrounded by expensive and/or potentially
dangerous materials on a daily basis. If these materials are not handled properly, you will be putting not
only your safety, but your classmates’ safety at risk as well. Therefore, it is crucial that you understand
and sign this document in order to participate in this class. Furthermore, it is required that you maintain a
notebook OR binder specifically for Chemistry. Each day, “bell work” will be assigned and completed at
the beginning of class. I will periodically be checking to see that you 1) have your notebook OR binder in
your possession and 2) that you are regularly completing the “bell work” assignments.
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral
assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of
illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are
considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade. Please refer to the Student
Code of Conduct booklet for additional information.
A combination of lecture, class discussion, presentations, videos, cooperative learning, and problembased learning will be used in this course. Grades will be determined by the satisfactory and timely
completion of assignments. The grade of each assignment is based on the prerequisite given for each
assignment. Below is an overview of topic/ units and major assessments/assignments for this course.
Please note dates/timeframes are subject to change and are an estimate.
Course Activities
Introduction to
Chemistry/Properties of Matter
Worksheets, guided reading,
lecture, laboratory
Worksheets, candy isotope,
guided reading, History of the
Atom research, lecture
Atomic Theory
Unit 1 Test
Sept./1st MP
Unit 2 Test
Sept. & Oct./1st MP
Behavior of the Atom
Periodic Trends
Chemical Reactions
Electron map, worksheets,
guided reading, lecture
Trends webquest, lecture,
worksheets, guided reading
Laboratory, lecture,
worksheets, guided reading
Unit 3 Test
Oct. & Nov./1st MP
Unit 4 Test
Nov. & Dec./2nd MP
Unit 5 Test
Dec. & Jan./2nd MP
General Information
Bathroom Pass Policy:
The bathroom pass is weekly and will be divided up by class. Once your class’ spaces are filled each
week, you will no longer be allowed to use the bathroom in Chemistry class. You are not allowed out the
first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class.
The textbook used in this course is titled Modern Chemistry by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. You will be
given access to an online version of the textbook. Hard copies of the textbook will be stored in the
classroom and used as needed. If you do not have access to the internet at home, please let me know and
you will be allowed to sign out a hard copy of the textbook. If at any time you feel that having a hard
copy of the textbook would better suit you, you may check with me and sign one out. Just remember that
while the book is in your possession, it is your responsibility. Any damages to the book that occur while it
is in your possession will need repaired and therefore will result in a monetary fine. The cost to replace a
lost book is $75.00. Any fees that remain unpaid can result in the withholding of your report card at the
end of a marking period.
Good, better, best, will never do you rest; until your good is better, until your better is best. Let’s do our
best this semester and also have some fun!